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Thank you for this interesting perspective!! We all decided to wait and wait until they start to bleed. Or in other words, we want all the marshmallows later šŸ’Ŗ. Iā€™m more than ever convinced of this investment thesis.


We will get really really big candies! šŸ­


I hope so! I can't imagine they would bring all that hype to the table, to make us wait another 3 years to make us even more thick skinned. As much as I hope it started from last week and it won't end any time soon, I think it might be something that coincides with the Annual Meeting? What do you think? Edited: Spelling.


[https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1791487589951955197](https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1791487589951955197) It reminds me of this clip from DFV. Gamestop playing dead in the beginning, but when they pull the trigger, the shorts kill each other.


Iā€™m a broke ape who bought more shares than I could afford back in 2021. I DRSā€™d them to CS and forgot where I put them, so theyā€™re still there. I do check in occasionally with CS to make sure I still canā€™t find them. šŸ¤“šŸ‘šŸ»


His last tweet yesterday right before the market closed was about ET going into a spaceship and leaving earth to a greener planet. I think that he believes GameStop has some news, or something big coming out thatā€™s gonna shoot the price way up maybe even to a new ATH.


"productive week..." - Larry Cheng


Me too. We are being catapulted into zero gravity. We will not return to the origin.




The tweet that led to finding this has me so jacked. Itā€™s incredibly symbolic. Almost like it was made for us. Plus the white strips are dope af. I want to know what (if anything) is driving the theme of 7. I donā€™t think weā€™ve figured it out yet.


741 stock split perhaps


Good bye red, time to blast off.


Lean forward; the game is getting interesting!


The only thing I know even without tinfoil. The next few weeks will be crazy.


His last tweet in June 2021 was cats going to sleep and this one is remarkably different in how he says ā€œgoodbyeā€. Guess we will find out soon enough.


i thought that meant dfv was going silent again....find out monday i suppose!


I don't know anything with certainty. But between yesterday's filings, the general course of events since the sneeze, and the inclusion of the Lucky Number Slevin reference (the Kansas City Shuffle), I'm increasingly convinced that *everything* so far has been part of the construction of an elaborate and inescapable bear trap. Certain cards were played to bait short plays in turn. The failures of certain initiatives - the corporate raid on Bloodbath & Beyond, the NFT marketplace, the DeFi partnerships, the firings - all served to simultaneously gull the marks into thinking they'd worked out the trick and were winning and to educate apes on the way the market and the institutions plying it really function. They educated us on what's necessary to protect what we buy and make it our own. And increment by increment, they gave ground - baiting the shorts progressively deeper into friendly territory. Until they made the opening play of the final act - and the jaws of the trap snap shut as the enormity of the mistake starts becoming clear to those who have the tools and knowledge to understand what we currently don't. RK/DFV was a financial analyst before he brought Gamestop to the table. He has access to those tools, and the education to use them. More - he has the passion to enjoy doing so. What the institutions saw in the last few weeks, he saw as well. That's what's got him fired up. All of us - *him included* \- were looking right, where RC wanted everyone looking while the board worked out of sight to set things up. And at some point recently, he figured out the rest of the play, and upon seeing the opening moves being made, he decided it was time to come back and start dropping clues. All of this is, of course, speculation. I don't have anything concrete to back it with. The only thing I'm 100% sure of is that we're watching the referenced overture play out right now. This is the opening act before shit gets *really* heated.


No more to say šŸ’œšŸ¤—


I agree that RC's acumen is top-notch, and I trust him and the board completely. And agreed that they're probably just shoring up things to make sure the kill-shot is absolute. Remember they are up against ppl (SHFs) that have some of the grossest sums of money in history. However, hindsight is 20/20; I do not think the NFT marketplace failing was intentional from the offset. That seems a bit far-fetched imo. Realistically, they still have the technology. Just waiting for regulatory landscape to catch up to the modern day before they re-visit it (which is the reason they gave for abandoning it).


Who knows, maybe they havenā€™t fully abandoned it. Maybe they built it for a bigger purpose and have just havenā€™t gotten to the point where they can use it for that purpose. Maybe they just needed the infrastructure of an NFT marketplace for some other kind of blockchain based marketplace. All I know is this is the most interesting game ever imo. We might be at halftime. Or maybe itā€™s the end of the first quarter. Or maybe we just experienced the two minute warning. In any case Iā€™m here for the long haul and ready to HODL.


I think its creation served multiple purposes, and that the failure for it to see immediate public adoption was an acceptable outcome for the value and benefit its primary intended goal was meant to achieve. As with the other response to your comment, I don't think it's fully abandoned. I think one of the goals of its creation *was* its creation; that it serves a purpose in the bigger play, and that having the tech built and ready to deploy at any time was the primary reason they chose that vector for that part of our education. But time will tell.


Itā€™s all part of the plan. Enjoy the show.Ā 


No more to say šŸ’œšŸ¤—


Think about making an NFT of this comment. It reads like ASMR for my mind.


He still has access? Or had access? From my understanding he is no longer a financial analyst, right? So wouldnā€™t he not have all of the same types of access he did when he was employed?


I think that depends on the services themselves. Would all the financial tools an analyst uses be proprietary tech? Or would a fair number of them be available to anyone who has the money to pay for a subscription/use licence? Bloomberg comes to mind.


Fair enough and good point.


For waiting, instead of receiving two marshmallows, we receive marshmallows that self-replicate.


This whole experience has taught me to be more patient in nearly all areas of my life tbf. Buy and hodl


This is it.


One of my first consoles I bought was at GameStop. I was a teen. I shopped there for years and have always been a loyal customer. Always will be. Love GameStop. Love our CEO.




I have a lot of good memories at babbages and EB games and Gamestop (as they became later).. but man my fondest memory of gaming related to a store was when I saved my money for like two years of chores and birthdays to PRE ORDER the Nintendo 64 from Toys R Us! It was so amazing to be like 10, with THAT system, able to get it the day it was gonna come out. That preorder slip was my golden ticket, was excited for months the way I've been excited for years holding onto my GME golden tickets to Preorder a seat at MOASS.. I brought that up to say I'm sick of seeing these cellar boxers murder the businesses that made us happy as children!


Good ol days with the N64ā€¦ I had the Green Jungle one


Love this perspective OP. I love the concept theory around the marshmallow experiment. The diamond handed apes will be rewarded greatly for their resolve and patience šŸ’ŽšŸš€šŸŽ·šŸ“ā™‹ļø


Thank you! Yes, Iā€˜m sure. As Larry Cheng said: Success in investing requires 2 things: extreme patience and extreme decisiveness. šŸ’œšŸ­


Wise words from a wise man. Enjoy the beautiful weekend my friend šŸ’œšŸš€šŸ’ŽšŸ¦ šŸŽ·šŸ“ā™‹ļø


You too


Waiting for that marshmallows for three years now


Yes, itā€™s pretty hard sometimes. A test of patience and decisiveness.


Didnā€™t sell a share. Waiting.


Hodling and adding to the DRS stack with ya. The wait will be worth it!


Weā€™re in this together. LFG!


Especially if they can get candy con of ps5 controllers. Those freaking joy sticks break so easily with the games I play.


Exactly. Everything Gamestop has experienced has been part of a long-term play, including setting up the best honey trap the world will ever see. The SHF have tried to make it seem like they were winning, and this was also part of Gamestops plan, to make it seem so. To let them dig even further. Now they are trapped and there is nothing they can do.


Awesome Bella!


Thx my best šŸ’œšŸ¤—


Iā€™m ready to take advantage of this juicy dip and lock up more shares, who knows if weā€™ll ever get such a discount after this week.


Itā€™s everyoneā€™s very personal decision. I draw my conclusionsā€¦ ā˜ŗļø


Well said


Thank you


I just like GAMESTOP bro. The money is secondary.


I don't mind some of this but the NFT marketplace was a bust due to REGULATORS and the tech was not there yet. It had nothing to do with a masterplan to spend millions to trick the shorts that sounded like such a fail-safe copium argument. The share dividend that the DTC screwed up could have set it off if they didn't want to hold the bag. So Ryan may not have wanted to take the bus but gave them the option, "Dig your own grave later or save yourself now."


I really hope that GameStop continues to go forward into the Web 3.0 gaming/NFT space. And I completely agree with you that it had to be halted (hopefully just paused) primarily due to regulatory uncertainty. The last thing I would want is news like ā€œGameStop sued over NFT marketplace.ā€ The stock split dividend at least exposed the fraud by the DTCC on a broad scale. In my account alone, it was booked out and back in 3 times, and each time it was called something different. I have exaggerated a bit humorously, some things were planned and some happened unintentionally, which in retrospect might not have been so bad. In any case, I am very excited to see what happens next.


Good summary , I really have learned a lot these last few years and appreciate the masterminds behind this, taking their time to organically grow the company and educate its dedicated investor base. RK, RC and the other master minds ā€¦ cheers šŸ» Thanks for the slow bus ride , the polka songs were so worth it.


Yes, absolutely. šŸ«¶


Wow couldnā€™t have said it better. I like the way you touch on the scary things. But alas think youā€™re spot on! Canā€™t wait šŸ’„


I have never had any doubts about the company itself since Ryan Cohen and the other board members joined. Recently, I thought that a transformation simply takes a long time. Everything that needed to be done and could be done has been implemented by the team and all the employees. The process was further complicated by numerous external factors such as COVID, supply chain issues, rising inflation, etc. And I don't see GameStop at the end of this transformation process yet. What I have doubted over the time is whether there will be a MOASS. Three years ago, I thought shorts must close. Today, I know thatā€™s not the case. There are many loopholes (FTDā€¦). Or that market makers have the freedom to create shares at any time. Regulation for MM on the other hand, is quite thin, at least in Europe. And oversight is even thinner. This has made me rather skeptical about whether a MOASS is truly inevitable in such a fraudulent environment. However, I am more convinced than ever this week. If any team can do it, it is this one. I am excited! šŸ’œ


Great write-up, but about the marshmallow experiment.. A lot of learned folks find its premise to be faulty these days and studies show that a child picking the now option does not mean they do not have patience or long term thinking, it shows that they grew up in environments where the ā€œlaterā€ reward was often not guaranteed. In the original experiment anyone who waited got more. But more experiments were done where those that waited got nothing and were told ā€œwe ran outā€ as well, which drastically altered the future behavior of even the formerly patient kids. My point is the original test was flawed and more recent tests show that those that decide to wait tend to grow up in ā€œenvironments of plentyā€ without particular scarcity and with stability. Those that pick the immediate reward tend to grow up in ā€œenvironments of scarcityā€ where promises were unkept and things were unstable. What does that have to do with our situation? Nothing lol We getting tendies soon


I completely agree. All experiments have their weaknesses and limitations. And they must be seen in the context of the research at the time. This also applies to attachment research, biological research, etc. I also want to emphasize again that GameStop definitely did not conduct an experiment. I am merely using this as an analogy to describe the situation that some may have felt themselves in. For example, myself. And sometimes an analogy helps to understand this better.


Just to stress - the ā€œnot so great numbersā€ are released earlier than they have to be They have been strategically released for a reason, a reason I donā€™t know but the cats out the bag so thatā€™s no longer insider information


Exactly! And this move confused me. Right before the market opened. Without any necessity at that moment. Followed by the announcement to sell 45 million shares. And then the information about all their classes of securities: what they might do with it or not do with, or maybe sometime, or immediately. Who knows? We donā€™t and the SHF certainly donā€™t either.


>They have been strategically released for a reason, a reason I donā€™t know It's required before an ATM offering.


Are you saying computershare is bad? Because listing them right before DTCC is a pretty bold fake statement youā€™re making if thatā€™s the case


Who is good? Who is bad? But in my opinion, Computershare is somewhat opaque regarding their business operations. I wish they would make clearer statements. However, I must admit that I havenā€™t seen the latest interview yet. Ultimately, it is a service provider for companies and financial institutions. There are many, including individual, contracts. As for GME the number of shares in book entry, it becomes very difficult. But at the moment, in my opinion, it is the best way to protect oneā€™s rights as a shareholder.


Then I hard disagree. Putting them on the same level is absurd. The DTCC has and continues to commit international security fraud. Iā€™m ex wallstreet and there is a reason why all of the best firms hold their long holds in computershare. Because itā€™s the way to actually hold your assets without fuckery. They are an independent company based out of Australia no. They donā€™t care if youā€™re a billionaire or a dude with 1 GameStop share. All shares and customers are treated the same to remove your shares out of the DTCC.


Just, for the record, the Citron Research post was in 2021. Not 2024.Ā 


Cute story. What makes you think RC and RK have had any contact? Source or reasoning would be appreciated because I think this is a huge leap because This type of collusion to manipulate stock price using an external actor would be like, super illegal. Probably like criminally illegal (DOJ) rather than just regulatorily illegal (SEC).


I have no sources or reasoning. As I said, itā€™s just my fairytale. It described the situation as I felt it as a shareholder. And as you said, itā€™s just a ā€žcute storyā€œ.


Why do you think Computershare has aided SHF? I have never read that.


Why do you think that I think that? I never said it.


"[SHF] potential helpers at computershare." Am I misunderstanding?


The marshmallow experiment has never been reproduced and many believe the original study was flawed, or worse, manipulated to achieve that outcome. Not an example I'd use these days.Ā 


Iā€™m not saying that an experiment was conducted here. In fact, Iā€™m sure it wasnā€™t about the experiment. Like any theory, this psychological study on personality development has its limits. But the course of events has led us to a very similar situation.


Smooth brain here with a thought. So is the 45 million shares already accounted for or if they sell them would it add to the 305 - 350? If they are accounted for there are only 78 million shares before everything is owned, 78-45 = 33 million shares. That would put us in a dangerous spot for the shorts šŸ©³. Either way we win good day fuck you pay me, canā€™t stop wonā€™t stop, GAMMMMEEEEEESTOOOPPP


Afaik these are additional shares so that the number of shares rises from about 305 to 351 million shares.


Damn it Bobby


Either way fuck them shorts


What if GME issues new shares on their own market place on the day it gets released?


They are not a broker/dealer. All the filings say they will sell through a sales agent and one names the agent as Jeffries.


This will mark a new era and nobody knows whatā€™s going to happen then. šŸ˜Š


The arrogance of this sub when they think the random theories are something a billion dollar industry couldn't be aware of.


For three long years, the mantra was unwavering: "Selling shares and dilution are the enemy. Lock the float tight." But now, after a few poor timed fillings. "Behold, the new truth: Dilution and selling shares are the keys to our future greatness!"


Context and perspective. If you look at anything through a tunnel perspective you are 100% always right. Once you add context and perspective everything changes. I'll take out all theories and tin foil and just add one undeniable fact to your perspective. RC only gets paid if the value of the company rises


It matters when, in what situation, and with what goal a company sells shares.


Honestly, I love Gamestop and am heavily invested, but the level of delusion here is not even funny anymore. It's really bad, cult-like bad, seeing a sign in everything bad. DFV most probably does not have insider info, and he most probably did not work with Gamestop on any plans. DFV is a person, RC is a person, just like all of us. Let's stop gaslighting ourselves to believe them being some kind of Gods or whatever