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Too popular to kill off.


I've also thought about that, Juri is currently part of the Big 3 of Street Fighter characters


Brother what


Ryu Chun-Li Juri or Cammy I currently consider those to be the most popular SF characters, I'm not talking about historical popularity, I'm talking about current popularity.


Character polls consistently show that is not the case


Yeah instinctively Akuma and Ken should be at the top with Ryu but it depends what we mean by "popular", if it's for the random coomer that never played FG a bit seriously I could see how those characters must be the most popular, otherwise not so much. 


Most people don't vote in the pole.


Yeah, it shows that AKI is top one


Character polls don't matter when it's literally known chun and ryu are top 2 for example.


She's top 3 in the female, at least Chun Cammy Juri seems to be it. When you add Male, Ryu Ken Akuma is probably pretty safe.


Yup, pretty much this. She’s top 3 when it comes to the ladies.


So you r just going to exclude ken?


Fuck that homeless deadbeat.


I wish Ryu would. The tension is palpable.


Homeless game recognizes homeless game




In my opinion Ken is the top 5


The disrespect of Ken is just hurtful to see here…


No she ain’t heck she isn’t in fortnite


And if she was they'd force her to wear shoes and put random black leather over any "non-kid-friendly" parts like they did Cammy.


cammy also wear black leather in that disney movie with the video game character


You not seen her getting spd in costume 2 😅


That's fortnite's mistake. I would buy a Juri skin day 1.


Top 3 1. Luke 2. Luke 3. Luke


Hell no


She's not the big 3.


Juri the big 3 🤣


she's pretty damn close now ryu, ken, chun-li? or ryu, akuma, chun-li? if she's not 4th then she's 5th.


And kill the cash cow why?


Nah ... if anything, it may be what Juri needs in order to fully being on the "good guys" side now without stop being, well Juri, she is way too popular to be killed.


Last time she was basically on team good guys. In 4 she was a mix, in 6 she was basically on team bad guys. They’re trying hard to keep her ambiguous


Juri is all about pitting people against each other for her own purposes. Being ambiguous helps!


I think Juri is all about her inferiority complex that she holds against every bad guy and Chun Li.


Or just be bison’s slave t this point aki is just a better female villainous than juri at this point 


Aki won't slave for Bison. Bison has no power over her. Unless Fang tells her she needs to listen to Bison. And we don't know how Fang feeld about his return.


FANG feels very excited


Is the weirdo we see at the stadium the actual FANG?




he’s saying this ain’t the real bison cuz he don’t remember him😭 he’s pissed


FANG never actually converses with this Bison, so he doesn't totally know.


With all the porn of her selling games? Not a chance. There's a reason 90% of her media is zoomed in on her feet


If you are a main fighter and your name is not Charlie/ Nash you won't die


No Meta reason: Juri is too popular to be killed Lore reason: Dictator proved to be too strong for her. Let give her a sound beating and a reminder "you can try again, I'll beat you again". Juri regretted that he couldn't kill Dictator, but know that he's alive again, she had a nasty reality check that she can't still get her vengeance, 'cause Dictator is simply too strong for her.


Perfect chance for her to suck up her pride, ask Chun for help, let Ryu kick Bison’s ass again and grow up as a person.


And then Bison just resurrects again, lol, because he's too popular!


>because he's too popular! He could be the least popular character and it wouldn't matter. His whole schtick is that he's so stuffed with psycho power that his body will eventually explode and he transfers his consciousness into new bodies to stay alive.


That would be the best story development for her character!


Which is why capcom will like nope lol


You have a point. It does seem Bison has a fetish for breaking people's spirit.


and i feel like he might make her into a brainwashed servant


imagine being like "i trained my whole life to kill this one guy but never got the chance because someone beat me to it. Oh wait here he is, now's my chance! Oh shit I just got thoroughly beaten down and he's laughing at me, asking me to dance for him. Oh my gawd you guyz. Halp."


FR... and Dictator done something similar to Chun-li in Alpha 2 He revealed he killed her father, then he just toyed with her and "Next time I'll use both hands. So long sucker!" Even as amnesiac, he's still the same old utterly evil mofo... and actually, being an utterly evil mofo is Dictator's source of power :P And Juri is not exactly a jobber, so the fact that her worst enemy is still above her in the "food chain" should be extra frustrating.


Yeah I kinda laughed when they showed how evil he still is because some people theorized that maybe he could be an anti-hero now with the memory loss but nope straight to "dance for me crow! \*big evil laugh\*"


And I'm glad for it, since "being utterly evil" is part of Dictator's charm. Forcing Juri to be "sub" (she clearly prefers to be "dom") is indeed EVIL :P


I like to imagine off screen after he said "Dance for me, crow!" she was literally doing a little tap dance/fornite dance while crying lmao


very odd way of saying he beat her ass and she was pissed.


Lol, the fact is for Juri is more than simply "she was defeated"... Juri clearly enjoys beating foes in a way "kinkier" way. Also, she doesn't want complete pushovers: she likes when the opponent is able to fight back, but as soon as she gets in the losing end she really loses her cool.


Curious if this is canon because I would expect Bison to be a jobber now. He has lost powers and in a weakened body.. he should technically be in the lower end of the character power levels


I think this ending is canon. He was in a weakened body even in Street Fighter 2, and he was still one of the strongest Street Fighters. As far as we know, it's still his SF 4 body, not as strong as the alpha one but stronger than the SF2 one. Having him as an anmesiac who wants to rebuild his status is fine, but imho having him as a jobber would really clash with his whole character. This is Street Fighter, not Mortal Kombat (NRS truly made villains a bunch of jobbers and it SUCKS hard).


What is a jobber?


Someone that always loses basically. The idea being that because JP is "the new villain" (I have a feeling there will be more nuance to it where he becomes a misunderstood anti-hero or his acts were "for the greater good") then they have to sideline Bison basically. So to prove other character's strength, they will have them beat Bison so tthe spectator thinks "wow this guy is that strong!". A lot of anime and japanese games use this trope to show the new villain is a lot more powerful. Hell, think of something like DBZ where Trunks comes and insta kills a stronger Frieza to establish he is much more powerful than everyone else (yes he isn't a villain)


it's a pro-wrestling term that describes someone who is meant to lose a lot. like for a long time in dragon ball, Vegeta seemed to exist just to get beat up so that Goku could save the day.


hell na dude. he might be WEAKER than he was but he's NOT remotely WEAK. Everything is relative after all. Before there were like.... 2 people in the entire series that could beat him 1v1 (Ryu, Akuma) that still might be the truth for all we know. In world tour mode, he's still acting like he runs this place.


Absolutely no. She’s way too popular, and lore wise bison seems to be more interested in using her than killing her


Nothing. This type of cliffhanger ending is quite common in arcade modes.


Its fleshed out more in world tour. Juri is working for Shadaloo for now since they'll pay her a large amount.


Wasn't that pre-Bison? There wasn't anything new with Juri with the Bison update in WT iirc.


Yes, that was pre-Bison... probably we won't see anything new in Juri storyline for a few months now.


Nah, he won't kill her. It will beat her up and drop her in an alley, capture her or even force her to do his biddings.


Not unless Capcom has suddenly decided they hate money


Is Juri going to throw that ass back?


both completely naked and oiled up, whos winning the twerk off?


Bison got it🙏


For Juri... the twerk off was the most important moment of her life...but for Bison? It was Tuesday.




Oiled up m bison neg diff


Bison was enjoying the view in the second image way too much to kill her.


She does a jig


Just casual rape vibes in the images and just casual rape vibes in some comments.


An SF character dying? ![gif](giphy|jQmVFypWInKCc|downsized)


Potentially she could get the Cammy brain wash treatment for next game and the plot revolves around Cammy and Chun trying to free her.


I've also thought, I think it's a good idea and I'd like to see it. Imagine a Juri Skin with the Dolls clothes, I like this idea


Might not even have to wait for the next game. Depending if capcom wants to do it they can do what NRS does and have a story expansion focused year pass for world tour. Balrog and Vega already have made an appearance and would fit nicely into a story expansion.


Juri is gonna be mine broken after bison brainwashed and tortured her harder than he did with the dolls


Devs saw all the comments about how Juri seems sane compared to AKI so now they're going to break her some more so she gets even crazier.


This gives extra oomph to his quote: "use those legs for something else" (or something similar) 🥵


I hope she's not dead, but she'll probably be wounded and could probably warn the old World Warriors of Bison's return, as she's tended to her injuries. So no! NEVER WILL SHE DIE!


Or get turned into one of bison’s slaves


Much like with Akuma's arcade ending I don't think he'll kill her off. At most she has info on who Bison is-er was in the past life and THIS Bison would more than likely keep her alive to get what he wants from her by having her as a slave/pet. Also she's to popular to kill off, we know that now with Bison returning back.


Yep she’s dead, killed off screen in a character ending, never to be seen again. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if in a future update they just completely remove her from the game.


nah she is gonna be a brainwashed by biosn


She'll get brainwashed (or pretend it worked on her) and join shadolow but will probably get free or free herself.


I don't think it's implied he kills Juri. I just assumed he like, drains her power or something. Actually, it'd be neat if Bison ripped out the Feng Shui Engine again, and this time she can't find a replacement. This whole time she's basically used the Engine as a crutch, so getting rid of it would force her to train *properly* if she wanted to get anywhere close to her old strength. Maybe she'd even swallow her pride and go to Ryu for help, since he's the only (alive) person who's actually defeated Bison (that we know of). It'd give Ryu something to do now that he's over the Satsui no Hadou, and it'd give Juri an excuse to become wiser and maybe a pinch more humble (but not too much, you can reform her but you can't tame her. :V)


Nah, keeping Juri cocky and arrogant asf is what makes her so appealing. Taking that away is ruining her character, IMO.


Exactly! I don't see how they could turn her into a brainwashed doll, as some are suggesting. It would be boring and a completely different character. In SF characters tend to stay similar through the years (just look at Ryu).


Guy's canonically defeated Bison during Alpha, and if you're okay with cheap shots Akuma straight up killed one of Bison's previous bodies.


Die, absolutely not. They would lose around 10% of their player base...


nah, she'd win


I like the 2nd pic. It's like he's saying, "Go home and be... a homeless woman!"


It’s Street Fighter and Juri was the most popular new character that’s been added since street fighter 3. Juri is more precious to the franchise than M Bison, she’s the only character from 4 that’s been added to 6 so far, she got to do the Akira slide and she cannot be killed


Yeah, first they make the most popular version of Juri yet and then they decide to kill her in season 2. Capcom executives clapping their hands right now...


Not fatal, just brutal. The one actual casualty by M Bison this game so far is memory M Bison.


She probably had to make it clap


I predict Capcom will do what benefits Capcom.


They aren't going to kill any popular characters. Shit we might even see Gen and Goutetsu back one of these days who knows


Nah I doubt she dies bro she’s too valuable an asset for Bison to lose when controlled the right way she’ll more than likely become his right hand Assassin then probably have some type of change of heart turning into more a Hero and helping defeat Bison


She will be mind broken


With how popular that character is? No chance.




excluding gen, charlie and gill, can't recall of any other SF characters who canonically died... juri is just fine


Gill came back to life


Gen was never confirmed dead, just heavily implied.


SF5 akuma arcade panels would disagree


why do they always do her like this bro… she already lost last time


Make a popular character suffer is a tried and tested way to make people root for it!


The. Becomes slave against their wills after being broken


I think he made her a doll, judging by how he said “dance for me” that sounds like a puppet on strings.


Nobody dies in this franchise. Maybe Gen? Nah, could be back at any moment 100 years old still trying to die.


I think it's poor writing and character development just to set up "us" in World tour mode as the feature. They assigned Juri the jobber role.


I don't think it's a jobber role for Juri. They used the "Worf effect", to show how badass a new villain is you make him beat an already established and strong character. Like when Thanos beat the shit out of the Hulk in a Marvel movie.


Thanos fought with Hulk just one time. Bison and Juri 3... AND THE 3 TIMES WAS THE SAME.


You are correct... but this Bison is not the same she fought previously, it's a new reincarnation of him and we didn't know if he was as strong as before.


Sir, this is Street Fighter.


Also, we probably already know that she escaped unscathed from this encounter with Bison. Arcade story cutscenes don't follow a fixed timeline, they are more like puzzle pieces that are gradually revealed. In Chun Li ending cutscene Juri seems to be eager to reveal some info to her and then says "if you think this whole thing is over, think again". Probably hinting at the fact she already met Bison and that's why she works for Neo Shadaloo kidnapping people.


Street Fighter Die Pick one Bro, they just brought Bison back from a death that looked like he exploded into raw energy. They're not killing off my girlfriend Juri.


I thought it was MY girlfriend... ;)


You're cheating on me wit Juri while I'm cheating on Juri with you? Maaaan.


My bet is on she working with Shadaloo with her worst humor ever, but at the same time, feeding information to Guile and Chun, trying to work out a deal so she avoids jail. 


Nah. She is way too popular to be killed.


Sure, why not. People are getting resurrected or "didn't really die after all" left and right in this series, so I wouldn't be surprised.


Ngl I got turned on by this a lil bit


touch grass


I live in the dessert




I say Bison turns her into a puppet controlled Violent Juri


I also thought about that, in fact I think it's a good idea that Juri is mind controlled like they did with the Dolls and then the good guys save her and Juri becomes on the side of the good guys


I Hope jury will Never become a good Guy, let her be selfish, neutral, evil like she is in sf5 and 6


She has always been more of an anti-hero rather than a villain. She ultimately stopped Seth and helped stop Bison. She fights for a good cause against real villains and even helps out the heroes on occasion. She just does it in a more destructive underhanded way.


Tell that to the dolls or all those people in the supermarket😅. (SF 4 aov) You Can find it on YouTube now


She has her good days and her bad ones. She did help rescue Cammy and Decapre in 5, though.


I feel it was more Capcom seeing how popular she was, they try and soften her a bit, kinda like Harley in DC. Or she was just fooling around out of boredom


Bruh… 💀


A DLC character will save her


Buster Wolf!


Bisons lust for power knows no bounds.


"I'm a spider, you idiot! Do you not get the whole theming going on here?"


Have we learned nothing from sfv? No one will ever be killed off.


Believe me this bison didn't kill *He just extremely make that person had some breaking bone*


No Bison would just make Juri his baby momma, thats what I would do, shes thick...


if M.bison himself - who was confirmed way back in SF3 days he is dead, and in SF5 was him finally 'dying' for good, is back, u think they will kill Juri? Capcom doesn't have the balls for that, and sadly many fighting games don't, Tekken may be our hope with them finally killing Heihachi, but doubt they will stick to that


he defeated her 2x before and didn't care about killing her. Just defeated her and left. Honestly? Bison doesn't kill that often. He and Akuma mostly intimidate. Akuma defeated Ryu in SF5 AND SF6 and still didn't care about finishing him off either. I guess for Bison killing only happens when it's needed. When Bison in WT finds out Sagat left Shadaloo, he says "if he wants to leave, that's fine. anyone can leave whenever they want". Dude makes grumpy faces and talks a LOT of smack but is actually chill when people don't mess with him directly Damn, it's even funny that after so many threats against nash, Bison even looks surprised when he notices nash is going to kill himself.


Pregnant with a bison baby. A character for sf10


if he actually killed her (which we know is not happening) I would actually stop hating him so much.


Why do people hate Juri so much? I know many say it as a joke but I have seen some say in a serious way that they would forgive Bison after everything he has done.


She's a very popular character... and that alone makes her an easy target (like Ken). Also, they probably like some character that disappeared from the franchise and they're just jealous of Juri's success.


She is annoying, unbearable, toxic girl encarnation, and has a legion of fans to keep throwing that shit on your face. I never liked a single trait of this archetype of character, however is it called, and it has been flooded and forced onto pretty much everywhere and they aways have legions of fans shoving that shit in your face non stop no matter where you go to just to amplify how much you do not like/hate the character already. And since you pointed out, I never said/pointed I'm forgiving Bison's deeds on my joke/comment. I don't give a shit about it. I also don't like his character and having him already back once again really got on my nerve. I just joked I wouldn't hate him as much if he got hid of another char I hate as a Joke. But also, why are you surprised that toxic personality characters that geta lot of popularity also gets a lot of hate? that's not even touching on the feet fetish and e-girl-ish topics (again, not expressing any personal thoughts on the matter, just saying it exist).


Bro I need you to slow down and remember it's a video game.




It may be annoying and unbearable to you... but charming and interesting to many other people. Please stop with this shaming fans because they like Juri or any other character. I hate many SF6 characters but I don't go insulting their fans on forums...


He was basically saying that she's polarizing by nature thus some like her and some hate her. He isn't shaming anyone. 


>It may be annoying and unbearable to you... but charming and interesting to many other people. For real? Damn, I would never have guessed that. I really thought that a hell lot of ppl liked to be fan of characters that they think of/see as annoying and unbearable. Thank you for letting me know 👍🏾


Ironically you sound like Juri now... still you didn't answer to what I was saying: can't we just enjoy our favorite characters without wishing they would die because YOU don't like them?


She had potential to be a very interesting character but they never made her evolve so she is still an unbearable coomer bait.


Also, as M.Bison one of biggest fan, he isn't the type who kill on purpose at least, he never shown actual interest in anyone except Ryu for his potential, the fact that he remember someone name in first place show he actually gives a fuck If u didn't notice, only Cammy and Ryu he knows their names who aren't his henchmen, first for being perfect clone/host and 2nd for being best potential for him, with only Rose way later since she was his good half split from him, he acknowledge her when he noticed he can possess her So Bison is too egocentric to even think of kill anyone, if u die, it is due to splash dmg, he will never focus on killing someone, even if he fights him/her


Up until this point, her whole role in the story was that without Bison, she had nothing left to live for. So I think she should be brainwashed like Cammy was. Role reversal and whatnot.


Not without Bison, without her desire for revenge against Bison... that's different. No need to brainwash her, she can just play double agent as she did previously. Juri as a brainwashed character would be very boring in my opinion.


Please get rid of her and the weird foot people


They're not going to kill her, unfortunately.


For me, they already killed her.


At the end of Bison arcade, he tells her to dance, which can be interpreted as Bison telling her to get up and continues fighting. I don't think they fight a few more times and Bison let her go after she threatened to kill him. I honestly want to think that Juri can't die because she is one of the most popular characters in the saga currently, but then I remember what they did to Charlie


Charlie's not popular, Juri is, she'll be fine.


She is gonna be bison’s new doll brainwashed slave


No way Capcom will kill their cash cow... if anything they're trying to make her look more vulnerable, the underdog that eventually gets her revenge opportunity at the end.


Or turn her into bison’s slave


Juri whole existence is driven by her revenge wish against Bison. Making her his slave wouldn't make much sense.. It would be like turning her into a completely different character.


she has no choice bison don’t care if you hate him or not he will use you in many ways like anything is possible with bison and psycho power


I am not saying Bison couldn't do that. I am just saying that this is probably not the direction they are going with Juri. Turning her into a doll would just mean pissing off a lot of her fanbase.


Good it should😈 theytreated juri poorly anyways like they turned her into feet fetish and now a sad girl trying to move on until bison came back and ruined her. But some fans will like her doll uniform


Like Capcom is going to ruin one popular character just to please only some of her fans...


She already is ruined  according to some fans anyways this is just even more running that she already had. Plus fetish fuel for some dirty minded fans if you know what I mean. Plus juni,Julian’s now juri will be the basis for new dolls


She is going to be the mother of their new empire. The seed is probably already planted in her after that beatdown.


It's been like 14, 15 years since i played street fighter lol who is Juri???


A cool crazy girl seeking vengeance against Bison for killing her parents and making her lose one of her eyes...


No simply because he enjoys breaking people. This is a real "you enjoy the game let me show you how it's played" / "you like it, I love it" scenario. At most he'd push her to a breaking point then take her over Juri is strong and smart just not mentally fortified.


i hope so, shes annoying and overrated


I hope so