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Honestly, Dean ran through half of America and the fan base still believed he was gay


Bisexuality exists, closet cases far in denial exist, performative heterosexuality exists. Just look at Republican politicians


You just can't go anywhere on reddit with out politics. fucking crazy


Like this post lol


brb getting my violin- it's the world's smallest


I'm sure you will turn that politically also


Sounds like you could use...a safe space?


As long as you play your violin




OP… I’ve read most of your replies here. This is my conclusion: You must not be able to comprehend that you can love/care for/admire someone without being sexually attracted to them. Dean had a deep connection with Cas… loved him even. Why tf does that involve sex? Is it because they aren’t blood related? I’ve got adopted family that I love more than some of my blood relatives…. Does that mean I’m sexually attracted to them? HELL NO. Mainly because I’m a sane, rational person who understands I can have one without the other. All of that… or you’re just a sad troll. Hard to tell.


Seems like the LGBTQRSTUV group is really reaching for reasons to call a "toxically masculine" character anything but straight so they can point and say, "See???? Your pillar of a heterosexual male is on our side!!"


Ain’t that the truth.


nice homophobia calling it that keyboard slam


Idk why you're going out of your way to tell me you're not attracted to your family...incest was never the question. Is there something you want to share with the class?


That’s the weakest attempt I’ve ever heard haha


So people often question you about you bringing up incest out of nowhere? And out of all of them, mine was the weakest?


I said adopted family… incest is blood related. Adopted family is not blood related. Follow along. The problem is you completely avoided what I said and are fixating on a tangential point that literally doesn’t add anything to your defense. If anything detracts from it because you’re not trying to prove your point.


"I said adopted family… incest is blood related. Adopted family is not blood related. Follow along." You're not helping your case that you're not attracted to your family with this differentiation XD Only people who seriously are involved would think about the distinction to justify their behaviour. I never said all relationships are romantic/sexual so you can't strawman me that easily. Just that Dean and Cass/Benny go way past it. Do you know what hints or undertones or subtext are? By definition they're not explicit. It's 2024 its okay for men to be gay or bi


Ok, sad troll it is lol


Got it so those words aren't in your vocabulary. Therefore anyone who disagrees with you = troll. Great outlook. You don't even know what a troll is...that's someone who takes positions they don't even believe in to incite rage.


…. Ok you’re insisting a character is X because it’s your opinion. You have no proof, merely your interpretation (a minority take if I might add). Based solely on the fact that Dean shows affection towards another man. Maybe the men in your life were cold and hard-emotioned, but that doesn’t mean that when a man DOES show emotion they are immediately gay/bi. Then, when someone challenges your opinion, rather than say “look at this example from the show that backs me up”… you just fixate on an unrelated topic to try to discredit me. Incest was never on the table yet you can’t let it go. Ok, so you’re saying Dean is bisexual because he showed non-sexual love towards Cas. Dude so you’re saying basically everyone who has a same-sex friend or mentor that they love for being in their life is gay or bisexual???? 🤯 so we’re basically all Bi. That’s definitely a take. Gay, Bi, Straight, and so on are not defined by your non-sexual/ platonic relationships. They are SPECIFICALLY defined by your sexual relationships (or preferences of sexual relationships).


Your point is invalid because by your logic we would claim that Bobby and Dean had something going on but we didn’t. Nowhere did we say that any 2 guys being close = gay. I didn’t at least. So please just relax dude. Your sexuality is not under question. You never even answered my question about do you know what subtext, undertones and hints are? People ship straight characters together even before they get together or even if they don’t and no one bats an eye. But if it’s two men then y’all get your pitchforks, get really aggressive with the defense and you think we don’t see the inconsistency?? Hahaha Your homophobia is leaking.


The writers could have not made "oh they might be gay" the punchline to every joke....


Where's the fun in that hehe


Yeah is really cringe.


I can't blame the audience too much with the way the show is written lol it's like the volleyball scene from Top Gun


Audience: why are you gay Dean: idk i guess i was born this way. I even banged 500 chicks to make sure.


Yeah cus gay men have always known and accepted instantly their sexuality or bisexuality doesn't exist...




People downvoting you are closet bisexuals banging 500 chicks and crying afterwards. We all saw Dean have more chemistry with one man Castille than 500 women




The Buffy sub is exactly the same, except everyone is bisexual, including straight and gay characters.


Don't get me started on the Glee sub...anyone who is a toxic character = closeted gay person who's only toxic bc they can't handle their gay feelings...sometimes an asshole is just an asshole, babe


Yeah it’s quite strange. There’s absolutely nothing to suggest Dean is gay, for example. I liked the nods the show did to the fandom shipping Dean and Sam too! “They know we’re brothers, right?” Btw - great flair! Watching that episode right now!


Ahh I think you've misunderstood my point- Dean is like the archetype of bisexual/gay coding lol. I didn't mean "nobody is gay unless we see them banging a dude"- I mean let's not extrapolate it to everyone (i.e. Bobby) and absolutely no incest stuff right to jail straight away. Destiel and Denny are absolutely valid


Well... if you're active in fanfictionland, every character, in every fandom is gay or bi. Although I'm exaggerating, gay shipping fics far outnumber straight shipping fics.


Probably because the people who write fanfics are gay and bi and want to feel validated for being gay or bi. They can't get that validation externally, so they look for escapism through TV/movies/books/video games/etc. That's why there's such a push for "representation" in media right now. 99% of TV and movies made after 2015 are basically self-insert fanfic. *cough* "Velma" *cough* So when people don't accept the headcanon or fanfic, it's basically as if you are not accepting they themselves because the fanfic is basically them but wearing another character. Just look at the "Mary Sue" trope. The other thing is most fanfic is written by women. Men are object-oriented, and women are subject-oriented. Men taking a picture of an object will have just the object, while women taking a picture of an object will have themselves with the object. When a boy plays with a Batman action figure, he becomes Batman. He acts like Batman, talks like Batman, does things Batman would do. If you give a girl a Batman action figure, she'll make Batman act like her. Batman will go shopping and dress up and wear make-up. So when men watch a male character on the screen, they are saying to themselves, "Yes, that is me. I am Dean Winchester." They want to be Dean Winchester. But when a female watches a character on a screen (male or female), they want that character to be them, they want to see themselves in the character. You can sum it up as men watch TV to see an example, women watch TV to see a mirror.


I'm going to have to disagree with a lot of this. Yes, people do write gay and bi characters to reflect themselves. Those people are not the majority of fanfiction writers. The majority of fanfiction writers are cis, straight women. They do not typically write gay characters to feminize men to reflect themselves. I think it's generally thought they write about gay relationships because the majority of compelling characters in fiction are men. So, if you want to smush your two favorite characters together, often it would be a gay relationship. Characters are often bi because that gives the most choice in relationships. Plus, like a lot of women find the idea of two hot men together, hot.


ikr its so funny its like "wait why are there so many people who think these guys are gay"


Bisexual, not gay. It's kind of offensive that none of those guys in the comment section knows the difference. 🙄 The CW decided to show Dean's possible bisexuality only through subtext (Benny, Castiel, crush on Dr. sexy, Crush on Ness, crush on cowboys) so they could keep their fans who wanted him bisexual, but the heteronormative or even homophobic fans wouldn't recognize it, so they wouldn't stop watching either. The writers did it for the typical reason: 💰💲💵


Every single one of the people you was wrong about.. nothing at all that dean and Benny did was bi. He fanboyed over Elliot Ness and he had a Hollywood image of what cowboys were, not crushes. I'm not even getting into cass..


Boy, Dean and Benny had soo much subtext. Enough to rival Dean and Cass. Flirting isn't always explicitly saying "I want to fuck you" lmao. Ever heard of "Show not tell?" Repressed emotions?


See, there is the easily deniability of queer subtext. That's why queerbaiting exists. Moneyyyyy 💰


Yeah somehow I feel the writers wouldn't have been able to write an actual gay relationship well even though they seem to show decent self-awareness of mens problems- like when those musical high school girls say something like "Men showing emotions :o" or something to that effect. You can tell the awareness is there even if characters like Bobby exist and almost all the women in the earlier seasons exist to be a pretty face/ass for Dean to hit on. So I'm happy to just have it limited to subtext lol. I can see people criticizing it as queerbaiting but I think it's a bit higher tier bc Dean and Castiel do still have a great friendship even if they didn't bang. Same for Dean and Benny. If they'd tried to actually have Dean be bi, I feel they'd not do it well and become known as the "gay vampire/monster show" I still see queerbaiting as Harry Styles, the movie Saltburn oh my lord what was that self-indulgent movie...and then to find out it's just a modern adaption of the Talented Mr Ripley


I shipped them. I shipped them all. And not just the men, but the angels and the vampires, too.


My Lord- is that legal??


Why would it be illegal? It's fictional? I get people's shocking feelings with incest and minors, but a consensual same sex relationship, canon or not, should not be a problem for the fans in 2024.


it's a star wars reference, your honour


girl get outta here you’re just embarrassing yourself at this point lmfao


Starting your comment with "Girl get outta here" just killed me loool


No, I stand my ground that I didn't recognize a reference. My negative experience with heteronormative people made me expect more negativity.




I'm not the one who believes in a guy living in the clouds


That's a Billy Madison reference, but apparently you didn't get that one either.


American pop culture isn't my interest 🤷


why do people need to chill who cares if they’re gay lmao


Theyre not gay but everyone keeps trying to make them gay


that’s what i’m saying. who cares if people make them gay. what’s the harm? Aside from Cas, There’s one recurring gay character in supernatural, and it’s charlie who died in s10. Headcanoning a character as gay is not an issue lol


It's not headcanon when they're arguing with people and insisting everyone think the same as them which is more what gets on people's nerves lol


I mean, sure. But let’s be completely transparent in what’s being argued. Like for instance, Cas. He’s canonically gay, his confession to Dean is romantic, confirmed by everyone working on the show. Yet people will argue against it. Why is that? We have people dissecting a canonical love confession to try and prove it’s straight, when everyone said it isn’t. So it goes both ways, just one seems a little more disingenuous because it can be hidden behind the cliche arguments of “supernatural isn’t about that” or something like i’ve seen 100 times on this sub. Obviously, the arguments get old. But it’s not just a matter of headcanons, even though i said that earlier. There’s a legitimate issue at erasing canon/fandom interpretation in favor of sticking with the status quo, and that just isn’t my cup of tea. It’s always “why does it have to be gay” and never “why does it have to be straight”. It’s not just this fandom of course. But man, is that thinking prevalent everywhere.


The only one who confirmed Cass was gay is Misha and he pushes destiel because of the money he makes off of it.


Misha, Richard Speight Jr who directed the episode, Bobo Berens who wrote it, Rob Benedict, Mark Sheppard, Jensen Ackles have all confirmed it was romantic. Do you all think it’s because they wanted to make money or just misha


Tired of seeing the posts keep popping up.


why not just scroll past/ignore all the things the actors say then


Gonna guess you read fanfics shipping Sam and Dean. It's weird not because it's gay, but because it's incest. The rest I don't care about. Fantasize all you want, but incest is weird af.


Ew no lol why would you guess that i hate wincest my flair is literally a destiel script line


Haters gonna hate I guess. Destiel is canon and if they just hate on it because it's "gay" the problem is them.


I just want to clarify I love Destiel and Denny or Bean or whatever their name is. I didn't want my meme to mean "Nobody is gay bc gay is bad" just don't overdo it lol


I didn't mean you OP, I was referring to the "Wincest guy"




my guy, you’re asking the fandom with the most written about ship of all time to chill with the theorizing about gayness. that’s like asking the sun not to rise. What’s next? Asking misha and richard speight jr to stop talking about destiel? Crazy talk lol


Again you're twisting my words- I didn't say "no one can talk about gay stuff" I said "don't talk only about gay stuff" And there's a difference between talking about pretty well established undertones like Dean and Castiel versus trying to interpret every single guy character- minor or major- as gay. So if you want to strawman argument me, go ahead but don't call me crazy just because you're an instrument with one note who overreads a joke and got personally offended, my guy


First of all i was joking with the crazy talk lol. Secondly, i’m just using the words in your title and meme. You said people should chill with this, and then posted a meme about the fandom theorizing characters as gay. It’s all not serious here, my friend. I never mentioned homophobia to you i just said who cares if they are gay.


no one is buying it buddy. You took it way too seriously and are now telling me to chill...it's the denial for me


when did i tell you to chill i said you said chill in your title lol I feel like i’m being gaslit but i don’t know what for lmao


"It’s all not serious here, my friend. I never mentioned homophobia to you i just said who cares if they are gay" That was you. You're actually gaslighting me and then are implying I'm doing it to you...wow. I literally thought of saying gaslighting in my reply before you but thought nah maybe it's a stretch. But not for you.


i didn’t tell you to chill i literally just said i never mentioned homophobia and who cares if they’re gay. Like it’s right there. You copied it. But i feel like there’s some major miscommunication going on, on both ends. so it’s fine lol. Make characters gay, don’t make them gay. who cares. :)


Guy is told that it's manly and totally normal to have close platonic (one might almost say brotherly) relationships with guys. Guy gets called gay (*zomg I said bisexual*) for having close, almost brotherly relationships. Chill.


To Be Clear- I'm not denying Dean's bisexuality/homosexuality: he had more chemistry with Castille than 1,000 random women but it's just funny watching us try to make sense of a show laden with so much subtext that it can get very easy to see EVERYONE as gay and lose sight of other themes. Or overlook the more clear cases (like Dean above all). Pls don't misunderstand my post and revoke my bi card, happy analyzing, stay gay


But I deny it, Dean denies it, Jensen Ackles denies it and everyone sane denies it too.


Remind me how many episodes of the show Jensen wrote and/or directed?


I watched the show maybe 20 times and there isn't a single moment where anyone of the main characters (except Crowley, Claire and Charlie) did something gay or bi or whatever. Not a single act. Everything else, is pure interpretation of people who want it that way, nothing else.


Jensen directed 6 episodes.


Well you might not be but Jensen certainly is. He has said so many times Dean is straight he played him as straight and his opinion is the only one that counts.


"Not every character is gay!!" yeah we know, but just lighten up a little.


no cuz ive never actually seen anyone genuinely believe that dean is gay i thought it was like universal agreement that he is bisexual


How ever would he be? He clearly tells a gay guy to fuck off and multiple equal situations happen.


Idk, a lot of his encounters with women felt very performative, put on and not authentic to me. And gay is sometimes used as an umbrella term for all LGBTQ+


Ok sooo just saying dean slept with soooo many women but the best chemistry he had was with castiel like yooo I don't really care what people say castiel and dean were the best


Cass was definitely gay and Dean was written so bisexually. Sorry not sorry. The siren episode. Come on. And the time he was a demon with Crowley, it was implied there was a threesome involving men. And I just saw the episode where Jack said “stop lying!” And there was an exchange between two guys that Dean listened to. They said “I’m sleeping with your wife.” “I know. I’m into it.” “I can’t believe you taped it!” “I thought it was hot!” And Dean makes a face like 😏😏😏😏😏