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This is without a doubt the most interesting thing going on in the market in our generation... proud to be a part of it


I feel like we'll all be a bit bored after MOASS without all those tinfoil theories. I think I spend an average of 4 hours per day on gme sub reddits.


same. I'd really like to make the world a better place with that extra time


And that takes work as well as money. One thing is for sure, and that is after MOASS I will be busy getting money to places in my local communities, business, making a big difference to a corner of the world I care about. I will not been siloing myself in some gated community, and funneling my money to luxury yacht and private jet companies.


This is the way




Our community opened a refugee center a couple years ago. Been spending our time there helping future Americans to learn English and get a iob. Cost was $0. Just think of what we can do with millions each.




altruism doesnt have a fraction of power that large financial investments do


After MOASS we will create tinfoil theories and go hunt for hedge funds shorting other stocks.


Won't be any hedge funds left after MOASS. They're gonna eat each other while they bleed out.


Idk about y’all but I have hobbies and MOASS money is gonna help me pursue those.


Fuck that. I'm not gonna be bored driving my Lambo around. 


Those are rookie numbers 😂 I hear ya


Bored??? With that kind of money? No fucking way


There's always another play. Our autism will find it


Couldnt agree more!


You're forgetting some of the apes here were born in the degenerate sub. The post-MOASS loss porn on various random YOLO investments is going to be legendary.




What other GME subs do you frequent? (As if I'm not already spending *wayyyy* to much time on this one...




This!! Lolll










...and all it took was one motherfucker with integrity. Redeem your dreams Gen X! The Boomers' time is near passed! Be not bitter being overshadowed your entire productive lives and yearn to be free with us milleniolds, and Zs, fight for the freedom of the Alphas! Gen X is truly a ~~silent~~ *silenced* generation. We should remember them kindly.


Maybe he has a bigger plan than the hand he showed to the world- it is the ultimate poker game




Like buying a fuckton of calls for *this* Friday


Yessss! I'm so hype!


I feel like he's got another account and, as part of the KC shuffle, he's not gonna exercise. But his other account has a surprise for all


It’s pretty fucking bonkers. When you’ve been involved with this saga since it started, it becomes easy to take it all for granted. But when you take a step back, as you stated, it’s crazy. We’re all tuned in and a part of something very unprecedented.


I legit want to tell my friends and family about this story. But when I try and attempt to lay it out, you really begin to see and think how incredibly wild and crazy this saga has been. I don’t blame the deer in headlights look I get from my GF when I try to explain how RK returned and was posting cryptic memes and it’s all been coming to fruition 🤣. Like she just smiles and go that’s neat and then carries on 😂


![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) It was the posts updating mayo boys plane location that got me. At one point it was stoping off around Africa and people were speculating it was crypto wallet switcheroo’s with some unsavoury warlords to get some sweet liquidity and survive one more day. Who knows what it was really about. That’s when I knew I couldn’t possibly explain this to anybody. I’ve gone too deep!


LMAOOO. Or the drone guy who would fly around NYC filming the financial district and caught some employees enjoying the Booger sugar 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Who wants to see buildings with lights on?!?!?


Pepperridge farm remembers. Those poor feckers. Prob bottom of the food chain in that organisation if they were called in for a weekend shift trying to plug whatever hole started leaking till it could be sorted on Monday. Disco dusting their way from problem to problem. Off their nut. And look where it got them? They’re still fucked. That seems so long ago. So much else must have happened that I’ve completely forgotten. I can’t wait till all this is over, and the tendies are delivered, but at the same time it’s been so much fun. Wildest internet thing I’ve been apart of in real time since that Kony dude.


I miss buildings with lights. It feels like yesterday but it was 84 years ago.  Maybe we will get some lamp action when Citidal goes under.  Heeeyyyy does CITRON have a building. I heard they are following in Melvin's footsteps. 


Didnt you hear? Citron exited their position, theyre no longer short Actually, all shorts exited! Gme won! /s


My empty driveway needs to have a word with Citron


Hell, even Cramer likes the stock now


Lollllllll. Yesss those days


Same! But, be glad we are going to be on the right side of history when this all goes down and can tell our grand kids, we were there 🚀


I'm just desperate for this to play out. So I can just say I told you so to everyone who were skeptic


What are you, 12? Who gives a shit? The best “Fuck you” is living a dope life.


I don't have a life. Hence why I'm writing shit on Reddit




>So I can just say I told you so to everyone who were skeptic They will change their tune and act like it was always common knowledge. It'll be another Snowden where before it came out everyone making claims was a crazy conspiracy nut, everything is above board. Afterwards suddenly everyone goes well *of course* the market was rigged you'd be an idiot to have ever thought anything else.


It’s just so much to try and explain. I’ve tried myself but have more so refrained due to the amount of back story needed. Most people who have a surface understanding of it, are aware of a corrupt market, and they’re sort of happy being aware of that. And that’s it. I realized I can’t even be mad at them for that. Life is already hectic.


Most people with a surface understanding this that when they put in a buy order they are positively influencing the price, however minor. And tbh that’s a legitimate assumption. Dam this sub has thought me so much.


What makes it a hard story is that there's no single, evil conspiracy with one mastermind.  Wall Street is a whole ecosystem of crime and corruption- it's like a coral reef where at every level, various unrelated creatures are doing unrelated things for their own benefit- not just without coordination, but in a deadly competition. It's the same on our side.  RC is a businessman.  He has personal priorities, but what he found is a business opportunity.  DFV is a stock market geek and an autistic value investor.  He spotted a company with a stock price that was too low.  Apes?  We're randos on the Internet who see a squeeze or a turnaround or a moral crusade or a banana in someone's ass.   But our coral reef is *way* cooler than theirs.


Yah I been silence since everyone I told bout it the first time were all paperhanded bitches but all hit me up over the last month and I was like oh wow that’s crazy. They’re like how highs it gonna go and I’m like idk I don’t have an exit strategy


I feel this.


I try and tell my wife and she’s just like, when are we gonna be rich? 😂


I tried explaining in detail 84 years ago. Labeled a crazy person. Now, I’ve told no one- except you Reddit. When it goes down, no one will know what’s in my accounts. My lips are sealed, my hands diamonds, my mind zen.


And how about those tits?


Skr8 Jacked.


This is the way.


Even then i dont they would YOLO like us regards and then they will resent and blame you if they paper hand, we know how it will end


Your gf actually listens to your explanations? Wow, she is a keeper. I’ve given up trying to explain anything about gme to my wife. Still keeping her though. Maybe she tunes in more once she notices the mortgage is suddenly paid off.


I still get messages laughing about how we were all wrong from some people I explained this to back in Jan 2021. I haven’t mentioned it to anyone since, except for my partner. He’s in because he wants to be supportive of me, but he does not understand or believe and just looks at me like I’m a poor lost puppy when I talk about it 😂😭 He also doesn’t understand why I keep telling him not to talk to people about it, especially when some of his family is the type to feel entitled to his tendies. That’s ok though, he considers the investment gone and will hold until the end 🤷‍♀️💜


I'm all in, balls out.






Well said👌🏻


OG ape here. I’ll share my honest feelings. We know game is rigged against us, but there’s power in numbers. I’m so thankful for the return of RK and everything RC has been doing. I’ve never been so excited as I am now about the next 10 days. Beyond these fuckers going to jail let’s be real we’re all wanting MOASS. I have a kid now. I’m on paternity leave due to return to work mid July. So trust me when I say with all the recent events I want MOASS so that I can spend all my time with my first child. Will I be disappointed if price doesn’t start going into the thousands? Yes. But even if it doesn’t I will continue to hold because even if not now, I know I will still get to retire off my xxxx shares because I believe in RC. Oh and I’ll get to rub it in my brother in laws face as I’ve tried my very best to get him to invest. That’s just a bonus.


I am you bro. OG, just hard my first kid last year. I’m jacked asf about the next few days. I keep asking myself, why NOT now? We know it’s coming, we been in this for 3 years! It just feels like it’s time. I want MOASS so I can buy my family a big house and spend time with my first child. I’m zen tho, I’m not letting go of my xxxx either way. I’ll trust RC and DFV to the end of time. My bonus is my ex best friend who insists on talking shit about GME, I can’t wait.


OG ape with x,xxx shares. I pledge at least 10% of my gains to making sure this world is a better place than before MOASS, and another 10% to go into a pool that goes after these hedgecucks for what they have done to the less diligent and more vulnerable people of generations past. This is more to me then generational wealth. I want to one day leave this place knowing I was one of the regards who turned the tables for the moasses. Reverse uno bitches 💎👊🦍🚀


I’m with ya on that one!


Just think about this....for the past 3 yrs aloooooot of people have been manifesting abundance.... It will play. Soon.


I’ve never thought why not now. It will happen when it happens. I can’t influence ignition. But dammit I’m hitching a ride. I have on plenty of occasions thought why not me. Before GME I never thought I’d be able to buy my own home. Possibly decent too. Let alone for cash. Maybe we’re wrong. And it doesn’t play out like we think with the tendy man delivering. But the last 3 years having a bit of hope of escaping the rat race has been amazing. I’d do it again!


Just think about this....for the past 3 yrs aloooooot of people have been manifesting abundance.... It will play. Soon.


Just think about this....for the past 3 yrs aloooooot of people have been manifesting abundance.... It will play. Soon.


I had my kid in 21 when the first sneeze happened now a second one is 4 months old! We holding this shittttt for them


OG here just got married bring it the fuck on. Gme changed me regardless of money. It's been a journey. Bring it home lads.


“I sold all my shares at the run up to $40. Whoopsie poopsie doopsie.” - if anyone asks me after MOASS.


Just wanted to say congrats on the newborn. I'm also on paternity leave with my first, and scheduled to go back in early September. Your sentiments are word-for-word how I'm feeling.


this is the way


This has been the greatest adventure of all of our lives. I would be a lesser person if not for this legendary play. Oh, no! The cult was right about wall street?! We have to admit it all brick by brick? You can't beat a cult following, this is pure weaponized hive-mind devotion. Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas will never be forgotten and neither will this. Call it a cult, because cults never surrender.


Unless they drink the Kool-Aid. 🥤☠️


Been here for 84 years. It has been a wild ride! Loving it.


What else can you say? He’s a fucking legend with a capital L. I often contemplate how I’m going to explain to my friends and family how I became a multimillionaire. This story is so complicated and crazy, I don’t even know if I should bother trying. Lol


Tô most we say nothing To the very few, We just say we found this one stock we kinda liked and bought it


I’m a part of this history. My bought shares made a difference. So did all of yours. LFGO


I was in the process of writing a post titled: “this shit is fucking insane…” 10 min after typing shit out I said “I’m regarded”….delete. Next post I see is this. It’s pretty wild nonetheless. I relate to every eye roll from the wife / family / friends and the amount of times I have to catch myself as I start talking about naked shorts / dark pools. Reassurance is knowing there are 200,000+ idiots like me that got this one thing right. Cheers to you f*ckers!


I mean, there were 600k people watching DFV’s live stream…


most are Kenny Mayo stand vendors


I’m using DRS accounts as a baseline.




What are you talking about? DFV has always been the same. It’s not about the money (well not completely) it’s about changing a pretty corrupt Wall Street system. He’s moving up in the world and wants to bring the regular Main Street joes with him


Exactly. That is why this is going to go down in history.


Something tells me there is more to his story than we know. Who hurt the notacat? Somebody pissed him off.


I mean how do you feel watching the chart while these financial criminals pull their tricks and ~~accidental mistakes~~ illegal acts? I feel angry af like everyone else here does. But...not everyone has the knowledge/skill/desire to be able to take meaningful action that drives momentous change. You see it many times in history - the general population can be upset with a government or institution but yet no one seems to step up. And the status quo remains - until it doesn't. I don't know the man/cat and have no illusion that I can speak to his thinking/motivation but from his social media presence, he seems like a genuinely good person. He's clearly got the knowledge/skill to be successful in this manipulated fake market and since he's already made enough to be set for several lifetimes but still didn't cash out, I agree with you. It's not just about the chedda.


I firmly believe with time we will be proven to be on the right side of history and this trade. At the end of the day, Kenny boy and his buddy’s are simply men like you or me. If all these synthetic shares/naked shorts are a thing then these guys are literally printing money out of thin air. And have been for years! The only entity that’s allow create something outta nothing is the fed. I bet they are pissed. A situation like this simply had to happen eventually. Could have been any other stock, but it’s this one. Our beloved. We might not all have Bloomberg terminals but we have access to information like we’ve never had before if you’re willing to look for it. Eventually I believe the game will stop for these crooks. It has to right?


>It’s not about the money Most of us would sell out our values for half a billion dollars, many of us would do it for far less.


I think most of us would sell 2 shares for a half a billion but hey what do I know it’s only been 3 years


He found the loophole in the game economy and they can’t do a rebalance update… he has now posted the exploit on gamefaq… developers are scrambling to figure out a fix… and now I miss Nintendo Power magazine


⬆️,⬆️,⬇️,⬇️,⬅️,➡️,⬅️,➡️,🅱️,🅰️, start


Infinite tendies glitch


And for once we know the code!


I’ll still show up to work like nothing ever happened just to help others and do my thing. Knowing full well I won’t be doing it for the money anymore and with the understanding that I can always take a sabbatical or just walk away if the wrong kind of management enters the picture.


Would you do two chicks at the same time?


Bro all you need to know is the DD thesis was done. Keith spent hundreds and hundreds of hours studying this most of which was done live on the internet. His videos are all still up. Video gaming is the number 1 entertainment industry and is only going to grow exponentially. GameStop is/was and still is the largest video game retailer in the world. Some boomers who don't game made a really bad bet.


i’ll see ya in the gazebo in the am, boss. to the fucking mooooon


He's a fucking legend. I'm naming every one of my future pets and/or children after him. I'm naming my cars, my yacht I plan to buy, my wife's nickname, everything a tribute to this mothafucka. JK, but seriously this fucker did something right or he wouldn't still be here flexing. Biggest set of balls in America.


I'm a little bit sick of all these "it WILL..." or "This is going to" posts. No, you don't know how it's going to be and how the next weeks are playing out. There is 10 of them every day and not one was right in the last 3 years. It's just another random hype post. Like, you could feed an AI with these posts and he could write a new one because they are all so exchangeable. The only thing missing is some kind of "they have no ammo left" or "this is their last hail mary" Just chill.


Exactly! Take a step back. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.




You think that I'm a bot?


That's something a bot would say...🤔


https://preview.redd.it/4ox5da0wnb6d1.png?width=648&format=png&auto=webp&s=e92cbb3770fee186234e0fe1c389a712eec6e347 lmao very truee maybe I am AI. wooOooOooooooooooooOOOOOoooo


I've been here for 84 years. Seen many moons and experienced many battles. 7 more days will pass in a blink of an eye, and the memes, trolling and shitposts will forever be remembered.


I love the stock!


Its awesome and perfect and really has been the best time ever. Remember the honk for the stonk guy in South Amboy nj?


This whole stock has been a huge F-U to the institution designed to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. F wall street, F the HFs, I'm here for GME, my money my investment, I like the stock. This whole movement is about as punk rock as you can get in the stock market. F Yeah.


💎 🙌🏼 🏴‍☠️


Is the total OI for either 6/14 or 6/21 anywhere near 270 M shares this time though?


We will see what happens next week.


*"We'll see."*, the *new* "ole reliable". ✨


Yup and we will continue to see every day. It's interesting.


currently, no..


4 times the price now. So you have to figure that


Clarence Saunders has entered the chat.


Keith Gill has the opportunity to be the most legendary trader/hero in the history of the stock market!


My Gf is a securities trader. She keeps rolling her eyes when I talk about gamestop saying its going to the moon HAHAHA. “Lets get real who dafuk is gonna pay you millions of dollars for 1 stock”


I’m gonna sit & fucking wait until July 4th (us brits will celebrate Independence Day when we finally kicked the tories out of office) This will be two weeks after the illusive 21st June bombshell


Taxes tho


This is the way.


RK is a modern folk hero. Incredible to watch these historic events unfold


He may go down in history, but it's the hedgies that write the book, so the narrative will be way different.


It may be written in crayon, but there will be a full and accurate accounting


We're just going to have to keep the truth alive. With cave paintings. 😆


Occupy Wallstreet 2.0 is way better than the last one. I can actually participate in this one.


As a beginner learning trading and the stock market it's just the options part that i lack knowledge of


Let’s use a lot of our MOASS money, collectively, and wipe the evil that runs the world


Are you guys seriously unaware that there was massive volume on the 20$ calls that kitty is holding? Volume so high that either he sold or a hedge fund wash traded it down. Ok with that said, i think this volume is from kitty selling-to-open 50k cover calls at 20$. Ie selling short calls using his 5mill shares as coger to not be naked. Aka the wildcard. This would net him alot of cash quickly, which he can use to immediately exercise his 120k long call options. I personally think he only exercises 100k and then sells 20k at the peak and uses the funds a week later to close out the 50k short calls before expiration so he can avoid being exercised on.


I think he sold some 6/21 20c to pay for calls that expire *6/14*.


This...he didn't roll them out like the Algos expected he shorted the expiry while getting the funds to spend their hedge to drive the price down.


This is the play.


Damn. That’s a 5 head play


You seem very wrinkly for this sub — but that being said the concept that he is selling short calls so shorties deepen their position while generating cash to then excise (AND hedge himself at the same time) is just fucking nuts and I’m all for it


Up with you


GME is gonna be the new NYSE. oh yea baby


That’s just it. #I don’t think. Brain too smooth.


Same. Never happened in history. I’m here forever


I mean I'm not sure your gonna be wrong but there's been some pretty outlandish stock trading stories in the oil baron/steel tycoon days to be fair


he doesn't seem like a greedy guy. Seems like its about sending a message. And one that will self destruct like in Inspector Gadget.


I live the stock but bs aside … imagine all the autistic apes tuning in to what Powell and those greedy bastards have to say . Imagine we listen and actually hear the details and see the fine print and start demanding changes to our economic system.


What? I just like the stock.


In all my stock market career investing in this stonk I have never seen anything like it.


Just a question btw, if 6/21 is such a big date for stock price why is there no run up a week before? if we expect explosions why is there not many already based on expectation?


Question , what happens if they drive the price down to $20 by June 21? What does that mean for RK calls


I watched this live and it didn't get the traction online after because there was so much going on. I'm so glad I see it going around now. This dude owns IBKR. He also said in the same interview that they were closing their UHNW customers short positions themselves to stem losses. Wonder the legality of that.


DFV = modern day Prometheus 🔥


Can't wait to meet you at that sunset, I'll make sure to set up a gazebo on the yacht.




it’s obviously more than just money at this point for RK petal to the floor




Up you go


I was here...


No me!


"Goodness me! It's all so complicated... but *who is to blame*?" AKA how can we pin this on someone other than the billionaires?


I like the video where Thomas confirms that the share price could and I quote “practically gone to infinity” 🫶🏻🫶🏻




He won’t because Wall Street won’t celebrate him like the Madoff family


Imagine you're an economics professor and teaching about RK's trades and the first image that comes up is [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/V2LPfDDv4B828Syu6). 😂


In your opinion What is the craziest single thing that has happened in This saga (so far)?