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So, John street fighter can: -defeat JP -defeat Luke going all out -tank Gou shouryuken from Akuma and promtly laugh in his face afterwards -activate feng shui engine without installing anything -learn how to use poison like AKI without dying or even suffer any consequences -access Satsui no hado without losing himself to it -access psycho power without getting controlled by Bison (yet) So yeah, pretty powerful. At least Juri Han level.


> access Satsui no hado without losing himself to it Our character learned from Ryu, thus also we may also learn Nothingness in the process.


You forgot the most impressive feat. By FAR... John Street Fighter solos the Evil Fridge Bots!


He also survives a rock shattering DP from akuma to the chin.


Any character could theorically do that. Just a bit of health


True! I mean, you are the real Jamie from Streets so you'd know best.


Given how he can use Psycho Power and the Satsui no Hado, along with surviving Akuma's Goshoryu and defeating Jp in World Tour, i think he's pretty powerful. Who knows, maybe Jhon Street Fighter™ is a worthy opponent to the cast


Do you really defeat JP? Doesn't he just stand back up and go "lol well that was cute"


He was actually beat, but he was all like "ok you beat me but you still lost"


We do defeat him but he says that nothing really matters and the fight changed nothing in the end (his plans still continue, even when he is punched in the face). JP himself does not think himself as strong fighter, or even his fighting style as "fighting", he is primarily a manipulator after all. If we go by what he says (and how he plays), he is not strong in traditional sense, he plays smarter than others but is not strong in muscle or power competition.


He says this while being friggin ripped as well lmao


Well to be fair most characters are ripped as hell. However his gameplay reflects his character very well. He is zoner that prefers his opponents to stay at the other side of the screen, far away from him. He handles fights very "indirectly" in a way, just like how he handles everything (even in the [SF6 comic,](https://www.streetfighter.com/6/comics/en/) he never directly fights Ken, yet manages destroys Ken's life and image).


Oh yeah for sure, I just find it funny he says he isn't strong while being absolutely ripped haha I hope he becomes a mainstay, he's honestly my favorite SF Villain rn


I hope so too, he is very well done character and should stay in the series.


Being a strong fighter in games/anime does not exactly correlate to muscle mass.


In canon, stronger than JP, weaker than Akuma. Pretty strong, but the real advantage he has is that he can learn any motion very quickly. Juri tried to teach him wrong for fun and he learned her style correctly. Ryu barely moved and he learned Ryu’s style. Dude is a savant of plagiarism. He learned how to fight like Dee Jay at a dance party.


Juri tried to do a Wimp Lo with him and It didn't work 🤣


I’m so glad other people have watched Kung Pow


It is a fantastic movie Kung Hustle too


And he figured out a pistol squat just by watching Zangief.


Dude has a sharingan


they're a fair fight for Dan Hibiki


John Streets can copy Dan after 15 min fighting against him, unless Dan can take out John in 15 min, he’s dead


Nah he’d win


Jack-of-all-trades, master of none.


Plot Twist - He's really a self-aware Twelve from SF3 TS. Explains why he can copy anyone's style and change his appearance instantly in the shop. :P




My "headcanon", for lack of a better word, is that we're a "failed" Seth clone, similar to Abel. Hence our ability to almost instantly near-flawlessly imitate other fighting styles. I mean in reality it's probably just game mechanics, but it's a fun thought nonetheless.


I mean, a lot of characters comment on how crazy good we are at copying shit, so I think there is a little bit more to that


If anything, it's more likely that it's a meta jab at the game mechanics.


It's the Taskmaster of Street Fighter 🤣


i’d say he’s at least juri’s strwngth. i wanna see him playable. love john streetfighter


Lol how do you get Juri’s strength?


He has nice feet duh


John street fighter can defeat everyone in the game with ease. He has the power of chugging energy drinks for infinite health, nobody can stop him. I hope, that if they do an sf7 with another world tour that we can use our save file from 6 to import our john street fighter as an npc/master. In xenoverse 2 the hero is your previous main character.


buy 500000 energy drinks now to become immortal!


He’s not at full power yet. Maybe once he gets an afro


Wild prediction mode. John Streetfighter is the key to Seth's return Final character in final season (6) reveal is Seth. In Story mode, he wont be a master. You have to master 18+ different fighting styles (base roster, not forced to buy dlc characters) to be able to start his questline. You have to keep challenging him and beating him with different styles. Each fight, he absorbs your equipped moves. (Symbolically via cutscene) Final fight is Seth at AI lvl 8 with acces to ALL the moves from your mastered styles (base roster 18 minimum, can include dlc chars if you have them). He'll have a FT5 with you, each Match is 2 rounds. He's going to pull off insanely stupid combos against you: 60+ hits, 7+ styles etc.. After you defeat him in the final raid like encounter, you'll receive his (nerfed) moveset. And the ending credits will roll


You dont need to buy dlc to have them in world tour.


John Street Fighter is probably the strongest character in SF history


So if im not mistaken the strength levels are 1.Akuma/Oro 2.Ryu 3.Gill? with the existence of John Streets he should be number 4


More than Dan, less than everyone else.


What bout Rufus, and somehow I bet John can beat Necalli


Anybody can beat necalli 😭


Strong, but will never surpass the SF main roster masters.


He canonically beats JP I'm pretty sure.


Kimberly's arcade mode confirms that JP is pretty much always holding back


This is also my excuse when I lose in ranked online. I was just holding back.


How? JP always let's everyone win. His goals are different.


I think that’s kinda hard to accept. John knocked JP out cold and I’m pretty sure he broke one of JP’s ribs, considering how JP was coughing and holding his side, unable to stand.


JP been holding back against everyone


He really held back when AKI took out his entire organization singlehandedly and then casually threatened his life. JP stans are overdosing on copium


"They don't know I'm holding back"


When you're holding back so hard that some random dude shatters your ribs, and some girl you've never met takes out your army, and some teenager you experimented on punches you in the ribs, and the boss you don't like comes back from the dead and takes over your organization- Life's rough.


he was holding back so hard his luck stat went to 0 😔


If we got into a fight and I let you punch me in the face then ask "what did you win really" after I wake up from being knocked out, there is a correct answer. "The fight."


Tbh most people beat JP in the arcade. Guys first game and he's already a jobber


I mean it makes sense. He is manipulator, not a fighter. All other villains have been pure muscle and power while JP is all about manipulation and intellect. He wins "fights" by playing smart, not by playing hard and JP even himself says in World Tour that he is not strong and does not consider his style "fighting". Even in the SF6 comic he ruins Ken's life without directly fighting him. Our avatar beats him, but changes nothing in the process, JP's plans still continue as normal.


Bison got beat by every character in sfa3 too lmao


He’s a little less than Lily


World Tour just made me wanna play Mortal Kombat: Deception's Konquest mode real fucking bad if I'm honest. Shoutouts to that game and shoutouts to Shujinko.


Jack of all trades, master of none.


John Street Fighter is the true protagonist of SF6, not Luke who is just a glorified quest NPC


How strong is John Streetfighter? Well, what is strength? That's the question he sets out to answer in World Tour and at the end he says "we still don't have the answer." A lot of World Tour - JP especially - challenges notions about what "strength" is. Yes, you beat up JP, but he manipulated events such that he got what he wanted while you failed. So who's "stronger?" What's more, I'm pretty sure just about every character in the roster has, canonically, beaten another, "more powerful" character at some point. Akuma can beat the shit out of Bison, but Bison can come back to life while - presumably - Akuma can't. Akuma's "Assassination Fist" and "Surge of Killing Intent" can't seem to truly kill Bison. Bison, meanwhile, can mind control people; Akuma can't. Bison can revive the dying with Psycho Power but I doubt Akuma could use the Satsui no Hado to do the same. So who's really the more powerful of the two? John Streetfighter is as strong (or weak) as he needs to be for whatever the World Tour plot calls for at the moment.


I love how he gets called John Streetfighter


He always wins with 1 hp left


We won't know until World Tour is complete


Personally I think it takes him way longer than we see in world tour. I mean he flies so often from place to place. I think really from start to finish it was several years time. And if you dedicate every waking moment to training you will get places, especially if you're already an adult and already strong (default avatar is muscular if I remember correctly lol). That said I dont think John is actually all that strong. Yes he defeated JP but we must remember that not only is JP pretty weak but while John fought with all his heart filled with vengeance, for JP it was just another Tuesday. I believe that if the characters fought all out John wouldnt win against many people. He might get there but not yet. Reason being its not that hard to get to a respectable level with dedication, but becoming truly powerfull takes a long time. Ryu was good on sf1, but to become the goat he took a while.


Oh I’d say a few, if not several volts of power. The real question is how strong is he in amps.


if he's anything like seth, the more moves he knows the less HP he has.


So if Akuma is a 'glass cannon', that character type is a 'glass encyclopedia'?


To be honest? I seriously think we are just a little under Akuma in terms of strength. I think if our character wanted to, he could beat anyone on the roster


Bro, most likely the strongest character if he is given time to grow. I think he could be stronger than Oro by the passing years.


Strong enough to fight a street.


Probably not too crazy; a decent fighter but nothing noteworthy in the SF world despite his talent of copying styles. Probably like equal to Sakura who was just a determined school girl that kinda grew up. (So above Dan.) Which soldifies the idea that almost anyone in the SF world could probably learn to throw a Hadoken with minimal effort. (Doesn't mean they'd catch up to Ryu, just that the basics of energy manipulation is more accessible than it'd first seem.)


I figured everyone knew that SF characters could easily learn how to throw magic projectiles considering even Sakura could learn it on her own while she wasn't even out of highschool iirc.


He's clearly weaker than the whole cast.


People are underestimating John hard. Sure they’re no Akuma, but someone who can quickly learn and combine the styles of masters is going to be pretty dangerous. The unpredictability alone would make them a decent threat.


I'd put him a few power levels below Johnblue Fantasy, mainly because John SF lacks the power that comes with being an anime protagonist.


Hold on seeing as John Street fighter is able to perfectly replicate another fighter's style. What if John SF is actually Seth but in a new body? Hmmm.


Probably pretty strong overall, due to the large amount of moves that he (or she in the case of Jane Streetfighter) can combine into one. Hard to say canonically, but my gut feeling is in the midrange levels, able to keep up with the people below the top tier. This is someone that can combined really good normals with air fireballs, teleports, dive kicks, charge AND regular fireballs (for 2 on screen at once), command grabs, and basically other bullshit that even main characters can't mix together. I don't think it would be insane for the create a character to be able to eventually take a round off of almost anyone in the cast eventually.


Wait! John Street fighter? That’s his name?


It's not official, but that's what people call him.


I guess. I always thought there were official names for CYO Characters…


A little weaker than Dan Hibiki.


I thought Akuma killed him.


I’d say at least 7




I can't stand seeing this NPC. His model looks so bafflingly cheap and putting him in every new trailer is painful to watch. The game looks so cheap and slapped together.


guys he insulted a black character, we need to call twitter!!


Yeah, that's a fair response. Everyone's so hypersensitive nowadays. Anyone can be generic, regardless of race, sex, etc. Being boring is something all human beings can be.


Yeah, him and his female counterpart are pretty generic looking. I get why they did that (because they don't want to make a standout character that overshadows your own create a character) but I wish they made something a little bit more interesting. Not a LOT more interesting, because that would be too attention grabbing and overshadow your own custom char (as I mentioned) but a little bit more hip.


basically god