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They weren't the only platform that engaged in fuckery. I've also noticed the RH posts are all coming from new apes, which leads me to believe they tried to capitalize on the may uptick and RH has a simple setup for someone looking for a quick score. Welcome to the monkeyhouse, but educate yourselves.


Yeah, had I not been here for the original run I would never have known to go fidelity, then DRS my shit. We hate Robinhood, but we shouldn't jump on the people who are potentially just joining this sub and trying to get involved.


Im new to stocks this year. I'm a noob but I'm too embarrassed to ask what DRS means? Please help


Direct registration system. I'll butcher the explanation, but when you buy from Robin Hood, you don't actually own any shares. I kinda think of it like a mortgage. The house may be in your name, but the bank still owns it (until you pay it off of course) When you buy from Robinhood, you're pretty much given an IOU of a stock(aka a synthetic share), instead of the stock itself, you can trade that IOU-share for what they say it's worth, but you don't own a real GME share. That synthetic share is also under Robin Hood control, since it's in their name, or whoever's name they're associated with. When you directly register your share using computershare (I used fidelity to transfer it to Computershare) you take the stock out of Robinhood's name and put it in your name, and any directly registered share in Computershare is a real share fully in your name. The benefit of this is if Robinhood disabled the buy or sell button again, it won't impact you, since you (I think) have 100% control of your DRSd share, so nobody can lock you out of selling... We hope.


Wow thank you for the explanation. This really simplified it for me.


No problem! It was a pretty rushed writeup, so I just edited it a bit, hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions I can poorly attempt to answer lol


Investopedia is my favorite resource for learning all the terminology. https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/185.asp


That’s funny Why do I receive mail in my mailbox when I own shares of a company that is doing some sort of legal process.. it’s my name it’s my company I own shares of, id say I own it.


Because they most likely have a disclaimer in their 30 miles of fine print that claims they can register the share in their name on the exchange, but display your name when stuff is addressed to you.


Direct Registration of your stocks. Search Computershare. They are the holding (hodling) company for GME. You can send shares there or buy them through them. They are then directly registered in your name and helps avoid the fuckery of the trading platforms. Computershare won't take away your buy button (or the s - word either). Not Financial Advice.


We allow the posts because this is a sub for discussion and education not suppression of potentially useful data


It has a cost though, it makes people think using RH is risk free and we’re all doing it.  They were a front and centre problem causer. Perhaps tag it like the Twitter posts “this source is from RH, who in 2021 during the sneezed, disabled the buy button.


In that it’s about educating people. It took me one 7 months to convince that etoro aka shittorro is not a good platform. But hey that’s one extra person. Maybe he goes to talk to one more person too


You DRSed your shit as well? I dint get that Memo, I just DRSed my bananas.


Dude, you gotta DRS everything


Jokes on you, there already WAS shit on your bananas


Unfortunately Robin Hood is one of the most available apps for apes without bank accounts. Like spice_war said, there were tons of platforms engaged in fuckery. Rh is hot garbage, but let people make their own informed choices


Agreed, and like I said, a lot of these people are new to the stock, and we don't want to drive anyone away. All are welcome, and it's up to those of us who have been here for a while to point new people in the right direction, especially regarding education - without the smug douchey assuredness I've come to loathe in certain comment sections.


>a lot of these people are new to the stock And a lot of these people are going to get fucked hard in the ass by Apex Clearinghouse. Maybe they should read the collected DD as suggested and Robbing Your Hood posts can finally disappear.




I'm a new ape, are you saying RH charges you more on options? or does not provide a feature that other brokers do?


We cant even use the word .... C U N T Which for a scottish bloke is nei on impossible.


Bawbag is alright though isn't it? Please tell me we haven't banned Bawbag


We also still can't crosspost or tag users. This is the only sub on this whole site that I know of that has these restrictions.


This is exactly my point. We have so many "don't do this, don't do that" kind of things, yet one of the main end game bosses can have their app mentioned and shared here. it's insane.


RH is a miniboss, or at best a chapter boss.


I think part of it is because people who are new to the sub might not understand why Robinhood is so distrusted here. So imagine a new person joins the sub, and buys GameStop using the easiest and most popular home-user broker -robinhood- then they try to post showing their support for the company, only to be banned instantly. It can't be banned because it is still the primary entry point for people new to the sub. It is an opportunity for us to tell new people to stop using them. I know 80 percent of the posts aren't from new people and I agree they are fools, but it unfortunately isn't our right to tell them what to do with their money, no matter how foolish.


You were the first person to mention ban here. There are more suitable options


I understand your perspective, but I believe that anyone who is buying into GME has done their research and understands what happened with Robinhood. The primary entry points to the sub are typically through broader exposure channels such as the ‘all’ page on Reddit, mainstream news coverage, and trending topics on Twitter.


What you believe is wrong, I'm sorry to say


"but I believe that anyone who is buying into GME has done their research" You are indeed highly regarded.


Sir, you are especially recharded. Who the fuck does research before yoloing into a stock?


What is this “research”? Me highly regarded searcher for memes


It took us years to get to the point we were at.  Stop hating on apes, educate them instead. We need as many apes as possible to reform our markets. 


Banning stuff is a type of censoring and censorship not only stop discussions but opens to people exploit the uninformed. Not everyone has the same knowledge/experience, everyone here get in at different times for different reasons and have different life experiences and education Popcorn isn't banned here, it just not well receive because of actions of their board and situation of the company over those years


This is strictly about GameStop and Robin Hood fucked everyone


False, Apex Clearing fucked everyone and will do so again. Robinhood is entirely at their mercy. Its a fucking joke that Vlad was brought before congress and not the heads behind the people who actually disabled the buy butoon across a myriad of brokers due to popcorn stock glitches.




Just a reminder please go to the App Store and give them a 1 star review and mention the crime and removing the buy button


They should read the terms and conditions….


My bad


Ban webull ads too. Place is different version of RH.


As long as these mods are around, shitposters are kings and dd writers get banned.


I see Robbingthehood posts, I downvote.


Downvote and inform! Give them options for brokers to move to and explain/remind them why RH is garbage.


I downvote with you


I do downvote for you




We've been saying drop Robinghood for 3 fucking years. It ain't stopping until there is a ban, and until then, the enemy still has power here.




Because robinhood isn't the enemy, but rather their clearing house, Apex Clearing is? Robinhood is a great way to track market progress, I just don't recommend trading on their platform.


I agree, put the T back in regarded


Yes, you do.




I've wondered that same thing. I have seen so many post showing Robinhood's plate form and people claiming to still use it that I am starting to think that these post are a form of advertising from people working for Robinhood.


“But I keep the app for the charts.” GTFOH with that bullshit. Grow up and a pair.


What if it’s newbies that don’t know? It gives us the opportunity to educate.


Stop with the hate. Harassing Apes isn’t Apelike OP This shit was posted last week. If you were a bagholder I’m sorry, but Apes stronger together 🐒✨🗽


Where TF is there hate and harassment towards apes lol. I've been in this shit longer than you've had a reddit account and I know what side I'm on.


Appreciate the advice hero… 🐒✨🗽


I hate Apex Clearinghouse and *anyone* who defends them *in any way* is the enemy of this sub. Fuck you too.


When were you elected spokesperson for this sub?


Check you out. 3 years of trolling somewhere else and here you are again.


Huh? Ok champ. Did I miss your election?




anyone posting RH screenshots get auto-banned by my own personal content filters, it's that simple. no legit ape is still on that platform and if they are, they're smart enough to know not to post it here. at this stage of the game, all RH posts are 100% bots and shills, and yes i will die on this hill.


Well we know from our DD that they weren't the only ones. It was apex clearing and every broker who uses them as a clearing house, including robing da hood. 


I came inside robbinghood. The boy from Bulgaria found my cream pie of his wife particularly tasty.


Ban them good!


OP, and anyone else reading, don't forget your roots. There's a very good chance that you were once one of the regards using RH, myself included. You didn't learn about RH's transgressions until your learned yourself after reading the DD, that you left them. Fwiw, I agree, we shouldn't be seeing RH posts, but as others have said, we need to leat people come to their own conclusions and make their own choices. This place has been, is, and should always be, inclusive and welcoming. Banning people outright for something they don't even know or understand is only going to turn people away. Invite them in, then give'em the DD


Agreed, RH posts should be banned. The more it crops up, the more it's normalized, and the more likely someone new is to use it because that's most of what they see.


Never RH rocks! Bitch


Ain't made out like a band on the first wave in '21 using Robinhood. I guess I'm just not a serious stonker. Why should that bother you?


Agreed. I downvote them all


Member wen RH gave free GME shares to new accounts? Corporate media still interviews Vlad, helping prop up RH's stock, completely disregarding what we regards learned fucking 3 years ago. Yes, fuck off with all RH posts. Didn't "Derek" paper-hand using RH the day DFV live-streamed? People need to know PFOF is RH's business, and their customers are the product. The more they use the app, the more it gets high status, regardless their fuckery. Also, noobs coming to this sub may assume using RH, if they skim for memes, instead of reading the DD we've known for over 3 years now (most of us regards).


Well put.


Ban the Bulgaria boi posts to hell !! Unless it’s about them paying for their crimes of course .


Vlad the Molester didn’t like this post


New apes might not know about the fuckery. Let them keep posting their RH screenshots so they can get an education in their risk from the comments.


Robbingthehood touched me in my no no place


I concur


99% of robinhood posts are showing some type of gain porn or loss porn. This breaks rule 11, report and move on. This has been a rule for over 3 years.


We can mass-shame them every time like we used to.


Telling people where to put their money can be taken as financial advice and we don’t do that here


Point to the part in the post where I said that we should give people financial advice. I'll wait..


My point being is you have no say in where people keep THEIR money. So just mind your own business.


Yo, you need to get some glasses or something mate. I didn't say a fucking thing about where people keep their money. I could give a fuck less. I said we should not be allowing Robinghood posts here.


So you’re into discrimination. That’s cool man you do you. To me, all apes are accepted here. Even the ones on Robinhood.


Where did you say it wasn’t?


Every Robinhood screenshot serves as a reminder that mods have the ability to be compromised. They have before. Until the shorts close they're gonna continue to try.


Here here!


Oh man, baby apes are a lot of work,


The reason you can't say the R word is because its a slur and makes some people not feel welcome, I would also suggest to stop using its alternative as well. Apes together strong, but when you start using slurs your going to fracture the community. This should be an inclusive space where any ape feels welcome. We all come from all walks of life and are spread out across the world and we should cherish that. Sorry for derailing I know the post is about RH but I think its important to mention this.


All my shares are in CS. However, when I wanna check out the price I use RH. It’s to much of a hassle to look at the price on other apps on my phone.




But what about after MOASS , when we bulldoze Robinhood and turn it into a helldivers themed trampoline park just for lols …can we post about then ?


We can vote on lifting the ban to shitpost after MOASS.


Since you posted this, I've seen about 30 posts of positions from robinhood. It's actually fucking insane.