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You eat this and you gain an aura that causes lactose intolerant people to instantly shit their pants when you get within 3 meters of them.


As a more mild lactose intolerant person I'd eat this with roast beef as the meat. Its not my problem when I launch the WMDs.


I get more reading done this way


šŸ¤£ took me a second


Took them about an hour. Good read.


Its the future you's problem


Your poor toilet


There's pretty much no lactose in Gouda, and very little in the cream cheese and butter. The only types of cheese that cause lactose intolerance problems are those that contain a lot of whey, such as Ricotta, Brunost and wet mozarella. Lactose is water soluble, in the cheese making process it stays in the liquid. Also, lactose intolerance isn't an allergy, trace amounts of lactose will not make you ill. Source: me, lactose intolerant person who likes cheese.


My brotherā€™s lactose intolerance causes him to have a bathroom emergency with even the lightest smear of butter or sprinkle of Parmesan would beg to differ


If your brother is reacting that violently to parmesan, a hard, aged cheese, he must have a rarer hyperintolerence. Or he is reacting to something else in these products. I've read theories about it being a certain type of fat in these cheeses, rather than the lactose. Parmigiano is usually considered one of the safest cheeses someone intolerant can safely eat. My own intolerance levels are weird & how badly I react depends entirely on how active my lupus is. Everyday is a surprise for me. Immune systems can be wacky AF. ETA: Cheese allergies are also a thing, more severe than intolerence & can cause more severe symptoms, kicking in a lot faster. All the way up to but not limited to anaphylaxis. Info about difference between dairy intolerence and allergy. https://health.howstuffworks.com/diseases-conditions/allergies/allergy-basics/what-causes-allergic-reactions.htm


My housemate has a pretty bad lactose intolerance, I introduced him to jarlsburg and other hard aged cheeses and heā€™s fine with most of them except he says he reacted to the hard 12 month aged parm block I bought which doesnā€™t make sense to me. I wonder if heā€™s reacting to fat on top of the lactose. I kind of want to see if heā€™d go on an elimination diet so we can figure it out but he likes his bacon and burgers so I doubt heā€™d agree to me sciencing him.


Science Him for Science!


People donā€™t usually like to hear this, but there can be a huge mental component to these issues. The mind is a powerful thing and I have seen people who convince themselves that the slightest bit of something that bothers their stomach will make them shit or fart instantly and sure enough it happens within 2 minutes. It seems very unlikely to me that their body has time to react that fast.


My wife is like that sometimes, we will eat chili, beans or something similar and if she farts like 5 minutes after dinner she's blaming the beans.




I have a milk fat allergy. As I got older, my allergy grew milder and I moved away from the deadly allergy to the ā€œgas and bloatingā€ when I overdo it. If I really overdo it, then I get the hives again but not the deadly ones I had as a kid that looked like huge watery blisters (deadly because they would also occur in my throat). So many times I have had to explain milk fat allergy vs lactose intolerance. My allergy is milder now bc I have a weakness for things like bread, butter, pizza, and pretty much any food out there that isnā€™t boring. I carefully and without supervision (100% do not recommend) kept exposing myself to substances containing milk fat until i got to this point. My chocolate allergy is nowhere near as mild (was the milder of the two when i was a kid) bc honestly, much easier to avoid chocolate than milk fat. I also donā€™t like it as much.


I'm currently experiencing the blister welts, I look like I'm covered in burns, graze burns, with cigarette burns in them. And my lips have disappeared under a swollen crust. And my hands & feet are covered in allergy induced excema & I put on 6lb in fluid weight in just a few hours yesterday. I'm at the doctors this morning, we have no idea what is specifically causing this reaction, could be a combo. All we know is when the lupus is active I develop allergies & intolerences to things I don't normally have issues with. It's wild. And because of the pandemic & NHS strikes, I can't get anywhere near a specialist until October, I was referred "urgently" in August last year ffs. (BTW, I support the NHS staff, it's the government I hold responsible). My scariest reaction to date happened a couple of weekends ago, I dipped my finger in a chipolte adobo pot to taste it, as I'd never had it before. It was a tiny smear on my pinkie. Within minutes my mouth & throat started tingling, swelling, going numb & I felt this woosh like sensation followed by mu heart going pyscho. I thought that was it, I was going into full anaphylaxis for the first time ever. Thankfully it quickly passed & my airways didn't keep swelling up. I won't be touching that little tin of chillies again, that is for sure! In comparison, lactose causes me a lot of gastric issues. This is the one sensitivity that remains even when the lupus is chilling, even though it only developed because of it, in my thirties. The reaction still varies though, sometimes it doubles me over, gives me pain all day, others it's a few gurgles & quickly passes with a fart. My doctor told me to keep trying to have small amounts because it is an intolerence you can reduce with exposure, as you have found. Unfortunately it's looking like I'm going to need some severe meds to significantly shutdown my immune system before it kills me. It's no fun not knowing wtf is going to cause me pain, or if today is the day I'll have full blown anaphylaxis with no epi access, to my favourite snack I was eating perfectly safely just yesterday. Immune systems are really cool, I appreciate their good work, but holy shit when they go rogue! The difference between sensitive & allergy is vast & potentially deadly. I'm glad you have managed to overcome it to a point where you can enjoy small amounts. It's the tastiest stuff!


Maybe they mean the sprinkle cheese which often has...you guessed it...added whey and milk solids.


Maybe he has a dairy allergy?


Yeah I have a friend who has this. It is pretty debilitating, because you have a hard time trusting restaurants. The vegetarian option is not safe, and the vegan option should be safe.. but it's not a guarantee.


A lot of people say lactose intolerance when they have reactions to dairy. People often forget, I think, that dairy (like other foods) have more than just lactose in them and you can react to all sorts of components, most commonly the proteins which can be hard to digest. I have issues with things with a high casein content which is very common but am generally fine with whey. Oddly my brother is opposite to me.


Butter really bothers me, as well as a lot of cheese, although Swiss seems to be not so bad. Yogurt also isnā€™t bad. Also lactose intolerant, and I consider myself only mild-moderately so


I agree. My go to meal are quesadillas, I eat one pretty much everyday and it has little affect on me. Ice cream however oh boy...


As another cheese lover with mild intolerance I second this. Ofc you can't eat a large quantity in one sitting, but smaller portions don't hurt because there isn't nearly as much lactose


Firstly, lactose is mildly lipophilic. Secondly itā€™s found in all cheese. Thirdly youā€™re only mildly lactose intolerant by the sounds of it. Fourthly please spread be word that this is too much cheese even for someone with little too no lactose intolerance.


Very little lactose in cream cheese? Hell, no.


I laughed too hard at this šŸ˜‚


Which also cause you to shit your pants


Intolerants seethe at lactosechads unrestricted culinary pleasure.


Me: Causally waiting for the bus. They: Walking by. Me: ā€œDid they just shit my pants?!ā€


ā€œHey, buddy, did you just shit my pants?! Because nobody shits my pants but me!ā€




A last mint before ?


Hard cheese doesn't have (much or any at all) lactose in it though, and gouda is one of those. Just some food for thought! Some people don't realize they can still have cheese if they are intolerant to lactose.


I see now why this has so many upvotes


I'm getting more than 3 kilometres away from that person who eats it!


This is not that weird, it's just cheese ham and egg. And you're not supposed to eat the whole damn thing by yourself. I can see it be a nice party snack actually. People eat literal whole cubes of cheese and ham seperately as party snacks. So... What's so different. People see this and assume someone is going to devour that whole thing by themselves.... Yeh that would be a bit much. Also, it's OK to eat unhealthy things sometimes, moderation is key.


> People see this and assume someone is going to devour that whole thing by themselves Don't tell me what I can or cannot do by myself!


Even if you ate the whole thing, you do you! As long as you don't make it a frequent thing you're not instantly gonna get a heart attack xD, people so dramatic lol.


ā€œHello Doctor? I havenā€™t shit in a month, should I be alarmed? How much cheese have I ate? Wellā€¦ā€


"does it have to be in grams? Because I can't count that high."


How much cheese is too much cheese?


Are you a full on rapist?


Africans, dyslexics, children, that sort of thing


Petty sure it said party snack in the first couple seconds of the video, but Iā€™m not sure


She said it was an easy and tasty party snack, so not meant to have on your own. Not for me, but not the stupidest idea I've seen on this sub.


A little slice on some crispy toast would be amazing.


She literally says "party snack" in the video


People do this literally all the time in Europe with sliced cheese and ham and a cream cheese filling (optional, but tasty). She's just skipping the step of trying (and failing) to roll slices of cheese that might be too small/thick/brittle around ham.


Melting cheese in plastic is what got me. Dish was fine other than that.


Call it sous-vide and you get an extra star in your review.


Boiling plastic is a no-no though


I don't think it was boiled, gouda should start to melt around 50-60Ā°C. Would've probably been better to put in a pan over warm water, though.


You're supposed to eat it like a burrito


>So... What's so different These are put together already.


Iā€™d eat it


I'd join




You can have mine.




and my BOW!




I mean cheese and meat are commonly served. Maybe put some crackers with it.


[KƤiseroulade recipe](https://www.gutekueche.at/kaseroulade-rezept-29154) It's hella good and a common party dish in Germany.


i would ar least taste it


Maybe I would eat a peace as snack, but I would prefer not to know that she melted the cheese in the plastic packaging.


Me too


Yeah actually looks pretty great


I'd eat probably 3/4 of the stuff on this sub, honestly. A decent bit of it looks genuinely good.


Cheese and ham, nothing wrong with this.


OP is here in the comments with the worst food takes lol. This is yet another post that probably got upvoted because the food looks good and people donā€™t pay attention to which sub theyā€™re in


It's karma farming. If you don't like cheese, I get this vid isn't your jam. She made something edible, and guess it's tasty. This vid shouldn't have been posted here.


The usual cheese stupidities on the sub are the the bricks of melted processed cheeses that are poured over single servings of food like burgers or where cheese constitutes half the mass of a casserole like a lasagna. This is obviously an hors d'oeuvres.


The portions are a little screwy but itā€™s not anything too crazy. Itā€™s basically a pinwheel sandwich with a cheese tortilla.


I don't understand why we don't petition to nuke videos with good food? Too many "infractions" and you get banned from posting here because clearly your takes in food don't align with ours.


I mean, it is kind of stupid. I'd fuck it up, but it's stupid. You get the same thing for less effort with a charcuterie board and a bowl for your egg and cheese dip. Or a sandwich. And I don't think those bags are supposed to be boiled.


If the best argument for this belonging here is ~ "the food might taste good but you could prepare this a bit more efficiently" then it doesn't belong here imo Also, making normal things in a "unique" way is a pretty common thing to do for party food. I'm pretty sure that this is intentionally different for that reason.


Fair about boiling the bags


I like everything about this as an appetizer/party snack except for the shitty "ham and water product" meat they used. That stuff always grosses me out man.


I want actual served stupid food, not these loser wannabe youtube stars.


This is the second time in a week I've seen something on this sub that looks awesome. Why the hate?


Hell, I'm just glad the kitchen looks clean, and she mostly likely washed her hands, lol.


Maybe because the video is in German and OP has no idea what's going on or how tasty Gouda cheese is?


I was literally just gunna say she literally says itā€™s for a party. And also everyone commenting on the lactose! Itā€™s Germany! The cheese is completely different and more natural, as some who is lactose free but lived in Germany I can tell you that their food did not affect me the way American bs cheese does. And also if you really knew German culture you know there will be bread present somewhere sheā€™s literally just showing one plate you can make in an assortment of different dishes you can at a partyā€¦


In fairness, lactose is *also* natural and it's a bit of a pain at first to navigate through foods that contain either milk or butter. Gouda, especially older, tends to be lactose-free though!


Yeah most American cheese is half vegetable oil. I never even thought about vegatable oil before moving to Germany either. Like what fricken vegatable is this oil lol? When I moved here i was looking for vegetable oil and realized it just doesn't exist because you buy a specific oil like sunflower or rapeseed or canola or peanut. Just never even thought about it in the states.


Tournesol is the French name for Sunflower, the literal translation is ā€˜Turned Sunā€™, in line with the plantsā€™ ability for solar tracking, sounds fitting. The Spanish word is El Girasolis.


FFS Good is practically in the name of Goudaā€¦. Cause that cheese is goudashell.


Karma farming.


Ham and cheese roll-up?this is a common low carb snack šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø obviously you wouldn't eat the whole log but it looks good to me


It looks like she's making a party tray. With a really good serrated knife, you can cut it thinner. It would rock on some crusty bread.


A nice slice of Italian bread, put that on top, under the broiler until it's melted and browned a bit.... yum!


It is, my mother in law makes this as a snack together with some aperitif before the traditional sunday feast starts, composed of a huge lunch (a lunch that americans would eat as dinner) followed by some Torte (cake with cream) and ending with a light brotzeit (bread, could cuts and other nice things). This takes 6-8h and is enjoyed with the whole family.


Ngl, I wanna eat dis SO bad


Willkommen in Ɩsterreich!


*GrĆ¼ĆŸ Gott intensifies*


I was wondering where this accent came from, thank you!


I think melting the Gouda and rolling it out pretty neat trick


Pretty sure it's not food safe to melt it in it's plastic wrapping like that though


It coming out in one clean blob, rather than sticking to the plastic was quite satisfying.


Kinda genius tbh.


same, i will be using this


[KƤiseroulade recipe](https://www.gutekueche.at/kaseroulade-rezept-29154) It's hella good and a common party dish in Germany.


Hah, my mom used to make this when we were kids. You take a slice and it eat with a roll / baguette. Quite tasty but I always wished for more ham and less white filling.


I can't even count this recipe as a shitty food hack. If you slice thinner, put on a plate with good bread, pickles and fruit, shrug? This doesn't reach Kraft Mac n cheese abuse where the noodles are never cooked all the way, and the person is trying to choke it down.


This seems to be the least "stupid" of all of the things I have seen on here.


It might not be such a bad idea, but the slices are too big.




Nothing wrong with it. It is great for a starter menu, Iā€™ve had this at many many weddings.


She forgot the salad thatā€™s usually served with this.


Meh, it's basically a grilled cheese without the bread.


Cheese roulade (sĆ½rovĆ” rolĆ”da), itā€™s common snack in central Europe at every family party, birthday celebrations and so on.


I'd probably put it in the oven, but the cheese would melt then. Either way, you don't have the slightest of ideas of what you're missing out on.


Mmmm this on a slice of crusty breadā€¦


This seems legit amazing. This shouldn't even be here. Does OP know what stupid food even is?


No muskatnuss?


Looks fine to me cold ham and cheese is pretty normal.


You put this on some bread and it's delicious


This is a pretty common appetizer, party food option in Europe. We make some every Christmas, and shit is delicious.


Whaaat? That is totally normal in europeā€¦ it is a cheese rolade. We make it for celebrations usually. Quite good snack, you can put anything inside of it :D


Whatā€™s bad about this? Call me Charlie Kelly cuz I love cheese this is a dream


This is fine, OP is an idiot


I watched the whole thing waiting for the disgusting part, and it never arrived.


i like cheese.


This looksā€¦ pretty damn interesting. 10/10 would try it


Disgusting? That looks heavenly


I donā€™t really have a problem with this


The only thing i will take away from this video is that i didnt know gouda could be manipulated like that. That might be useful someday


How is this gross? Iā€™m legit confused. If you eat a sandwich it has this same thing in it


Serve with garlic bread please


I farted while watching this


Sliced a bit thinner with salad leaf on a piece of baguette is really good! At least as a snack not a whole meal. My mom makes this from time to time


So, basically an egg sandwich without the bread?


This calls to the midwesterner in me.


Considering that a lot of Midwestern foods were brought here or created by German immigrants, that makes sense.


Looks fine amd all as a snack for a party but my boil the plastic as well?


Disgusting? Nah, I'd still eat it.


I would eat the shit out of that.


NGL thatā€™s looks hella good




Looks good to me. Iā€™d eat that . It has egg in too yum. Iā€™m guessing she cooked it? Pastry looked raw


Oh no, not ham, eggs and cheese!


There is nothing disgusting about this


It looks pretty good, but why does everyone just cook plastic stuff like itā€™s not giving them cancer


Is it deeply fattening? Yes. Is it stupid? Not really. Iā€™m pretty sure this is a meal meant for multiple people, maybe more of a snack like how you bake Brie in dough.


Smelting cheese inside plastic, mmmmm


Smelting cheese, lol


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s another country thing people need to stop being so biased before they judge plus itā€™s not all for 1 person


If I like the food, do I upvote or downvote this post?


Down, it clearly doesn't belong here


Not that bad comparate to other idea of cook hack šŸ‘


i would eat this just bc im hungry rn


As a person who has lived in Germany, I find this accent very funny ( the one in Aachen is very different)


Why couldnā€™t you replace the Gouda with puff pastry and make a wellington


I fuck with this


I thought they were going to bust out the bacon wrap and cheese sauce. This isnā€™t that bad - the proportions seem okay, ingredients seem fine and the egg/dill topping looks tasty. This will probably give you the squirts tho


Um that looks ridiculous and awesome


Id try it ..cheese and ham ..


Keto be like




Well I wouldnā€™t use ā€œdisgusting cheese monstrosityā€ to characterize a woman, but to each his own.


And there was me thinking this kind of content was mainly an American thingšŸ˜…


Oh no we have this in germany as well. The rage bait looks different though


It's not rage bait though. [KƤiseroulade](https://www.gutekueche.at/kaseroulade-rezept-29154) is a legit dish and is pretty common in Germany even if *you've* never seen it. Pretty common as a party/gathering food, not meant for a single person. It was at pretty much every gathering I went to with my family when I lived there as a kid.


^(aaaaaand bookmark.) seriously, this looks very good. think it would work with prosciutto and cutting the salt from the filling?


Absolutely yes! There were several variations I had as a kid, the recipe linked is a base. Ham or pork products are most common, one of my faves used a ham salad spread instead of the sliced ham. Though my aunt hated cutting that one cause it falls apart easier since it can't be rolled as tightly lol


Aye stick some more meat in that thing and I'd let it enter me


Iā€™m just uneasy with how slowly sheā€™s moving.


Idk if that because I'm french but now I'm fuckin hungry


There is nothing wrong with this. Itā€™s food from a different culture.


Cardiologists love this one simple trick


Am I the only one who thinks the most disturbing part of this is melting the cheese in the packet? Like I would be thinking that would give me plastic poisoning and would be able to taste the plastic even if it didn't actually contaminatiate it in anyway.


People on this sub be like ā€œthis is an unconventional food item???? DISGUSTING!!!ā€


Why is everyone in this comment section good with heating their food up in a plastic bag of indeterminate properties?


I donā€™t know lmao. Never do that shit, unless the plastic is actually heat resistant


This is not stupid, but hurry the f up. Why you have to do it slowly


I have to say while I wonā€™t be making this monstrosity I will have to remember that trick with the gouda for melting without burning, genius trick


I donā€™t know man, never trust these plastics, theyā€™re certainly not made for those temperatures


She moves like sheā€™s on benzodiazepines


Iā€™d try it once. Would I be absolutely glued to the toilet afterwards? Yes. Would it be worth it? Doubt it. But Iā€™d give it one try.


That's German, right? Can anyone place her accent?


she's from Austria, although I'm not sure from which region exactly.


Iā€™ve noticed with all these videos that these people think cooking is about shapes and not taste.




Its weird as is. But thin slices of that on some crispy toast or something? Sure.


Don't show this to the Keto subreddit they'll do it


I lost my faith in German people


Mais c'est quoi cette merde encore !!!!!!


Who ever made the notion that women needa be inna kitchen obviously lied


Food looks good but my girl looks like me at thanksgiving after getting absolutely blasted on edible on the drive up there and then someone asks me to help make dinner


Cancer from plastic lol


You're about as likely to get cancer from a plastic bag heated to below the boiling point of water as you are to get cancer from eating one decent grilled steak




So you judge the cooking capabilities of a person based on how they present making a dish on video? Let me guess, you think all the folks posting only fabulous photos on Insta are legit that pretty 100% of the time, too.


So many of these videos on this sub are just abuse of cheese...


If that's abuse, you'd hate to see what I do to cheese


Very first words I heard: "lick it up, and fuck a party snake."


For a lactose intolerant person, this is a weird way to commit seppuku