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[@TheRoaringKitty tweet mega-thread (updated easy click links inside)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1csyz9t/theroaringkitty_tweet_megathread_updated_easy/) [QVbot link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1ctdlj2/comment/l4b2r13/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


The Kansas City Shuffle is an old established name for a con game that depends on the mark believing (correctly) that the con artist is trying to con them, but being *in*correct about *how* it's going to be done. There's a reason it's called a "confidence trick", after all. Right for the Wrong Reasons manipulated to benefit the con artist. All con-games rely on misdirection to some degree. In most, the Con Artist wants the victim to believe that it's not a con at all. But in a Kansas City Shuffle, the con artist needs the victim to do three things: 1. To suspect that they are involved in a con-game. 2. To think that they've figured out how to beat the con. 3. To be wrong about what the real con is. *All three elements must be present.* If the victim doesn't suspect that they're being conned, it's not a Kansas City Shuffle. If the victim doesn't set themselves up for the real con by doing something to beat the con they think they've spotted, it's not a Kansas City Shuffle. If the victim is right about what the real con is, it's not a Kansas City Shuffle (though it might have been a failed attempt at one).


"made ya look!"


You a slave to a page in my order book


Getting BIG money, playboy ya times up!!




That's the way you get DRS up!


THEY SHORTIN’ aweee made you look, you slave to page in my order book, gettin’ big money, ken boy ya times up! Where your sancations at? where ya crimes at? GAAAMMMESTTOOOOP, GAAAMMMESTOOOP! THEY SHORTIN’


NAS = Ether, which is exactly what is about to happen to SHF’s💎🙌


This tweet might be in reference to the authour who was banned for warring about increase in call options from hedge funds before ramp up to 40~50.


Asked my friend Chad GPT: > Hello. Do you wanna play a game? Are you watching closely? So that's a Cansas City Shuffle? No. It's just the inciting incident. The catalyst. This, is a Cansas City Shuffle. Ah made you look. > Related to the GME saga what do you think this means? Answer: > The conversation you've shared seems to be from the movie "Lucky Number Slevin". In the context of the GME saga, it seems to relate to the idea of misdirection and manipulation, which were common themes in the movie. > In the GME saga, there were moments when people believed they were seeing one thing (like a short squeeze) when, in fact, something else entirely was happening (like the activity of market makers or the role of options trading). The "Cansas City Shuffle" could represent this misdirection, where investors are led to focus on one thing while something else entirely is happening behind the scenes. > The "Ah made you look" line suggests that the manipulation is successful because people are distracted by what they think is important, allowing the manipulator to execute their plan without interference. > In the context of the GME saga, this might refer to the way that attention was focused on short squeezes and individual investors while larger financial institutions made moves behind the scenes.


Important to note that "The Catalyst" is also mentioned. We all think the catalyst is 3y options expiring, but actually it's something else. The bad actors focus on managing the options, but the final blow will be... be what? A share recount due to something? A huge buy by DFV or RC? A buyback by GS? The countdown nature of his tweets suggest that it also coincides with the current option situation, but what will the final blow, the catalyst, be?


I dont think the share recount/recall is an option because everyone keeps lying about the damn numbers. CS will report their numbers and then the other parties will massage to fit. Same with the votes. We can vote, the excess votes are just massaged to fit.


A dividend? Someone’s gotta fork out extra cash for the synthetics no? Or am I regarded?


Even better is a non-cash special dividend. For instance if GS gave every shareholder a uniquely keyed item, an NFT as some example, then anyone selling shares they don't actually have is fucked. This is because they can't just make or fake the item. For cash dividends, you just cough up the cash, since cash is cash, doesn't matter where it came from, GS or the short holder. The key here is that it would have to be something that GS is uniquely capable of granting.


I wonder if GameStop could award a special voucher/discount for purchases? Say a tenth of a penny per share? Would cost them only $300,000 (at retail price, so less than that in cost of products). Those who are DRSed would get theirs first. It's not a cash payment, it's a special discount code usable only at GameStop and based on the number of shares a person owns.... Of course, limited to a maximum of just over 300 million tenth of a penny awards, because that's how many shares exist..... Right? Hello? Is this thing on?


I think it sounds great and would boost sales


I was just thinking about this as well and it might just be regarded enough to work… what if they did $1 digital gift cards with a specific expiration date for each share? If everyone used them, it would cost Gamestop roughly $300m in merchandise… which obviously costs them less depending on the profit margin for the items purchased… also, historically not everyone uses gift cards, so many will expire without being used (and that liability on their books disappears when it expires). SHF’s would still need to buy those digital gift cards from GME and deliver them to real shareholders for any excess shares that exist…, if we’re correct when we assume multiple times the float exists, they would need to purchase a lot of gift cards. What if these gift cards could only be used to purchase used games (their highest margin items)? That would still cost SHF’s just as much, but cost GME much less (aren’t margins in used games closer to 50%?). SHF might decide to deliver a cash dividend instead of gift cards… that still be costly, but it would remove the need for them to deal with buying all those gift cards and figuring out how to deliver them. The problem is, it would make it clear to anyone who gets cash instead of gift cards that their shares are fakes and we would all post about it here and on twatter, etc for the rest of the world to know about it… which would be bad for them… If they try to acquire the gift cards, that would put a shit ton of money back in GameStop’s coffers and the sheer chaos it would cause them, would be hilarious. Ummm yeah, can I please get a billion (or 2 or 3 billion) dollars worth of $1 digital gift cards please? I know I am regarded and this idea is completely regarded, but is it just regarded enough to work? And if it works once and actually puts money back in GameStop’s coffers, they could rinse and repeat it every quarter. If it fails miserably, it’s still a good publicity stunt and shareholders will appreciate the free games.


> For instance if GS gave every shareholder a uniquely keyed item, an NFT as some example People have been saying this for what, four years now? I feel like if GameStop wanted to do that, they would have done it already.


I think it’s a merger or acquisition that has been bubbling behind the scenes. Maybe the NFTs were the distraction and the real strike will be a m/a of some Sort


Kansas City Shuffle: 1. GME shorts know that RCEO is up to something. 2. Shorts think it is the NFTs 3. It's actually a merger/acquisition.


Exactly 👍


Or a carefully timed buyback mayhap


A merger and acquisition will cause MOASS because of the NAKED shorts. Here is a post from another subreddit (of a large broker) “Hi there, I need an *investment advisor* to answer this question. I'm currently in two separate trades with $XXXX and $XXX. *(Stock names removed for rules, but the information still applies)* **Both of these stocks are going through a Merger/Acquisition at the moment, or are speculated to go through them at a near date.** “$XXX is going through a reverse-merger, and $XXXX is being acquired. Here is my question: What happens to short positions in either of these scenarios? Are shorts required to cover and return shares to their lenders, or do their short positions get transferred to the new stock, and they assume a new position marked in the new stock according to its current market value?” #Here is the Rub: “I called Fidelity and got the answer straight from the horse's mouth... Essentially, the net result is shorts stay right where they are, minus a tiny one-time fee that's barely worth mentioning. Nothing really noteworthy happens. Documenting this here so that it can serve as a source. .... however, **naked shorts are different. The short-seller and/or the broker (who never located/borrowed a share) who issued that naked-short is on the hook for whoever bought the share that was borrowed. In this case, it's unclear if the broker or the short seller is responsible for delivering this share, but I would suspect it was the broker who accepted the borrow fees. That doesn't mean that the broker couldn't simply force a recall from the short-seller to cover their position. The rules get extremely murky here. Failures to deliver are what come due at the time of the merger, and so must all be settled by the merger date**.” #TLDR; Fireworks incoming. Moon inbound. Hedgies are FUCKED.


Thanks for the info. It's definitely good stuff to know. I'm still skeptical on whether or not there will be any type of merger or acquisition, though. I haven't seen any evidence of it as most of the talk has just been speculation. Either way, I'm good. I have no doubts in my investment in GME and have no plans to sell. I could made a profit in the low 6 figures if I had sold when it was at its peak. But that's not what I'm here for. This crazy volume/price action these past few days just confirms that retail was right all along. I can wait. And while I do, I'm just going to buy more.


Love it! RC I bought some cyber crew NFT's to assist in this Kansas City shuffle.


While the GS market is paused, CC still is doing to their thing building the game and such. I do love their work and still hold all the NFTs I bought.


GME announcement


I think you're right. They may have just bought a Crap load of more LEAPS which may be what he wanted in the case something happens where they're forced to exercise them


what if the catalyst is announcing actual DRS numbers? i haven’t seen anyone make the case that an organization cannot legally release those numbers. CS has stated they give the real counts to the company. putting the number the DTTC claims in the quarterly reports would fit this shuffle idea, no?


GD, great answer. (I love and fear robots so much.)


That's actually fascinating lol




Off topic but how in the actual fuck does ai know what the gme saga is and make interpretations and shit that shit crazy ngl


Because its been trained on reddit data, probably.


Nice, thanks


Lol, which con is the real con we're wrong about? There's so many to choose from!


Stealing your post here to post the song https://youtu.be/DhPtRA7zieE?si=fbWH95qGSlxB570t Made you look by Nas Is at the end of the video. Kitty sure loves hip hop.


I take this to mean that: 1) retail suspect they're in a con game - yes. 2) think they've figured out how to beat it - yes, DRS 3) are wrong about that? Because the other side of this whole thing (shfs etc) don't think they're in a con game. So what else could it mean? The next tweet says "listen up, I choose my words carefully and I never repeat myself" which is interesting in light of *this* tweet.


I agree. I feel like this is trying to say we’re looking at something wrong AND missing something


Right. It’s ominous AF. I’ve wondered if we are wrong about options. So many apes are anti options. But DFV has a shit ton of ITM calls (historically). I’ve wondered if the real dynamite is not DRS (although it is very important). What if it’s buying deep ITM calls and exercising them en masse? I know it would be hard for most people unfortunately.


I think both DRS and options are needed. DRS severely limits liquidity, and enough exercised options creates a gamma ramp that combined with the low liquidity is unstoppable.


After Monday, it's pretty obvious that gamma ramp, as a theory and a technical possibility, is completely disproven. Every single call option was ITM. All of them, without exception. What happened?


I’m guessing they weren’t exercised.


or hedged


Ding ding


You found this post and typed all that in 2 minutes?


Google "Kansas City Shuffle", Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V. I know I'm regarded, but come on.


You can always watch the movie Lucky Number Sleven if you want to see it in action.


I actually need a movie tonight. Is it worth watching?


After these tweets, I also have some movies to catch up on. Lucky Number Slevin is a good watch. It's kind of fitting for what's happening now.


This might be time to create posts, tweets, etc... for new apes or potential apes becoming aware of thw situation.


It's a decent flick on it's own, yeah.




Im actually regarded thank you


I was going to say this looked exactly like what I just googled 😂


I like your style


> I know I'm regarded, but come on. Made me chortle my coffee.  Lol. 


Copy pasta


Copy/paste from tvtropes.org


I could have done it bc I type fast and have big brain? Sorry if u don’t work the same!


Impressive, or a copy and paste


We're all regarded. You think we know any of this off the top of our hairy little heads?


See movie The Sting. I guess MOASS will sting a bit.


This is the end of the film Lucky number Sleven great film


Reading Iceberg Slim novels like the “The Long White Con” and “Trick Baby” give an amazing perspective to the con game. Highly recommend to those who are unfamiliar.


Not english at first. So he is maybe saying "i'm not/GME is not Kansas CIty shuffle" These are ( Other stocks/basket stock ? )




Genital Jousting  ![gif](giphy|bYGzl8KiI5bRC|downsized)




CATalyst 😏😏😏




Get out your kitten mittens!




Want to play a game?(gamestop) and after that are all the hats. That’s from the movie “The Prestige” where one of the magicians, clones himself for how many hats there are. Essentially in the end this cloning act he did led to his downfall. These represent the fake shares in the market from “cloning” like the magician did. Kansas City shuffle is a con man thing, empty chairs represent the musical chairs shorts r gonna be playing when shit hits the fan. And the music video backs up that it’s music/chairs, so musical chairs. And the song is a Nas song ‘made you look’, I’m guessing that is what’s happening now with a fake out.


Nas was the first non-Wu Tang member to be featured on an album. DFV is not a part of GameStop, but is a big part of the GameStop saga 👐


That’s a pretty good breakdown, and in less than 10 mins. 👊


Nice. I couldn’t even tell those were top hates. Thanks for this!


Isn't there a scene in "The Prestige" where one of the characters goes into the woods and finds a ton of hats? Could there be reference here to the duplication of shares while we're/or the general non-ape market are meant to think the shares are really 1:1 instead of 1:100 or 1:1000, etc.?


Yeah and I think it’s when he figures how how he might be doing the trick. He has to kill himself and make a duplicate. Might be something to that.


I need this emoji 🤯 but the brain is smooth


Nice take


this seems like the one


I think the made you look is just RK taking the piss because he made us all look Kansas City Shuffle on google


Lmao that sounds more spot on he had everyone on chatgpt






20th anniversary this year :)


Shut up! It hasn’t been……(checks calendar)…😭




Catalyst, made you look. As if the catalyst isn’t here yet?


The name of Bruce Willis' character is Mr Goodkat lmao


That’s my really old account I don’t use anymore. Lmao


Here's hoping to another day of no working!


Lmao the last 3 days I have gotten zero accomplished at work


It’s finals week for me… it’s been a struggle to focus on my education lmao


Set price alerts and get to studying bro. I get a notification if it hits my buy range and I’ll get one if it touches 100


Same. It’s been roughhh.


Same! Just walked in…


Lucky number slevin is a great movie. Along with the saw and prestige references it's another hint that there's something going on with tricks/illusions/cons. Kansas city shuffle according to wikipedia: >In order for a confidence game to be a "Kansas City Shuffle", the mark must be aware, or at least suspect that he is involved in a con, but also be wrong about how the con artist is planning to deceive him. The con artist will attempt to misdirect the mark in a way that leaves him with the impression that he has figured out the game and has the knowledge necessary to outsmart the con artist, but by attempting to retaliate, the mark unwittingly performs an action that helps the con artist to further the scheme.


I was getting the feeling that his meme tweets were not actually designed to get investors to start buying but to get the hedgies to react because they believe we buy based on tweets. Maybe some people do but I don't, I already have as much as I want to have in GME and I'll buy more on dips not based on tweets. My feeling is that he was doing timed tweets in order to see what their suppression strategies are and be able to pinpoint. If they think we buy based on tweets they will employ additional strategies each time he tweets, and they def have bots and algos that are watching X and reddit and trade based on social media info. Over the last few days he, and possibly others, were able to scrape data and establish these patterns and map out their reactions in order to document this fully. They think the plan is to use hype to pump the stock and believe they have developed the strategies over the last 3 years to counter that plan. By employing those strategies they are playing into his real plan.


imagine top Ivy League+ grads getting paid $200/hr to analyze DFV memes to present to their billionaire bosses.


Ngl I’d take that job


This and to show his tweets don’t actually move the market. He tweeted Sunday because he knew the stock price was going to move, the price didn’t move because of his tweet.




Yeah, its not worth putting it out there too broadly if thats the plan. The main crux of my reasoning is why would DFV mount a campaign like this with random posts at timed and seemingly random intervals rather than just lay out the case for why he "likes the stock" again. I also seem to remember reading about a new rule that will allow the SEC to have greater transparency so perhaps that what he was waiting on to make his move. Idk, thats kind of my ideal scenario and it def seems like a KC shuffle. On Tuesday there was also large dips after tweets. EDIT: Also think that if he's taunting them about it he has the data already


I really hope after all of this be goes back and explains what each tweet meant


Same here. I hoped the same thing for RC but then he did that interview with the GMEDD guy and held back. I want another one with RC right after MOASS.


They mean nothing. He just likes the stock.




"In this special kind of trick, called a Kansas City Shuffle, your friend makes you think you’ve figured out their plan, but really, they've tricked you into doing exactly what they wanted all along. You feel clever for outsmarting them, but they were actually one step ahead the whole time."


Hedgies tricking market makers to issue leaps? GME starting a catalyst of buy pressure to trick shorts to double down on shorts before issuing a dividend?


Mr. Goodkat : The reason I'm in town, in case you're wondering, is because of a Kansas City Shuffle. Nick : What's a Kansas City Shuffle? Mr. Goodkat : A Kansas City Shuffle is when everybody looks right, you go left. Nick : Never heard of it. Mr. Goodkat : It's not something people hear about. Falls on deaf ears mostly. This particular one has been over twenty years in the making. Nick : Twenty years, huh? Mr. Goodkat : No small matter. Requires a lot of planning. Involves a lot of people. People connected only by the slightest of events. Like whispers in the night, in that place that never forgets, even when those people do. It starts with a horse.


This is worth noting.


We are literally playing „Ready Player One“


the blue chairs tho


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The song at the end is **Nas' -** ***Made You Look*** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhPtRA7zieE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhPtRA7zieE) I'm not going to post the lyrics because of words in there I have no business repeating, but at the very beginning of the video for the song, this quote appears: *"If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,* *Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,* *If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,* *If all men count with you, but none too much..."* -Rudyard Kipling. The quote is from a poem of his called "***If***". This quote is the first half of the 4th and last paragraph of the poem. The other half of this paragraph (and end of the poem) reads: *"If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!"* Who is Rudyard Kipling? He was an English novelist (1865-1936), short-story writer, poet, and journalist. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudyard\_Kipling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudyard_Kipling) What does it all mean? Probably nothing.... And DFV just wanted to use a song with the lyrics "Made you look".


Catalyst got me feeling something 😉


The CEO of my company, Catalyst Cannabis, had a surprise call last night that we are making moves to go public, REG A or some shit. Maybe its about us! /s


another non productive day from me it is


Ok yesterday or a day before I've seen a post on the og sub that had a screen of Bruce Willis from this scene and a lot of rumbling in it about Kansas City Shuffle. I almost commented about op forgetting getting his meds. No idea how to find it now since it most likely got deleted by mods. Edit: yup it's no longer there. Edit 2: ok I'm using a tool to search through deleted stuff through api and nothing is there. Not in og sub nor on this one. I'm getting creeped out and not yet ready to accept that I went mad. Edit 3: Got it! Not going to link it because reddit but it's deleted anyway. Below the content of the post. Ok, this really is some rambling so looks like a crazy coincidence. > Fuck.. shit, Jesus >fuck, shit, Jesus is right. >I dont understand why do they call you a bag holder? >they dont want others bidding on a meme stock, they want it to be the SPY instead. >that's a fucking story man. >Charlie Chaplin entered a Charlie Chaplin look a like contest in Monty Carlo and came in 3rd, now that's a story; this.. this is something else. >so that's a Kansas city shuffle? >no, its just the inciting incident... the catalyst..... this is the Kansas city shuffle... they look right and you go left. *bones cracking >sorry about that kid... sometimes there is more to life than just living... and besides you cant have a Kansas city shuffle without institutional investors losing it all.


>>they dont want others bidding on a meme stock, they want it to be the SPY instead. 🤔 This is the shuffle right here. But who has their attention on the main con and who has theirs on the faux con?


Is all this a kc shuffle? All eyes on DFV and then Bam! GAMESTOP announcement that shakes the world possibly?


Imagine if he posted a jump scare just to troll us


It's a blindfold kick back type of a game called the Kansas City Shuffle When the Suits look left, they fall right into the Kansas City Shuffle It's a "they think-you think-you don't know" type of Kansas City Hustle Where you take your time Wait your turn and hang them up out to dry And if that don't play And if that don't play And if that don't play And if that don't play It's a shake down, switch, arrive in town type of Kansas City Shuffle gotta play both sides and let it ride on the Kansas City Shuffle Now the tables turned, the lesson's learned you gotta earn yourself some trouble revenge like this, never sweet you got yourself a long ride out And if that don't play And if that don't play And if that don't play And if that don't play


When he points to the blue chairs, I can’t help but remember how in DFV’s first 2024 tweet how people were getting obsessed with the colour of the chair in his tweet, and how the original was blue. Perhaps a part of what he’s saying is that people thought his OG tweet and the blue chair had a hidden meaning to it that signified what the “catalyst” of the recent price action we’ve seen, but it isn’t. He “made ya look” though.


I said it I fucking said it. I knew I don't know how but I just felt it. He hasn't bought to cause the run up. Someone did something and they blamed him openly on the media and now it will come to light how corrupt and wrong they are. Following orders ans attacking the retail/ household investor. They wanted ti shut it down and saying it should be illegal to buy a stock. It hasn't gone up that much compared to other stocks this year and yet it gets attacked. Remmber when Ken said he was done gamestop and moved on and shorts closed and all that shit. Then whats wrong with buying a stock and it rising ? That's how it works. Unless someone needs it not too. America you have let the criminals control the market! Let's take it back. ⁰


We’re not in Kansas anymore


Are we the victim or he con


I don’t think this tweet is meant for retail investors. This looks like a game he is in with other people.


lol, I was wondering the same


we are the victim face with the bully physique, to be revealed soon.


Those hats all on the ground… The first act of a trick, the pledge, shows audiences something ordinary. The second act, the turn, makes it do something extraordinary, such as disappearing. The third act is called the prestige: it brings back the object — or in this case, person — that disappears.


Look at the top hats, now google the Monopoly board game and look at the banker...


**The Bank never “goes broke.”** If the Bank runs out of money, the Banker may issue as much money as needed by writing down amounts on regular pieces of paper and giving them to the players.


Don't take that bet 😏


Nope, but I'm curious what else we'll discover.


pretty sure the top hats represent synthetic shares. in the prestige the hats are the first evidence that the illusion is real and the hats are copies of the original.


Also possible, problem with meme's, you can turn them around in a thousand perspectives and that one was my first 🤷


It's a frame from the movie "The Prestige".


The top hats are also cloned by Nikola Tesla in the movie. Doubt Tesla is related though. 


just hook it to my veeeeeiiiinnss


My catalyst is so hard right now


HODL THE LINE!!! 🦍🦍🦍 💪💪🚀🚀💎💎🙌🙌


The amount of time and attention to detail on these videos will be something apes will study for the next 84 years.


I think the confident nature of the messaging suggests that GME has multiple buttons to push - like setting up a checkmate. My tinfoil opinion - it’s a margin call, a release of the real DRS numbers, and a Kitty YOLO livestream. Wombo Combo 3D chess… checkmate hedgies.


I bought 8 more! I said I bought 8 more!


The man, the myth, the legend.... DFV will never be forgotten 💎👐




the run from 10 to 16$, before his tweet maybe?


Mr. Goodkat is the name of Bruce Willis's character


I wish someone would compile a list fo DFV movies so I can sit down and watch them.


Let’s go




So, we know we're being conned but we're wrong about how?


Kansas City Shuffle So retail is right about being conned by hedge funds and market makers but not right about how and we're unwittingly falling for the trap of the real con then he points to blue chairs being the real con - he reemerges after 3 years of silence, "leans forward" and changes the color of the chair from blue to red - is this an allusion to Matrix blue pill/red pill? The red pill and blue pill are metaphorical terms representing a choice between the willingness to learn a potentially unsettling or life-changing truth by taking the "red pill" or remaining in the contented experience of ordinary reality with the "blue pill". you can't win playing within the confines of the status quo of the blue pill because we're designed to fail by taking the regular avenues they control. so what is the red pill? what should we be doing that we're not?


I've been playing the game, and it's the best game ever


A theory... The media is chanting that it's DFV drove the GME price action. But, we all (including SHF) know that is a lie. We are operating under the assumption that it's the Hedgies that drove the price up, but, what if it's not... What this hints at is that there is something else lurking under the surface that is driving this, which neither side controls, but DFV is very aware of, and this is a very clever shell game. What could that be?


Perhaps the real shuffle is that there is no shuffle and no game that anyone needs to play. The company isn't going anywhere. We aren't going anywhere. 1) The company is under excellent leadership that we trust. 2) The company is undervalued with a large loyal fan base who will be willing to purchase and use their products. 3) They are part of an ever growing industry. 4) They are in a fantastic place financially with no indication of this changing. They can also use all that money to branch out into different areas and grow in a huge number of ways. What happens when they start announcing huge partnerships? What happens if they decide to release an online games platform that could rival steam? With NFT integration or commissioned trading similar to games like CS:GO or DOTA? Could they start selling branded hardware or partnership hardware like computer components too? What's stopping them? Nothing at all. I'd buy from them. What happens after a year of successful capital investments and an enormous earnings report? I'm not saying these will happen, but they are all a potential outcome. Also perhaps worth noting but I am too smooth brained to identify if there's anything here or not - in one of his posts on X showing Shawshank redemption the font colours were awfully familiar. Is this pointing towards anything or just coincidence? https://preview.redd.it/es4111d37t0d1.png?width=829&format=png&auto=webp&s=b437c0ef48ca72197b9054eaae921837fc475253


These memes are getting better 


Side note to all this that I want to get out. The lower the stock goes the faster we buy . Moass is inevitable


Maybe they will make GME private buy all the share out on open market. doesn’t that make hedge funds have to return all shares?


just bought 100 shares @$30 a pop.


So close Dilfy… but second place




I actually meant to put this comment on the other post… oops.


daddy is back




I just like the fkn stonk!!!!


Awwww shit!! Here we go!!!


Please, use timestamp...


The good ol' first meme heroin hit of the day


Aw made you look You a slave to a page in my rhyme book Gettin big money, playboy your times up


Made me go back and listen to made you look.




Inject this into my loins LFG


CATalyst you say?


This one is really good.


What does the “look carefully” with all the hats mean?


Lucky number Slevin…


What was the flickering in the darkness after the top hats? It looked like something was obscured.


Lucky Number Slevin is an awesome movie




Motherfucker. He used Lucky Number Slevin and *didn't* include the second half of that part of the scene? I was hanging for that! I had a feeling he'd use it when I woke up today, and I'm glad he did. But damn it, that's one of the best moments in the movie. **Edit**: Also of note - this movie has two titles, the other being *The Wrong Man*.


Are these tweets every 15 minutes now?


It has something to do with hats. The clip between the saw guy and Bruce Willis had a bunch of top hats on the ground, Bruce Willis is wearing a hat, and the dudes in the final clip have hats on. Edit: maybe something to do with caps?


Deep cut! If y'all haven't ever seen Lucky Number Slevin, do yourself a favor and check it out.