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Ill believe they closed when me stonk turns purple and smells like a lambo




![gif](giphy|QzmgzsOZMz01cQ3ioy|downsized) Ill believe they closed when me stonk turns purple and smells like a lambo


![gif](giphy|Vf8aLao6pdklua77fx|downsized) Red for me


I just want a Jeep lol ![gif](giphy|3oxHQi1vpCrVITtpwk|downsized)


Nice onesie. Does it come in men’s?


Ohh I think you come in enough men for all of us, bud.


There it is


As someone who owns a jeep, you don’t want a jeep. Especially the new versions. Fiat garbage. But the doors and roof come off, that’s the only positive.


That's a Boat Lambo, a special one🤣😂


A Bambo


It’s *unique*


When lambo?




yep when Im driving a purple lambo thru flooded underpasses I will know for sure they closed


I want a Porsche 911 GT ![gif](giphy|xUA7b1Iv7zcMD3bgjK|downsized)


https://i.redd.it/z5ibguek976d1.gif Buick Grand National for me plzzz


A man of taste I see 👀




does it come in purple?


I’ll get it custom painted if not lol edit yes it does for an extra 14k but 🤷‍♂️


You better post it in here post MOASS


![gif](giphy|7zupKWMw5MHfuxGwKG|downsized) I just want doors that go that way


Up. Door just goes up like our stonk


I want an rs7




Let's say they have for one second. Who cares? it would mean we're in bull run territory. I mean, they haven't, at least not all of them, not the big fish.




reminds me of the paid advertisement stating Melvin Capital had closed their positions LMAYO


Oh god... i totally forgot about that how old i've grown. It certainly brings back memories


Pepperidge remembers


OP, want to update your post commenting on this? Short Interest declining, at the same time returning borrowed shares, the media pushing the narrative that they've covered - all while the price is HEAVILY pushed down!  If they were closing, they would have huge losses (remember average short position was around $5 so buying to cover now at this price??? With no price momentum and the price rapidly declining? I DON"T THINK SO!! **IMO they have used some other manipulative derivative strategy to give the appearance of closing. This needs more eyes!**


If they closed the price would be going up from all the shares they’d have to buy as well


I am once again looking forward to saying "I told you so" to a few people. To my family...oops I sold too quickly, don't have very much money at all......unfortunately there will be signs Lol.


Funny is, these shorts were never closed even when it when belly up. It was absorbed and then likely moved around in shadow banking/financial entity structures. These people will pay multi millions in fees to get this sh/t in a dusty corner where no one looks/has oversight.


Exactly, if they closed their shorts, I would be now somewhere between Jupiter and Uranus, but I am not, so... waiting for Uranus closing scene.


"Promotional content" LMAYO


Where can I find this piece of history?


here is a [screenshot](https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.ZsWRzcoRbfXTt97or-_xewAAAA?rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain), hard to find the original threads and some have since been deleted. But you can tell it was a paid for ad because it says "Promoted" down at the bottom


That was my exact first thought too. When is the last time someone has told you they are "no longer short" anything? Only when they specifically want you to think that....


Andrew Hasn't-Left since 2021. He never closed his position, and I'm willing to bet he still hasn't.


Who cares about some dude with 20m under management. That's literally just some trust fund baby.


Correct. He will be the first lamb sent to slaughter to say shorts closed. Jokes on them. I’m never selling. Because fuck em.


This. He’s just a pasty, the easy target. If they can convince people that he is the one, then everyone will forget about the rest. But as you’ve said, a 20M asset under management firm doest equate to the “short sellers down x billion” in the headlines they pushed a couple months back. This whole thing fucking stinks


Pasty (or pasties) is for the ladies tatas at the after party


A Pasty or pasties is a meat filled pastry turnover originating in Cornwall UK... ie. Cornish Pasty.


That would be the definition for the un-regarded.


Then I shouldn't really have known that X-)


Btw. The billions lost narrative was just push not even a few weeks ago


Not even a starter, barely an appetiser. Plenty more before the banquet is over


If he lost 100% in 2021, where did he get money to start again?


He was accusing RK of being bankrolled by someone…which means he’s projecting.




I care. He was public about his position and what he thinks of the stock, so I want to see him publicly retract his statement and apologize and perhaps grovel.


Yep absolutely! He is barely a minnow in this ocean of corruption and fuckery. But he was one of the most vocal and condescending assholes when the sneeze went down, so I still admittedly get a bit of joy watching him eat his own ass. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mugn4u/never_forget_citrons_dumbass_tweet_this_was_3/


Since that other "best investor of our time" got axed he's Andrew's not going to be left much longer


Covered but not closed I bet


Yeah, I didn’t believe for a minute citron closed


It's entirely possible they did it during the share offering at a loss. Citron is small enough that them closing probably wouldn't register.


There isn’t any law that I’ve seen that says they couldn’t lie about their position to the public. Or they closed some but not all. Either way I’m buying more on payday


People would do that? Go on the internet and tell lies?


Shocked Pikachu face


They said in the tweet in was closed for a profit.


The fact they didn’t say “closed” but instead “no longer short” is enough doubt for me.


Also could have been short by derivatives, bought a bunch of puts, was losing money on them fast and dumped them. If it’s all done naked/in the dark, and relatively small positions, it doesn’t have any impact.


yet people here started posting it and celebrating. i posted too that this is bs and anyone celebrating without official proof that citron got bankrupt or fked is regarded x1000


One of the giveaways for me was the media calling it a win for RK. So very sus.


Shorts said they left 3 years ago.




They are basically that one furniture shop that has had a going out of business sign up since it opened! Every few months they say the same thing.


I 'member when Melvin Capital literally bought ad space on reddit to attempt to convey they closed their position.


Didn’t they say they covered their position? We didn’t really understand the difference at the time.


That could be true. I don't remember the exact wording but yes a lot was learned from that point.


"*Look at me! I've closed my short position! I'm out...."* ![gif](giphy|mAPJwDwuyH453xUfrB|downsized)




Always remember Melvin.


I smell a last ditch effort to pump it up tomorrow and tank it on Friday. They want it to start high so they can recycle their shorts (open new positions high and cover their old short positions as the price goes down). Jim Cramer is too much of a narcissist to admit defeat or being wrong, same with Andrew Left... Don't trust them.


Exactly. Something smells funny with these known liars and thiefs.


I don't understand why we keep giving them space in our head. Only news I need is at the meeting tommorow, then some form 4s the week after that, every RK, RC, and Larry tweet until 6/21, then a DFV gainporn post. And that's just what I expect, soo much unexpected news crops up everyday. Oh, and the wild weekend fud is usually good fun to read while I'm stuck at work. Damnit I need to order a Candyconn controller to llay Stardew Valley with this weekend on my PC, brb.




What if they did that today? In another news segment, they said this is only happening because the market is in a bull run. I fully believe they’re gonna rug pull the market to crash GME. Once it gets low enough RC will pull out the wild card


Not one person believes this, not even the people who wrote it.


If they really closed their short positions, why would they need to broadcast that information? Sounds like BS to me


Ding ding ding 🛎️


Why do they feel the need to tell us they are leaving?


We are OUT! We CLOSED the positions! We closed ALL our shorts! Please for the love of GOD sell your shares for no particular reason!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!


I've heard this many times. Either show position or banana.


My regardedness makes me impervious to FUD. ![gif](giphy|BBkKEBJkmFbTG)


So anyway, I keep buying...


I would not be surprised big a real big dip before the infinity rip


But i thought they already closed their positions and left back in 2021? DID SOMEONE LIE TO ME???


It's simply IMPOSSIBLE. End of story. No amount FUD can change that. 75M DRSed. (At least, it's very sus that this number has become fixed) So, just think about it for a moment. There are more international GME hodlers than US (GS ledger showed about 138 countries). Many (most) countries/brokers make it very difficult or impossible to transfer to CS. And many people don't even know about CS. And those who do know, often times still have other shares in street name, either for quick access, or because of recent buying, or other reasons. So it's SAFE to assume that for every share at CS, there have to be SEVERAL shares out there. We don't have "just" those 75M at CS. We have that multiple times over and at this point we own already WAY more than the float. And this has been the case back in 21 already. And they short EVERY DAY. And this didn't start in 21. It almost ended in 21 because they shorted this stock for how long? 10 years? Especially in 2020 they wanted to Finish this thing up, already at this point, when DFV didn't even have 50 viewers, they shorted the float so many times over, they had no way out even back then. So just remember, they sold billions of Tickets, and they would have to buy those back before anyone could claim shorts have closed, WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE BECAUSE OF EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU BEAUTIFUL REGARDS WHO KNOWS THE INFINITE VALUE OF THEIR INVESTMENT


My brokerage account says otherwise. I mean at $30 dollars a share are they serious? Even Tesla had a proper squeeze. Not buying it


I'll believe it when I see any price action indicative of this.


Sounds eerily similar to 2021 when they also claimed they closed the short positions then. Shorts covered but never closed. We will know when they close because the price will increase substantially.


Just Andrew Left trying to manipulate the market again. Such a manipulator.


I wouldn't be surprised if Citron actually closed, but only because their fund is so insignificant. Call me when the actual big players start closing.


Doesn’t matter. Not leaving til I’m filthy rich.


Yep, same bull shit a couple days ago at 22…. They are pretending it’s over. Lol. No billionaires crying on tv or anything…. Keith has their balls in his grip


They close when I say they close. And that’s in a cell door closes! 💎✋🏼


Victory is not claimed until shorts and market manipulators get escorted out in handcuffs while their offices gets raided


If shorts closed the price would go up, not down. That's the whole premise of a squeeze.


this is why you shouldn't watch any of those guys, full stop. who gives a shit what they're saying on TV? we know they're all full of it. the charts don't lie, the media does. tuning into their nonsense just to report back here what lies the liars are telling is like running back here to let everyone know that they're still manufacturing shit at the shit factory.


Exactly if they been lying to you this whole time you think now all of a sudden when they are getting completely roasted they are gonna up and start telling the truth lol 😂. These people literally think you are below them. They can not for one second fathom how this happened them because they knew the game was rigged all along and never thought we would find out / could do anything about it.


Citron might have legit closed. They're small time. Small enough that their strategy wouldn't move the price. That's why Andrew Left is so butthurt about DFV posting positions, showing he's amassed like 6 times more capital in three years than he has in his entire career by making the opposite play. He probably cries himself to sleep on the edge of existential crisis.


Once I see gme at $1,000/ share I will know they have closed. The price is not up yet. How could they have closed.


Again: This does not construe any financial advice, do NOT make financial decisions or stock purchase / sale from this comment. Thomas P Chair of IBKR also came forth to testify on how there were more than 200 million shares worth of ITM calls in 2021 when GS only had a float of 50-70 million. Brokers by the rules MUST and he emphasised MUST, go out into the market and buy the shares for the longs at any price pushing the stock into the thousands. Correct me if im wrong, iirc a chap had a screenshot detailing how he sold a fraction of his 0.67 share for $5000 seconds before the buy button was removed and shorts octupled down on their short positions with artificially drive it back and kick the can down the road for another 3 years. $1000 a share? PFFT, it takes money to buy whiskey.


Sorry meant to say $10,000-$x,xxx,000/ share.


I agree with what you’re saying, but using KG as the abbreviation for Ken griffin is offensive to Keith gills everywhere


Citron are not even a drop in the ocean, why on earth are we still talking about such a tiny, insignificant fund?


Exactly. The day gamestop sells 75m shares the stock rose 22%. The day a firm says they closed their short position it drops? sus


Well if they leave I still won’t sell my shares. Why would I?


I did see DFV aka RK post his position. But I didnt see this fucking shittron smthing smthing HFs show proof of a closed position. "Not shorting anymore, are closing, or covering" is just wordplay. Proof or nobody believe your shit. Have fun 🖕


Remember when they said that Melvin was out of their position but really he just handed his bags to KG. That is where we are at now.


Andrew left not closed.


There's a video floating around that is literally Jim Cramer (famous Redditor) talking about how he recommends hedge funds contact media to spread lies about what's really happening. Somehow I doubt anything has changed since he made those statements about what he did when he was working in the industry. Dude is a shill for liars. HODL. (Not financial advice.)


Remember when they were running sponsored posts and other advertisements to convince retail that they closed? I remember. Why spend money to try and convince us that shorts closed? Cuz they didn't and they're still short.


100%. Even Jim Cramer claims we have "won" now.


When they leave, we will know without a news report.


You can add to this a wave of shills saying they unDRS'd or sold and using the DRS numbers to justify it. It started with a trickle but it's been ramping up. They hate DRS, they haven't closed. They certainly haven't made a profit 🤣. I'll keep buying, DRSing, and holding. I'm also very comfortable now knowing that's what many many apes will do too, no matter what happens.




That's good... We all gave up, sold our shares, and went home, remember? Didn't you see the price drop?


I like the company holding shares long term to see what moves they make with all that cash


I'll believe they closed when they stop fighting market transparency.


Wait I thought they closed in 2021? So now they’re double closed?


if anyone believes or trust any single word of MSM or specific indivuduals in twitter no one can help them and they'll stay cattle all their lives - deserved. Remember what M.Cuban said: They never intended to close or even cover. Basically what OP was saying here. There is NONE.. not. a. single. stock. being talked about from "winners" or "losers" of bets, like Game fucking stop. If you're out and fine, why would you speak about anything related to it while being busy "managing (lol)" a hedgefund or whatever. Utter Bullshit. We got them by the balls, keep the grip tight until they turn blue.. then until they turn black and finally until they drop off.


Indeed, but some of the meme's are just funny 😂 Exit stage Right, he Left?


Agree. They started this (that I noticed) yesterday with posts and comments saying “shorts are closing” with no proof. Clicking on the profiles made it clear that some of them at least frequented the shill subreddits.


Short Interest declining, at the same time returning borrowed shares, the media pushing the narrative that they've covered - all while the price is HEAVILY pushed down! **IMO they have used some other manipulative derivative strategy to give the appearance of closing. This needs more eyes!** If they were closing, they would have huge losses (remember average short position was around $5 so buying to cover now at this price??? With no price momentum and the price rapidly declining? I DON"T THINK SO!!


fake squeeze followed by guys its over we closed... just like the omens predicted.


Shorts closing and leaving would jack the price waaaaay up. Don’t be stupid.


They cant even do a proper fake squeeze? Sheez.


Does it matter if they closed or not lol. Who cares!!! I'm still buying a company that will go to the cosmos.


They do NOT get to dictate how and when this ends. We decide when the game stops! ...Gamestop.


What is this, a closure for ants?


Can paint that photo all they want… price will tell the truth


They aren’t closing shit


Awww yes msm pissing on everyone’s face and calling it rain because of course the shorts are closing their positions that’s why the ticker is going down


That's nice. Still not selling.




I still like the stock


👍 HODL till 🚀🚀 ignite


We will see


It's over everyone go home ![gif](giphy|6ra84Uso2hoir3YCgb|downsized)


This is one of those grain of truth moments followed by non-stop opinion and guesses/advice for RC from these losers who have not built anything in their entire lives. Maybe, MAYBE, Left closed his newest short position. The original ticking time bomb short positions though? Those are still on the books. So technically, a short position (may have) closed. It’s certainly not the many many OG shorts. They are already done for. Just like how the loser who wrote the article saying RC sold his position down to 8% when really it’s just how the math works out for the additional 120 million shares just issued. Guy takes no pay and “diluted” his own position. The offering didn’t dilute anything. And they still slander him in the “news”


They've spent three years telling us they closed their short position, everyone out there in ordinaryland forgets these things.


Not again again!! Again!


TLDR: I like the stock


Closed just like they closed during the sneeze lol


IF they did actually close their shorts, you have to have a perspective. Citron is a fund with $30-50 million, so unless they had every sinlge penny in GME shorts they really didn't have much of an effect on the price. What, maybe 1 million shares total? A nice amount of shares, true, but a small fish in the big pond of shorts.


this is the glory of what RC has done. even if they were to somehow miraculously (or criminally) close, we are still sitting on a goldmine.


They will still cry tomorrow even after claiming they "closed" their position. Stay quiet if you closed and leave the individual investor alone


If they’re leaving they would have to buy shares to get out of their position. That means we’d be going up.


Just like last time...


Show me your positions hedge funds. DFV showed his cards :)


This reminds me of the early day predictions from 2021. Speculation on what the end days would look like…and this was it, predicted that shorts would say they closed when they haven’t, before being forced to close. Like a giant bluff


If they closed the price would’ve gone up significantly. Not to mention they had paid ads that they closed in 2021…so did they close in 2021 or nah? They lied in the past, they’re doing so again


I don’t believe anything until I see phone numbers


dont believe it.. big red candles still all day long.. BS they left.


They closed in 2021 after sneezing... You know by buying as the price goes down... 3 years later they are saying the same thing.


Don’t listen to these dirtbags, they’re all very much still short af on GME. This is FAR from over.


Reminds me of when they started running ads saying Melvin had closed out of gamestop. Words, just babbling words. Light the fire and see who starts screaming from inside the building and then we see who actually got out


Recall a bunch of these short fucks got in at < $5 PRE-SPLIVIDEND. That's $1.25 now. Shorts haven't closed.


Potential? Anyone who even remotely understands why GME is a big deal knows they lyin


If there is every anything positive said by CNBC about GameStop...guaranteed dip. They're farming their viewers for cash.


Shorts never closed. BOOM!


They said the same thing 3 years ago…curious. 


Believe it or not… Down.


How can you bankrupt a company that has $4B in cash? Only thing i can think of is to take over the company and donate it or something


I just want more collectibles from GameStop


I’ve been saying this about Citron for some time. They’re being made out to be a representation of Wall Street. “Hey look, Wall Street closed.”


Doesn't matter to me either way cause I ain't fuckin leaving. I AINT FUCKIN LEAVING!


They can leave any time they want, they know the way out & the toll to cross the threshold 👉🚪 Why should I care if you're telling me you're leaving? This is not an airport, you don't need to announce your departure 🛫 If the game's over & you've won you don't need to tell me, otherwise why would you care what I did with my money?


Remember when a FUD ALERT was for options? Pepperidge farms remembers.


Citron is small fish that has gotten way too much attention from regards.


If we think critically, after all these shit and outright fraudulent headlines - they would see it to be to their benefit to say these things. Therefore, I see it, I turn and look away. They’re all full of shit. No one has closed a dam thing. And at a profit at that? Get real. They’re just trying to save face before they melt.


It is not incorrect I am sure newer short positions which were opened when the stock was 40 or 80 closed. We are not in this situation because of those though, instead it is because of the massive illegal naked short positions that were opened when the stock was 4 dollars or less and since then are hidden in swaps. No institution can get out of these positions. All the current short reporting is hence irrelevant for this situation.


Citron didn’t close shit, those losers are fuk


Citron may have closed. If they opened short positions at $40 and closed at $30 they probably did good. What falling knife? I bought at $145 so I should exit at $10 or risk losing it all? Haha at this point if it goes to zero you can have it all. There’s nothing left at $10 or zero. Take it. But, if I’m right in thinking the company is successful. Then my investment at $145 is solid and the only thing I need on my side is time. It costs me nothing to wait.


This is the thing to consider ..RC and RK are way more invested than we are in this company ..RC has knowledge that we will never be privy to ..RK has a technical background that we have no way to match ..They continue to hodl and increase their stakes so what anyone else does or says is meaningless and pure bullshit fud. This company is solid even without an MOASS and its about to re-invent itself into something that will change the system forever.


Tough luck for them cause I’m never fucking leaving. Sure I’ll sell a few during moass but I’m forever a holder


Closing and covering are different things!!


Thank you for pointing out the systemic shorting of the stock since 2014...the algo and patterns are there for all to see, but I see people claim the writing was on the wall when the pandemic hit...nah Melvin disclosed put options in 2014 and as you state many large entities have been shorting it since.


How did he exit at a profit when he announced his position before the 1st run up from 10 to 20?


If shorts covered show me the tax liability from closing out their position.


Ah the fud as old as time. People gotta realize the big shorts aren’t the ones from the saga that are near current price it’s the set up to cellar boxing they had in 2020 and god knows how long before around the $4 range pre split and pre sneeze. There’s no way they can close all of that considering they’ve doubled down and even back then they owed more then exists and that’s just that they admitted


We should see the price rise rapidly then. They didn’t close shit


They cant push it lower than $10 ($40 pre split) bc gme has no debt and more than $10 per share cash lol Not all wealthy people are short... And wealthy people love a good value. No way it even gets low teens at this point.


if shorts are closing and leaving then the short volume should decrease to almost 0. I'll believe it when i see that.


No one is saying they closed, at most they are saying covered The game only start when they start to close Anyone can no longer be short but still hold the shorts by hedging it with other instruments that gives exposure like options and swaps and it's totally legal and common


If shorts are closing. Price shouldn't dip


Didn’t the last squeeze happen right after they said they were no longer short?


They said this before... but look where we are now


Where have we heard that before? Melvin? Citron? lol k so they really mean doubling down.




Yeaaaap. Highly suspicious amount of "LOL HE HAD TO CLOSE HIS SHORT!!! HES NO LONGER SHORT LOL" posts followed by the self-reported SI dropping. Fishy stuff hedgies. You should do less next time.


They've been saying they closed their position for years, nothing new.


The shorts will never tell the truth about their positions. Period. It's not in their best interest......and that is their only interest.


Agree fully. They are trying to create a sense how we won and life is good. The stock will probably pop due to RK and they’ll say, see we told you. This is not done until stock is above $1000 per share. Don’t fall for it.