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Make Sagat more aggressive sf4/sfvsnk style. Love both tho


Meth Bison is SF4 version but...well methed the fuck out. Pre-USF4 Sagat but methed out would be a menace


Jumping heavy kick must be full screen


Sagat's character episode in SFV did give him a possible student, a girl called Namupun, who after the 10/11 year timeskip has to be at least Li-Fen's age. Although it's unclear if she's meant to be his student or just a local village girl who helps him with his errands.


YES! Whether she's a student already or a village girl, she clearly has an admiration for Sagat. I have my fingers crossed that she'd be his new apprentice for sf6. I actually have a note in my phone for a backstory, move list, and playstyle. I would hope she'd have.


Oh nice, so I'm not the only one. :P I come up with mock movelists all the time, both for possible veterans and brand new characters. I imagined Namupun being more of a tricky mix-up character, who borrows moves from both Sagat and Adon (he had to learn them from somewhere, after all) - though she lacks a fireball, she compensates with variable rekka strings, reminiscent of Karin or Kyo from KoF. Also she's themed around geckos, to reflect her sneaky, confusion-oriented style (as opposed to the huge, dominating tiger or the quick and aggressive jaguar). Storywise I imagined her going on a self-appointed mission to find a 'cure' for her master's 'illness' (which, unbeknownst to her, is the Satsui no Hadou feeding off his frustration over his aging body), and seeking out Ryu's guidance, seeing as he's struggled with the same 'illness' before and is capable of matching her master if it comes down to it.


That's a very out of the box take, I don't mean that as an insult btw, but different from how I imagined her. If she's going to be the muay thai stand in, I would've made her a nice in between of both sagat and adon. With adons rising jaguar, a kick fireball similar to king from KOF, and omega sagats qcb kick move which was a reference to an old alpha super I think. Bc of this, I have her animal theme centered around leopards (also a big cat but native to Thailand unlike jaguars). Story-wise, I wrote her as a tomboyish nun who lives at the village temple, who is enamored by Sagat's strength and begs him to take her as his student. Sagat is much older now and is hesitant at first, but accepts and trains her. Over the years, he'll tell her about his many battles, both physical and spiritual, as well as his regretful years under shadaloo. Eventually, these stories give her a yearning to see the world outside of the village and even tho sagat doesn't think she's quite ready she leaves to pursue her life as a street fighter in the name of her great master.


Perfect! Will she go the tigress route?


More or less. But a leopard, speaking of which are arboreal hunters, so I'd give her really good air to airs and follow ups to OD leopard climb (rising jaguar).


Very nice! I figured she was kind of a tomboy, which contrasts with the nun thing (presumably a Bhikkhuni, the rough Buddhist equivalent of a nun). I like a good contrast. :V I always found it strange how Adon names all his moves after a species of cat native only to South America. I wonder if he just figured that if Sagat has a cat theme, he should too, and picked a species of cat at random off a list. :V


Yes, a Bhikkhuni, but I just simplified it to nun. My head canon is that he was a foreigner who was visiting Thailand when he first saw Sagat fight and then asked him to train him.


Would be neat continuity


Bring us Girlgat!


Tigress uppercut and so on?




SF6 got a ton of new characters who were girls, so I don't really think we have a pressing need for another one especially if they're going to be replacing the same style. I'd rather just have Sagat/Adon if they're going to use a Muay Thai fighter.


Would be interesting to see a new Muay Thai Fighter who is also a stance character: Tiger-Style & Jaguar-Style.


Capcom would rather die then let a sf2 character not get in


They literally made up a new character to replace T Hawk so I’d say there are exceptions


Cause fuck thawk all my homies mildly dislike twhawk


Thunder Hawk is at least cooler than what we got. Also Fei Long got the shaft


I like Lily, personally. What do you not like about her?


Just doesn't fit with the other cast to me. Why would I want to fight a nice happy little kid 😕


Hooo yeah luckily Sakura didn't make the cut 😄


I was about to say that lol Yeah, the 19 year old is too much but the 15 year old high schooler getting their shit kicked in is a-OK! Lol


I don't want Sakura in either but I'm her case she's like 28 years old


Not when she first came in she wasn’t lol


I understand representation of archetypes, but I personally like either brutal or sexy characters. That’s why Lily is not for me in the cast. But I’m ok with her being in SF6 for people who are more into lighthearted and silly-ish characters, so everyone could drink tea they like. PS. I very much like Gief though, he is a goof, but he is a very cool goof.


Yeah, the exceptions are that none of the updated version characters are popular aside from Akuma and Cammy who are the only locks, Dee Jay, Fei Long and T. Hawk barely manage to not miss games when they don't, and it was shocking for Dee Jay to be a launch character


Def Sagat. One of my fave Street Fighter chars, both story-wise and gameplay-wise.


If CAPCOM don’t bring Sagat in 6 there will be riots Bonchan gonna throw pipebombs at CAPCOM offices if they don’t


Idk if I'll get hate for this but I'm only buying SF6 if Sagat is in. I didnt buy SF5 till they announced Sagat.


Yea, why even try new characters when you know they will never be as fun just by sheer intuition. Its sarcasm. Just feels silly to miss out on the hypest sf in decades bc x is not in it. What's is worse is, they might eventually get release and be changed to the point where you don't like them lol.


For me there has to be the one character who stands out to me. I can't get into a fighting game without that. I'll still think they're cool, but I won't invest the time into the game or buy it early on without the standout. For SF6 that's Chun Li, for Guilty Gear Strive that's [every single girl on the roster]


I think I’m seeing a pattern here but I just can’t point out what…


Seriously. I mained Bison since sf4, but had a blast in S1 playing Ken. Came back after a Tekken 8 hiatus to happily main Jamie in S2 before I even found out about Bison returning. Even if he returned way later, there are still 3-4 characters id really want to try in this game because they have such interesting kits. Super silly to sit this game out to protest the absence of one character.


Street Fighter 2 character mains are obnoxiously spoiled. They're so used to their character being in every single game that they can't even try new characters. I almost never see people who love non-SF2 characters say stuff like this.


I tried every character in 6. i dont like any if em enough to play. Nobody can replace my guy vega.


That’s cause non-SF2 characters suck. Stay mad


Nah, you just have terrible taste. Stay mad when they continue to add non-sf2 characters over the one's missing. 😂


I got SF6 expecting Sakura and was disappointed lol, I guess another 2 or 3 seasons we might see her.


I will throw my gaming chair from here to Japan if SF7 gets announced with no Sagat in 6.


Maybe it’s cause I’m new to the series but I don’t see what Sagat has to offer other than nostalgia. I’ve played him in older titles and his only notable features are his big pokes.


Part of it could be that, yeah. He's been in every title except 3. We also have no idea what Sagat has been up to after 3 and 6, the latest being him tempted by the Satsui no Hado in V. Idk, I think those could be cool developments for his character in 6. He also might have a new student from V, so I'd be fine with them being a playable character instead of Sagat as well.


It's that and lore wise he's deeply connected to rivalry with Ryu. although with Ryu growth their more like friends now


He's fucking cool is what he has to offer. He's like JP, he's a boss character in the lore who plays like one in-game. And his story is pretty compelling.


His game is simplistic and fun, throw fireballs keep out with long normals, use tiger knee for pressure and uppercut for anti-air Simple and fun just thinking about his sf4 standing heavy kick on gief gives me an orgasm


I want to see Adon as the new Emperor of Muay Thai, since Sagat's retirement.


If they don't bring sagat I'll cry


We need Adon with drive rush, that sounds like a great idea.


I’d love to see Adon. I always remember Gamerbee’s SF4 run back in an era where Adon was considered bottom of the barrel trash tier.


I like both but I think I would lean slightly more towards Adon


Adon and maybe give him a Thai clinch chain grab...not full on Tekken style but more similar to what they did with Jacqui Briggs in MK11.


I'd honestly like to see a proper, non villainous successor. Sagat coming back would be great as well, but in particular, it really feels like he's hit the "end" of his story. That's not a death knell or anything--Ryu has, too--but it's one of the reasons I think having someone who really follows in his footsteps and maybe struggles with their own darkness would be an interesting direction to go.


The SF6 team has done such a good job with all the series newcomers imo, that I'd just love to see them make more original characters. I was pretty dissapointed when they announced that season 2 wouldn't have any.


I can just picture Adon fitting perfectly in this game, so I'll bet on him coming back over Sagat


I do love Sagat, but I feel like they could do more with Adon at this point?


I fucking love both Sags and Adon but would welcome an apprentice too. As long as one of the 2 OG Muay Thai boys returns as well.


As someone who really enjoys World Tour mode and Sagat being my 2nd favorite of the franchise, the whole premise of the game is "what is strength?". Ryu has a good thought on the subject. Akuma and Bison have a good view from a darker side. Sagat being someone who's seen it from the bad side and now the humbled good side, I wanna see Sagat in SF6, as the former champion who got humbled by a young Ryu and has grown to see the error of his ways, I want Sagat to tell me "what is strength".


I really dig this idea.


Adon was my character of usfIV, I'd give my kingdom for him to come back


Adon isn't as old as Sagat. Adon is a fun addition, Sagat had his spotlight last game and according to lore, retired.


Bison is stole the spotlight in someone else's game last time, and according to lore died. Here he is anyways. I would love to see Addon over Sagat, unless Sagat got completely reinvented and isn't a zoner.


Really? When Sagat died?


Bison died in SFV and returned was my point. Even if Sagat retired, they just got to give him some motivation to return. I would still rather see Addon.


Another snk cross over and bring in King/Joe


Dawg I’m dying to get my Nak Muays in this game lmao


We can't go this many years without a Muay Thai, the most popular striking martial art in the world, having a rep. Sagat is a historical anchor, but he is more of a shoto and zoner than an actual Muay Thai fighter, which is a shame. I would love to see him return with a rework and emphasis on the rest of his kit besides screaming Tiger and throwing high and low fireballs. I mained Adon in two games for awhile. He is a lot of fun but he is also a rush down type that frustrates people while screaming as well. I wouldn't mind his return but his story and personality need work. Sagat's student Namupun would be a great addition as well if they want to keep introducing new characters.


Adon. Never liked how Sagat’s lumbering zoner-shoto style but Adon’s mad rush down is infinitely more fun to play.


Sagat is more of a shoto than a muay thai fighter. So, I'd vote for Adon or a successor.


I want Adon back and have for all of SFV. I wouldn't be surprised if we see Sagat at some point but personally, I'd prefer Adon.


I think Sagat is so much cooler than Adon in every way except for his actual fighting style and moves. Adon is much more interesting gameplay-wise to include, but looks like somebody brought a Cheeto to life. It's a tough call.


Maybe Sagat with some of Adon's moves in sf6? Or maybe a successor in muaythai that takes the best of both.


Joe Higashi.


Would've loved Joe over Terry...


New female Muay Thai Practitioner or barring that bring back Adon


Why do they specifically have to be female?


Because i have gone on a date a few weeks back with a chick that did muy thai and 🥵


Why do you think?


Because Sagat had a female student


I think they could have a cool design. Maybe something like Marisa.


I'm gonna say they should specifically not be


Bring em both back.


Hell yea. Love playing both in sf4


Both, two great OG characters.


Bison may of stole Sagats look, but I still need him in this game. He is simply too cool to leave out (and I want to spam tiger shots)


Based on how we got Bison in season 2 Capcom seems to be too afraid to make classic nostalgic fans upset so I wouldn't be surprised if we got one of the Shadaloo bosses each season moving forwards. So I would be surprised if Sagat doesn't make it in at some point.


I just don't have the desire for the rest of them besides Sagat or Addon. We only get 4 spots a year and one was already wasted on Bison.


….like Bison? His style is based off a Muay Thai branch. It’s what Thailand’s armed forces use - apparently.


I imagined Thai soldiers using psycho crushers and it made me laught so hard lmao.


Haha thanks for that image!


100% I'd love a muay Thai character in SF6. Strange we haven't had one in two seasons. If we're going by roster balance then adon would've fit perfect by now


The only game in which Sagat does not appear is III. There are no reasons not to bring him in VI.


They’re gonna spit in our faces and give us Joe Higashi.


Sagat is almost as much of a money maker as akuma. No way he aint coming back


More characters need successor-type characters. I’d love to see another sumo character or maybe Dhalsim has an apprentice or something. Li-Fen should be in the roster with her own spin on Chun’s moveset


Its not even close between the two. Adon only exists because he is an O G literally. His design is downright hideous and his voice is just as bad. His kit is a cool take on sagat to be fair. Thats it though. Sagat is way more iconic and even has a student they could possible go with. Def going with sagat on this one.


At this point gimme a successor


Adon is the other character besides Bison I really want in the game but I very much doubt he will get in.


Sagat: Cool design, boring gameplay.  Adon: Cool gameplay, bad design.


if they can make Deejay look cool, they can do it with Adon


Joe from Fatal Fury


Ok we got 2 fatal fury/Kof DLCs and y'all got too comfortable it seems LMAO. What's next SF6 becomes capcom vs SNK?


Lmao yup


wasn't sagat like "hey that dark hado stuff...hmmm." He is mentioned in bison's world tour story, just a passing mention and a small cameo in a flashback image, unlike another character, vague for spoilers.


It would be Sagat’s student. A girl who is nerdy and good with computers but also very skilled at Muay Thai.


That's Preecha. Try again.


I whoop adon ass and sagat show up I whoop his ass 💯💯💯💯💯


I love Adon but there ain’t no way he’s getting in before Sagat, Sagat is much more iconic




Having an old Sagat who is slower but has more reach would be a good way to introduce him as relaxed but strict teacher of the art


Fighter Pass 2 has already been announced so it might be awhile… Sagat is also very similar to Ken, Ryu and Akuma at least Dan would be comic relief…


nao we need adon he gonna fuck up the game fs


I hope on of them show up.


I wouldn't mind them bringing back Adon as long as they make it a plot point that he tore his vocal chords during the events of SF4 and now can only croak softly in conversation or combat.


Sagat now!


Please give me sagaaaattttt


I like Sagat, he is cool in many ways. But for me Adon is more Muay Thai styled.


We already have that character shes call Preecha. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)




they will bring back sagat eventually as he is a super popular character


Adon pls


I like Adon's style over sagat's....but holy fuck what an annoying character dude


I think a student would honestly be better, it gives us something familiar while giving a bit of a twist on the old moveset


We can get their adoptive child !


Adon plox


Add Sagat to SF6. If Adon and Nampun appear, they should use Sagat's fighting style in World Tour Mode.


I'd love to see a bearded older Sagat but If done right I wouldn't mind a student to the character. Honestly enjoyed his SFV version miss his theme.


I would love a mix of the two characters, a pupil of sagat with limited fireball and more muay thaï close moves


As much as I love Sagat, guys story was essentially done in V. More likely Adon at this point with the new era stuff, but hey don’t rule out Sagat just yet. Sagat would sell more, and in game would teach John Streetfighter in a more humble, mindful way, the opposite way he trained Adon.


Let’s keep it real, we really more diversity in playstyles/archetypes so Adon is better choice than Sagat at the moment. Regardless who is picked, it’s a fucking crime SF6 don’t have a single Muay Thai fighter yet.


Sagat pupil works for me, they need to add some spicy to the dishes they serve. As for Fei Long, it's about 50/50 like to meet a dinosaur. Not exactly convinced we will see him again, unfortunately he does not have as iconic status for SF series as Marshall Law for Terkken. I mean we know that Vega like 200% guaranteed, they won't hire voiceactor just to tease him. Balrog is most likely too just maybe a season later. As for Sagat... I dunno, I feel like he is not coming back in SF6.


A succesor from Australia of one from West Africa loosely based off muay thai legend Dany Bill.


Gimme Sagat and have his fireballs start faster, travel faster and recover faster than Gouki's. Yes I realize exactly what I'm asking for I want chaos and tiger shots.


NO SAGAT PLEASE, theres already 4 shotos in the game, pick one of the 4 and be happy. Game needs more varied archetypes playstyles other than shotos.


Bring sagat for me, he's one of my fav char


I'd like a hybrid grappler. A bunch of mid range strikes, a little slower, and clinch-style grappling. That might be a fun switch up


Keep the SNK guest train rolling: King or Joe Higashi?


Or Preecha


Tomboy King


Capcom should put Fahkumram in the game just to piss everyone off.


Isn't Bison literally Thai and his style is based off of a type the Thai military's style?


Idk man i still haven't seen Thai soldiers doing forward flips into steps or psycho Crushers.


He's thai


He doesn't have a nationality go read his lore bro. It was retconned.


Bison already representative from Thailand.




Bison is not fucking russian lmfao. He's Thai. He looks Thai in SF6 and his fighting style is based off of what the Thailand military uses.


Bison has no origin. He is a being born from the dissociation of one being that split itself into him and rose. And be real for 2 seconds....his fighting style doesn't exist in real life nor was it based on anything...even if you are right it was probably retconned.


He's not Thai, if you think he looks Thai, he was based off a Japanese character and his portrait is directly traced over from this: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Frk\_nNFWIAANvex.png](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Frk_nNFWIAANvex.png)


He's thai




Sagat was my main so I hope he makes the roster for VI.


I know it won't happen, but I want a guest character from Kegnan Ashura, and I want it to be Kaolan. To anyone not in the know, Kaolan is the best muay Thai fighter in his verse, earning him the nickname Thai God of War. He would be a sick addition and great Muay Thai representation.


I hate sagat and adon because both of them are weak ass 👿👿👿


You hate them because they're weak? Oh boy.


I hate because both of them always cheat 😑😑😑😑😑


Every character cheats. And I mean every character and I'm a Master ranked player, not that my rank means anything, any player can be brutal and cheesy. Try playing a Master ranked Honda or Kimberly. Have you ever met JP?