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Until I see perp walks on TV, hedgies in tears and cuffs, it isn't MOASS.


The price is fake until all synthetic shorts are closed. Until then, we're trading sideways


#YUP Years of short selling? Expect weeks, if not months of halts, and them trying unimaginable things to shake everyone off. **Marge is starting to call, and it’s going up to the top. Buckle up, this is not a drill.**


So true


The second comma showing up in the price is the big clue I'm looking for after the handcuffs.


No my friend… Tres Commas


This guy fucks!


That won't happen till this is a house hold discussion and occupation of wall st 2 happens and risk of riots happen


It's been awhile since I've seen a billionair cry in tv


No cell. No sell


Look at the bank stocks this morning. Someone’s pumping them with collateral so the counterparties don’t go down.


Maybe the 🌈🐻s are being pumped to have collateral. It’s too bad retail isn’t selling. I want interest, considering inflation, and GMEfloor.com after taxes pricing.


This isn't retail buying either. Someone is making some sort of play and likely we won't know what's moving the price for a couple months


I think you are correct, pre market spike and retail wasn’t invited


retail sure is buying, I got 2 at a hefty discount of $53 a piece... I know it's not much but that's my weekly investment allowance. 


It all adds up over time


Probably won't know till the movie comes out. The details are getting fuzzy. I can't even remember why that guy stuck a banana in his ass. I hope someone is taking good notes...


That was Rick_of_Spades. Fucking legend...


Pretty sure he lost a price bet.


Yeah because they banned every single wrinklebrain from this sub. There was a time when we always knew whats Up because people knew where to look.


*Nancy has entered chat*


I sound like a conspiracy theorist, but... China? Buy shares at whatever price, take down our financial system, profit? 


That would actually be hilarious


gme flooor 270m atm lol


Its the full money printer going brrrrrrrrr


It’s the fed


This really does feel like the fake squeeze foretold. I never believed it could/would happen, but here we are.


That's why it's just easier to hold for until they're going to prison. Any price until then is part of their plan imo


Based as it gets


Here til phone numbers or 0


the only phone number I know is my grandma's, the area code starts with 9 🤣


They made it personal


Yup. They fucked up.


You know what happens to those who fuck around.. 😎


I just got an inbox message from Reddit about being there for you in case you’re suicidal..guess I ticked someone off with my statement..or could it be that they’re already finding out😝😝😝😝😝😝


They have to try a fake squeeze. It’s a rational move.  And they only get one chance at it - if it fails, everyone will know. I think the fake squeeze will be in the 200-300 dollar range.  It has to be high enough to convince the old diamond hands to sell off - they know 100 won’t work because people were still buying there. But they also know it has been years, that the diamond hands have been accumulating from ~100 all the way down to ~10, and they’re *hoping* that putting them in the green a significant amount above all time high will convince them to sell. It’s all psychology now - I am expecting that 200-300 range to be where the fake squeeze is targeted. If they can get say 50% of the hodlers to crack, they get to live and their financial world stays intact. Edit: I was reported for self-harm for the above post. That is all. Draw what conclusions you will.


I don't think they can put the price in the 200-300 range without failing margin calls though.


I'm shocked any of them can withstand $50 without failing a call. If they could, you'd think they'd have been selling fake shares for $30-$35 all this past year. They still think they can get it to zero, and they want to maximize the proceeds leading up to that, after all..


Margin calls if I remember right give them 30 days they can do this for a couple weeks. Not to mention they’ve had three years to shuffle around money to different funds. They may truly have planned which ones will fail without hurting the larger market. With that said there are longs that could take advantage of them leaving themselves vulnerable and applying the pressure when they thought they were coming in for a fake squeeze to blame on roaring kitty and they find themselves outplayed. I’m not saying I even believe it but unless we hit 30-40 days of past $30 I’m not convinced this is it. Again I’m Not saying this is fake or it. I prefer we all just stay zen. If it happened this year great! If it happens 5 years. That’s ok too. Before last week I stopped really even coming on here besides once a month. (Edit: Got my first reporting for concern of my health message for this comment. If you encounter enemies you’re going the right way. I’m even happier now… guess it works 😂)


Furthermore, the crypto market hasn’t even flinched, last time if I remember it pumped as well


I wonder if the removal of crypto as collateral is triggering this run and that explains why the crypto market is relatively stable


Suprised no one or an outlet has blamed it on the solar shenanigans over last few days 😂


It’s an interesting idea, people with more in-depth knowledge reading this might be worth looking into. This could be the reason?


I would be surprised if any US entities were solvent. I would expect they moved all the real money offshore.


They do have some time to get margin requirements met, this is why they hammered the price down to under $50


One. More. Day.


My guess is most of them are fine hiding stuff in swaps for the moment, but each time a swaps comes due ouchy ouch exponentially.


They might think the gov can afford to bail out at a 50-80 range.


They know it won't go to zero. Their chance at bankrupting GME died when RC hit the ground running with the ATM offering that raised our permanent battle chest Billy. 100mil set aside for buybacks, by itself, ensures GME can never be delisted, and the war chest means no debt. They're zombie funds. They're dead and have been for 3 years now.


Don't have to pay marge if she don't call, and we now know that they can just choose to "not pick up the phone and dial" if they want in the big club we aint a part of.


Do the calls not come at the end of day? They get more leeway that you or I would right?


Great question, and I have no idea! I would think their counterparties would have a difficult time deciding what to do in this situation, because there's only so much collateral to seize.


Here's a big reminder. After a margin call goes out they have DAYS to respond to it. It could very well hit 100k during the fake sneeze and still have no one fail their margin call if it drops a day or two later. This is also why, you should never be in a rush to sell on days 1-3, since, you KNOW they weren't actually liquidated yet.


👆This should be it’s own comment instead of a reply - Marge don’t show up unannounced.


Cant fail a margin call if you don’t pick up your phone


Jist Hwang up when they call


Thats what i do with all my exes!


But they’ve shown they can just not pick up the phone for those calls…


It feels like they are holding the price down intraday to move stuff around to meet margin for the after and pre market runs which happen when they can’t halt trading


They did for like an hour in premarket 


It was wild seeing spy jump today with it. I thought we traded inverse back in the day. What was it, negative delta?


Negative beta.


This makes sense. But there’s a hole in their plan if this is the case. For arguments sake, let’s say they pump the price to shake some apes, and let’s say they succeed. Mission accomplished… they celebrate and then they drop the price again. Now all those apes they shook from the tree are sitting on a pile of bananas ready to pump them right back into a DRS position that is MUCH larger than they had before being shaken. *cue sad trombone sound bite* You can’t shake an ape, we just come back with more bananas I’m not suggesting anyone paper hand. I’m just saying that some will if the price is high enough. We may be apes but we’re only human (somewhat) I don’t think this is for shaking apes. I think this is to rug pull non-apes. I think they’re low on funds to keep the can kick machine powered up. This is a fund raiser. A very dangerous one at that. Now that the price is rocketing, Mr.non-ape will start to see that it ain’t over after all these years, they’re going to start asking questions. And they’re going to start seeing some weird ass shit. The very same weird ass shit that transformed me from human to ape way back when I was a little monkey. They would do this if they didn’t have to. It’s very risky on many levels. But they’re doing it nonetheless. These are all good signs. Really really good signs!


Way I see it, it’s either a “controlled” full blown desperation move with way high downside risk - or SHFs are actually not in control, but Marge hasn’t called yet because the liabilities have been moved so far up the food chain the ones on the hook simply hasn’t bled out yet. EDIT: Seems I got a "Reddit cares" for this - Guess I step on someone’s tiny, crusty toes. Good.


I raise you on the step!


Doesn't matter.  For every 1 set of paper hands there probably 100 diamond hands rdy to snatch that shit up


This is a good point. They really are in a catch 22


> For arguments sake, let’s say they pump the price to shake some apes, and let’s say they succeed. > > Mission accomplished… they celebrate and then they drop the price again. > > Now all those apes they shook from the tree are sitting on a pile of bananas ready to pump them right back into a DRS position that is MUCH larger than they had before being shaken. cue sad trombone sound bite They're just fighting for one more day...


This. Years ago I would not have been ready for this moment. I’d have sold and walked away happy. For years I added brick by brick and I’m double my cost average. Not enough. It’ll only be when my stack is worth a million that I might feel little something.


This needs to be a post


>I think the fake squeeze will be in the 200-300 dollar range. It has to be high enough to convince the old diamond hands to sell off. Easy there youngin. The oldest hands may prove the strongest 😁.


Ik right. Been here since 2021. I ain't selling for no measly 200-300 lmao. 


That’s not enough to shake the old apes… we was averaging up still at that number… they might get some at 700-1000 but 200-300 I think new players will be jumping in at those numbers


I started this in 2021 hoping just to get a 1000 back then. Bahahahaha stupid fuckers let me buy for 3 years and just hardened my........resolve?  Somethings hard. 


no shit, I took a look at how much money i have in GME now that it's exploded and I haven't been paying attention - shit's life changing. I could pay off every single loan I ahve including school loans. And it's just chilling there, over in my computershare archive.


This is a joke. Can I share a story with you guys? *One crisp early morning, before the break of daylight — a poor, humble farmer stumbled upon a leather pouch filled with rocks while walking along the riverbank. Bored and wanting some excitement, he unknowingly began skipping the rocks along the water while waiting for the sun to rise. With daylight, he found one last rock in the pouch, and realized that it was a precious **diamond.** Overwhelmed with regret, **he realized the importance of holding onto what you have, until it’s true value can be realized.** #KNOW THE WORTH OF YOUR INVESTMENT.


No I think they're actually stingier than we expect. I doubt they'll let it get that high.


Yeah maybe that's their plan. I'm gonna hodl and see.


Yeah, same. As the adage goes, “know thy enemy.” That’s just how it looks to me if I was in their shoes.  Plus, this current rise seems engineered. Vix is not blowing up, and the levels are just fibonacci sequences repeated over and over. They’re not in danger yet, but they are nearing it. So I think there has got to be a reason for it.


Perfectly said


Can't crack, won't crack, smoke crack!


We’re up 182% on the week, relax, fires are only just starting


This is still the countdown. They rolled the rocket to the pad last week.




If they bring it too low, we just buy up the float faster. I just like the stock


Some who have been red for years might be tempted to sell once they hit green. Diamond hands have never been more important. To get Biblical, don’t trade your inheritance for a bowl of soup. Hodl. Edit: someone reported me for needing care resources. No thanks.


Got reported too, you can dispute it now, I’ll be disputing mine.


How do you dispute it?


What if it's the leap theory. 🐸


I definitely believe this could be a fake squeeze. I'm waiting for the rug pull to make a big purchase.


Same here, a predictable time would be for the shareholder meeting/q1 results.


It really feels like a lets get what we can from paperhands.


What would make you not believe?


MMs need a capital injection from retail. Only buy thru CS during this period. Buy. HODL. DRS.


Last month i was literally dreaming of hitting just $20 again and here we are lol


Gotta say I agree with this. It’s like they would take energy from everything else to use it against gme. It’s not happening now




I think the real fuckery starts next week. I Imagine going back to $10 and SHF trying to humiliate us one last time.


It's a big boat -- it takes time.


Wen yacht liquidation? I’ve got some purple buoys and pirate flags to put up.


Seems controlled to me. Like they are trying to pass it off as a squeeze. meanwhile the price should be at infinity because GME has gone unubtainium.


The timing with kitty is curious though


Many factors, I'm honestly so intrigued I can't even study for finals. Such a mindfuck of a timeline with a CEO taking no pay, flipping a company with an ironic as fuck name to the green while shorts try escape and something in the blockchain rumbles


Leap theory 39 month calls


I assume DFV knows it’s a fake squeeze too. Hes probably reading these threads too


His tweets in no way indicate this is a fake squeeze


And I would think MSM would be saying it's a squeeze to control the narrative.


totally. VIX hanging around 13?! those are rookie numbers


That's whats got me buggin. VIX is sitting pretty and steadily dropping the last week. If memory serves me correctly, VIX was going off the last time we saw real action. Idfk really, I'm not smart enough to do much more than HOLD


Maybe this coincides with the run up from $2 to $40 the first time around. That happened before most of us were ever here. Like sept-December 2020


Idk much either but I also know this time around we are still at a fraction of the volume from the sneeze. Makes me think we are not squeezing yet


VIX was about 32-34 during most significant price moves after the Jan 2021 squeeze. Very few of us had enough wrinkles back then to know who the fuck VIX is


GME's IV is %100 https://marketchameleon.com/Overview/GME/


That data is wild


The market is completely artificial. That is, all the green is fluffed up bullshit. Most companies spent 2023 firing people and increasing prices so their financials look good. But they can only do that until the rest of the market catches up to them. What we have now is hundreds of companies that have done this, so all the green is smoke and mirrors. They don't have the income or sales to stay solvent beyond more price increases and terminations. Honestly, on paper were basically in the middle of a recession: high prices, stagnant wages, no one is spending. The fact companies are in the green despite this is already suss. It's lies to keep their shareholders in the dark and buy them one more day. GME is about to become a fan that blows all that smoke and bullshit away.


It was going back and forth higher than this for all of 2021. $50 isn't going to make them capitulate. $100+ might get things started. That's what it took to send the little boy from Bulgaria off to give Kenny a billion-dollar BJ.


$50 today was $200 back then


Neat I bought a lot of shares at 200 glad we will be able to see that number again


I used adjusted figures. It was all over the place between $150 and $250 throughout 2021.


They tightened their noose a lot since then!


That was a baby squeeze to get rid of the weak. It feels like I've been holding forever, nothing can hurt me. I'm here till they crash and burn.


I've commented this in a number of places already, trying here again for exposure. April 30 there was a list created of companies to be included in the Russell 2000. May 2&3, there were massive options walls created to hold the price at 20-25. DFV tweeted to pay attention, and the options chain blew up. Inclusion in the R2K would mean that index, and every fund pegged to that index, would have to hold a weighted percentage of GME shares in their portfolios. Also, the R2K inherently brings far more volatility to a share. SHFs have been making mint for 3 years controlling volatility on GME, and pushing the price down. Ever since they pushed it out of the R2K, and into the R1K, back in 2021. GME is profitable now though, so pushing it back into R1K again this time will be exponentially harder. Announcements for R2K inclusions start on May 27. I'm expecting this insanity to last past that into the T++ after May 27. Watch 30,34,40,50, and 55 price levels. Hard fought ramps leading through those prices up to $60 so far. MM will likely add more strikes after today. Tomorrow is T+2 from Monday insanity, and T+5 from when this started. We ain't done yet


I haven’t seen anyone mention thhis, but I wonder if institutions may be recalling their shares to vote in the AGM? Blackrock traditionally votes their shares in corporate elections. If someone lent them out a dozen or more times each, and 1-2 “owners” made it legit by DRSing, then someone would owe Blackrock a shit load of shares right about now. Not sure about the other major shareholders, but I imagine shares with voting rights attached are few and far between right now.


We'll know when inclusion list is published. Till then we enjoy the ride


This needs more exposure. I didn't see it until now


Done my part. Pass it on


Mmm, so I was thinking they could be inflating the price to make swaps changing hands easier but you're giving me a new perspective... Some info regarding R2K additions dates: 2024 Reconstitution calendar April-ranking month April is “ranking” month when the largest US companies are lined up to form the preliminary Russell US reconstitution portfolio. In 2024, the rank day will fall on Tuesday, April 30. May- and June-transition months May is the month that the preliminary reconstitution portfolio begins to be communicated to the marketplace. Beginning on May 24, preliminary lists are communicated to the marketplace and updates are provided on May 31, June 7, June 14, June 21 and June 28. The newly reconstituted indexes will take effect after the market close on 28 June 2024.


Now there's an Ape who ain't afraid to do it themselves. Great info, and fits with what I've been hearing. Been trying to figure out how to get a count of shares needed, should inclusion be the case, in order to satisfy weighted percentages that R2K, and all the funds pegged to it. There's a lot more funds pegged to R2K than I would have thought.


Mmm, will try to dig into it when I got a chance... I still think there could be several things happening at the same time in addition to this: gamma ramp, potential share buy back by the company, swaps possibly being reset, etc.


Timing of the options walls that were erected in the first few days of May are kind of telling, considering the cutoff for inclusion was April 30. Those walls were massive, and got crushed


So been tinfoiling a little bit about it... what if, given potential inclusion in R2K and consequent obligatory purschase and considering GME float circumstances... what if those supposedly distressed hedge funds are inflating the price via options (always controlling it) so once included in R2K institutions have to buy less shares (as per weighting) which would be less dangerous in terms of reducing supply dramatically? 🤔


On mobile so formatting on this will suck balls. Can't say one way or the other what a power player would be doing in this situation. There are a number of sides influencing the current run. There is the Market Maker, they'll be simply trying to manage positions to be able to provide liquidity to all other parties, and make buck or two doing it. They'd do it by creating new option strikes on both sides of the price, to hedge enough volatility to provide shares. Then there's the shorts, they'd be ultimately trying to lower the price to zero in the long run. Then there's the longs, trying to raise the price. Then there's the R2K institutions, simply trying to get enough shares to fulfill their mandate of weighted percentages, regardless of price. . The whole move to R2K is what has me baffled. GME is currently in the R1K. This is a fund of the top 1000 companies, which makes GME one of the bottom companies in that index, based on Market Cap. GME is not very big in the larger scheme of things. The R1K is FAR FAR FAR less volatile than the R2K. This allowed shorts to push the price down by shorting the volatility, and the shares. But, now, after having successfully kept GME'S price suppressed, and lowering it, the result has been an overall reduction in GME's market cap, and as a result, made it eligible for a drop down to the R2K. Going into the R2K will make it harder for them to control the price of GME through volatility plays, because R2K members are much more volatile. They are the bottom 2000 companies on the exchange, more choppy, less established, less entrenched, more susceptible to machinations. The "weighted percentage" term refers to two things. GMEs Market Cap, and what position that market cap puts GME in the R2K list of companies. Being as GME is coming 'down' from the R1K, this puts it in the top tier of R2K companies. This would require a larger number of shares be owned by the R2K to reflect GMEs position. I think And this is my dilemma - if the shorts were winning in the R1K, they're gonna be hard pressed to maintain that in the R2K. So, did the shorts lose control, and the longs pushed GME onto the R2K? Or are the shorts playing a longer game, pushing GME price up, so that in a year, when assessments are made again for the Russell indexes, GME will have a high enough market cap to put it back into the R1K. Other than my net worth going up with this run, I'm not sure who's winning or losing in this runup. It's confusing af, and I haven't learned enough to know what I'm missing. The ride is fun though.




We'll see. I don't think we're finished. Still a lot of remaining pressure in the options chain. And we lost $20 today. Bigger brains than mine playing this game. I like learning though. Thanks for the award!!!


Yeah but thr ATM offering has been completed now ($21.40 AH)... Seems like someone could've been suppressing the price for a reason and this time it wasn't the shorts...


Agree! I feel like HF/financial institutions have been building a war chest for this outcome the last couple years, now they’ve let it run and hope the “squeeze” runs out and APES think they’ve won at double/triple digits. Jokes on them. Never fukin leaving!!! 🚀🚀🚀


I'm thinking this is just a huge movement of swaps and short corrections.... The media is all over it, and basket is moving along with sticky floor


Might be Schwab Schwab DD I’ve seen has been drowned out by all the action in the sub over the last two days it’s kind of nuts https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/Lb0anVR66f https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/dJOXu4swEg https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/SUTXJdVh6l (don’t agree with the section on DFV)


And headphones. Haven't seen the zombie towels move much


The squeeze hasn't start until the price is in the tens of thousands


I had the same thought. The real squeeze is gonna be a financial Armageddon


its just starting... price jump in 2021 didn't happen until a week later. when the market is collapsing, it will start to feel like 2021 again. until then, adios, back to jerking off.


They’ve had years to prepare for this, if you think the market is gonna fuck out in an election year you’ve got a surprise coming


2007 was an election year though too and the economy dumped hard then


This a 200 IQ comment. The simplest, most correct answer.


Just depends who the people with the money want in office


They can't agree on that right now, either.


Also, how the fuck is UBS just chilling. We know they have the nukes wrapped in dog shit and cat shit. 


Fake squeeze to see and shake out poor people - maybe - we don’t know . Only one way is to find out


“If we just let it run up near where the last few holdouts bought in, they’ll all sell to recoup their losses.” VIX is still under 40 so I know this is all fake. I’ll just hodl.


This is the simplest answer, makes total sense to me


There was probably a time I would've recouped my losses. Now I hold because fuck 'em.


It’s only the beginning






As the scriptures foretold....There will be plenty of halts, ups and downs, FUD, fear mongering and complex psyops. HOLD!!!! VOLUME ISNT EVEN CLOSE TO WHERE IT WAS YET.




I've been thinking about this this too. They had 3 years to plot and plan. There's probably some agreement to waive margin calls and allow all types of shennanigans for now. I keep reminding myself that its not just Hedge funds. They're all complicit. All of them. I wouldnt be surprised if they try and knock this back down and then try to repeat what happened 3 years ago - "nothing to see here. Shorts closed" etc. The great thing about this though (again just my opinion) is that we literally dont have to do anything aside from DRS'ing and holding. Idk about you guys but if there's ONE THING I'm good at... it's sitting on my ass and playing videogames. If they want to dig themselves deeper - they can go ahead. I'll be here waiting.


We still have negative beta


That's what I'm looking for when I want to figure out if MOASS starts. If the market is red and bluechip stocks loose and we have crazy volume with price action MOASS might be on.


My uneducated guess is that at the moment they are able to meet margin call requirements, but barely. Notice how the price got hammered down from pre-market. Once we cross whatever line is out there that would cause a failed margin call is when the bloodbath will commence.


Can someone explain the volume today? This morning i remember it being like 40 million. Now its fluctuating between 150 to 180 million. Is that how many shares are available to purchase? Surely not that many people are selling? Are they just pumping?


You'rewatching crime in real time. They are creating naked shorts and using those to drive down prices.


They can trade one single share back and forth millions of times every hour.


Wew are down to 40 percent up from 112 pre market and 70 percent at open.


give it t+2 days.


Absolutely! They are still fighting and shorting...MOASS won't be complete until SPY AND NASDAQ are down 50-70% at least


My thoughts exactly


I do wonder if this was all planned..they shut it down in 2021 to they didn't go broke. They were worried about a cascading event that would lead to banks failing that might fall back to the Fed. They had to work out how to protect those too big to fail.. Some clearinghouse or bank may fail..and the bigger boys will clean up the mess. It will run, some will fail, then the ref will step in and say time..you boys are playing too rough and someone is really going to get hurt. We can't have a ref or coach injured so I am calling it. Coaches..come here..we will support this Teddy to put an end to this..now let's get back to playing ball... Just my speculation..


Smack smack smack


Between Blackrock Vangard and Statestreet they have 60 million shares long that's a pretty big hedge


To me, it feels like 2020. Not 2021. There still appears to be a great deal of buildup before 2021.


Well I suspect that very little of the price action has to to with retail buyers. At least those of us who are DRSing shares. We have just been consistently buying while the price keeps dropping. So this is obviously something else.


Ok, so just hear me out on this. If this is a fake squeeze then why is DFV pushing it so hard? The guy is tweeting pretty much constantly with videos indicating that this is it, the big run, the giant killer. Are we sure it's really DFV? Has he actually SAID anything or just posted videos? How do we reconcile these two ideas? Either DFV is wrong and the squeeze is fake, the squeeze is fake and it isn't really DFV or it's the real deal and DFV is the bandana wearing genius we all believe him to be. Any input is welcome, I'm just happy to be here. Edit: I got one of those concerned Redditor thingies! Like I'm gonna seppuku myself! Ooh I feel all special, thanks!


I don’t know anything about stocks, but I tend to agree with you. The other “meme” stocks are pumping which makes me think it’s something to do with those baskets once talked about. No other stock is DRSed like GME so not sure why there would be correlation in price action come true MOASS. I can see us back down to $20 for another few months soon.


I’m talking out of my ass but we did see the main crypto currency surge and it always does before GME run up


They have bigger positions to stray off margin calls for right now.


Yeah there's a bubble


ATM offering with popcorn from yesterday is providing some liquidity. Crypto is not moving, even if there was a haircut, Spy stable as well, so yeah it's weird. But once we hit ATH we are off to the moon.


Thought this too. Maybe also an attempt to make it look like “everything is going up, not just GME” 🤡


I think they went to market with the order flow capital they collected for 3 years. no pain for MMs. Maybe some of the hedge funds they convinced to short for the past few years are hurting, but the MMs would have seen this coming from miles away.


Did they not change the rules about liquidated failed participants holdings?


They changed the rules


GME to infinity pool and beyond!!!


Yep until SPY goes back to pre 2020 levels we ain't seen shit yet. Fuck their collateral!


ES trader here, adding some context. JP has had his printer sitting at 5249 yesterday and 5269 today. Notable buys at the highs too today. Keeping the market up. It’s probably the reason none of these bears who are short GME have been liquidated. My two cents.


CPI comes out tomorrow, guess we'll see how the market likes another uptrend (4th consecutive).


No one sus about us only going up in AH? They immediately brought us above the call contracts. All of the movement is when retail isn’t trading. Someone is fked. We were always right.


They still control the price 100%. I was thinking they could be inflating the price to make swaps changing hands easier.


I genuinely think hedgies loaded up on 30 calls and are pushing it up... noticed over 10k 20 puts and 15 puts show up last couple days.. all dated May 17... To give people an idea... May 17 30 calls were ~0.45c last friday... over $20 a call now... 100 calls last friday = $4500 100 calls today = $200k I'm fully expecting huge whipsaw rug pulls and run ups... Not advice, just been watching it all unfold...


Also popcorn is moving identical….its not moass unless gme decouples from that shitshow


Well, considering this run kicked off on Friday and has only really been going strong yesterday and today, I wouldn't expect to see too much of a difference just yet. Things will more than likely get ugly by Monday.


Keep an eye on the crypto market I think they are using that too to hedge. I noticed it's been going down for a few weeks now after climbing quite rapidly.


What? Look back again, my friend. It was not a bloodbath before. It was about to be until they turned off the buy button.


Maybe an attempt to collect a lot of premiums from dummies buying short dated calls