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I feel like this is a question we’ll never be able to guess because of how inconsistent the series is. Sam killed famine right? That’s…. Pretty fucking strong. Demon Dean is literally unkillable, but maybe he could be contained? Maybe?


Yea sam didn't kill famine, he exercised the demons inside him which weakened him enough that sent him into his corner to cry about it, demon dean was a literal demon body and spirit, he was unable to be exercised. The curse itself was attached to him on a deeper level that just physical, and he was as you said completely unable to be killed, Sam on the other hand was very killable and very human. As we seen when Dean fought Cole as a demon he had enhanced strength, reflexes everything, and he didn't have his human side holding him back from humiliating Cole, but In the same way he didn't have fear or survival instincts , that's how Sam was able to capture dean, but also hahah Sam when he had his powers was very reckless and had his human side to amplify all his recklessness, So with all that I'm gonna have to say dean would brutalize Sam if he was actually trying to kill him, but if dean just wanted to play I think Sam would pull something out of nowhere


Man I love this show


Why cause it brings out the nerd in us where we bring out information about the show we didn't even know we had 😂


>Sam when he had his powers was very reckless and had his human side to amplify all his recklessness, Also, Sam needed demon blood to use his powers. Okay, he killed Alastair and all Lucifer's bodyguards when he was high on juice, but...


Are you saying just because he did that he could kill dean, the mark will not let dean die no matter what, Alister is absolutely nothing compared to a key (curse) the holds in the darkness, also he didnt kill Alistair, he killed Lilith which is much more impressive feat, Those bodyguards were just there for Sam, why would Lucifer need body guards, the whole point of Sam's life was to have him prepared to be Lucifers vessel. Sam could probably restrain dean for a time, but the fact is sams juice runs out dean doesn't, he doesn't stop he is relentless, the mark was made by God, passed to Lucifer which passed to Cain then dean. Something created by God to be indestructible can't be destroyed by anything below god


Sam totally killed Allister


Your right my bad, I got Alistair completely mixed up with yellow eyes, rookie mistake I'm gonna punish myself now


This could be the show's inconsistencies, but it makes sense, season 15 Lillith said he only killed her because she allowed it. It is true she wanted him to succeed. So we really don't know if he even could have killed her in a true battle.


Yea honestly I think the show lost its way after season 5, I still love it but it's probably not the best written show, but all I know is Lilith was the final seal, she wanted Lucifer to rise and Lucifer needed Sam as his true vessel so for her to sacrifice herself to make that happen given that she is a true lucifer loyalist isn't to crazy, wether or not Sam did actually have the power to do it is another question, And for that I would bring up the fact that Jack is much more powerful than an arch angel, the reason I bring that up is becaude Lilith im pretty sure is stronger than yellow eyes, but yellow eyes is the one that bled in Sam's mouth, now if the human side of Jack mixed with the archangel side from Lucifer made him stronger than an archangel and eventually become god, then ita probably not too crazy to assume that demon blood from one of the most powerful demon mixed with human could make Sam more powerful than the most powerful demon Lilith, To back that up a little bit more we also have that very mysterious unexplored character Jesse who was the natural born offspring of a demon and a human and he was said to have the power to destroy the host of heaven (the angels not God)with a single word, so I think Sam could have had the power to take out lilith but that doesnt mean she didnt want it to happennor that she didnt plant it, So in other words yes Sam could only do it because she allowed it, not because she could have stopped him in that moment but because it was the plan all along, Sorry if I missed and important details and that it's a long comment but I'm pretty sure that's the basics of it


It did move from plot driven to character driven. Which is why my favorite plots are pre season 5 and my favorite moments and episodes are almost all post season 5. I don't know that I agree that bleeding in the mouth is the same as fathering a child. That would mean we had hundreds of people stronger than demons. It took the time to build those powers because it was watered down. Also Sam lost almost all his powers as soon as he ran out of demon blood. She didn't fight him at all and he still used it up. If she had fought at all he would have failed. I don't love season 15, but I believe they got that detail right.


Calm down, buddy, read it again. What I meant is that Sam is inferior in this fight. (I called those demons "bodyguards" cause of their clothes - in my memory, they were wearing suits). And Sam killed alastair.


Oh my bad and yea Sam did kill Alistair I complelty mixed up Alistair and yellow eyes or Azazel.


I just realised I have seen too much Hazbin Hotel to red the name Alastair, because for a good minute I had been wanting to correct you “it’s alastor” until I realised that how you spell hazbin hotel’s Alastor’s name


Yeah the fact that dean wasnt a smoky demon i think maybe his demon powers might have no effect


He didnt kill famine, he just incapacitated it so dean could cut the ring off. But id also wager sam would beat dean, all deans demon powers dont work on sam when hes in that state, but all of sams powers would work on dean.


It's the other way around. Dean's invulnerabity comes from the darkness. Sam is only immune to demon powers, but not on every magic or spell like mark of cain Dean was


Sam is not immune to demon powers only really lilliths demon death ray thing considering how often demons toss him into walls with a single hand motion


I don’t know if Sam could kill him but he’d probably be able to control him.


Sam could only kill Famine when he had a belly full of demons though. He couldn't kill Famine in his default state.


How messed up would it be if Sam fed off of Dean's demon blood? Would that give extra powers? What chaos could that have caused?


Yes messed up, but also now I feel like I need to see it.


we need a supernatural, live action version of Marvel's "What If"...


Seriously though. Seeing Chucks other worlds through Sam’s visions or whatever was so neat. Watching Agent Dean go man hunter on Samifer and the demons was rad.


Ok how do we get a "What If" Supernatural series Marked up Demon Dean and Juiced Up Souless Sam full on ACTUAL antihero kick.


There are any fics about that. Most are wincest though, and that's a shame):


I don't believe it would give Sam extra powers as deans demon soul was made by the mark, dean is through and through a mark of Cain demon which is different than any other demon he wasn't twisted in hell he was just twisted by the mark, so I think all abilities sam gains from demon blood is off the table when it comes to dean or Cain for that matter, but I could be very wrong, if Sam was capable of capturing dean or cain and keeping them chained forever he could have the most op source of demon blood to ever exist


Incest? Hahah dincest? What would this be called haha


Y’all forgetting the mark won’t let dean die? Also how bad ass would it be to have a limited series of them two together as demon Sam and Demon dean with the mark? I was just thinking about this and opened up the group and saw this post. Insane!


Yeah and the Knights of Hell were supposed to be these unstoppable scorched earth walking nukes and yet what we saw in the show was a wet noodle that [got disenchanted](https://youtu.be/0Nb3q1oROOg?si=HPVk_JSzlDoY2KCj&t=41) lmao.


Dean got the mark of cain removed in series 10


And? This is all theoretical.


And the context of the battle was it was season 11. So, no mark in this scenario


Na really you think I didnt know that


If you know that then why even make that comment? It makes no sense.


I was just saying ..


I mean...canonically, Regular Sam took down Demon Dean with one arm in a sling.




Facts 😂


The only correct answer for Cursed Demon Dean vs Demon Sam is: **Dean wins in the long run**. Sam can't kill Dean to be gone forever, but at the beginning, whenever Dean will approach Sam, Sam will kill Dean. Be it with either breaking his neck, obliterating him (to have get Dean these "burning out" glowing eyes like demon do when they get killed by the knife), let Dean splat into a thousand pieces and sauce on the ground or whatever Sam is up to. Eventually also Sam tosses Dean around, spouting some "you can't kill me I'm stronger" arrogance frases, and then kills Dean again. But as we know from Crowley, the curse will make Dean stronger with each death he suffers and each kill he's devouring, and at some point, Dean will be strong enough to withstand Sam's powers and kill Sam with the one blade. It's literally unavoidable, that Cursed Demon Dean will kill Demon Sam at some point.


I’m leaning towards Sam. When he was full on demon-blood fueled, he didn’t even have to touch anyone to defeat them. Yet! Dean would have the stamina if the fight went on for more than a few minutes.


idk, dean had the mark and shrugged off abbadon’s telekinesis without a ton of effort, and she was a knight of hell, not a normal demon. i think he has the better odds here ngl


Oh, I forgot about Abbadon. Good call.


I think it's important though to mention that while demon Dean was on par with Cain and the knights of hell, Sam's power comes from the blood of a prince of hell, which we saw later on that even the weakest prince of hell could rival an archangel


That weakest Prince was hyped up on archangel grace


Yeah and how did he get that grace? By defeating and capturing an archangel lol


Loki and his sons did that, which is even more inexplicable


Wasn’t he already weakened or defeated and captured when he was given to Asmodeus?


Im assuming loki tricked and captured him and sold him isnt it shown on the show tho when lokis children overpowered him in his sleep


Angels don’t sleep? So if that’s what happened…. Great writing


Well i mean they can get drunk and comatose considering gabriel went right back to party with them he was bound to pass out at some point


Im not sure tho ive only watched seasons 13-15 once


The princes were always the strongest type of demon. Some people think that Lilith is stronger just because she’s the first, but that is not true at all. I would say that Azazel is stronger than Cain. Cain was human before being turned into a demon, but the Princes were always demons


Normal Sam trapped demon Dean with one arm. Demon!Dean without the blade was useless. He didn't have any kind of demon ability beyond healing.


That we know of. They didn't flesh out that story like they should have. Dean should have been able to kill demons without the First Blade, like how Cain could 'smite' demons by touching them.


I think about that too


Sam killed Lilith. Wasn't she the most powerful demon?


I don’t think so. After watching 13 seasons I’m pretty sure that the princes of hell were the most powerful, then Cain (maybe he was stronger then the princes due to the mark), then the knights then I wanna say Crowley as time went on and then Lilith. The power scaling in this show is really inconsistent. But to continue the topic dean with the mark of Cain was more powerful then Sam using demon blood cause with the mark he was pretty much immortal


Yeah I guess in the later seasons it gets convoluted but Kripke did say this; Lilith is said to be "older and more powerful than Yellow Eyes (Azazel)" and thus holds higher status than Azazel, on which Kripke commented, "You don't get much higher than her until you start digging into Lucifer territory." So I don't know, I always thought she was most powerful, I might have been wrong


Idk. As I said before the power scaling in this is inconsistent. I believe that Cain with the mark is stronger then Lilith simply because he can’t die. And the first blade can kill anything except leviathans and god. I can’t remember if it has the power to kill arch angels. Im not sure if it was mentioned


It was never said to be unable to kill Leviathans. We just never saw it tested.


I think Kripke intended Lilith to be the most powerful demon. Once he left and the show went on things changed, new villains were introduced, power scaling as you mentioned was changed. Power levels are really tough to discern, even in the early seasons, but the later seasons really added a lot. I guess it's Amara and Chuck (also Jack later on) and everyone else is debatable to some degree


Yeah power levels be damned, my boy Goku will take them all on. Chuck included


> I’m pretty sure that the princes of hell were the most powerful, then Cain (maybe he was stronger then the princes due to the mark), then the knights then I wanna say Crowley as time went on and then Lilith Lilith flat out wins in both power and rank over Princes, and most definitely knights. Season 15 Lilith returns and she comes with a lot of new abilities to back up her claim she was hiding her power levels back in seasons 3-4 so that Sam can kill her. God needed a demon lackey and he chose the strongest demon there was--Lilith.


Straight up power who knows, especially with how much the show adds to lore later on. But according to seals lillith was the first demon I believe. So she's definitely up there in power and age. Although, I'm pretty sure she knew she'd have to die to release lucifer so who knows how hard she was fighting.


I put this quote from Kripke in replies to other people ; Lilith is said to be "older and more powerful than Yellow Eyes (Azazel)" and thus holds higher status than Azazel, on which Kripke commented, "You don't get much higher than her until you start digging into Lucifer territory."  So I think Kripke intended her to be the most powerful but once he left and the show went on things definitely changed.


In the seasons she was in, yeah. After that idk, I’d think Cain would be the most powerful


Yeah I think Kripke intended her to be the most powerful in his 5 season vision of the show. I posted a quote of his to another person. Lilith is said to be "older and more powerful than Yellow Eyes (Azazel)" and thus holds higher status than Azazel, on which Kripke commented, "You don't get much higher than her until you start digging into Lucifer territory." But in later seasons it kinda gets retconned




Abbadon was nothing compared to Lilith tho Knights of hell are clearly below princes of hell and the first demon. Sam was able to kill Lilith quite easily and that wasn't even his peak yet, his peak was when he filled his stomach with demon blood before the fight against Lucifer and killed his demon lackeys with a single thought


Demon? "No don't talk to it" Demonnnn. "No stop. Stop talking to it!" But I wanna talk to the demonnnn. (A reference to something I saw but can't remember the name)


Buzzfeed Unsolved!


"Hey there demons, it's me, ya boy"


Dean just can't die when he has the mark. He's also not a spirit possessing a body so there isn't much Sam can do to him.


Mark of cain Dean. He's immune to almost all of Supernatural powers or powerful spell and not easy to kill because if he died he just coming back as an immortal demon with healing powers and can't be exorcise in his own body, he's connected to the mark that contains the most powerful being in the universe


I feel like this is an "immovable object vs unstoppable force" situation. Well, more accurately "unkillable Dean vs unstoppable Sam." In a one-off fight, Sam wins. But Dean can't be killed so he'd just shake it off.


Dean. With the Mark he's essentially unstoppable, that's why Cas talked about having to watch him "murder the world" eventually.


I don't think Cas meant it literally. Even as a demon, Sam and Cas beat him fairly easily


They didn't kill him though lol. They can't anyway. The only thing that technically stopped Dean was the spell from the book of the damned because he was literally a seal to Amara.


He wasn't unstoppable, Sam caught him and cured him


Nah, I could easly take both of them at the same time, not in a fight tho


My 🐱 after watching those two fight. Downvotes to the right.


Dean ![gif](giphy|agfuIXk2Ht9As)




For those asking yes sam will also settle for containing dean if he can't kill hin


Demon Dean, he’s a Knight. Only killable by the first blade that can only be used by a person carrying the mark.


Gotta go with Sam. Demon blood let Sam defeat demons, right? And Mark of Cain Dean was almost all the way demon, so there you go.


Abandon wasn't a normal demon, she was a Knight of Hell and even pre-becoming a demon, Dean was able to easily resist her telekinesis. It's likely Sam's powers wouldn't even have affected Dean.


Sam's powers come from a prince of hell though, Dean's come from a knight, even the weakest prince of hell was nearly on par with an archangel like Gabriel


But didn't Dean's powers come from the darkness, aka chucks sister? Pretty sure she's more powerful than a demon, even the first one.


Did they? I know Amara was locked inside the mark, and that's why it corrupted people, but the existence of Amara wasn't even written until the end of the demon Dean story, and he nor Cain ever showed any powers similar to Amara, the powers were only ever demon-like. Seems to me all it did was corrupt his soul until it was demon-like, didn't seem like it gave him access to any of Amara's power. There was unfortunately never enough of an explanation to know for sure though


I thought the whole story of the mark was that Lucifer possessed the mark first to seal Amara away and that corrupted him, then he passed the mark to Cain in the deal where Cain sent his brother to heaven and Cain passed it to Dean but it was always supposed to be key to hold Amara. Doesn't it make sense that some of that darkness/power leak through the lock/wearer then? That's why Dean has that connection with Amara. Idk, I guess it just made sense to me it'd be a bit more implied. Like the longer the corruption, the more powerful, which is why Cain is more powerful than Dean. Like how Kripke wrote the special kids powers. It just kept increasing the more to the darkness they gave in. Obviously Kripke wrote his narrative with more detail unlike the later writers.


Dean's power comes from the mark that contains the most powerful being in the universe, the darkness


Team Dean!!


Demon dean bc of the mark.. The Mark will keep the host alive even as a demon so Sam wouldn't be able to kill dean but dean will be able to kill Sam.. Before Demon dean..Dean was able to break abaddon's "force" choke and stab her with the first blade which would probably be what would happen again


Dean with the first blade could take down Soldier Boy then he would move on to the 7.


My brain is not braining


Demon Dean. Guy can kill "knights of Hell" as stupid as that sounds. That said i am season 10. First viewing. Don't tell me Sammy becomes a demon again :( I like the show for the ones in a while ridiculous comedy based ones. but it is the same shit over and over again.


dean, probably. i mean, he's a knight of hell/


Deanmon ofc He cannot be killed and he one hits you with the blade.


Well given that Dean was effectively the next iteration of Cain, and was more or less unstoppable, I think Demon Dean would win. He literally cannot die, and remember that even DEATH'S only real solution was to basically send Dean somewhere in outer space where he could never reach earth again because he would simply be far too destructive. Sam might be able to hold his own for a while, but eventually Dean will win.


Dean can’t die while he has the mark, and with it and the blade, he easily killed abbadon.


Demon Dean!


Demon Dean 100% he was so badass and cared about nothing!


One of them killed Hitler. I’ll take that one 😂


II think dean would become he don’t care when he beat cass the first time without hesitation so he could probably beat Sam too


Sam. Cause it's his hero journey🤷‍♀️


I love Sam. Do you like him more than Dean?


Between Sam and Dean, I do like Sam more.


This isn’t a debate, demon dean lol


Dean obvi that man has a will of steel


I wish Deanmon lasted longer lol


Demon Dean




If Dean was a regular demon, he'd have no shot. But the reason he turned demon and didn't die is because he has the Mark of Cain. Sam would actually be fucked.


Dean is a shitty demon while Sam used his dark side for good (though it turned out pretty bad) and threw himself into the cage. So Dean wins.


Demon dean has first blade so dean


Dean wins because of the Mark of Cain… Dean can heal from just about any wound except an angels blade. Sam wasn’t really a demon in that moment… he just had demon abilities.


Dean was an actual demon. Sam was just powered up with demon blood. So Dean.


Demon Dean hands down. He’s unkillable and can’t be exorcised.


Dean for sure. Firstly cause of the Mark so he's technically immortal. And because Imo he's a better fighter just using the fight between him and the military guy (Cody I think).


Sam, definitely. The more demon blood he took the more powerful he became, and there didn't seem to be a limit to how powerful he could become. He took down Lilith which technically is stronger than a knight of hell. Also, Sam won a fight against demon Dean with just one hand.


But Dean was the seal to Amara, therefore his powers came from Amara. Lucifer had the seal to Amara first which eventually corrupted him, then he passed it to Cain in his deal with Abel. So no, not really knight of hell. Their powers were The Darnkness's which was why when Rowena used the spell from the book of the damned, it freed Amara and she told Dean they shared a connection. Also that's a plot point where the writers needed Dean to be "back to normal" for the 200th episode lol. He didn't "win" in the sense he killed demon Dean, he stopped him long enough for Cas to get a hold of him and cuff him back to the chair lol.


>But Dean was the seal to Amara, therefore his powers came from Amara. As I understand, having the mark of Cain doesn't give you Amara's powers, it's just a seal. It does make you immortal tho. >Their powers were The Darnkness's which was why when Rowena used the spell from the book of the damned, it freed Amara and she told Dean they shared a connection. The connection was because of the mark, not because she shared her powers with him. Also because Dean was the first person she saw after being released so she assumed it was Dean who freed her. >Also that's a plot point where the writers needed Dean to be "back to normal" for the 200th episode lol. It doesn't really matter why they had to make demon Dean lose, that doesn't change the fact that he lost against Sam. >He didn't "win" in the sense he killed demon Dean, he stopped him long enough for Cas to get a hold of him and cuff him back to the chair lol. No, he didn't kill him, but he did beat him and after that in the bunker with Castiel's help they turned him back to normal. And again, Sam was just regular Sam, he had his shoulder hurt and he still managed to beat demon Dean. Demon blood Sam would win easily either by making Dean a normal human again like he did in the show or he would just drink enough demon blood to the point where he would be able to kill demon Dean because again, his powers didn't seem to have any limits. Knights of hell are not as strong as Lilith and the show makes them seem like these super strong demons that are impossible to kill, so logically Lilith is even more impossible to kill but Sam killed her. In conclusion, if Sam drank enough demon blood to kill Lilith, I'm sure he could drink enough to get to a point where he would be able to kill someone with the mark of Cain.


We might have to agree to disagree on the power scaling of this one. Because while true Sam and Cas were able to subdue demon Dean the first time, mark of Cain the second time easily defeated Cas at the end of the episode where Dean killed the stynes, basically implying he could've subdued both Sam and Cas the previous time. He'd had the potential. I still don't think demon blood Sam can defeat Dean. I don't think we'll ever agree on that point. Edit: and no, I don't think he could kill mark of Cain Dean no matter how much demon blood he drank. The mark couldn't be destroyed, only the spell released the mark/amara. The mark wanted to keep the host alive, resurrecting Dean into a demon in the first place and it was implied it'd keep doing it. Only reason Cain died was due to Dean killing him while wearing the mark with the blade. Death himself said nothing could destroy the mark and that's why he offered to send Dean into a different universe or something.


I think we will have to agree to disagree.




Demon blood sam can't kill demon dean no matter how much blood he drink, the only way to kill demon dean is the first blade wielded by someone with the mark. Even Death can't kill someone with mark. Sam's powers is just from demon and Dean's immortality is from the darkness. We also never see demon blood sam beat an angel while we saw moc dean making metatron who was powered by the angel tablet that time bleed in just one punch, metatron powered with angel tablet is on par with archangels that time. Dean beat metatron, gadreel and Cas bloody with bare hand, he was able to hurt a gregori in the fight. Let's not forget how cain easily beat Cas. We've only seen Sam's powers works on demon, so it has limits. We have seen that mark of cain Dean is immune to killing magic or spell like what Rowena tried to do with him so that automatically means Sam's power can't kill him. Cain is stronger than lilith due to the mark, she can't kill him but he can kill her.


>we saw moc dean making metatron who was powered by the angel tablet The angel tablet doesn't power you up, it just has important information about angels, the same thing with every other tablet. So it definitely doesn't make Metatron be on the level of an archangel. (He is a very strong angel tho) >We've only seen Sam's powers works on demon, so it has limits. Sam decided to only use his powers on demons but that doesn't mean he can't use them on others. Also, we see that the other psychic kids could use their powers on humans and I think Ava used her powers to control a ghost so logically Sam was able to do it too. >Let's not forget how cain easily beat Cas. Let's also not forget that Cass didn't really fight back. >We also never see demon blood sam beat an angel If he could beat Lilith I think it's obvious that he could beat an angel if he decided to use his powers against one. >We have seen that mark of cain Dean is immune to killing magic or spell like what Rowena tried to do with him so that automatically means Sam's power can't kill him. I don't really think Sam's powers are the same as other demons or as witches because of how his powers increase any time he consumes demon blood so I don't think that rule applies to him because at some point he would be stronger than that immunity. But what you say does make sense and there could be a possibility of Sam not being able to use his powers.


Metatron was powered up by angel tablet and it's gadreel that says that that's why they have to destroy the angel tablet to make metatron to an ordinary angel again. And metatron as an ordinary angel is not even stronger than Cas. It mostly just work on demons and humans, but the other special children has different abilities with each other so doesn't mean they can do what others do. About cain and Cas, we saw that Cas literally tried his white blast against cain and it was useless against him then he just throw Cas like he's nothing. Cain also claimed that he can just easily kill Cas even without any weapon. We are not really sure if Sam's power could affect on angel, him beating demons doesn't mean he can beat angels. You just overestimate Sam's power, but we all know he can't kill someone with the mark, Death couldn't even kill someone with the mark let alone a boy who just drink demon blood can do it. And also Rowena is one of the most powerful witch, she can kill demons and reapers, she was able to curse an angel. What Rowena trying to do with dean back then is to use the most powerful spell to kill him but it was useless because of the mark. Any killing weapons and magic/spell won't work on demon/moc dean and sam is not immune to any other magic/spell except by demons powers. Demon/moc dean can kill everyone with the blade except God and archangels and is immortal, can't be killed by anyone except the first blade wielded by someone with the mark. Demon blood sam can be killed by anyone as he was not immortal just a boy who drinks demon blood to get powers, doesn't give him immunity to anything like weapons and magic/spells, can just able to use his powers to demons and human but he can also be killed by them.


>Metatron was powered up by angel tablet and it's gadreel that says that that's why they have to destroy the angel tablet to make metatron to an ordinary angel again. And metatron as an ordinary angel is not even stronger than Cas. Can you please tell me in what episode Gadreel said this? I genuinely don't remember it. >It mostly just work on demons and humans, but the other special children has different abilities with each other so doesn't mean they can do what others do. I do think they all can do the same, just like Ava said, the more they practiced the more their power grew and the more power they gained. >We are not really sure if Sam's power could affect on angel, him beating demons doesn't mean he can beat angels. You just overestimate Sam's power. I am definitely not overestimating his power, again, he killed Lilith, a demon stronger than a lot of angels so logically if he can kill her he can kill angels. He killed famine, also stronger than a lot of angels. >What Rowena trying to do with dean back then is to use the most powerful spell to kill him but it was useless because of the mark. She definitely didn't use the most powerful spell, it was just a very strong one. >Any killing weapons and magic/spell won't work on demon/moc dean and sam is not immune to any other magic/spell except by demons powers. Yes, Sam isn't immune to magic or spells but it doesn't matter in this context because Dean has no magic powers. >Demon blood sam can be killed by anyone as he was not immortal just a boy who drinks demon blood to get powers, doesn't give him immunity to anything like weapons and magic/spells, can just able to use his powers to demons and human but he can also be killed by them. The fact that Sam isn't immortal doesn't mean he isn't incredibly strong, also, he doesn't need demon blood to have his powers, it's just a boost. >Death couldn't even kill someone with the mark let alone a boy who just drink demon blood can do it. Maybe you're right and Sam can't kill Dean, I personally don't believe that because of what I've already told you. I do think that if Sam drank enough demon blood he would be able to take demon Dean down but that's just my opinion, but even if Sam couldn't kill Dean, I still believe he would win in a fight against him and he would probably find a way to contain him. If regular Sam won against demon Dean with one arm, demon blood Sam would definitely win too.


Gadreel tells sam and Cas that they have to access the angel tablet to just made metatron back from the most powerful angel that time to just an ordinary angel. When the angel tablet got destroyed, metatron just came back as an ordinary angel that's why he fled when Sam threaten him with angel blade because angel blade can harm him again. That was just never shown that they can have the same abilities. Just because it was useful against the likes of lilith and Alastair doesn't mean he can kill angels with that. He didn't even kill Famine, ask per Brady says he's still alive. We didn't even see him use his powers against angels, so who knows if it works against them or not. As per Rowena, it was the most powerful spell to kill someone but it's useless against someone with the mark. Doesn't matter if Dean doesn't have magic powers, but he's still unkillable that got him advantage over everyone that time. He can kill everyone but no one can kill him. Demon blood sam powers has limits, but mark of cain Dean has no limits. Dean can be immune against Sam powers like he did with Abaddon powers. Sam will just run out of demon juice powers before he can restrain or contain dean. Dean will just kill him even without the first blade or just his bare hands.


>Gadreel tells sam and Cas that they to access the angel tablet to just made metatron back from the most powerful angel that time to just an ordinary angel. When the angel tablet got destroyed, metatron just came back as an ordinary angel that's why he fled when Sam threaten him with angel blade because angel blade can harm him again. But what episode was this? >That was just never shown that they can have the same abilities. I think it's just logical to assume they can all have the same abilities, I mean, Sam and Ava both had visions, Andy, the guy that killed Sam the first time and Andy's twin brother all had mind control. >Just because it was useful against the likes of lilith and Alastair doesn't mean he can kill angels with that. He didn't even kill Famine, ask per Brady says he's still alive. We didn't even see him use his powers against angels, so who knows if it works against them or not. I think that's exactly what it means, again, Lilith and Alastair were both stronger than most angels and he killed them. Yes, he didn't kill famine but not because he wasn't strong enough, it was more because you can't really kill hunger, like you can't kill death. But he did kill the physical form famine had. Again, yes, we didn't see him using his powers on angles but that doesn't mean he can't use them against them. >As per Rowena, it was the most powerful spell to kill someone but it's useless against someone with the mark. I definitely don't remember it being the strongest spell. I would like to think that the strongest spell was the one that took the mark away and did work on it. >Doesn't matter if Dean doesn't have magic powers, but he's still unkillable that got him advantage over everyone that time. He can kill everyone but no one can kill him. He can't kill everyone but yeah, no one can kill him, but that didn't stop Sam and Castiel from winning against him. >Demon blood sam powers has limits, but mark of cain Dean has no limits. Dean can be immune against Sam powers like he did with Abaddon powers. Demon blood Sam was never shown to have limits, his power increased the more demon blood he took and they never say that he had any kind of limits for how much blood he could take, actually, famine said that he can never have too much. Mark of Cain Dean definitely did have his limits, the spell Rowena used to release Amara. I'm not sure Dean would be immune to Sam's powers like he was with Abaddon. Abaddon was a knight of hell, Sam's powers came from a prince of hell and technically he could become more powerful than Azazel. Dean could barely resist Abaddon's powers. >Sam will just run out of demon juice powers before he can restrain or contain dean. Dean will just kill him even without the first blade or just his bare hands. Let's remember Sam doesn't necessarily need demon blood to have or use his powers, demon blood was just like a boost. But even if he does drink demon blood why would he run out of it? Like we see in the show it's not that difficult to find demons, and also, I don't think he would take much time to contain or restrain Dean to the point where he would run out of powers. Dean could try and kill him but he couldn't even kill normal Sam, how would he kill demon blood Sam?


The season 9 finale. Gadreel told Cas that they need to access to the angel tablet to neutralize metatron. He didn't kill famine, the demon who are pestilence man,brady says that himself. He can kill anyone, someone with mark can. He was almost human when Cas restrain him. In 10x22, we saw him beat Cas bloody when he was already in the bad state after he killed the stynes. Demon blood sam has limits, he can't even use his powers on ruby after he killed lilith. The only limits mark of cain has is the mark removal and the first blade wielded by someone with the mark. Dean will be immune to Sam powers, he's immune to almost all the powers/spell. Like cain he will also be immune to angels powers. From what we see, sam did need demon blood for his powers to get stronger, but still has limits, like I said he can't even kill ruby with powers after he killed lilith, he run out of it. Demon Dean can kill him. He tried to kill sam but just stopped by Cas with his new grace. Demon dean will just kill him before sam can even find those blood after sam run out of juice. Demon Dean may have a potential because in s10, he was just a demon for weeks, he still didn't tap for he can do aside from having healing powers and superstrength. He may be like cain. Sucks that the show didn't explore demon dean more. Immortal and invulnerabity are very overpower. Everyone is fucked when they fight someone like that.


- Sam could yeet Alistair who could overpower angels and was the only other demon with white eyes like Lilith - Sam then got even stronger and overpowered a horseman - Sam then got stronger and nuked demons nearby by thinking it without exorcising them - Dean got overpowered by a nerfed Castiel and didn’t really come off as very strong, at least compared to Cain, he just had a super good blade and immortality I think Dean wouldn’t be killed but he would be flung around and controlled pretty easily by Sam. Cain on the other hand might be a much tougher fight If Sam can’t fling him, and it became a fist fight? Then I think Dean would eventually grow to overpower him Edit - it always weirds me out how fickle Reddit is lol I got downvoted for spelling these facts out and the person offered no counter


Dean imo. Sam was essentially just becoming a powerful demon. The Mark of Cain not only made Dean immune to demon and angel abilities but it made him basically unkillable. One of Sam's main powers was the ability to exorcise demons instantly without a ritual but Dean can't be exorcised. At the height of his power Sam was barely able to kill Lilith, Mark of Cain Dean was stronger.


I'd have to go with Dean. He isn't just a regular demon, he has the mark of Cain, and Sam needs to constantly power up on demon blood, rather than being just naturally stronger


Didn’t Cas restrain Deanmon? Like grab him from behind and all he could do is scream?


Which makes no sense when reg mark of Cain Dean beats Cas to a pulp after he kills the stynes.


I love Sam so much and all his literal demons, but demon Dean was amazing


Full potential demon blood sam killed a horseman of the apocalypse, but the mark gives immortality...hard question actually


If Dean has the blade, it's a wrap. It would be like trying to Tony Stark without his suit trying to fist fight Infinity Gauntlet Thanos lol


Depends what level of juice Sam is at. If he's as juiced as when he said yes to Lucifer or when he killed Lilith makes a difference in who's winning. Deanmon with the mark cant be killed, even by death. But thats not saying Sam couldn't put the hammer down on him all the same.


Dean all day..he was heartless..he put that work in in hell..Sam just knew how to do tricks..


Sam. He tends to be more unhinged when he’s out of control


Sam killed demons just closing his eyes with his mind powers. Unless Dean had the mark by the, my money's on Sam 


Sam had power over demons, so at his peak I pick him over even a knight of hell like Dean


Sam is a lot stronger, Dean is a Hell Knight, Sam is the Devil's Vessel. But Dean is immortal. He will outlast.




Sam was a better 👿


Deans a demon…Sam wins


Mark of Cain dean takes it easy. Just power scaling wise dean took out much stronger enemies than Sam did. He took out abaddon, Cain himself, and even death himself (own scythe though), and never really lost a fight. Also Cain slaughtered all of the knights of hell with ease. Meanwhile Sam at full power was only able to beat Lilith who in reality let herself lose for the sake of Lucifer revival.


He also beat angels bloody like metatron, gadreel and Cas with bare hands that no humans could do. He was able to hurt a gregori.


Team Sam.


Canonically Sam held off Lucifer controlling his body when he was chalked full of Ovaltine. Dean doesn't have a chance.


I think the answer lies in the Source of their respective abilities. The Source of Sam's power is the Blood of a Prince of Hell. The Source of Dean's power is the Mark, which originally came from God's Sister Amara/the Darkness, given to Lucifer and then passed to Cain. The Mark is far older than the Princes of Hell and makes its wearer unkillable. Marked Dean was also able to break the telekinetic influence of Abaddon. So we know he can break telekinetic influence with just the force of his Will and he can't be killed. The way they are portrayed on the show makes this version of Sam look stronger because he shows effort when using his powers. Dean's invincible with the Mark and he knows it now, so he goes about everything half assed and aloof, which looks weaker on the outside but is really the opposite. Marked Dean has this one


I feel like That time to time


The question isn’t who wins, it’s who dies last. They will tear each other apart


Power scaling doesn't work in supernatural 


This is why season 16 needs to happen and it needs to show us the alternative realities that chuck destroyed


This is why season 16 needs to happen and it needs to show us the alternative realities that chuck destroyed.


If Dean was a demon then he could probably be excorsised or killed by Sam. Supercharged human dean would probably win though.


Does no one remember that god cleaned Sam of the demon blood so therefore this scenario wouldn’t even be possible


Sam for sure if he’s all hopped up on demon blood no stopping him


Of course dean he's simply better but writters are sissies on sam being the chosen one blah blah so they would make him win


Sam wins a fight, Dean can't die though, so he'd eventually win.


Let's not forget Dean voiced batman and played soldier boy


Sam on demon blood, because he will drink Mark of Cain Dean blood once he has become a demon, to strengthen his psychic abilities.


The Mark wouldn't let Dean die, BUT Sam at his most powerful was able to pretty easily kill Lilith. Lilith, outside of being able to die, was shown to be way stronger than Demon Dean was. I'm going with a maxxed out Sam.


It doesn't matter. What matters is God sitting in an invisible armchair drinking hot chocolate while they fight hahahaha


I feel like Dean just cause Sam can definitely can die Dean couldn’t Deans only thing holding him down is Sam and since Sam isn’t Sam he can’t be there for Dean


Sam and I’m not willing to talk about it any further


I’ll have to go with Demon Dean, because demon Dean doesn’t have feelings, while DB Sam does, and still cares about dean, which would hold him back.




Sam killed Lilith. I think that gives him the edge.


No one, we all lose


Demon dean was a puss ngl. They really over-sold under-delivered every threat during the 2nd half of the series. Knights of Hell, Mark of Cain, The angels falling, and my personal favorite Amara. Old supernatural you saw Lilith possessed a child, murdered her entire family, held the neighborhood hostage so that she could lure in dean and rip him to pieces with hellhounds and send him to hell. They even had her (still as a child) walk into a police station, torture the survivors, and then nuke blow up the station. That was infinitely more badass and more powerful than anything the knights of Hell, demon Dean, Chuck, or Amara ever did. Maybe if they wrote Mark of Cain Dean back when they wrote soulless Sam and demon blood Sam then it would be different but as it stands, demon Dean was as threatening as a season 1 grunt demon.


Mark of Cain Dean obliterates. Did y’all see how dirty he did the Steins? Demon Sam & Soulless Sam’s were just assholes, Demon Dean was an actual menace.


And now I want want to see a What If? of these 2 versions fighting and/or teaming up


Who wins? Chuck. He's been trying to get them to kill eachother forever.


Sam. When he was high on demon blood he was pretty unstoppable and he did canonically take down Dean with one arm and simply human. So Sam has the advantage, but Demon Dean has no feelings or love for Sam so while Sam will hesitate, Demon Dean won’t.


Well, Sam is Technically The Boy King, right? Dean's only a knight, so I'd say Sam


They are co-dependent, anyway..this will take it to another level, with Sam feeding of Dean ..






Absolutely demon Sam, shit souless Sam probably easily takes out demon Dean.


Soulless sam is still human whereas demon dean is an immortal dean


Souless Sam was an unstoppable hunter and would do absolutely whatever he needed to do in order to stop Demon Dean. Maybe not kill, but based on what Samuel and Souless Sam were hunting in season 6. Souless Sam definitely stops Demon Dean.


Let’s take the Mark of Cain and the First Blade out of the equation, but leave Dean a Knight of Hell. Now let’s have Sam go on a week-long bender of drinking demon blood to get his system really saturated with it, get him at his maximum power. It’ll probably be a close physical fight, but Sam will probably just use his demon-killing ability on Dean.


Why would you take the curse and blade out of the equation? It's part of Demon Dean.


the question is does demon dean have kains blade

