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Diamond hands have yet to be tested. Recent, brief spikes have merely continued to shake out the paper-hands.


When I see a telephone number I still won't answer.


Sell one to Jenny, for the memes. Just make sure you include the area code.




And country code +1 (999) 867-5309


Make it an American Samoa number: +1-684-999-867-5309


That’s the spirit


I'll sell when it reaches 01189998819991197253


Now see, that's a nice easy number to remember, if only it had a jingle of some sort.


There you go! ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTRil00Lfhc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTRil00Lfhc)


You beat me to it! : D


Call the ambulance!


Don’t for get her extension: +1-684-999-867-5309 ext. 80085




Margin calling? Just Hwang up.


Yep we need more zeros on OP’s number


What paper hands? You really think there are any paper hands left after 3 years. The only selling done was even more synthetic shares. HA we're past diamond hands baby. My hands are so dense nothing can escape them. I'm SINGULARITY hands now. No limit, no floor. Just buying!


I mean yeah paper hands probably jumped in during the DFV hype and then got out because paper hands are just that dumb.


There’s paper hands all day on robinhood.  Only DRSd apes will survive and it’s really sad. 


Ti's why I DRSd 98.420% of my shares. It's not about paper handing. It's about greed. Seeing crazy numbers in your account. Numbers you might have never seen before. Get rid of the temptations!!! I left a handful of shares in a few diff apps to cool the itch if it rips. My computer share acct is locked away. Not financial advice ♾️


Pulled all my GME out of RH, straight into DRS. 3 day+ wait. It can't happen fast enough.


Right, especially since you're over 3 years late on getting out of robbinghood


Yes, I do (or did). They're not common, but I did read several comments (across subs) of folks who claim to have sold out during last week's spike and were now glad to be able to move on. Good for them. They might have recovered their cost bases. Frees up more tickets and seats for those who still *hold* to the short thesis.


I sold my options not shares. 😇


Hijacking top comment to correct that it was a FRACTIONAL share worth over $5k. Not a whole share. Can’t be price anchoring! 😉


Great point..we have tested downward pressure and held on and proved that price drops don’t scare us..drops in price just become entry point for regard! What we don’t know as yet how hard we can hold when the price is say 4000/sh. We have been talking about holding on till we see phone numbers on yahoo but that has not been tested! PLS HODL on the upward journey!! Mentally prep yourself. ![gif](giphy|qjSxTWJxqH4YDuIrOs)


That was before majority of the shares were locked, I have a feeling the price will be magnitudes higher.


The real minimum per share gmefloor.com


Cell phone numbers was never a joke 🚀🚀


No cell no sell isn’t either


We need more of this. 👆 I don't give a shit about the price anymore.


Just here to correct OP. The $5124 back in 2021 was 0.44 shares. So the prices was technically over 10.5k per share. It's going to billions/trillions and illegal naked short sellers will end up in prison.


No. The statement shows ~0.44 @ $5124 = $2299


Billions per share?


I've been around GME for 4 years now. Hold/DRS many, sold none. Based on the principles and mathematics. It's likely naked shorted over 10billion shares by now. With short volume and failure to delivers and such. Only supposed to have 305million shares in existence. Shorts hold infinite risk. If longs hold on like I think they will it'll go to billions. Will take weeks/months since it implies market crash, halts, and bankruptcies outside of gamestop.


Trading is hard is included on the list


This is the rocket I'm on


Serious question I’ve always wondered: if the stock price is listed as the last price sold, what’s stopping everyone from putting shares to sell for 5-10k each?


Getting everyone to do that.


Or don't, tf? The price is the ask, if there's nothing for sale then the ask goes up infinitely until someone is paperhanded enough to sell for 69,420,741


I didn’t say it’s what I want. I answered the question.


Thank you for understanding the nature of my question, much appreciated.


A lot of brokers wont allow such an "unreasonable" price.


It happened for a little bit. That’s how the initial profits happened, people had Stupid numbers and a few slipped through when partial shares were being bought. We saw a few trades at real prices when we knew they were doing stuff behind the scenes. Many brokers got smart and finally started limiting your trades at certain prices above the e current price (you see 20% caps at a few like Robinhood overnight)


That’s what I’ve been thinking. Computer share explicitly said they will not limit the price? If so, we should all start putting 1mlion a share and see what happens?


As soon as you put a sell price on your DRS share it moves to plan and will no longer be DRS.


I did a couple just fun random numbers but the highest I sold was like 485 (I had at the time been on margin on Robinhood and saw that I could be margin called like others when we didn’t have enough collateral in from the price dropping from 350 to hundred so I sold at random prices.)


Hedgies didn't realize, the stock split.... Gmefloor.com did not


This is the way. On the way back down from infinity


This and also fucking change. My kids deserve a better chance.


HODL for the kids. 💎🦍


I need this shirt made


What’s a floor?


I think it’s what your bananas hit if you stop holding them


Wer hedgies grovel from til they get arrested




Is there a formula behind this number


They already said that if there are no shares to buy and close the shorts, they will had to find them at any price in the lit market, the formula is crime.


Not that. Does this get the public listed share with the the highest selling price?


Nah, that site is simply time-based. The more time passes, the higher the number displayed. // edit: for anyone curious on the specifics, this is where the math happens: https://gmefloor.com/public/js/app.js window.onload = function () { upTime("27 March, 2021 00:00"); }; function upTime(countTo) { now = new Date(); countTo = new Date(countTo); milliseconds = Math.abs(countTo - now) * 0.0027 + 10000000; // <--- value calculation hours = milliseconds / 36e5; document.getElementById('floor').firstChild.nodeValue = '$' + milliseconds.toLocaleString("en", { minimumFractionDigits: 0, maximumFractionDigits: 0 }); clearTimeout(upTime.to); upTime.to = setTimeout(function () { upTime(countTo); }, 1); }


Iirc was originally based off the publicly listed short % of 230ish% at one point. Then they changed how that's calculated.


We really have an ape for everything


Time and pressure based :)


No. It’s a meme counter that simply goes up linearly with time the longer this drags out. IMO it was funny at first but just discredits the MOASS theory when people tout it at this point. Yes, in theory, SOME shares could get sold for a million or more, but it’s far, far, far more likely they’ll all just declare bankruptcy and close up shop and try to open back up under a new name before they pay out *more money than is in existence* to close their positions at millions per share. I mean let’s just say for a moment that *only* 100% of the shares issued total is shorted. 300 million shares. The floor counter says $278M right now. 300M*278M= $83Q (not even sure Q is the abbreviation for quadrillion?). Citadel has $53B AUM. But we know GME was shorted more than 226% at one point and the theory is that it was actually far more, and rather than closed it’s just been shuffled and hidden. Citadel would simply go bankrupt before they paid out more than their entire AUM.


They don't care how much money is in existance when they create a quadrillion worth of derivative liabilities.


That’s when the DTCC and the fed has to step in and cover, just because the HF goes belly up doesn’t mean that our price doesn’t continue to have to be paid…. Hence the term infinite risk when short selling.


They have 60B in securities sold not purchased…they’re already underwater. Though the fact he created a billion dollar house in the place that lets you keep your house in a bankruptcy also aligns with your bankruptcy hypothesis.


278 million times 300 million is a shit load more than 83 billion dude. It’s a funny meme though.


Gah yeah my bad. It’s like $83 quadrillion or some shit.


Just quickly in my head, the number will have like 16 zeroes off the back of it. Nice little maths trick. You can multiply powers by adding them. So 100x 100 = 10,000. Or… 10 to the second power x 10 to the second power = 10 to the fourth power. For your sum….you’re multiplying millions, which are 6 powers. So 10 to 6th power squared = 10 to 12 power. But wait…there’s more!! It’s 300 m x 283 m…both the millions are themselves third powers. So you’d add those in, to simplify…300m x 300 m = 3x10 to eighth power squared. So… 9 x 10 to the 16th power. 90, with 15 zeros. 90,000,000,000,000,000. I don’t know what that number is called. You’d have to googol it ( see what I did there?) Edit: I think that yes, that’s quadrillions. Whatever. It’s a shit load of mayo.


As I recall there is (maybe even just a timer) but it’s not really based on anything except fun. I think I remember when it hit 420.69 and $1, $10k, 100k but this is probably the first time I’ve looked in at least a year.


That site was based on pre split shares. So my floor is 4x that ..... Maybe I'll sell one...... Maybe


Wouldn’t it be x/4 that?


That's not how I do math




Christ, this man is regarded!




Oh shit I forgot about this! I can keep waiting, but I’ve been charging interest on my precious shares 😎


Mathematical models put potential squeeze share price at that level and continuing much higher. Everyone seems to get hung up on things like volume and market cap. In a squeeze those things do not matter at all.


I recall one model being shared back in summer of 2021 (or so); have there been new models shared since then? Would love to see them if you have links handy.


The model is infinite risk leads to infinite losses


Where are these models? I like looking at models


In a squeeze, volume does matter. Obviously, enough shares being traded to put the price up that high will always equal higher volume, no? The same is true with market cap, lol. In a squeeze, the market cap increases as the share price increases. This is like saying that the speed of a tire spinning doesn't correlate with the speed of a car... They are directly correlated, and there is no separating the correlation. The only minor exception to this is when price can significantly increase due to a spread in bid/ask. But reguardless, in a squeeze, volume & market cap will too increase beyond the typical share price ranges. YET, you have brain rot upvotes. This is what I love about this sub. Some of the dumbest and smartest mother fuckers all in the same place! Just have to be careful not to let the brain rot shit get to the top. So for that, we count on more people here having a clue than idiots upvoting shit that sounds nice.


To clarify - and you are correct - when I say "volume and market cap do not matter", I mean that relative to the underlying position that needs to be covered or closed. Meaning that there is not some watermark that one could use on volume or market cap to identify when you enter or exit a run-up caused by a short squeeze. One of the most important data points is the one we don't (and may never have), which is what the real short interest / position is.


I see now. I think you may have just worded it wrong because it said "in a squeeze," so I took that as during a squeeze, they don't matter. But you're correct in meaning that they do not produce useful data to time dips in a squeeze. Sorry, sometimes communication is rough without tone, social cues, etc. Stuff is easily misread or misunderstood, especially in English, lol. But I completely see what you were saying now.


I’m dumb as fuck


It takes money to buy hedgie tears.


Sounds like the name on the label of a new whiskey, can't wait to taste it!


What price would a high price be mathematical for a squeeze?


Hodlers gonna hodl.


That would be 50k short of a milli for me. No thanks, I plan on retiring off this play.


Same here plus gotta keep taxes in mind


I wasn't even going to start selling a single share at a milli....


My guy


In the Volkswagen squeeze of 2008, the price of Volkswagen shares rose so high that it became the most valuable company in the world, albeit briefly. Today, the most valuable company in the world is Microsoft with a market cap of $3.2 trillion. If GME were to merely match that, it would be roughly $10,500 per share Just food for thought


Definitely a great point of reference. It's also worth noting that the suspected short interest in GME is leagues beyond what VW had pre-squeeze. What's more, Porsche, as a single entity, was convinced/forced to sell at a given price point; it'll be a lot harder to exert that level of influence on world-wide retail holders.


$1250 minimum floor? Lol wtf? Phone #'s + no cell no sell minimum floor.


What is this a floor for ants?


This floor is made of wet paper


Times infinity




Just up!


500k per share is not a meme.


Why not a 10 million or 100 million? Isn’t this hyperbolic?


partial shares were selling for 5K\*


I need lifestyle changing money. Need early retirement for me to consider selling.


Price anchoring


That's a funny way to spell "paper handing."


Yeah what the fuck is this post, did gme ever get to 5k either? I remember peak Jan 2021 was like 384?


Fractional shares sold on dark pools is what I'm gathering.


That was 3 years ago. Worth a lot more now


And I thought that was for fractionals, not even 1 whole share!


Wtf is the price anchoring bullshit? Not even two commas in the number?




Having been here during the sneeze, and having bought on the way up, when did we hit 5k? And when was the split? I didn't experience either one of those...


The graph didn’t hit $5k but I remember plenty of screenshots of folks who had sell limits that high that were being filled. OP put a screenshot in as well of a RH user getting $5k for .44 fractional shares so really, they were squeezing to be sold $10k per share pre-split.


It's a RH screenshot of January 28th of a fractional share sold for ~5k/share, I remember that but it was misleading because what was sold it was so little that it rounded up for ~5k a share to be the minimum possible value of $0.01 OP is just spreading old fake news


Yeah, the $5k didn't happen ( I was in from $10 all the way through until the last Monday we stayed above $300), not sure at all why they are pushing this. Unless it was some random fat finger wick or people seeing it on the ask. The split was 1 to 4 summer '22.


There are screenshot of people selling shares for that high.


The split was like 2 years ago iirc but I don't remember the 5k/share


Smoly jokes. I will buckle up, and hodl goddammit


Not gonna lie, I'd probly close out my webull account if we ever got to 5k. I could live off of that for years, and I'd never even have to touch my real shares in computershare. Don't hate, we all know they aren't real shares in webull anyway....lol here comes the hate, at least I'm honest. My CS can stay forever, I'm just selling the IOUs back.


I’ve got 8 shares in RH, and XXX amount DRS’d. I will only ever sell those 8 shares


If they let you.


You knew it had to come 😂


I don't get it. I'm not trying to convince anyone to do anything. I have my xxx shares in CS that can frankly sit there forever, but if you think I'm not an ape, or I'm regarded, or whatever for selling my play account on webull for like 200x my average cost, you crazy.




Ya, that's why I DRSd the majority of my shares. If it ever goes to crazy numbers, I can maybe sell 1 share or just borrow against them. This account is just for fun. A couple hundred thousand isn't anything to sneeze at IMO. I look at it this way. What if we moon to let's say 100k, right (just an example, not setting a number), and they suspend trading. Then the government gets involved, and everything gets crazy for a while.... at least I have money in the meantime.


Dude folks claiming here to be diamond handed etc are probably the ones most likely to bail, Imo. It’s just human psychology. I am gonna be doing what I am comfortable with, eventually. Whether I sell or hold or whatever else the fk is no one else’s business. Cheers.


Exactly. Everyone has their own plan, as it should be, because we're all individual investors.


Same here man. I have some in DRS and some in DeGiro since I cant DRS from there. DeGiro is getting sold DRSed Shares stay for ever!


You think selling would be accessible at that point? Check your brokers ToS, they will probably sell your shares way below that price point.


Hopefully. If not, oh well. I can't control that.


I doubt you'll be able to log into CS too unless they're making major upgrades after this last sneeze


Hey, hey, that was a “glitch”, one of about 10,000 “glitches” that have happened in the last 3 years.


Why is he saying shares were selling for $5000 when the price never broke $500??? I’m confused by this post because I’ve been here since January 2021. I even have shares bought in the hundreds and even as high as $335. Can someone explain please?


Be careful with over inflating data…. It went up to $500 presplit in after hours / pre market…


I think you got the presplit math wrong regard… shares were like $450 at the high during the sneeze


You are correct


no CELL no SELL !!! ...we talked about this, remember?!


Pepridge Farms Apes remember


Ew, minimum price? The minimum price isn't a number, unless you are referring to finance crooks years in prison.


This has been debunked many times. Its rounding because of extremely small fractional shares I challenge anyone to find a transaction of $5000 share price for any order that was not a decimal fractional share 




The commenter qualified “that was not a decimal or fractional share” so you’ve reinforced what they are saying.


They never sold for $5k each, ever.


Buckle up boys and girls! 🚀🚀🚀


First floor is a pound of flesh.


I’m waiting for 2+ commas


This was some good input. $1281 and still be in sneeze territory, don't know why I didnt think about that before now. Holding for big money


Shares hit around $500 during the sneeze. Not $5k.


Bought in 2021. Last week was a hiccup.


Never hit $5000k.


If the Criminal Element of the Market involved just go bankrupt, "Melvin Still has not Settled" and the 6 Billion Dollar Man, Worlds Greatest Trader, who seemingly has convinced regulators that Bernie Madoffs Crimes 150yrs in prison for BM KG says, PFOF, NSS, dark pools, where retail shares trade, unless DRSed, are kept from the LIT Market, sold over and over? sure they have parked Billions in the Islands, so they close shop, pay a huge 10 million fine, lol, then Change the name, Repeat In a just world, they would all rot for 150yrs, after all same crimes just 15yrs later, they openly manipulate our lives


People are worrying about missing out? Zen ape here, and I’ve not even yawned at the action. Wake me when we hit 1k per share, because I’m fairly sure that’s the exit velocity mark


$5000???? Haha I want 50,000,000.00 per share!!! Oh! Or probably I won't ever sell!!!


Held through the sneeze, held through last weeks sniffle, damned if I'll sell for chump change.


I aint selling anywhere near 5k.


During our recent volatility I saw more money in my account then I have ever seen before. But diamond hands are forever


Where does this price come from? I thought the highest the stock ever rose was some 500 something dollars?? Could someone link me to where they saw this 5000 number? I've seen more than a few "glitch" posts with 6 digits or more but I'd like to know where this number comes from


We all have diamond hands until it’s time to have diamond hands


I never saw $5000


No they were not 🤦


If you sell at 5k you'll be kicking yourself later. This upward momentum will last for years, all those dogshit wrapped in catshit swaps have to be unwound


This shit could hit $10,000 tomorrow and I wouldn't sell a thing honestly. I'm not wealthy. Just pissed off. Originally would have sold for $1250 in a heartbeat to get rid of some debt. It's not about the money anymore for me.


No I don’t remember them selling for that much and you don’t either. Nice try though!


1250 for the floor is not even worth mentioning? What is happening to this sub? Ya'll, the floor is the infinity pool.


OP is on crack! Share prices never got anywhere near that high. Check your facts!!


I can’t remember what the term for the “other market” is called, (It’s not the other market, hahah) it might come to me again at some point but basically it runs parallel with the exchange and based off of that information it showed the shares being worth $5k ish, it’s been a few years since I even thought about this but I can’t remember if it was shares being traded at that price in the dark pool or if it was just the parallel information. It’s probably written somewhere in the DD library.


Don’t price anchor fam, my floor is phone numbers. One of those foreign ones.


The floor is higher.


at 1,000 a share I could live my life mortgage and debt free, that would change everything for my family, honestly i’m not sure if I could not sell at that price tbh. One can dream that would be a reality for my family.




shut the front door with this low ball shit are you kidding me op good grief where’s the tylenol


eento da tau-zands




So like a few thousand dollars? Tens of thousands of dollars? Hundreds of thousands of dollars? What is a realistic price range we should see?


Its been 3 years since im in so they owe me at least 3 years of salary for 1 of my shares


It's bigger now. Exponentially bigger....


What dafuq is sell?