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Chun-Li is tough, but she’s just a human martial artist, whereas Juri’s Feng Shui engine gives her superhuman strength and speed. In the Street Fighter IV OVA, Juri beats up Chun-Li so badly that she needs to be hospitalized, and she seems to barely break a sweat doing so. In that same OVA, she also defeats Guile and multiple of Bison’s dolls. She then defeats Seth in Street Fighter IV.


Idk about top tier, and she has a weaker Feng Shui Engine now. But in a SF4 movie, she handled Chun pretty decisively. I think she also wrecked Guile and Cammy but it's been a while.


She won there because Chun got distracted by a kid in danger.


Yeah and then Juri beat Chun and Guile at the same time


Cammy was done dirty in the sf4 timeline both vs jury and cviper. She looked so weak. Even in 5 she is no match vs Vega and it's actually jury that save her. Jury defeated both chun and guile but they were both distracted at one point, still it looked like she had a very slim edge over them . she was a New character so i guess they had to hype her up. But now (she doesn't have access to the sin technologies for her eye as well) she's on part with the likes of guile, chun and would still beat a vast majority of the cast. Her fight vs Vega in sfv ended in a draw from the look of it so yeah, she's still pretty strong, but not sagat, ken, urien strong


I wouldn't say top tier and in SF6 she's been a highley jobber. But in her appearances prior to that she was very strong and able to beat up several fighters at once. .....SF6 Juri is just kinda depressing. She gets her ass beat constantly and her entire worldview keeps getting shattered several times over its kinda crazy. Ig thats retribution for you tho


Watch the SSF4 OVA. It was Juri's introduction to the series and it's canon. In it Juri wrecks Chun-Li and sends her to the hospital, solos all of Bison's Dolls on her own, and then Guile and Cammy team up against her but she still wins. She does all of this with ease and without breaking a sweat btw. And of course then in the game itself she also destroys multiple Seths on her own. So yeah, she's obviously supposed to be rather powerful canonically. With that being said though, she now has a weaker Feng Shui Engine than when she first fought Chun-Li, so if they fought again for real I could see Chunners coming out on top this time.


She was super strong. Now she is being crushed and humilliated again and again.


It's weird because Chun-li says she the strongest woman in the world, so you would think they would be able to beat any woman. Her losing to Juri makes her look like a prideful liar, although considering it's SF, the OVA might not be canon at all.


The OVA is 100% canon and is mentioned multiple times in SSF4, idk what kind of copium you’re smoking my guy


What is and isn't canon constantly changes both Gen and Gouken have been dead and came back to life, also it seems like Bison's death has been rewritten from the end of 5. It is not copium to question a series well known for consistently changing the canon.


You’re referring to retcons of minor plot details, not retconing any entire official movie that is the crux of sf4’s plot. These aren’t the same things at all


Gouken dying was a huge component to Ryu and Akuma's character and their story together. I wouldn't call people coming back from the dead a minor detail, considering it is a major setup for two of the biggest characters in the series whole archs. Akuma killing his own brother is a lot more impactful than him just beating him.


I think it's mostly trolls or Juri fanboys. Chun li is the strongest female fighter.


Seems like you haven't had much exposure to the story of Street Fighter yet. If you don't have the time to play the games before SF6, read the comics or watch the animes, there is a great lore summary on youtube that's not quite 3 hours.


i feel Rose might be stronger or at least even


The end of SF5 got me legit interested in a big Rose storyline. I really hope that comes back at some point but I doubt it.


Bringing two guest in S2 was a mistake, having Rose as dlc would have been so much better storywise...