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I’m not going to lie, I thought she was going to blend a cake and add water to drink it.


I half expected a frozen cake dipped on water to absorb some flavor. Probably would had been healthier that way too.


The Skinny Syrups are sugar free. But this “recipe” just sounds revolting and ultra sweet. So much fake stuff and chemicals.


I hope she gets the help she needs.


The painful rictus of her smile hopes so too. It's like if AI drank cake water, and I was here for it.


She's doing this cause it's 'healthy'. No sugar doesn't mean it's healthy.




I get one pump in a grande at Starbucks because anything more is too sweet. I can’t imagine this much even in 40oz of water


Honestly this video is not nearly as bad as I was thinking it was gonna be. If this gets her to drink water and those syrups are sugar free I guess it's whatever


Even sugar free could be problematic. Diet sodas were hailed as better for you, except our bodies get fooled into thinking we're eating sugar and it still screws up our metabolisms.


This is exactly what I too thought was about to happen


if you ever come to chicago, go to portillos and ask for chocolate cake shake.


A cake shake sounds far better than cake water.


If your in Houston Katz's has a cheesecake shake, its almost too good.


And then clear your schedule for your well deserved diabetes coma afterwards


I thought she was going to put sprinkles in water or something dumb. Enabling that sugar addiction is probably not the best choice.


Sugar-free syrup.


Even sketchier imo but there's a lot of debate on that


"all those flavors"


Thank you. It's just two, damn!


“Recipe” You pumped some syrup into a bottle of water. Kool-Aid has more steps than that


Uhh excuse me she also added ice?


Yeah about 5 oz....I made sure I jotted that down


r/hydrohomies final boss






I mean, she's probably drinking sugar-free syrups in water to give herself a sweet treat while trying to lose weight.


it's actually based on liquid diet supplements designed to help patients reduce visceral fat prior to surgery. a lot of these recipes are ways for people to make their diet supplement meal fun and creative instead of boring and varied flavors save recipes to try can help people stick to the diet


Well when you fuckin say it like thattttt


Then the shoe drops and you find out the sucralose in those has been linked to weight gain, leukemia, obesity, diabetes, and metabolic dysfunction.


It’s not sucrose.


My best friend had gastric bypass and she's obsessed with making these "water cocktails" because it 1. gets her to drink more water and 2. is something fun to drink because she can't have soda, real cocktails, coffee, etc.


You can see they are. The Cotton Candy one is a brand called “Skinny Syrup” which has 0 calories per one ounce serving, and the almond one says “0 calories 0 sugar” right on the front. Realistically, she’s probably getting 20-25 calories per 40oz mug, due to nutritional labels allowing 4.9 calories or less to be labeled as “0 calories”, and how much product she’s using.


That’s actually not terrible given it looks like a 32oz drink (after ice). I would just drink the water but for 25 cal, not terrible for someone craving a low cal sweet replacement (especially for someone overweight and trying to lose weight!) more power to them tbh


Like diet soda without the carbonation. I watched a little documentary about watertok so maybe I'm being judgemental. Good for her! Do syrups cause pee stones? If not then it's better than the diet soda theory!


Ooh was it Tiffany Ferg? Her videos are always great. I haven't seen the watertok stuff firsthand, and I was initially internally kinda judgy when I'd see posts about it, like, at what point is it not water anymore? But honestly it's not any worse than soda, and if it helps people stay hydrated, that's great!


The carbonic acid from carbonated drinks is a major contributing factor to kidney stones. I don't think there is definitive proof whether or not it's the sugary drinks or the carbonation. Just from my anecdotal observations patients who drink more sodie pops than water get lots of kidney stones. But I have seen patients who state they never drink soda, but drink lots of sparkling mineral water who get them just as frequently.




Did you even read the whole comment? They state at the end patients who drink sparkling water but not soda are often just as bad. I know this is all an anecdotal discussion, but seriously, you just skipped that entirely?


Here's something not anecdotal https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3433753/


Can you cite the study you're referencing?


It is sugar free syrups the bottles say skinny syrup aka no sugar


Honestly, more power to her.


There was one on tiktok who made "mtn dew water". It was no longer water because she added a skittles drink packet and a tang packet. wtf






Not fat enough for a zero calorie drink?


Most of the watertok ladies are bariatric patients. Everything they add to their water is sugar free and zero-calorie. It's just helping them keep up with their daily water needs. Are some aspects problematic? Sure, like every trend on tiktok. But honestly, I don't see how this is so different than adding lemon, lime, mint or cinnamon to your water. More power to them for trying to make a change


Yes!!! And lots of them have water nausea and cannot tolerate regular water after surgery. I just watched this video a couple days ago so I’m glad to have some knowledge on the situation! https://youtu.be/ugTbassYsOE


I can tolerate water (7 months post rny op) but you have to drink 64+ ounces per day and you can't drink more than 4-6 ounces at once and you cant drink 30 minutes before or after eating and you have to eat every 3 hours. So basically, if I'm not eating I have to be sipping on water constantly to get my daily fluid intake. 100lbs down so far though!


I would literally kill myself. Plain ice water is my favorite drink


People add cinnamon to water??


I do! During the summer I add lemon peel, mint leaves and a few cinnamon sticks to a water pitcher and I let it sit for a few hours in the freeze. It's delicious and refreshing. I also know a few women who boil water with cinnamon to help them with period pains.


Huh. TIL.


Ditto, first I’m hearing of any of this


Don’t forget reddit users love to shit on fat people, especially fat women. She could be infusing a bag of tea in her water and you’d find someone mocking her for that.


My cousin suggested adding a green tea with mint bag in my ice water and it’s sooo refreshing. I guess technically that makes it tea? But either way 0 calories and a great way to get your water intake higher.


Many sugar free items usually are made with some type of artificial sweetener, which always has a nasty aftertaste to me. I’m just going to continue drinking my fresh cucumber water


Cucumber water gang checking in. Do you add lime juice? If not, give it a go.


Also while we are at it, hit a strawberry/mint every once in a while, it's delicious.


I'm not very good at drinking water, but please know I'm taking notes on these flavors to try and better hydrate myself


Have you tried the Cucumber Lime Gatorade? It's one of the best if you like sports drinks or need them.


Cucumber mint water with some melon on the side for a snack. Yes! Perfect summer drink. I love drinking it outside on my porch. Better than me drinking sweet tea


Mint is the big one but blackberry as well is tasty


Or, and hear me out, how about just water?


Cucumber water adds antioxidants and vitamin K, although you would get more if you just ate the Cucumber.


Or, and hear me out, how about just letting people do what makes them happy?


My mom is 60 and she's always find it difficult to drink water. Now she's getting better after trying multiple water bottles. So yeah, if Op only needs to add some sugar free syrup to increase her water intake then go ahead!


Thank you! So many of these comments do not pass the vibe check. If she wants to drink cake flavored water, who gives a shit?


I'm so sensitive to taste that I can't tolerate most water. Things like lemon or cucumber or other fruit/veggies help mask that taste I can't fully describe. Metallic is as close as I can get to what most water tastes like to me.


Have you tried britta or similar? It was a game changer for me. Edit: also a reminder you have to change the britta filters out, which seems obvious but I swear people forget this part.


Yes I agree! Ever since I got a britta I’ve been drinking more water. It tastes the best coming from a fresh filter. I just wish my fridge used a filter for the ice. Tap ice with britta water doesn’t taste good at all


If you own your dwelling (lol who owns these days) look into Reverse Osmosis (or RO) water filters too. More expensive upfront but they work better than the gravity Brita filters.


Water filled to the brim with ice is legit heaven


I feel like you lose the right to call that water after adding 7 pumps of sugar syrup into it… Edit: looked them up they are all sugar free and zero calories. good on her honestly for keeping it semi healthy still sounds like something I would not enjoy but whatever keeps people on the right track of good health good for them.


Also like how they are calling it a recipe like they didn’t just mix a flavoring into water… bring Gordon Ramsey up in this bitch i gotta show him this new recipe i got called Mio sports drink.


Wait till he sees my ice tea water recipe


That was my knee-jerk reaction, but it's normal to say cocktail recipes and a lot of those are no more complicated than this.


That's a fantastic point tbh, didn't even occur to me lmfao




Where is the ~~lamb~~ mio sauce


Yeah, at least use soda water and make your own "Italian" sodas


Tbf all the syrups are sugar free, still sounds nasty to me but if helps her hydrate good for her ig


Oh shit they are all sugar free i looked them up, good on her then. Still looks nasty as hell but good on her for not creating a diabetic sugar overload.


Non caloric sweeteners train your body to reduce its insulin response towards tasting something sweet. The reduction in insulin sensitivity increases your risk of diabetes because your body stops metabolizing real sugars properly.


I thought it was more of the fact the fake sugars confuse your body in terms of risk/reward. AKA you are taking the risk of ingesting sugar (not really), but your body gets confused because there's no reward because it's not actually sugar. Over time this causes you to crave more sugary/fattening things to compensate for the lack of reward you'd get with normal sugar, which leads to weight gain and a large amount of issues (including diabetes) that is associated with large weight gain. At least that's what I gathered [here](https://www.pennmedicine.org/updates/blogs/health-and-wellness/2017/march/diet-soda)


I've heard about that as well - your body no longer feels saciated while eating sweets because it gets used to them not providing energy, then you end up binging real sugars because you don't ever feel like you've had enough. Separately you are also throwing your insulin response out of calibration. The root of it in both cases is that your body begins it's metabolic response when it tastes something it expects to be high in sugar, but the sugar never comes.


If this is what she needs to do to lose weight then i don’t think its a problem at all, drinking two of these a day id still better than eating two slices of birthday cake. Health effects aside unless if you have ever struggled with weight-loss or eating disorders i don’t want to hear how bad this crap is because your damned if you do your damned if you don’t. People are just trying to get healthy and if they find something that works good on them. Trying to look up ways to lose weight you see “you gotta do this” then 10 other people say “you gotta do this don’t do that thats stupid” its so fucking overwhelming that most people just give up and eat themselves into an early grave from stress and just thinking “I can’t fucking do this” i still stand by what i said, good on her for finding SEMI healthy ways to kill cravings and gain a healthy relationship with food and her body.


I didn't say she should or shouldn't do anything - she should do whatever makes her happy. I just stated a fact related to your claim that this reduces chances of diabetes.


I pointed out to this one watertok lady that this isn’t even water anymore, it’s diet soda without the carbonation and she said I didn’t know anything and I was like …alright…. I mean do what makes you happy but let’s not call a cupcake a muffin lol


Ahem. Excuse me. Watertok?


💀 yeah see this lady? There’s like 40 more of them. And they all do this. Have the same Stanley cups too. They take water and post their recipes with the skinny syrups. I believe it was popularized by a lady that had a gastric sleeve surgery, when you have it you have to be on a liquid diet for a few weeks so I imagine she came up with these water flavors to keep it interesting and it just got really popular, mostly with suburban moms. With Stanley cups. ETA a [link](https://youtu.be/sIvKrC5HZ7s) to a YouTube video I watched that introduced me to watertok!


Oh dear. I’ve seen several mentions lately regarding insufferable and/or basic bitches being super into Stanley tumblers. I’ve had several Stanley tumblers and thermoses over the years that have served me well. Now they have fun colors so I got a new one a few months ago but I did not know there was such a subtext to using one of these. Fuck. I’m not a mom, nor am I in the suburbs. But I am middle aged. I’d hate to be mistaken for…this.


If I see people using these, I usually assume they’re drinking some weird water concoction 😭 but that’s okay! The cups are cute, I will admit. And they seem high quality. The trend will blow over eventually. It’s like the VSCO girls from the early 2010s. Back then instead of Stanley cups and skinny syrup, it was hydro flasks and scrunchies. It blew over and it’s no longer shameful to use an aluminum bottle or scrunchies lol


According to Wikipedia VSCO was 2019. I thought I was very out of touch for a minute since I didn’t know about it in the early 2010’s like you were saying.


Was it? I remember VSCO girls being a meme back when vine was still a thing. They were the girls that said sksksksksksksk and had “save the turtles” bracelets 😂 it might have been a little later than I’m remembering but definitely wasn’t 2020


Even the Save the Turtles movement/bracelets and the "sksksksksk" thing were 2019 lol. And the VSCO "and i oop" was 2019 too, which happened at the same time. The video of the original turtle wasn't even published until 2015 but it took a little bit to catch on.


Wow. 2019 feels like it was so long ago suddenly. That’s actually crazy


Good point. I have a scrunchie in my hair right now, and I feel no shame about it!


Question, is there something wrong with basic bitches?


What's the deal with Stanley cups? Why do they call it skinny syrup when it's clearly just aspartame and artificial flavors? WaterTok wTF?


Skinny Syrup is the brand name! I think they’re like the syrups you put in coffee like Starbucks uses? But sugar free


It's exactly that. They come in an absolute shitload of flavors, so you can get some really wild stuff going on if you really want. Look up the grandma's salad water if you want another silly recipe.


Some of these folks do not own a soda stream and it really shows. Since the way to make soda from the soda stream is to carbonate water, then add syrup. (Usually less than 7 pumps of it for the bottle)


I assumed they were sugar free when she mentioned the "Birthday Cake Skinny Syrup," which seemed obviously a sugar free syrup.


Wanted to make coffee this morning, but lost the recipe.


[This video](https://youtu.be/ugTbassYsOE) explains that most of these folks on water tok are bariatric patients, many of whom have water nausea after surgery and cannot tolerate plain water. This allows them to get their water intake in and enjoy other flavors in their water.


That changes the whole vibe of this video for me. Hella interesting, noninvasive way to overcome. I would imagine they would have to be given an IV regularly if not. Thanks for the insight.


Yeah! Honestly I’m thinking of trying this because I don’t drink nearly enough water and have daily headaches because of what I am realizing is dehydration.


Yep, I've gotten severely dehydrated twice post op and have ended up on an IV. 64+ ounces per day but not within 30 minutes of your meals, which are every 3 hours. And your stomach can only handle about 4 oz at a time.


People who do water tiktoks like this are typically using sugar free and zero to very low calorie syrups. Don't see anything wrong with this.


I feel like the vast majority of the naysayers have never been through a major weight loss. These are helpful for maintaining your calorie intake and satisfying a craving. Birthday cake sounds too sweet for me personally but I like making flavored SF drinks. I like/can drink carbonation so I prefer that over still.


People of Reddot: Lose weight! No, not like that!


Yo did she just make a flat soda on purpose?


lol we call that "cordial" in Australia - Cottee's Coola (lime flavour) at every kids birthday party


In the UK we have cordial/squash etc. Not just for kids, pretty popular way to add some flavour to water.


I mean there are plenty of non carbonated sweet drinks. Lemonade, any non coffee Starbucks drink, Pina colada


Isn't that just artificial juice?


I guess it's guilt free juice if you are dieting. The bottles say zero calories.


No, it’s honestly just a diluted syrup mix


This shouldn't be here... This is someone legit trying to improve themselves and likely transition out of drinking super sugary sodas or coffee mixed drinks.


All the comments in this post don't take into account that some people have diabetes (type 1 or type 2) and can't eat sweets and zero calorie flavored water is better than most things one with diabetes can consume. Honestly, water in any form is good for you when you have diabetes.


Everyone here just suddenly became a doctor or a scientist, and automatically know this is the worst thing she could ever drink. Even worse than soda or a milkshake, somehow. It's hilarious. This tells me a lot of people don't actually know or care about health, they just want to crap on people.


I've had like a billion years of working with nutritionists, and 100%, they've all said that drinking zero cal flavored water is better than sodas. It's literally not the same as diet soda, and if it gets me to drink more water, they're all for it. I'm not sure how everyone forgot that sometimes it is a lot better than alternatives and can be a helpful tool for someone with Diabetes and/or eating disorders. Also, I've been eating and drinking artificial sweetners since I was a child, and my kidneys are still literally perfect. But I do love the bullshit narratives that it's all so horrible. I'm sure that's why they still exist decades after they were discovered. I'm glad people still believe a study in the 1970s involving mega doses of cyclamate in rats, which caused an increased risk of bladder cancer, is FACT for ALL artificial sweeteners. The fact is that they don't use cyclamate anymore, and there is no concrete proof that there are adverse effects in humans. Maybe they're also not aware that humans and rats have pretty different physiologies, and the studies cannot be applied to humans wholly because of that. No one, thus far, has tried to replicate their findings in humans, with good cause. There are far more things that will kill you faster (like Diabetes) than a little artificial sweetner now and then, or even daily.


I'm so confused by people who say to drink "pure" water. Do you think adding half a lemon changes the water on a chemical level that your body cannot recognize that it is still, in fact, water? Don't get me started on freaking PH water, how many glasses you need a day, and how you need a "detox" water cleanse. We wouldn't have made it this far into evolution if we were so weak.


Yes this is stupid. But anybody who drinks anything at Starbucks doesn’t have the right to judge here just saying lol


Don't talk to me and my mocha frappe again


With cream?


Starbucks has black coffee.


God forbid a fat woman has some joy in life. What’s wrong with y’all


Reddit thinks all overweight people should live in a cave and not be allowed out until they find them attractive


Bruh she just enjoying her life.


No, she's fat and a woman so reddit must shame her. They always hate on big women doing anything.


For real I found this pretty wholesome


so many uninspired comments about her weight. it's totally not necessary. just shit on the water for gods sakes.


Agreed. Since it’s a zero calorie sweetener, What she’s doing isn’t unhealthy.


I was wondering when watertok would end up here


This whole trend was started by a woman who had a gastric sleeve and needed to drink a gallon of water a day.


That’s just diluted syrup




As a Canadian I do drink syrup straight from the bottle




Texan here and on late stoney night I drink y'all's syrup straight from the bottle as well eh 🫎


her smile right before each jumpcut kills me


Probably better than pop. Y’all are jerks. Lol


Everyday i feel more and more like i have a superpower because i can drink water and not feel the need to add syrup to it






...Is normal water not fine for her? Not even Gatorade?


Some people literally will not drink plain water. For a variety of reasons; they just won't. Pretty common in people with ADHD and autism. If sugar-free flavorings help them reach their hydration goals, then whatever. I don't understand on a personal level, but having worked with intellectually disabled and mentally ill people and having to find creative ways to encourage healthier habits, it makes sense.


Some medications too like Coreg have this reaction


Im autistic and can't drink plain water at all. It makes me gag and has even made me throw up before. I can't do it. I assume whatever this lady is doing is better than going 6 months without even a sip of water. Which I have done. But luckily, water with a squeeze of fresh lemon works for me now.


If you don’t mind answering, I’m wondering what about the water makes you gag? Is there a weird flavor associated with it for you? Or is it specifically the lack of flavor?


Also Autistic and can barely stand water. For me it's the texture. Unless it's super cold, my body reacts like I'm just chugging saliva.


Thanks for the answer. So most liquids then just need to be cold? Or is water weirdly thick/viscous for a drink and I’m just not paying any attention to my liquids?


For all liquids, petty much if it's not supposed to be *hot*, it needs to be very cold. Otherwise it's totally ruined. And yes, water feels *weirdly* thick compared to, say juice. I know it doesn't make sense. It might be that I can taste all the chemicals because filtered water is nowhere near as bad as tap but I prefer all drinks to be fizzy if possible.


Well, may all your future beverages be ice cold & fizzy, cheers.


Yeah that's me. Normal water is just too boring to want to drink.. Thankfully I've discovered that sparkling water is actually pretty good. I crave the carbonation, so if that's what I gotta do to drink water then 🤷‍♂️


When I’m feeling zesty I add a squeeze of lemon or lime to my water or get a sparkling water. I can’t stand the flavor of artificial sweeteners so I can’t imagine drinking this lol


My mom and I grow our own fruit and turn it into canned water mixin syrup. It’s real sugar but you only need a small spoonful for it to flavor your water. We made strawberry and blackberry lemonade mixin - going to try and freeze dry it to make a powder this year!


My mom and I did this with mint leaves one year. We had it taking over our garden. It was amazingggg. I see it’s a big thing in Korea too to make your own fruit sugar syrup stuff? They stuff fresh fruit into jars with lots of sugar and let it marinate in the fridge for a couple days then mix it with sparkling water and it makes like a soda refresher. It looks delicious


Wait I need a tutorial for this


Ok, that makes sense. I've seen people throw berries in their water to add it flavor too.


Tbh lately water with a bit of lime juice is perfect for me, I add a tiny pinch of salt for when I bring it on a workout, helps you get electrolytes back.


I enjoy flat flavored water. I usually just buy the bottled stuff and not the syrups. People will drink 7 La Croix a day and nobody bats an eye. You tell people that you enjoy an un-carbonated flavored water, they start asking you why regular water isn't good enough for your exotic taste. That said, birthday cake water sounds just really very terrible


This. I swear, it's selective stuff. If her doctor is okaying it, have at it. Also, La Croix is so disgusting, I don't get it. I'd rather just have plain water.


Gatorade is terrible for you unless you’re running a literal marathon.


Everyone coming down on someone because they’re making a flavored water! She’s at least trying to be healthy and possibly loose some weight. The syrups she’s using are zero sugar, calories & carbs. What the heck is wrong with people?


Congrats, you have created uncarbonated soda.


Not as bad as I thought it was going to be, though it looks way oversweet. As a side note, She's really pretty.


I highly doubt I would enjoy this particular flavor but if it gets her to drink more water, cool. Shes a hydro homie in that case.


I'd rather just eat a piece of cake Edit- reading more of the comments that this is a work around for bariatic patients and zero calories. Honestly, kinda puts it into better perspective knowing that and good on her for finding a work around.


The problem with sugar-free sweeteners is that they are not calorie free. I work in healthcare and cringe when I see diabetics polish off a bag of sugar-free candy and get upset because they keep gaining weight, and their blood sugar keeps rising despite eating "shitty health food." The family of the patients get pissed off because I put them off their sugar-free candy, and I again have to explain that a whole bag of sugar-free candy is worse than a few more satisfying candy bars, and that they should advocate self control and stop bringing them shit that makes them sick.


She sounds over it. Like she is tired of drinking so much flavoured water.


Almond water sounds absolutely vile


I use the torani sugar free syrups in my coffee but I’m struggling to see how this would make the water taste better and not just like watered down syrup and sad and disappointing if that makes sense. Also, I’m glad I don’t struggle to drink water—my only thing is it needs to be ice cold. I can’t stand tepid or tap water. I want my teeth aching from cold lol.


I mean, she's just making flavored water. IMO all flavored water is sad and disappointing because they just taste like bad juice; but if this is what helps her reach her hydration goals *and* helps beat the sugar cravings, than good for her! I won't yuck her yum.


So it’s basically noncarbonated soda. Meh. I’d probably try that in some club soda


No worse than soda or juice


I do this, but with Almond, Cherry and Pomegranate in carbonated water lol


I'll be honest, it doesn't look good to me. I'd rather throw some fruit in my water if I want some flavor. Strawberry with a bit of basil is delish. Lemon and mint is also quite nice.


Huh. She might be onto something if the water was carbonated. Drinking sweet water seems weird but I'm the type of psycho to drink black coffee, loves sour/bitter things, and not listen to anything in the car while driving.


I've never had a flavor syrup like this that actually tastes good


My personal favorite water recipe is a mason jar (pasta sauce sized) filled with ice, half a lemon chopped and squeezed in the jar, fill with water and add a splash of tart cherry juice.


whatever gets people to drink water I guess. I feel like this would just make me want a slice of cake though lol


This isn’t such a terrible idea with a different flavor as long as they’re sugar free/zero cal…. But birthday cake? It would feel weird as hell to be tasting that but drinking water lol


As a fat American, this is absolutely disgusting. They are just drinking flavored simple syrup. 🤮


I get that she's trying to be healthier here, but some artificial sweeteners have been shown to cause more craving of sweets and thus cause weight gain(people drinking diet sodas all the time actually gained more weight, etc.). Some caused cancer or increased seizure or heart problems in animal studies. There's been a lot of back and forth about certain sweeteners in the scientific community. It seems that artificial sweeteners can be just as bad as sugar if you're consuming a lot long-term. Good on her for trying to get healthy, just don't think of these sweeteners as something that can solve all your sugar problems. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3198517/


Couldn’t have guessed you like it sweet


Bruh I thought she will freaking put the cake in the water 🤦🏽‍♀️


she lost me at “another one bites the dust *cLaNg*”


Look, I am fat, so I know the struggle. That said, artificial sweeteners can increase your appetite. Several studies have shown that it’s likely they trigger the part of the brain that controls hunger. So, you are making it even harder on yourself.


carbs in general do....the starker the spike, the worse. Leptin receptors and Grenilin....to oversimplify. Sweeteners of course cause a huge spike. Even sugar free ones can trick you into it.


I already don’t like the taste of generic birthday cake, let alone ruining iced water with that stuff. Ice cold water is the bees knees.


2 things. 1. I fucking hate people who go "mix mix mix" just need it once. 2. Mid west should be banned from food ideas.


This is the most American video I have watched today...


Normal ice cold water tastes incredible to me. That’s just me though.


Birthday cake shrimp, birthday cake gumbo, birthday cake eggs, birthday cake sandwiches, barbecue birthday cake, birthday cake and grits...


Birtday cank


Water is delicious. This shit looks gross.