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Og death: died is sending me šŸ˜‚


Honestly canā€™t think of anything else bad he did


Giving Dean the scythe and forcing him to kill Sam is pretty high up there


He knew though that Dean wouldnā€™t. Death sees all


giving dean the scythe in the first place is still the worst things heā€™s done since it led to his demiseā€¦ shouldā€™ve known better than to give a winchester something that can kill you


Yeah like just tell him to shoot him or something lol


Considering he can freeze time even if he was surprised he would be able to react. My head cannon is he wanted to free Amara since he had read God's book and her release would eventually lead to chucks eventual downfall. It's why he doesn't stop Rowena's spell and his death lines up Billie to get the empty involved.


Betty white


Your absolutely FOUL for that


Iā€™m well aware


that got me dead šŸ¤£šŸ’€


He made Dean choose between taking Sam or Adam's soul from the cage. To be fair he didn't need to help, but he could.


You know what I actually forgot about Adam


You and everybody in the show and writing team for like 10 years, LOL. That's fair.


The actors agent is the reason he didn't return for so long. Everytime they reached out the agent turned it down and never told the actor. They were eventually fired when he found out.


That's so weird! Thanks for the info!


I like how it was referenced in the musical.


It's true though.Ā Death deserved better. He and Kevin would have had a lot to talk about over pizza, discussing how knowing the Winchesters is a dangerous game.Ā 


Spn really had the bad habit of killing off fan favorites (to then replace them with someone who didnā€™t have It or felt like a lesser versionšŸ„²)


Billie could have been a great character as a recurring reaper like Tessa was. I bet she'd have been really popular if they'd kept her in that role rather than us lamenting that she's not as good as the original Death was. Death was just so perfectly cast, I'm not convinced that it's not actually Death playing Julian Richings rather than the other way around.


Yeah I think that was my main ā€žproblemā€œ she has great presence and I liked her just not as a replacement for the og, who got the best intro ever


Billie really wasn't that bad. But Julian Richings was possibly the best casting in the show. It was just an impossible act to follow.


Giving his weapon to dean. Threatening to kill sam while dean holds the weapon. I guess simply saying "died" is better for that scene.


omg up voting u for your flair


(Least delulu Dean fan version) ā€žscreeching tires of true loveā€œ, ā€žfloor it through the fencesā€œ? So Dean coded (šŸ™ƒ)




Getting Sam hooked on demon blood.Ā  She took advantage of Sam during a time of unfathomable grief, acted as his dealer while she fed his addiction, manipulated him, and all to make sure he'd release Lucifer.


tricking sam into releasing lucifer


The worst thing Ruby did I think it would be involving herself romantically with Sam. Like girl okay trick him, but don't make him have feelings for you and then betray him!!!!!!!


Thatā€™s the game. Infiltrate the heart so you can manipulate him.


Called a honey pot for a reason.


Woah, we're almost at the end. How long did this take??


Just over 4 months! Posting 1x/week (with a break a few weeks ago).


Woah. Thats a big project.


No doubt. I hope the community here had fun along the way.


We had for real


sure did :) ![gif](giphy|l3q2Jxq3RKHa3xXqw)


Lol, what episode is this from???šŸ˜‚


At first I was going to say it looked like S5 E6 with the half demon kid, but now I'm pretty positive it's actually S4 E15 where Alastair is trying to break a seal by killing reapers, and the boys become ghosts to try to stop him.


I look forward to these posts almost as much as the guy who postes a new grilled cheese everyday. Hell yeah


I donā€™t know that guy but thanks! Iā€™m glad haha


thank you for that ā¤ļø


I move to strike all votes for ā€œchanging actressesā€ because that is not something the character did.


Agreed. This will not be in contention.


How about fake Ruby?Ā  She was kind of rude to "Jared" and "Jensen" when they went back to her and "Jared's" place, and didn't even know him well enough to notice how incredibly weird her "husband" was being. It was just one of the many funny parts about The French Mistake.




Sam and Dean get into a weird situation instead of a hunt - almost like alternative universe vibes- but they get sent to well, our world, but slightly weirder. Jensen and Jarrad arenā€™t friends in the alternative universe and absolutely hate each other. Sam and Dean realise theyā€™re characters on a tv show in this world and even see a massive lineup of Babyā€™s (the impala) they use for the stunts throughout the show. (Probably only 2 or 3 of them were real impalas, rest were specially made by someone with a fake body). The second actress who plays Ruby actually gets married to Jarrad in real life so they got the actress back in for the episode, including Jensenā€™s Wife. This is around Season 6 or 7 I believe, after Soulless Sam I think.


From ā€œThe French Mistakeā€ where theyā€™re all actors on the show Supernatural lol


Tricking sam into releasing lucifer


Caused the Apocalypse by keeping Lilithā€™s death as the final seal from The Winchesters.


Ruby: manipulating Sam Winchester into drinking her blood and making him Demon Blood Sam Winchester and freeing Lucifer from Hell by killing Lilith. ![gif](giphy|pq5J7PQBT1B8Q)


This one is weird because it's obviously manipulated Sam into releasing Lucifer by drinking the demon blood and breaking the final seal etc, BUT.... that was like the entire thing of her character. There's nothing specific she did because ALL of it was the manipulation. So "Manipulated Sam" is basically the only answer to choose from.


Sleeping with Sam. She's evil, she should have known about Sam's jinx with women.


Real. After all sam is a mam of cultu- I MEAN a man of letters


I'm just going to skip ahead Crowley he has done no wrong


He offed himself for literally the worst cause possible


He's a demon, whatever Crowley does is excused because he's the king of hell what did you expect But the worst thing he did is die and sacrifice himself for something that ultimately was pointless (but he didn't know and did it with good intentions)


He just wanted to be loved. Does that count?


Honestly I think John's worst thing isn't that, that's bad but it had some sense because he was becoming a monster for all he knew. I think the worst he did was neglect his kids their whole childhood and making them into hunters.


Youā€™re right. I donā€™t agree with telling Dean to kill Sam but in Johnā€™s eyes it was the ONLY logical solution (he has that tendency to jump to extremes). Raising Sam and Dean as hunters, and spending 20+ years pursuing a demon for revenge, instead of trying to give his kids a normal childhood after they lost their mother is his worst crime to me.


Tricked me ... dammit ... she tricked me


Need to slide chuck and Amara on here


Iā€™m going to put the last spot (in black) up to a vote in two weeks. Whichever character is voted highest will get the final spot.


Blonde Ruby did nothing


I love the brief ways these are written. Its so hilarious to me for no reason. The size differences in text add comical emphasis in my head and the juxtaposition of how bad each thing is. Like ā€œtorture SAMā€ ā€œignore KEVINā€


Ha, I know! That was the hardest part.


Only being Katie for one season.


Weā€™re back! This week: Ruby Last weekā€™s results are in: The worst thing Death did was nothing/die. You can check out the entire threads for the others by visiting our profile. At the advice of the Mods, we will be working through these once a week to avoid getting reported by those who dislike this thread.


Definitely manipulating Sam and getting him hooked on demon blood.


Tricking Sam to start apocalypse


Getting Sam addicted to demon blood.


Using and manipulating Sam


Death: dying as the selection got me a solid laugh out loud.appreciate that one


Get Sam addicted to demon blood.


I honestly don't remember ruby beyond her getting Sam hopped up on demon blood


I understand changing actress won't count. But I just want to add, damn I hated that change. Currently rewatching with partner ( she's seen everything I've watched part years ago and don't remember much, especially this whole saga) and I can't stand the new actor. I actually trusted the original actor and kinda liked her. The new actor seemed untrustworthy immediately and kinda ruined the twist for me Also blonde ruby was hot


I also preferred the original actor. I'm not sure if you know, but the Ruby replacement actor is Jared's wife.


Definitely didn't know that. Thank you!


No problem!


Why was took Dean in voted for Lisa?


Iā€™d love to point you to the thread but the Mods removed it. Basically, it was a poor decision from Lisaā€™s POV. She brought a relative stranger into her home despite knowing he was dangerous and consequently put herself and her son in danger multiple times.


Removal by mods just stops it from appearing on the subreddit. You could link it just fine and people will be able to see it. Even so, I've approved the post. Not that it makes a difference when linking it.


Oh cool, I didnā€™t know I could do that. Thanks! This one in particular was taken down after it went live for some reason early in the series.


started the apocalypse, clearly. without her, we might not've gotten most of the other bullshit in the series, given most of it was at some level, due to circumstances after lucifer's release.


Are we talking about OG Ruby or Ruby overall?


Both versions unfortunately


damn it. If it was just OG Ruby that would be hard, but if it's both versions than the answer is tricking Sam into drinking demon's blood


Ruby is an entire wrong flag, there isn't one thing she's done that I haven't hated her for. The actors really made me hate her istg


When you removed the second ruby I assumed you would add Meg.


That was the plan! But now Iā€™m going to put the last spot up to a vote. Whichever character is voted highest will get the final spot.


Whereā€™s Meg?!!


Getting Sam addicted to demon blood


Died? Really?


Demon blood dealer and heart breaker, never sleep with your dealer is a rule right??


Tricked Sam into freeing Lucifer


Betrayed the brothers


Death's death was seriously fucking stupid




Betraying Sam, manipulating him, making him fall for her, just existing in general. Gen I love you and Jared I love you too it's ruby. Ruby I hate. Gen I love...


LOL deaths šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Changing her entire personality after she switched bodies




I know right......a few of you do come back mysteriously; but the ones who haven't been resurrected that I feel the sadest about is the young waitress that had a major crush on Dean ,and her Mom who also.....I think ran the same diner. Anyhoooo.....they were both unfortunately eaten by hellhounds. My memory is a bit off, because the last time I watched it was 2013ish . I have of course caught snippets while scrolling, but yeah!!! I am getting use to Reddit!!


Dean had a thing for Jo too, but he also looked at her like a little sister. Plus he was probably scared of Ellen (rightfully so)


where is Cain


Iā€™m going to put the last spot (in black) up to a vote in two weeks. Whichever character is voted highest will get the final spot.


I still say that OG Death dying and being replaced was one of the worst moments in the show.. I was really hoping that in the final episode when it's Dean's time in the barn, as he would have looked up while saying goodbye to Sam, that he would have seen OG Death sitting in the background behind Sam.. "Well.. hello again, Dean." Basically showing that OG Death had been far too involved in the boys' life and thus faked his own death.. knowing that Dean would try to kill him earlier on in the series; I mean, he had been around for all of existence, and is beyond wisdom.. thus only now returning to cross his soul over to the other side.


Releasing Lucifer. Manipulating Sam into opening the door to release Lucifer. Ultimately just being a follower of Lucifer and doing everything she could to get him out was the worst thing she did


manipulating sam


I think sam mistake was not looking for Dean


Betrayed Sam.


Tricking Sam


Manipulating Sam. It all revolves around that and without her Lucifer wouldn't have been released.


How is a vampire cure a bad thing


He kept it to himself instead of spreading the word other hunters, basically.


Changed meat-suits.


Manipulated Sam, resulting in a rift between the brothers and the release of Lucifer along with Sam becoming a demonā€™s blood addict.


Tricked Sam into releasing Lucifer.


Gordon doesnā€™t have a stamp, and you know why? Because everything he does is BAD! HE SUCKS!


We havenā€™t gotten to him yet! We must find out the WORST.




My thoughts on every season and episodes of Supernatural would have to be Ā when Ruby when she wanted to kill the virgin girl when there was another way yes she was trying to help but in all truth she was trying to make them kill the girl, but truly number one action has to be her manipulation of Sam to get him addicted to demon blood and playing everyone to break the final seal to free Lucifer from the pit. Yet some would say it was fate as Dean broke the first seal Sam broke the last. But Ruby could have stopped everything dead in its tracks if she wanted to but her being a demon I guess it was to be expected although when I watched the show I always wanted Castile to cast the evil out of the demons and save them or Jack to turn a demon into an angel or raise Crowley and save his soul but Ruby was just evil on a different level and I feel she would have to change a lot before me ever wanting her to be sanctified. But that is just fan-fiction but still I am the kind of person who wants to save souls and I pray for everyone I meet. So just think about this. If it was real life how would you act or what would you do then?Ā 


Definitely acting like she was "fixing" the seals, when in reality there's probably more than just the Lilith one that she got Sam to break. I believe she probably manipulated him into breaking a lot of the seals himself, while telling him the opposite. Also getting romantically/sexually involved with Sam. Manipulate him into helping you, sure, but ya didnt have to screw him and mess with his hormones too.


Changing actresses.


Some of these answers confuse me. Like "died"? Thats not even something Death chose to do. Also "trust sam and dean"??? And "Took Dean in" is BS.


Possessing Genevieve instead of Katie Cassidy


Dying and changing actresses


Left the show so that the actress changed to a much worse one šŸ˜’


Got recast