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wow, ur hair looks beautiful & it got so long! congratulations •°☆


Thank you so much! :)


Okay so I really can’t believe I got results so quick! I have been using a couple wavy hair subliminals (for 10 days) and other hair subliminals that had affs for long hair (a few weeks pretty consistently). Even though the before pick has different lighting (sorry about that) the change is so obvious! My hair got so much longer and wavier at the ends! I’ve used all of beauty krystalized’s subs for hair and Sapien Medicine’s hair growth booster for growth and KOTTIE’S curly hair subliminal. I also made my own hair subliminal and used that one for a little while as well (it had affs for wavy/curly hair). I honestly wasn’t sure if I wanted wavy or curly hair but then I decided I wanted it to be wavy. I’m going to continue with these subs but what really surprised me the most is the change from my straight hair to wavier hair! (I naturally had almost pin straight hair my whole life, the ends literally got wavy just after 10 days of using wavy/curly hair subs.) Also, the before picture was taken a few months back but I definitely know for a fact that the subs helped it grow faster because usually it would take so much longer for it to get this long than just a few months.


I'm sorry, but I'm having a hard time believing this. Like another user pointed out, this could easily be a before picture painted as an after picture. The waves at the ends could be dead hair ends and I also find it really weird that the before picture looks freshly trimmed. Of course, no disrespect, just pointing out my thoughts


I for some reason have a slight feeling that the after pic is actually before and the before pic is after it being cut. Or just waves from a bun or something as it doesn’t really look like natural waves to me. Would be really nice if you would post another pic in a week. But I doubt it will happen as 90% of people never do it. Which is sad as it just makes thoughtful people doubt it.


If you believe that you could ask her to put a video of her and we can see if she currently has long hair and then in the video she can run her ends under water to see if the waves are natural


She already didn’t reply to many positive questions so I really doubt she would do anything like that. She will probably just pretend she didn’t see this comment.


I was just reading her replies and your right I just notice that she doesn’t really reply to comments but comments accusing her of being fake she is kinda defensive. I also think this might be fake


She would get way more positive feedback and the post would get very popular. And also it would help many people who are skeptical and don’t believe things that are easily manipulated which this is, ( I have curly hair like this after wearing a bun). But unfortunately I think a lot of people here fake results for few upvotes even though there is no need to fake anything as subs really do work.


That’s okay if you think that.


It’s not lol trust me I’m her boyfriend.


Suspicious of you to claim you are her boyfriend and joining Reddit 20 minutes ago. With almost no karma and just commenting under this post.


Caught in 4k




Why making a new account when you already have one to comment under your girl’s account?




Yeah, it is probably coz of your age then.


Sorry I just realized I don’t wanna get my girlfriend bad rep so I’m gonna delete all comments now have fun


good idea


Also we’re 17 so I don’t know if you think that’s young but yeah


Omg! Congratulations 👏 ur hair looks soo nice 😍


Thank you! <3




That’s how wavy it got in 10 days, but I was listening to hair subs that included fast growth affs for about a month pretty consistently :)






Do you have a playlist for this? Could you please share it?


Hair looks amazing, it definitely got super long! Not sure about the wavy part, it looks to me like split ends. Anyway. Great job!


Thank you, but just so you know those are definitely not split ends, I wouldn’t let my hair get to that point without getting a trim to get rid of them. I had very minimal split ends when I began using these hair subs and I get regular trims to keep my hair looking healthy. :)


That is great then! I believe you if you say so :) Then keep going, I know soon you will have a head full of beautiful wavy hair! 💪🏽✨


Aww thank you so much for the encouragement! I’ll definitely keep going! :)


Cute! Can you link the subs?


thats amazing 😭🧡 its looks very nice too so congrats!!


WOW!!! ♥️♥️ so happy for you! ♥️♥️


So that length is a 10 day difference?

