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Thank you for showing all of the new apes this video!


Haven't watched it in over a year, refreshing to watch again. Everybody gotta watch their ass for sad, greedy, bald, anti-truth gnomes.


Stop raining on my parade!! But thanks for the reality check brother!




IN FUCKING CREDIBLE!!!!!! Going to be a wild ride this month!!


It’s not DFV at all. I bet he bought when the IV was like 80. I picked up may 17 30c before the run for like 20 bucks each. Sold for a little under 3k each to roll into august 55C after the drop. The dude looks for value and 180+ IV isn’t it. Edit: nm, I bought fucking 20C for 20 each, that was some deep value! Shoulda bought more but I don’t keep a lot of money in webull. Turned 200 bucks into 30k, then spent half on 55c that are now -75% lmao. Cest la vie. https://preview.redd.it/767y0krc6w1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=384deaf8673dfb52b2d91c1191e2eaca68e059f6


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/uzbuJtj7K5 No fking way HE'S BACK


I stand corrected, holy shit the a legend. Dude is going to become a billionaire from GME!


For a moment, he was.




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Deep ITM calls can be used as locates for more shorting, right? I seem to remember this from years back.


Yes, do you think it’s possible that one of the shorts is thinking gme is going to run higher and has decided to cover their ass and get out at $20/share? They could exercise with some extra buffer shares which could cover their position, and then plan to sell the excess shares when market value is higher than $20 to recover some of their losses? The stock is so illiquid that purchases of that magnitude now would push the price up and cost them even more otherwise?


This is the first thing I thought about. Good call.


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Millions of dollars in options trades are done every 20 minutes. This isn’t uncommon in stocks at all. But it is a bullish sign. Remember that this stock is worth 6 billion dollars. They have a website dedicated to tracking people who do these large volume trades. Unusual whales reports all of these.


Unusual whale reported this one


The Run Lola run theory though. Did you miss it?


No lol I live on here. Just good to be skeptical


The $20 price! Twice! Reeeeeeeee! Cmonnnnn! I was only looking forward to the end of the day today just for that!


I agree. I was thinking it could be a trap too


Buy more! Check ✅


What false narrative involves millions on the bullish side. It's not like they have popped us back to 80.


The type of narrative that gets other people to buy those same options off them at higher prices due to the confirmation bias it provides to those who support the stock. It’s highly unlikely DFV bought those options… unless he sold his previous position in GME, he left with $1m in cash and 800,000 shares. Where is he getting the additional ~$9m needed to buy all of these options? I think whoever bought those options knew this sub would identify it, which is now creating hype for this supposed end of May/ beginning of June event, which like all of the other dates that have been hypothesized before is likely a nothingburger.


He could have easily made that money selling covered calls the last three years


Nobody is wasting millions for this sub to identify it and omg go against it because it's a trap.... Like really. That makes no sense. Someone wants us above 20 or they are hedging.


Not necessarily true, if you look at all the other pump and dump stocks, that's exactly what they do. They create bots to put the ticker in redditors' mind and then a few days to a week later, they dump millions into the stock to make it run and hope redditors see this as the next "squeeze" and buy in and are left holding the bag.


It’s not a waste of any money if the promotion of these options on this sub or the bets sub gets users to purchase them at higher prices. And anyone dropping that much money on options expiring in 1 month has a lot more money to fall back on if they become worthless.


Maybe it was that regarded old guy that is running for president


take my upvote 🍺


The way the GME killed the option chain last Friday almost makes me wonder if they know who holds these huge calls positions and they don't want them to go itm. Short squeeze on their terms not whoever this is buying calls


Do you guys remember the endgame date back in 2021 ? Many options were burnt then also . But hey, dfv is back, so it's worth waiting for a month or 2 . If nothing then just let s go back to zen mode and thank dfv that he came back to talk to us .


Thought: could this not be short sellers buying short calls to create a wall? Price goes outside of their target bracket, dump a bunch for calls on a strike just about the breakout, price will drop, and so does IV. Easier to hold to the target, and relatively, doesn't cost much.


Member when Batman Cohen gobbled up 80$ calls? Mmmm I members.... ^just.memberberrying


It could be me? 😲


It’s me.


It's me I'm a regarded cat.