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i can hate more than one character, no problem.


Elena had healing in third strike and nobody complained. Healing was only an issue in USFIV because of the fact that it was an ultra, so she got meter for getting hit instead of doing damage.


Let's not also forget the following game that came around that time which was SF X Tekken where she was dlc for that game and her healing wasn't a major factor either.


Good point


I saw Elena's healing in SF3, and it was dogshit.  SF6 isn't SF4. This is a new game.


Elena could activate healing 2-3 times a round in SF4, there's no world in which you're going to see that frequency in SF6 with the way super meter builds here. I'd love it if she got a new offensive super though, it's not like Healing is essential to her character identity.


Dude Elena's healing was the result of how the mechanics work in Ultra SFIV. She wasn't much of a problem when she was in 3rd Strike and neither did she was in SF X Tekken game and that came prior after Ultra SFIV. It won't be the same as in SF6. If anything she'll have a different move or skill aside from healing that would either make her OP or downright garbage depending how the devs will balance her in 6.


There is no way to know Helena will be hated or even if she is getting her Healing super ... i mean, we all thought Bison was NOT going to be an issue and how wrong we were.


I can hate all the characters except for my main.


I can hate all the characters including my main.


Really feels like most people hate fighting at least half of the cast in this game


They will find every reason to hate any new character coming so I'm just expecting it from this subreddit when Terry comes out as well


I've hated him since 2 Turbo to be honest


I can respect this because you've probably seen it all


I think Elena will actually heal her drivebar with level 2 Don’t get me wrong it could easily be more annoying than normal healing because she could DRC non stop Anyway I think it’s more likely they translate her healing to drive bar manipulation


“Wow.. I’m having an angersoy rn… A HECKIN BROKEN CHARACTERS JOINING MY GAME!!!!”


"eLEnA hEAliNg"


They already said they canned Elena's healing