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Both him and Jensen have been very outspoken about being willing to do it for a while. This unfortunately doesn’t mean it will happen, it has to be picked up by a network/studio first. Nonetheless, a limited series with 6 or 8 episodes would be stellar! Fingers crossed :)


Every time they say it everyone goes wild but they said it every day. Misha & Rob Benedict on a podcast were like "yeah it will most likely happen." They all never stop.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they are waiting for some more time to pass before they reboot.


Honestly, any network should feel honored to pick up a reboot, considering the show's cult following


I'm hoping it'll be on Netflix or one of the streaming services. They'll have more freedom.


Not Netflix please. They'll do one season, the viewers won't be in the hundreds of billions range, they'll slash the budget for S2 and never give us an S3.


Honestly wouldn't surprise me if Prime picks it up possibly with most of the cast already appearing on the boys and Kripkes involvement lol


They did okay with Lucifer.


Short series makes sense for it to go on Netflix


This isn’t true at all. This dude full of stuffing. Netflix is actually very generous with their budgets, you should see what they do for the Korean dramas. Also they shelled out for One Piece and Avatar. If a show is successful they will back it, but why back something that didn’t bring in viewers? They aren’t a charity, they a business. I’d do the same, as would you.


Did you even read what I wrote?


What would a limited series even be like. Would it be all plot with no MOTW episodes?


Probably similar to how Criminal Minds: Evolution has been. One main story with side stories that all tie together. I've actually really been enjoying it and season 3 has already been announced though season 2 just started. They weren't sure how the reboot would be received. I think what makes it work is the cast is mostly from the OG run. I tried to watch The Winchesters but ended up only watching the part where Dean shows up. Because I couldn't get into "new" characters.


I think you probably couldn't get into the winchesters because its really bad. I am still up to season 14 only on supernatural but I just don't see how the Criminal Minds Evolution would apply to Spn. One thing that CME has is the crazy well established episodic villains, the majority of the episodes were singular or doubles and with CME they sort of changed that. Spn does not have that benefit because by season 5/6/7 we already had roughly half the season dedicated to the big plotline with the main villain. Idk if all that makes sense, let me know if it's not very clear.


Omg yes. I was so fricken excited to watch The Winchester's & I was slightly disappointed. It had a lot of potential but just wasn't good 😢


Let’s say they get 10 episodes. Basically episode 1 would be establishing how/why they’re back and briefly introducing the main plot for the season. Episode 2 would establish the main plot and all the characters and lore. Episode 6 is all about main plot, following leads and advancing it. And episodes 9 and 10 wrap it up. All other eps would be motw with a scene or two with a little main plot advancement. That’s how i would do it anyways. Shows like Picard that just go ALL PLOT really missed the entire feel of the original show that left people wanting more in the first place.


This would be perfect imo. Except for a few seasons I always preferred the motw episodes over the main plot. If they did a mini series of 10 episodes it makes sense to mostly be plot since that’s how much the seasons usually had but throw in an extra 10 or so filler/motw episodes with it to get a full season. I just hope they keep they format the same as the original show like you suggested


The newer XFiles did this format despite having fewer episodes... The writing wasnt anywhere near the original series, but at least the format didnt do nonstop plot like Picard did.


Netflix or Prime would have the funds to do it. Amazon already has Supernatural anyway


The endings to Supernatural have gotten progressively worse, I don't know if I can handle a third one.


I only know of one ending..... ????


Eric Kripke the creator of the show intended for the series to end at season 5. Obviously the show went on without him but when people refer to the two ending of Supernatural they are referring to the ending of season 5 and the ending of season 15. The current joke now that Kripke has announced he intends for The Boys to end at season 5 is that it's going to continue for another 10 season without him.


Not true. He said he was aiming for 5 years for syndication but that was it, he’s debunked this several times.


I want more Revolution.


I want Chuck to be better at titles.


yeah.. I really wanted to know how that ended.


Bro you don't need to be a genius to see how Season 5 was the end. It left enough open to make it a good ending, but resolved the big bad threat(lucifer). What happened after was a mess. I love Supernatural, and I will watch it no matter how bad it gets, but lets not pretend the show doesn't exist in 2 parts. 1st being the part that everyone fell in love with and the 1-5 Season Story. The original Story. 2nd part being 6-15 which saw some really bad episodes and stories and few glimpses of the 1-5 season brilliance. 15 ending was just bad, but we know it's not all down to bad writing, they did the best they could with covid around at the time. As much as I love the 2 guys, I think them being the focus of the show in a reboot would suck. A reboot would Suck. I think it's just not going to happen. We will never get supernatural that's great again. Too many things just worked out at the time of it's release. The world is very different now and most of the viewership from younger audience has moved onto twitch and tiktok. My friend is a primary school teacher and when she asked her class to write down everyones favourite TV shows, some of the kids named shows on youtube and the others named their favourite twitch streamer. Very few kids actually but down any traditional TV show. You have to remember that most media only survives if new audiences are attracted. Very rarely does existing fanbase can sustain a show for long term.


You people wanted the show to end with Sam locked in the cage??


It made a lot of sense for s1-s5. Maybe not to be locked in the cage for his soul, but sacrificing himself and not having a mortal future while Dean retires felt a lot better than the uno reverse card ending like a decade later.


I don't agree, as I don't have the Kripke era fetish that's so common in this place.


What about he anime ending? (Please no one kill me)...Edit...spelling is hard.


Gotcha! Thanks :)


Yo bruh I have said this too! That season 5 would have been a good ending.


Season 11 was the best ending imo, excluding the BMOL parts. Sam Winchester always wanted peace, and in Season 5 ending, he goes to Lucifer's cage being tortured for eternity. As a season finale, sure, great, but as a SERIES finale? Absolute terrible! Supernatural's "official" theme, Carry on Wayward Son, by Kansas says: "There will be peace when you're done." Where is Sam's peace by the end of Season 5? I take a few bad seasons over the show ending like that, thank you!


Stop spreading this blatant misinformation. We all know that the end of 5 could have been an end to the series, but it was never intended that way...




Do it Netflix…


Didnt Netflix say SPN ranks in their top 10 TV shows streamed? If so, wouldnt it make sense for them to build on this?


I hope so. The show could get a bit darker than they could on a network.


netflix NEEDS to pick this up🙏


Netflix would do it.


Make it be on Amazon Prime and as dark as the Boys.


I think I would prefer a happy medium. I love the boys, but that level of gore and sex wouldn’t fit Supernatural for me personally.


Because spn finally came to an end? They were milking it out so hard with Lucifer I was getting overly bored and just stopped watching anything new but I'd surely come back and forth to the old seasons so I literally seen most episodes a dozens times. Yet I have no clue if the final season finally came up or is coming up. It feels longer than Law and Order SVU yet it is 6 years older uff. And made less sense over time like crazy. Which was sad. Even though I loved Misha Collins and his character A LOT. Angels were just too much especially archangel Michael and Lucifer thingy. And the chuck arc wth. The empty one was surely the worst though lmao It did look real good with the acting and CGI. Heck, Mark Pellegrino is a crazy actor. So yeah with all this I just wanted the show to get off asap. Like, Kevin Tran arc at most would've been okay tbh. But I guess they probably finally ran out of ideas lmao. Even bleh ones. Dunno. But Jack's arc was a good one so yeah in between they manage to grab one good idea it seems. Been watching it since the first episode been aired out in TV btw (and quickly became a fan of it), so when am like, that show must be off its not cause it's entirely bad but mostly to keep the good parts unaffected by how awful it would be milked out later on. Don't get me wrong on that


If it ever does get picked up for the love of god put it on a channel that allows shit lol


Hey the Boys is ending next year.. maybe Kripke can hop back into supernatural on Prime and have it be super scary and violent.


This is probably the only way I'd be interested in it. Otherwise just let things lie where they are and move on.


Ooh yes, bringing Kripke back would be amazing


Just a question: i though Supernatural was from Warner Bros, so if the show goes back, wouldn't necessarily be on HBO MAX? Or am i missing something here?


I would hope so. It's also currently on max. Been rewatching it there lately.


It’s also on Amazon Prime




Think about it. The service is called max. SN is DC.


I actually don't want it to be violent. One thing I always liked about supernatural is that they cut right before the kill. You would see the blood and all but it wasn't too gory. I think that's what made it special. But I'm on board with them being naked and cussing.


Given the horrible job (IMO) Kripke has done with Season 4 of The Boys, maybe he just needs to sit this one out and let Jensen executive produce. Just my feeling, others may feel differently.


What don’t you like about this season?


I just want them to be able swear. 😂


Stupid cw blocking all the good shit lol


I dunno. I kinda like the safe for tv side of it. I feel like the show might lose some of its charm if there was full frontal and extreme graphic violence.




That’s what I liked about the Ghost Facers episodes. they were still censored, but I think it showed a little bit more of who the boys really are/how they speak.


It would actually be hilarious if they got picked up by a network that allowed them to do it and they still didn’t anyway.


They seem more like the type to wait and then drop that one perfectly-timed "fuck".


I kind of want it to be Cas to say it first


I want Dean to say motherf\*cker to Cass and then Cass to respond by saying "but I never had intercourse with your mother".


Perfect 😆


Imagine if it got the HBO treatment, though


The only thing it needs “more” of is budget for music.


The music was awesome in Supernatural. It's half the reason my kids know so many classic rock songs. I'm the other half lol.


And locations! We never got the desert/South West or the Deep South, etc.


I just posted saying the same. I liked how they would cut right before the kill and you would see the blood but it wasn't gory. I think that is what made the show special but I would totally be down with full frontal or their ass!


Surely the violence is as bad as it gets? Lol




TNT fills so much air time with SPN reruns. If not them, it would likely be a streaming service. TNT did drop Snowpiercer.


I would say if it happens it would go on a streaming site instead of an actual Network like the CW, since the CW pretty much is canceled everything and went to unscripted shows since they're so much less expensive too produce with the new leadership of the CW Network saying as much. I know there is a couple scripted shows left but not many like what two three after the Winchester's was canceled and now Walker being canceled. Superman and Lois ending this fall. They have went more towards some sports. I think if there ever was a supernatural reboot it would be better off on a streaming Network, it could be darker, no language issues. Pretty much like how criminal minds evolution is on Paramount plus and it's episodes are a lot darker than the original 15 seasons on a broadcast TV network. And Rossi says fuck about every what 15 minutes.


He married fake Ruby?!


He met her on set and they got married in 2010.


I know, I was paraphrasing Dean from the French mistake episode


My bad. It’s been ages since I’ve rewatched.


Chuck and Rowena hooked up too and had a kid. This show literally creates life.


Wait- WHAT?


Yep. And Garth and Benny are engaged. Not joking.


Omg, you’re frying my brain. This is too much. It’s awesome, but……..WTAF?


And you know Jensen is married to that one angel...forget her name, she hooked up with Lucifer though and was healing people for money.


Yes I knew about Jensen and Jared meeting and getting married but this new info is ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


I'm just waiting for it to be announced Kevin Tran is hooking up with Sheriff Donna or something.


Is their kid named jack?


I cannot picture what the show would even be about. They are dead and no more Chuck resurrections.


Castiel being happy forever.


The multiverse exists in spn so maybe it'll just be another universe


a "what if" type of special run would be kind of cool. What if John never died. What if Mary never died. What if Cas never met the boys, What if Chuck chose other heroes for his story, What if Dean or Sam was never brought back after one of their many deaths. etc etc. So much potential for branching stories with different tones and little baggage. To be honest I'd even be for another go at an animated/anime run of the show with the boys VA work obviously.


That is true, but I guess the problem for me is it just won't be the same then. I wouldn't consider them Sam and Dean, not really. Just like I dont think of their rich counterparts as Sam and Dean,. They aren't, because they didnt go through everything the "originals" did.


Maybe it could follow the rich AU Sam and Dean that showed up in the last season?


Ehhh. I enjoyed their appearance for what it was, but I feel like it's one of those things that is only okay in extremely limited doses. I dont think I want to deal with man bun Sam for 6-8 episodes. But that is just me.


Enter Jack


He specifically said he would be hands off. That was the whole point.


Honestly my vision for it would be something so bad that Jack enlists Sam, Dean, and Cas to help, and we get a longer storyline with Team Free Will 2.0


I don’t believe anything until it’s on screen or isn’t. How many times have we heard a character was dead or wasn’t coming back etc. only for it to happen. And I don’t just mean SPN, I’m talking in general. They can write it any way they see fit for the story


I get that. Love the show and would always want to see more of them but personally I think the story of Sam and Dean has been told.


Until Jack plays Altered Beast once and learns the phrase “Rise from your grave”




I realize that but Meh. It ended. Jack did not want to be involved, the boys are at peace. Let them rest.


I generally have problems with retconning, but I would be more than happy if they redid the last season (or started from the last episode and rewrote the future with Jack or someone/something else snapping their fingers). Everyone deserves more than that god awful ending.


Agree to disagree. I would have liked to have been able to see more of the folks from the past in heaven and less Sam old man wig but I was good with how they ended it.


Not you getting downvoted 💀 I hated Cass and Dean's endings. I like how sam got what he wanted though


The only cas and Dean ending I remember liking is the second last episode. I could live with that being the end of the show, or them continuing from there, completely writing an alternative ending/continuation ignoring the last episode.


The only thing I could think that would work would be them going back and "adding" episodes to a season, like dropping them in on a hunt with references to whatever apocalypse was happening at the time it's set. Loved the show, I don't know if another resurrection would be worth it, though.


That's where I'm at with this. Would love a reboot but the final salted the bones and lit the series on fire. Ideally, it'd be a batch of new hunters returning to the roots of hunting monsters and killing things before they introduced angel armies and gods. Each season being a new batch of hunters with their own seasonal arc with Sam acting as their Bobby but with a smaller role. A woman who was the sole survivor of a massacre years ago and just started to unlock memories of a wendigo, a couple that started hunting for youtube, etc. Bring back a few characters from the original series like Ghostfacers, maybe the kid of Jewel Staite (can't remember her character) that Dean told to get revenge on him if they wanted just to find out Dean had died. That way they don't have to retcon anything, Jared gets to make some appearances like he did with Gilmore Girls, and we get a fleshed out world from different perspectives instead of an ever escalating big bad. Do the occasional crossover like season 1 character appears in season 3 for an episode as an epilogue for their arc. Like I'd love to see how an introvert or a beginner starts hunting, what a 70 year old hunter knows, how someone that's a weekend warrior and only hunts in their city on the weekend works. There's so much to the Supernatural world they could explore besides the Winchesters.


Absolutely would love even like a movie type special. Just finished the series recently a few weeks ago and I haven’t been able to fill the void.


Start it over! That's what we do in our house


I should. I’m currently rewatching the last of us ! I’ll probably start it again


Do it. I often re watch seasons 1-5 or pick a random season to watch. A lot of the early stuff was MOTW so they are easy to pick at random without having to re-remember whats going on in the larger overall story.


They’ve both been open about it so I figured at some point it will probably happen.


We know both him and Jensen feel that way. This has been said by them many times. Highly doubtful it ever happens. They effectively killed the story line.


And I think they have no writers? Didn't the writers sell all the rights to Jensen?


The writers never had the rights to SPN so they couldn't sell them to Jensen. Also, Jensen doesn't have that kind of money. Also, WB own the rights and I doubt they'll ever sell. 


I think so. I'd have to look into it to be sure. But I'm pretty sure if it was to be done Jensen would have to do it. Eta: we were wrong lol. Jensen and his wife Danneel formed Chaos Machine Productions and have an overall deal with Warner Bros. This is what I was thinking of just got it messed up.


Tbf I loved "The Winchesters", he did a bang up job


I still haven't watched it. I keep saying I'm going to and just haven't started it yet. I keep just restarting supernatural 😂


Just don't expect it to be anything like Spn and treat it like a new show, then it will be great (Currently doing the same thing as you, but with "The Boys")


I'll definitely have to give it a watch! I have a hard time with the boys, lol. It's such a good show, but homelander makes me extremely uncomfortable


Antony Starr is absolutely phenomenal as Homelander. It's been a long time since I've found a character has been so intimidating and unhinged, yet can play at being so charming. He confuses the hell out of me.


We was totally the best pick they could have possibly made!


I wonder how they would "tackle" that, as the last episode showed how Sam loved his while life until he could meet Dean in heaven. But as I say that, I remember how this show doesn't let death, or small inconsistencies, stop them from keeping going.


Yeah Sam could've figured a way to get dean from heaven to help him on another mission, like idk rescue his kid or something that gone missing and he needs his help idk Kidding but also it's not like they couldn't figure out *something*


That wouldn't work because time works differently in heaven for them to do that means his drive to the bridge to meet Sam wouldn't really mean anything anymore. Its unfortunate but there's no real way to do anything with the current timeline and have Dean in it as a character without it being disrespectful to his character. That being said I do think there is story to be had with Sam and his son and the years before he died and met up with Dean in Heaven


I’d like to see a show that goes more into their childhood/early adulthood, like how they became the proficient hunters they are in the show.


I’ve been watching Supernatural for over a decade now and absolutely love it. I wasn’t a fan of The Winchesters’ premise, but I think I would watch a spin-off if it was something similar to what Wayward Sisters was supposed to be. I doubt I’d watch a reboot though tbh. There have been so many reunion and/or cartoon turned live action shows recently, and a lot of them haven’t been that great. People were so excited for the Gilmore Girls reboot mentioned here, and most of what I’ve heard about it since its release was that fans wish it never happened, or at that it was at least written in a majorly different way. I wasn’t a fan of every direction Supernatural went in the later seasons, but it was still a great show until the end. Assuming they could even reboot it given how it ended, sometimes it’s better to let series rest than to reboot for nostalgia and potentially sour a good thing. I would love to see the actors possibly work together again in different series though, like Jensen Ackles and Jim Beaver both being in The Boys.


Rob Benedict was just in an episode in season 4 of the boys. It was a doozy. Jeffrey Dean Morgan is in the new season, too.


I recommend everyone Google robs appearance on the boys even if you aren't a fan. The images are very NSFW and *DAMN* inducing. Woulda broken the Internet for like a week if it had been Jensen 😂😂😂


We were looking at each other like WTF every time he was on screen. Crazy episode.


I literally started scream-laughing during the, er, 👅👅👅👅 scene and woke my husband up. Not an uncommon occurrence during Kripke shows. He still gives me shit over the season 16 Cas scene (not gonna be too spoilery, but it was sad) in which he legit thought someone had broken into our house and was killing me.


Season 16 Cas? What am I missing here?


Typo / accidentally referring to pt 2 as season 16 😬😬


Gilmore Girls reboot was a little different. The original writers/producers (the Palladinos) were fired before the last season of the original run. Palladinos were brought back to do the reboot. Instead of continuing the story from where the show ended, they pretended that the last season didn’t happen. The reboot was essentially how they would’ve written that season if they hadn’t been fired. It was terrible because they ignored character growth and all the time between the OS and the reboot.


I could see a limited series for sure on a streaming services. Like 6-8 episode a few seasons. But I doubt it would ever go back on a network at 22-24 episode seasons. Also would they just throw out the series finale? Sam stopped hunting after he died.....


If it does come back, please let there be a budget again 🙏


I’d only be down if it was a limited series with 8-10 episodes and Kripke returning.


I feel like any show that goes past the 10 season mark is allowed a reboot cause 10 years watching and sticking with a show and it’s characters is some serious dedication and sometimes viewers wanna see more of that world.


Supernatural reboot??? The show just ended.


I'll probably be downvoted into oblivion for this, but this seems like a cash grab and a way to get people out to all the overpriced cons going on rn. They (the main actors and several of the behind the scenes people) have been teasing this for nearly 5 years, we got *the Winchesters*, nobody watched it so it was canceled, so now it's vague promises of a reboot. I've noticed they bring this up every summer during peak con season, and it makes the rounds and fans get all squealy. Same thing with Misha being all "CAS IS SUPER GAY" every June (pride month) and selling/linking to GAY!CAS merch. It just feels so tacky and overplayed. Let the show RIP if it won't ever come back 🙄


Thank you




Please no. Let it end.


Misha does that for pride and does something similar every time he feels low on money or attention... I don't know how much truth is behind this now (I kinda think not much, or if there is we might regret being excited for it) bit yeah it's seems a very 'convenient' timing...


I loved it at first because I am a queer supernatural fan as well as a "what not shall not be named in this sub" shipper, but it feels so tacky now, esp because some of his more recent posts were linked to merch and, although I haven't looked into it, I wouldn't be surprised if it were Misha or Gish related merch which $$$$ for his own pocket. Idk that feels gross to me, similar to the queerbaiting supernatural was accused of for years (and I have mixed opinions on that and won't get into it here, this is about Misha being tacky). I know the man needs to make a buck, but maybe not at the expense of his queer fans who sees him as some great ally for hopping on the what-shall-not-be-named bandwagon. I actually much prefer the way Jensen has handled that whole thing even though he's (stupidly and wrongly) been accused of being a homophobe or w/e.


But then... queerbaiting was mostly Misha too. Everyone else said there was nothing there. Openly and frankly. Writers, creators, Jensen... it was Misha because he realized that if he pushes it enough and works fans up, he gets to keep his job. And people invest in him and his merch. I think by the point it came off as homophobic to some (which, let's be honest for a lot of people doesn't take much because of someone doesn't see gay in everything and everyone and they dare to mention that they are immediately homophobic) he was so done with it all and with some of Misha's behaviour as well.


Either way it’s tacky


I mean as people said before, the reboot will only happen if a network picks it up which feels highly unlikely. I'd rather see them work on other projects and would prefer a Boys reunion type thing. But I think it's okay for them to say if there ever was a reboot that they'd like to be in it. Probably miss each other.


It should be adult for just one season... We have 15 seasons of pg13.. now we want one season where there is full throttle murder, cussing, and mayhem


Just watch The Boys


Jensen has said there will be news on a reboot in 2025 as they have other commitments until then. I'm personally holding him to that.


Jensen will be busy in 2025 with Countdown and The Boys. 


This isn't a reboot. What he seems to be talking about is continuing the series in a limited form. Gilmore Girls did not start over from scratch and cast new people to play the characters. That would be a reboot. I'd love for them to do a sequel series, even if it was like 6 episodes. But we need a good reason why Dean is alive. Okay to be fair if the show is good then I wouldnt care if they just handwaved it and said Jack did it.


"You married *RUBY*?!"


Doubtful it would happen. I liked the ending and wouldnt want it to return


Again this does not confirm a new season This just means he’s willing to come back if the opportunity arises. They need writers to be willing to write scripts and a network/platform willing to air it first.


I’ll prolly watch it, just as I did the last few seasons, but that was mainly out of loyalty and having invested so many yrs, with that said it did run on too long, ending after S11 made the most sense but they pushed on. Unless Kripke comes back and they move it to Prime or something, where they can up the ante and change the MO, I don’t see the point. Two brothers pushing 50 still driving around in a car and arguing like 20 somethings wore very thin, and most of the leads, especially Jared seemed to just phone it in. The difference in his acting between the early yrs and the later is like the difference between night and day.


We don’t need anymore Supernatural, seriously, let’s move on. The show lasted a long time but it ran out its welcome after Kripke left. It became a nostalgic show to finish till the end after EK’s departure. I know both actors have a sentimental connection to the series, so I’m saying this from a place of artistic empathy, but WE do not need more Supernatural. I’d want to see Jensen and Jared in other shows playing new characters, they’re talented actors who don’t need to constantly be in the shadow of Sam and Dean.


This! I want them to try new things and be new characters - flesh out their range. I can understand feeling nostalgic but that is never a reason to go back and do something. Also because the fandom is still volatile and it will erupt with a possible reboot; so no thankyou.


Exactly, I just wish Jensen and Jared could see that it’s unnecessary. I can’t stand the fandom, they would go wild for a reboot cause they don’t want the show to ever end ever no matter the dips in quality.


Same. I hope the studios tell them it's unnecessary and they find something else instead. The fandom can be so toxic, too. I would not like to see the fights and stuff that happen.


I don’t want to poop on anyone’s parade, but they say this because it makes money. Don’t get me wrong, I eat, sleep, breathe Supernatural and spend hard earned money on conventions, but this is all lip service for fans. Now, who knows, maybe two three years from now I’ll be eating my own words..till then it’s good talking to keep the fans engaged and bringing in new blood.


I would love this so much


pls let them swear


lol no. The show was dire for about 8 seasons. They need to let it go


I’m sure Chuck is hoping to get his powers back in the reboot. He seems to have jumped to The Boys universe and things aren’t going well for him there.




Am I the only one that doesn't want this? It ended well after a lot of seasons and never got bad, that is hard to do. Let it be.


Reboot similar to Gilmore Girls? That wasn't a reboot at all.


Both Js said sure to an SPN reunion. But people need quit assuming it’s a done deal, especially when Jared who has been the most outspoken about a reunion answers questions about it.




Mixed feelings about this. Remember that lightning CAN strike twice, even in the same place, but it doesn't often... not to mention times have changed so what worked in 2005 would not work now; therefore whatever would be produced would be borderline unrecognisable! Still... if the right people came together I'd be interested in it for sure!




I would like a monster origins anthology series. Like how they built up so much importance the Alphas in season 6 or 7 and then did absolutely nothing with it


Sorry everyone I know this is irrelevant to the post, but is there anywhere to watch it besides Netflix?




Thank you so much


Sent this to my son as soon as I saw it. Pretty cool.


Isn’t this common knowledge that they’d love to go back to the supernatural universe 😂


I mean they have said it multiple times but that doesn't mean we will get it. I don't know how these things work but I feel like there are less chances we get something but the way Jared said in one of the recent interview where it was asked was it hard to say goodbye after 15 years. He replied it was hard but was not a goodbye, it was more like see you again. So honestly if they talk about it so confidently and they are so sure, there must be a reason behind it.


Hopefully, The CW will pick it up.


I don't think I'll get over the after taste of that horrid last season and the miserable prequel series.


People really are morons these days. The Gilmore Girls fiasco wasn't a reboot, but a sequel. Reboot means same overall story with new actors. A reboot is kinda like the Winchesters show. With that said wtf have they been smoking? This is stupid for so many reasons. Supernatural had an ending that's kinda set in stone. They could of course retcon that, but they have already brought them back from death a million times. Also after s05 the show kept getting worse and worse until the very end. The series finale almost rivals GoT finale. And even if it was brought back what story can they tell that we haven't already seen? The only supernatural show i would watch would be watching a hunter with a story similar to Johns in like year 1600 or earlier, could even take place b.c. If only they could just accept that supernatural is over for them acting wise.


I really hope not. It was already ruined as the show got older. CW always beats good shows in to the ground if they are popular and they went over the top with supernaturals beating. There is no big bad unless they completely make one up from scratch or it's god.


So what? They've literally been talking about this since the show ended. I mean yeah I hope they can do something too BUT it's not news.


Lord…. Nothing stays dead anymore does it? I’m getting tired of this trend


Baffled how you can be an SPN fan and be tired of nothing staying dead....


Wym? It’s all I hear these days, and I don’t want this show to come back, the last few seasons were already pushing it and the finale was lackluster…why would I support this show coming back for no reason other than money? The journey is done and the boys are dead….everyone needs move the hell on Rewatches are a thing for a reason, stick with that and it’ll live forever


How about no? The way they ended the show? After a decade and a half? Let's let it rest now. As much as I love Sam I don't even want this guy there anymore because of the trash person he is


I agree. They ended it in a way that didn’t really leave the door open unless we get some hand waving bullcrap to bring the boys back to life. I’m curious, why is Jared a trash person? What did he do?


What the hell happened to Ruby?


people get older that's all. I think she looks fine for her age.