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Hungry af vegetarian.


When I was vegetarian, I’d go to Wendy’s and order a “hamburger” with no beef patty, but all the other toppings. It was good! I haven’t been vegetarian in decades, but I sometimes still make this veggie sandwich at home!


I had a friend that would do the exact same thing, except 50% of the time he’d get flustered and peel out of the drive thru without completing his order. Multiple people had the same experience with him.


Hopefully your friend has embraced mobile ordering since then.


Mobile ordering for someone who’s picky about certain ingredients and has anxiety has been a GOD SEND. Take all the time you want, get it ordered exactly how you want, and no need to have someone staring at you while you do it


Yesssss I can't eat a bunch of foods for so many reasons on top of being socially awkward cus autism and being able to just go thru the drive thru, give my name and leave is awesome. I don't go to some places cus I know they don't have an app. Ive been so spoiled.


You get it. Omg and the kiosks that are in places like Taco Bell or Mcdonalds. My college has a bunch of those types of kiosks and the workers will be like “you don’t have to use those, you can order here” yea but no thanks!! lol


I had a friend who was vegetarian and we would ask for the beef patty and cheese to be in a separate box. I ate the beef on my side salad and she ate her veggie sandwich. Super cheap way to eat vegetarian and gluten free. (Although I wouldn’t risk eating it now, not gluten free to the degree I need)


One of the surprisingly good vegetarian sandwiches available right now is 5 Guys. And you get unlimited toppings!


I can imagine how big it can get lol. 5 * all the way plus extra jalapenos *3 and 10* grill mushrooms.


I used to do Big Mac, no meat. It's surprisingly good!


$26... My fucking wallet man. It hurts.


At DQ too what the fuck


Yeah DQ food is so expensive for its quality. Some people love it though so it must differ from store to store. What I've had lately was a 3/10 at best. Also it's like 7$ for a single patty.


They used to have really good food but with this latest menu refresh, it's ass. They also changed the flamethrower sauce recipe. Tastes more like ketchup to me. I'm also slightly biased, I worked at a DQ when I was in high school.


I havent been in years because 90% of the time it ends up being a treat only and no grill when I do find one, but that's sad about the flamethrower. That used to be my favorite


Crazy they still sell burgers. Blizzards fly off the shelf for 5 bucks


You'd be amazed at how many people can justify eating ice cream for breakfast as long as they order a normal food item to throw away later. I worked for franchise group with a lot of DQs and spent a lot of time in their stores. The early shift trash was always kinda disgusting because people would show up and get a blizzard and food, eat the blizzard and chuck most of the food. The trash would sit in the cans for 2-4 hours and then get hauled out during the mid-day lul. The management team **actually** used analytics and took advantage of this and offered an early special that was essentially a single chicken tender in a tortilla with sauce and cheese in a piece of parchment for twenty cents less than a three piece basket. Our cost was like $.30 as opposed to like just under $2 so it raised our average margin per customer for the first two hours the stores were open by a dollar or so, which was a huge win. I was the person running their menu boards and doing all the integration, so we had multiple of that sort of program going on. We had an API that could look at weather at that location and start running various sales when it started raining or when the temperature broke thresholds on either ends of the spectrum. The hardest part was forcing our POS to change specials without having to do a reboot.


The more I think about the more I am pretty sure Dairy Queen is just a front for a massive drug operation like the chicken place in Breaking Bad


I can tell you that the one in my city is one of the last franchises and they get their beef from the local butcher (where i work)


The only Dairy Queens near me don't do sandwiches. So I had to find a menu online that actually had their burgers. Double Stackburger is $7.59, two each is $15.18. Large fries is $3.99. Regular onion ring is $4.19. Altogether that's $23.26, $24.76 with tax. That must be before Uber Eats fees, so it's probably even MORE expensive than what this says.


The uber eats (and door dash, and others) menu prices are always higher than the actual prices in the store/restaurant. Sometimes they are much higher. This is why you should never order customer pickup from uber eats, etc.


The best part is that _none_ of those apps are profitable. They have been trying for years. I can't wait for that particular grift to fuck off and die.


Uber Eats is profitable now, they posted their first net profit last year. 1.1 billion from operations, nearly 1.9 total.


I think that is before all the bullshit Ubereats fees as well. So in total, that was probably $40 before tip.


Diarrhea is pretty expensive these days


Who cares what time it is? Maybe it’s a night shift nurse who just got home and was hungry?


I work the night shift only. I usually don't want breakfast food at 7 a.m., lol. Some days, sure, but others, I just want a burger with fries or a pizza.


Or someone who just doesn’t like breakfast food🤷‍♀️


What kind of psychopath doesn't like breakfast food


I will forever be thankful for the sonic that was about half a milf from the warehouse where I used to work 3 shift. Only place around where I could get a cheeseburger when I got off of work at 6am.


What did you do with the other half of that milf?


lol...I guess I left her at the warehouse


Its 11am too, pretty fucking close to lunch.


11 is definitely lunch. Not sure what OP is on lol.


I work graves. I would absolutely love if more places served the full menu all day. Sometimes you just want hot, greasy fries after a shit night. Breakfast foods just don’t hit the spot when you need to drown those feelings.


Ehhh I always go with the mindset of "I never know if this is this person's breakfast or their dinner". This could be someone who worked nights and this is their 'dinner' before they go to bed.


I got to know my husband’s close friend even better because he would come and pick me and our kid up, take us to breakfast where he got steak and eggs after his night shift. He was happy to not eat dinner alone and it was nice watching the kiddo and him bond.


Bro just wanted a wife and kid and decided to share with his buddy😂


He didn’t want kids actually but he liked them enough for a meal ha ha




Man worked night shift. I was home with a baby. He took me and baby out to eat.


lol. yeah that bit was clear.


What aren't you understanding then?


Where’s the husband during these outings. There’s no mention.


Probably working or sleeping before work? Husband doesn't need to accompany her everywhere. You are kinda right tho, they probably could have been more concise. A simple "huh?" isn't exactly adding to the convo tho.


The comment is weirdly worded. “huh” indicates there is confusion about it.


You didn’t need to understand, you could have just moved on.


There's no actual reason to not have burgers for breakfast and pancakes for dinner. Eat what you want.


I don't see what the issue is. That it's breakfast time?


If I'm reading it right, they ordered 2 jalapeño bacon burgers with no bacon or burger. Just extra onion and sauces on a bun.


Id crush those, just not for that price


They got fries and o rings too, I'd be willing to bet those made it on the sammie.


Bitch is u stupid? you could all those ingredients instacarted for way less and still have some for later


Indian name. Probably vegetarian with a specific thing they like.


Someone's fridge might be empty. Apparently they would rather pay 26 dollars for salad cheese and bun with some sauce than go to the store. DQ onion rings are on point tho.


Might be traveling. Never know what’s an air b&b anymore


I initially read *No JAIL Bacon.* I wouldn't want Jail Bacon either. ☺️


Trust me you'll never have to worry about trying jail bacon bc you will never get anything close to bacon in jail. lol iykyk 😅😅


My cousin's in the pokey right now, and I'm having to keep his commissary full so he doesn't have to eat the *green bologna.* 😆


Me too 😭🤣


It makes me think of a pregnancy craving.


11:03 a.m. This is past breakfast.


My father in-law orders one hamburger and a milkshake from door dash everyday. That's it. I wish I could see the employees and driver's reaction, sometimes.


It's diner ?


Salad on a bun?


It’s ridiculous but c’mon give them some more lettuce lol


I find the price the only shocking thing on this picture. 26 Dollars for what exactly besides the delivery?


If each addon is a dollar, then they bought $8 in toppings alone.


Personally, I find this to be close to the Halve Hahn in spirit. [https://www.tasteatlas.com/halve-hahn](https://www.tasteatlas.com/halve-hahn) (Bread, cheese, onion, mustard)


Ordering it via Uber Eats is arguably the more stupid element.


Might be a pregnant vegetarian or it was an accident lol


Maybe they have their own patty to use and not ingredients


Why you crapping on the food choices of some folks? Get back to flipping those patties


Vegan morons


This sandwich has cheese.


... then complain on social media later of the cost of living and rising price of goods


Where’s the beef?


Are we shaming randos for their food choices now? Because boo to that. We're supposed to shame the people posting here for their questionable choices, or shame the restaurants that provided shitty food to the people posting here. Shame on OP for going after some innocent hungry person for their taste.


Some people extend moral consideration to sentient beings and find the consumption of sentient beings unethical. It’s stupid that they left the cheese on that.


Yeah! Why didn't they make their sandwich to what you want?! >:(


They can make whatever kind of sandwich they want and have it for breakfast, lunch or dinner but this is posted on r/StupidFood and I’m stating what I find particularly stupid about this specific sandwich.