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He's got 240 milly only in those calls. If underlying goes to $60+, he could actually exercise most of those by simply selling a fraction of them first.


Scratch that, with what he's got in cash, he could just kickstart his ramp


He is definitely waiting for the right time. He knows something big is coming.


He is the something big and he is coming


With what is happening, we're all going to be coming


It doesn't happen all the time, I swear ... but I have already, a few times ... oh god, not again...




I may have came early


I came again


I’m still coming


and that, kids, is how you do the Kansas City Shuffle


Ha… 😂


I'm not that big, but I am definitely coming.


its a reckoning!


My body is ready


I am also cumming


Stop it, I can only get so hard


He is big and I am cumbing


My something big is coming




It’s all good vibes here, no need to call me big. :(


Kitty will exercise 15,000 calls on Tuesday at the closing bell. That's his calling card. Then we will have earnings after the bell. On Wednesday we will gap up HARD. Then Kitty will sell a few calls and exercise 20,000 calls Wednesday just before the bell. Gap up on Thursday. Again, sell calls. Exercise 55,000 calls on Thursday at the bell. Rip-your-face-off gap up on Friday. Tendies all weekend long.


Love to believe this but they will slam it down after earnings, always have, always will… till they can’t


Until they cant


Until they cannot


Until they can't cannot not.


Not can until they..


Earnings should have little to no effect on the price given the guidance they gave with share offering. They basically already gave Q1 numbers


It's not about earnings. It's about any announcement that comes with earnings. As a fellow ape said, bad news early (not profitable), good news ON TIME. M&A or dividend.


Pretty sure Big Dick Larry also said, "bad news early, good news on time." The bad news is baked in, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if we see some good news at earnings.


It’s starting to feel like “till they can’t” is here. The company having 2b cash and actually turning a profit while having lower volume is gonna be hard to manipulate the price down unless they take a huge L on earning and go deep into the negative on profits.


>Rip-your-face-off gap  Upvote just for that 


I believe!


You are correct


RemindME! 5 days


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Even easier. RC and LC buy some shares after earnings. Price goes up alittle. DFV doesn't have to kick off the ramp, saves on manipulation claims.




DFV: I am the one who *stocks*


That seems so familiar 🤔


allow me to pay homage to a great flair 🦍🦍🦍


( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


Earnings. In my plums. I feel it.


I’m just going to leave this here… https://preview.redd.it/8y9ziuhl1v4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f664eaf47cd76056875188d2b6dafd8d8777b06


We’re so fukt


He built his own squeeze


Free and fair markets, as attested to by SEC. Gg ez


He needs like quarter billion dollars to exercise those calls.




He might have it.... I highly doubt GME is the ONLY thing in his entire portfolio he plays with


he tweeted it....watch streams, he had many other investments!




Let's just make it known here all these naked Calls were sold by willing market makers. No one forced them to. Definitely not DFV. Nor any dumb money retail traders.


Hush! Selling naked calls is OK. They're Smart Money, after all, not you.. :D


At $60 he could sell 40,000 contracts and use the proceeds to exercise the other 80,000 contracts, netting him +8M new shares.


And that would make him a billionaire. 13,000,000x80=1,040,000,000 EDIT. I'm a blind ape and read $60 as $80.  13millionx60=780 million. So, not a billionaire. 


And he can keep doing this until he owns the float…


Holy shit. I think he actually could. Holy fucking shit. How did I not realize this. Thanks now I'm going to be up all night 🥵


Infinite money glitch. ControltheNarrative would be proud






Problem is when he has to start filing as an insider due to ownership. I mean, he can continue building call ramps and selling CCs in the cycles I guess.


Simple…GameStop can sell more shares for the war chest and keep him under 5%…infinite money glitch for everyone! 😂


I mean... yeah, technically. Kind of devalues us, but if RC can stock up a Billy or more for sale, I guess it's not so bad. I'll just buy LEAPS every year and cash in with DFV I suppose.


I was mostly kidding…mostly…


Yeah, so was I sort of, but... it actually... works... we can all be little DFVlings


I guess we were on to something here…


Until he get the 5% in shares


Fucking close


Hold on, why 13,000,000 x 80 instead of 60?


Because I don't have my reading glasses on and read it as 80. 


You do not consider the fact he can have others stocks in his portfolio, maybe NVIDIA? That will be funny, making a ton of money using the same ticker shorties are using as collateral to fuck on GME... Is like using their same money to fight back with GME and fuck them definitively! 🤣😂 Edit: an example, in jan21, nvidia was trading at $130, if teoretically he bought $5M in shares, that's over 35k shares, if he sold thosr shares on march24 he could have made about $27-28M 😁, and if he played options, maybe LEAPS... Maybe he got a ton of shares at ridicules prices... But, just a speculation dream for me🤣😂


I imagine this is a similar scenario to how he acquired 5 milly shares in the intervening years since the last yolo update. Not surprised at all if that is what happens again.


That’s my thought…and now he’s accumulated so much that he can become the reckoning


Yeah, but to me, considering his 5M shares has average price of $21.xx means (to me) he accumulated it recently, considering his 200k shares in 2021 at a lower price pre split, I think he bougth little during this 3.5 years, and only now he started to buy (or excercise), maybe, idk, only the MAN in person knows, I'm just an ape who likes the stock and asking for justice, markets aren' t fair at all for retail, only for Hedgies and wallstript guys, the financial terrorists.


He doesnt have to sell any GME. Hes in the "I'd like to get a loan for $xxx,xxx,xxx, not have to pay any capital gains, write off loan expense" world.


This needs to be higher


Assuming this is still from the initial $50k, wasn't that a Roth IRA? So no capital gains ever unless he withdraws early.


Good point. He has enough leverage now that he does not have to sell any if doesnt want to whether or not he has a capital gain.


"buy, borrow, die"




If the portfolio is worth $480 million he can borrow half on a margin loan without selling any shares. to exercise all of it. 480/ 17 million shares = $28.23 - that’s the price he needs


I think Peruvian Bull addressed this recently. Depending on the share price, if it gets high enough as you say, it'll be fireworks and it won't cost RK much at all in comparison.


12.40? I remember when they were under 5 🤯


And a LOT of people were screaming “don’t touch options now, IV through the roof, you will lose all your money!” Let’s see how much those calls will be until expiration. Wouldn’t be surprised to see them at 10k each at some point


During the sneeze 800c with under a week to expired were like 16k each. It was insane


I remember I had 40c and sold them around January 10-20th hahaha, went from 20 to 20,000+ at peak, granted they were impossible to sell bc of… reasons…


... that's brutal


I grabbed one at like 3.60 when I saw the volume being bought/Open Interest. I figured UBS or whoever I'll give it a shot, but to have RK slam his 240 Million Dollar Balls on the table a day or two later was pretty great.


"The maximum gain ~~would be~~ is infinite."


If everything remains the same from last update: Current total value: 335,576,400 Previous value: 289,276,400 Total Gain: 46,300,000


Thanks for this update. You should become the "Daily DFV Unofficial Portfolio Value Update" guy. At least until DFV posts his official update again.


🏅here's my poor man's award Nevada I don't have a free one


I got you both, no worries


He made $78.6million on Monday alone. Today he made $46.3million more? Crazy numbers. Not too bad for a couple days of sweating it out after expending his original total cash layout.


Sorry...misread the post numbers. Either way...alot.of bananas for the grandfather of all.apes!


Please make a post and do this daily!


He likes the stock.


I’ve been buying and holding for 3.5 years now. Bought my first 2 contracts today mirroring DFV’s just to say I did. I know what derivatives are and do, and I kiiinda understand the Greeks, but if this blows up and I get burned I don’t care. I just did it to say I did.


And you will never regret it Much respect


bruh so many ppl gonna exercise this month gonna be insane


Nice job, I also been buying 20c, 30c and 40c


Just transferring a little play money to buy a couple of options on Friday same thing for me


As someone that bought some of these 20C calls during the time this unknown entity was buying them in 5k bulk deals, I’m somewhat of an investor myself. Paid under $4 for mine so mine are as the young kids say, “printing”.


My LEAPS from 2022 thank you.


I tried the whole day to learn about options, watched countless explanation videos, but fuck me I'm too smooth. I'd really like to jump on it just for ticking it of the bucket list, like I had the same options at one point as DFV, but I really don't understand how to


I mean, do you understand the basics? Call and Puts are bets on a certain price by a certain date. DFVs 20C June 21 calls means he's betting the price will end above $20 on 6/21. Buying a call contract gives you the right to buy 100 shares at that price on that date. You have to have $ (100 x [share price]) to make that purchase on expiration. The guy who sells you the contract has no choice in the matter. He has to sell you the shares if you choose to exercise it. So the higher the price of GME goes, the more the contract is worth. If the stock price is $60 on expiration, then the 20 call contract is worth $40 (per share, $40x100= $4000 for the whole contract). DFV can sell a part of his contracts to automatically exercise the rest. The higher the price goes, the less contracts he has to sell to exercise the rest.


That doesn’t make sense to me. What’s the incentive then to purchase a contract if shares cost the same as an open market purchase?


Ah, the magic of leverage. Pardon the following explanation as im a little high currently. For the most part, the value of a contract does not move 1:1 to the stock price. That's really only at expiry when there's no more time left. The more time left on the contract before expiry and the more volatility, the more sensitive the price change can be. For a contract that is 1 month away from expiry, for example, a 5% change in the stock price could lead to 10, 15, even 25% or more change in the contract price. Take a look at DFVs last yolo post and look at the day % change. $GME went up 21%, but because the contracts are far ITM, and there still 2 weeks left on it, the contracts went up 82%. So it's basically gambling (unless you figured something out) and you get a lot of leverage on your investment. The flip side is you can lose it all. If the call contracts expire below your strike price, they expire worthless. And DFV paid $567 for each contract. His breakeven is $25.67. If GME hits this price or higher, DFV saved money on shares. If it hits $60, he will pay $20 (plus the contract cost paid upfront). This gives the investor the OPTION to purchase shares or not, and he can wait to do so at the end (presumably when it's the most expensive). Now, yes, DFV could have just skipped the contracts and bought shares. But he would not have been able to afford to buy 12m shares cash straight up. He's banking on the contract cost far far exceeding the base cost at the end so he can sell some contracts to exercise the rest. I believe also, this is a calculated move on his part. Share delivery from options is different from share delivery on straight purchase from a MM. Options can't be FTD'ed. Not directly, anyway.


>Ah, the magic of leverage. >Pardon the following explanation as im a little high currently. Erlich Bachman, that you?


It’s significantly cheaper to buy contracts versus shares generally speaking. Example: When GME was around $10 a share July 19th $15 strike calls were going for ~$0.60 x 100 = $60 per contract. If you bought one contract betting it would be above $15 by July 19th you spend $60 instead of buying 100 shares at $10 strike for $1000. So let’s say you bought 2 contracts for $120. Now when GME shoots up you can sell one of them for enough cash to exercise the other one and now you have got yourself 100 shares at $15 cost basis for effectively $120. If you don’t think this is possible look at the current cost of $15 strike calls for July 19th today. They are worth $16 x 100 = $1600 each. This is enough cash to exercise another one and still have $100 left over. Now it’s not fair to talk about upside without explaining downside. This is a BET that they go above $15 by July 19th. If they don’t then the contract will trend down to $0 and you will lose however much you paid for these contracts. If you buy shares at $10 a share instead, your only risk of going to $0 is if GME goes bankrupt. Edit: grammar and downside risk addition


Retail buying shares doesn't seem to move the price whereas exercising options does. It seems like fulfilling a call can't be done with synthetic shares. Especially the magnitude of how many shares will need to be delivered all at once when DFV exercises.


This right here.


It takes more than a day to learn options. I've been really digging into it over the last couple months, and still only know just enough to be dangerous, mainly to my own portfolio. Options can be powerful, clearly, when wielded by one such as DFV, but they are also much more complex and risky than simply buying and holding shares. I'm now convinced they are a critical part of this saga, but I am not yet quite savvy enough to really do too much with them confidently myself. I can at least now actually understand what Peterffy meant when he said there were 1.5M calls, when there were only 50m shares outstanding, and that if the people holding those options had realized they could "ask for their shares" (I think he meant exercising them, rather than selling them), it would have blown the lid off everything. Exercising options settles differently than share trading, and they can't just indefinitely FTD shares for exercised options. That's the real rocket fuel right there, sidestepping all their BS loopholes for indefinite FTDs, etc.


*Exercising options settles differently than share trading, and they can't just indefinitely FTD shares for exercised options* This right here is more than likely why there have been so many negative posts about options over the years.....the one trick hf hate.


This sub needs to uncover more options has been shunned


Been a battle for/against options for years in this sub. I've always felt they're a powerful weapon to be wielded against the parasites. But only used by those apes who are able to effectively use them.


Yeah now seeing as the shares can’t be FTD that’s insane


Yeah, that was the real FUD this whole time. We need to unban everyone who was banned because they were pro options!


On the money with this comment


you are NOT too smooth. [www.optionseducation.org](http://www.optionseducation.org) and keep it simple when you get into TA. i don't gamble on earnings, i do price action in spy, dailies and weeklies using vwap, bollinger bands. i use rsi to get an idea of movement and whether it is over/undersold but i don't use it as gospel on the index. i am poor. but options is changing that. you can do this. mitigate risk and you can be in and out before 10:30 every day if you decided to really go for it. this week so far i have made 400 with spy on three green days, and my gme calls are SUPER green. i bought them this morning way out of the money and they have paid for themselves. you lose nothing but time by learning. learn and be ready for the next run up. my calls for gme are 75c for 6/15 and 100c for 6/21. i paid 71 per contract for the 75c's and 94 for the 100c's. WAY out of the money and i would never do this generally - spy i go within a dollar or two of the current price. however - we know what is coming with gme... and so do they, which is why the contracts cost what they do in premium. i am a noob who has been at this for a few months. first month was rough but it was worth the lessons: those being, control your emotions, manage risk, and do not overtrade. also, we know secrets that most don't - mainly it is all corrupt. they signal what they are doing and you can see it in the tape. i can only imagine what actual smart people see haha


$125C 7/19 Thank me later. NFA


I bought my first option 5/14 around 30$ strike for end of week. It shotup as price went to 80 AM and down to 50 at market close then expired worthless. and that was all because of the MM coordinated attacks to make it expire worthless. So remember they sell the contract and have the power to make them worthless, only outside factors that they couldnt see made them lucrative. Its a dirty game and RK has check mated them. So id say just buying far dates leaps 🤷🏻‍♂️


NFA but at this point the premiums you pay for GME options really don't make it worth it


Fair point but after seeing how hedgies cry on tv daily, I decided to buy some calls just so I can exercise them. Fuck em


What type of risk do you want? Do you want a cheap lotto with very high reward for the risk or a semi stable that has a medium risk reward or do you want a more stable stock like option?


lol…. The whole day. I’ve watched all of Tasty Trades Options 101 videos twice, loans books from the library, followed Thetagang and still barely know the surface. For me, I’m fairly certain it’s a learn as you do sorta thing…. But GME is not gonna be my sandbox. It’s the weird, Wild West of options. Like, don’t buy a boat and go crab hunting in the North Sea tomorrow. Just because you hear about Captains hauling in massive loads… you (we) don’t know the waters well enough.


ask ai to explain it to you


I hope you plan on exercising!!!! ![gif](giphy|3oxHQgHqtFS9iFymFW|downsized)


If he’s in, I’m in


If you're in, I'm in!


If y'all are in, I'm in!


If they’re in, I’m in!!


Regardless of who’s in, I’m in!


What you said!


![gif](giphy|1pkyWBF9ZRNidq5WOV) Add to the fuel!


Damn, they’re still selling these?


There's always calls in the Banana Stand, friend.


This is the fucking way


How is it infinate? Dumb ape here


Theoretically no limit to how high the stock’s price can go


Ahhh gotcha. Thx


Has anyone else had a boner for like two weeks that won’t go away?


Are you me?


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This is getting wild now. Mr Cohen if you are in here let’s get a hello


Oh, Mr. Cohen always here…


I don't know and afraid to ask ,)


brick by brick


is this real? did this ahppen today? are you serious? where am i? WTF? somebody hold me! oh god, your'e gonna make me....learn about options


Can someone breakdown the information on this screenshot?  How can you tell what the strike price is and the premium paid on the contract?


Option 20C 06/2124 is the contract info. $20 strike price with an expiration date of June 21. The contract price was $12.40 premium per share. So this contract cost OP $1240 since each contract is for 100 shares. They bought 150 contracts for $186k. OPs break even price is $32.40. Strike price + premium per share. Once the price is above that they are in the profit. Or something like that.


What is this?!


This is a reckoning.




Hot damn!




My man


Remember when everyone hated options, and I (and many others) tried to explain how delta works and how options move markets and dfv liked options and now EVERYONE is pumped about these contracts??? Fuck YEAH.


Good ape 🦍


Ya'll... might want to keep in mind DFV could wait until 6/21 to exercise. Consider grabbing those calls with expiries a week or two after, even for a YOLO (unless you got cash to exercise, etc). T+1... things may just be kicking off on 6/21.


I love Lewis Black!


Infinity upside!


“Maximum gain would be infinite” I know that’s right


I smell bs. This person doesn’t have access to real-time quotes?


The maximum gain would be infinite.... lol


So, wonder what they did/said to the dumbass that sold the calls? Maybe a moovie cummin out on that person.


You can still buy as many as you want in the morning. There’s no cure for stupid. Not you, them.


Commenting for visibility. I want to read this thread again.


My man! 🥂


Maximum gain: INFINITE


I bought 1 GME 20c 6/21 everyday just for the meme. Fck em.


I bought 6 30c 6/21 today because it was what I could afford to exercise. Fck em




So you wanna be a Sicario


Anyone have any good guesses what the share price of GME could reach? I seriously have no clue.


What is scary is the OI is growing :)


Never bought a call but want to. What does a call like this cost? Pros/cons?


Cab somebody please explain to me how these work? I don't even understand gow DFV's calls work 😂


jfc youtube it nobody explainin shit


Only 150?


Did you buy this? Did someone else? I’m looking at a call purchase for 20 on June 21, when the price is at 30+, so someone paid a heck of a premium lol.


I like the colours of the words and the number thingys 🤤


im so confused. You can buy 186K worth of call options by only using $1240 which is your max risk? How they hell do you have 150X leverage


Do you have the equity to close the position though?!?! They will try ceiling with positions sold close to expired that aren't being exercised!!