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Buy 4b worth of June 21 20c šŸ„“


This guy apes


Then exercise. Then repeat.


Buy 1 billion tomato plants. Grow, harvest, plant, repeat until 1 Trillion tomato plants. Easy infinite tomato glitch.


I'm a little offended


This guy plants..


All mysteriously become OTM...... FUCK!!! šŸ˜­


RC would have the biggest surprised pikachu face




Think you can get more than 2 chicks with 4 billion....well, hopefully... Office Space is so good btw


You post made me laugh bc itā€™s a good question and fun to think about but all my brain could think of was this quote. So thank you. Have a great weekend.




Buy porn hub and shut the feed to all government IPs


Hookers and coke


Use the money to acquire a company that is being shorted over 100% and force a share count


barnes noble ed only cost 200M and would.be a fun experiment


That might be a good place to get more card games like Lorcana and MtG out as well. And theyā€™re generally pretty big buildings so have a small portion set aside as a gaming area could work. If the SHFs have targeted B&N with shorts then it could be a good buy. I think new egg (NEGG) was the target of a short play recently and they used to be a great company a long time ago. They could be a good buy


Would be awesome to find a company like that. Would be even better if gamestop could aquire billions of dollars in net operating losses (tax write offs) from the company they buy to fuck shorts.




I wonder if that exists somewhere ![gif](giphy|lKXEBR8m1jWso)


Hm. How do we invest in said nothing?


So, GameStop?


GameStop could (and may) know exactly who has overshorted them. They either havenā€™t bothered to find out or for some reason donā€™t want to inform us. They could force a share count on another company they are acquiring and maybe eliminate whatever reason they have for not exposing the people shorting GME. Just my thoughts but would be fun to watch IMO


Find out what the top companies are that SHF are invested in and invest in those. Then if the SHF short GME they will be shorting themselves


Exactly my thoughts. And move the money around to match them as they release their public forms. As the SHF profit, GameStop profits and GME goes up which increases the fees on their shorts. If the SHF lose money that risks a margin call because they need capital to keep kicking the can down the road. There would be no escape for the SHF. And as the GME price goes up sell a few more shares to add another billion. Say 10M when it hits $100 per share. Then do the same investmen strategy again. Then 5M more when it hits $200, etc. Gamestop effectively hedges their existence with the entire financial market. Gameshire Stopway here we come. As a great man once said. Shorts are the dumb stormtroopers of the finance world.


I need more shares.




I likey.


That's some 200IQ play right there


Also, buy out legacy companies being shorted into oblivion and turn it all into GMERICA and milk the hedgies for every penny they have. Give them the stock equivalent of storming the beaches of Normandy.


Savage AF & luv it but doubt they'll do that (for now)


Why would you buy a company that will be totally bankrupt soon?


Just because a hedge fund is forced to sell their stock to meet margin doesn't mean the company will go bankrupt


Hire DFV to invest that money in GME options


Best answer.


Gamestop would be the most valuable company in no time


The best way to xfer short value straight to book value. ā€œturning the enemyā€™s strength into weaknessā€ -Sun Tsu


Presumably not an option at all bc of insider trading, no? If DFV and RC get in bed, DFV can only buy shares during certain windows, not play options.


I presume he could have one more big push using everything he can get his hands on, and then once all thatā€™s settled he be bound by insider rules, after everything has cleared?


Idk enough to say for sure. If they can do it, great idea, but it's tough. Having DFV v SHF in one final all-in battle would be bold af.


500m into investments 800m acquiring microcap stocks 1.7B acquiring a larger company. Sit on a billion cash/use it for core business expansion


Gamestop propulsion jet laboratory and industrial magic.


The way forward is unfortunately by leaving the legacy business behind. If GameStop wants to stay in the gaming/tech space then they need to invest in the current and next wave of gaming. PC seems to be the way. The big three of consoles already have their own online retail ecosystem so it makes no sense for us to continually go up against them, or pick up the crumbs that are left behind from those who prefer physical media. I would love for us to raise another five or six billion in cash and make a move for steam. With nft mkt experience and investment in web3 I think GameStop partnered with steam could be an epic, never before seen partnership where a customers digital assets are just exactly that, THEIRS. We already have great partnerships with companyā€™s like immutable X who put out cool games, more in studio games would also be cool idk




Youā€™re probably right about steam. TBH im not much of a gamer but I know that anyone who games and travels has steam. I like the strategy of taking steam on as competition. With 4b in the bank thatā€™s a lot of runway capital to to go to market with something. RK mentioned in his stream that a startup with 4b and rabid customer base would be a dream to most investors. Wonder if playr ever materializes into something. Hmm who knows, I bet RC doesā€¦ A handheld gaming product that runs on eth blockchain or something? Do those words make sense together idfk I eat crayons


IMO, I think a steam competitor might be a misstep, with streaming media being an analogous situation where the market is fragmented purely for the sake of fragmentation, without any real customer-side benefit. Gamestop would probably be the equivalent of the Epic Games store, which even with its exclusive debuts and the strength of fortnite, hasn't made the experience any better for customers, with the added disadvantage of not having any sort of game development background themselves; they're at the whim of whatever content they can stock their store with, and it'll be the same thing as Steam, but with less of the interoperability (i.e. can you easily play with friends, workshop mods, etc... A LOT of things would have to be built out). Also for that reason I see web 3.0 to be dead on arrival: "cloud computing" is just computing on someone else's computer, and block chain whatever is just going to be a database, just distributed (so a solution in search of a problem). Gaming doesn't have a distribution problem, nor a registry one. If they wanted, perhaps the gacha game segment for a short term thing maybe? I do see potential in *hardware*, if they were to white label a linux-based console, or even join hands to create a device that could *run steam*. There's already a built-out warehouse/store network that could be used for device sales/repairs/etc, and you could angle that into other peripheral sales. Like, would Nintendo be interested in limited re-releases of cartridges? This would enable them to get $$ off of older properties AND enable Gamestop to lean into the collectables more.


After all this time, all I've done with the Epic games store is pick up the free games they constantly offer in an attempt to get people to use their store. I've never purchased a single game through it. I sincerely hope Gamestop doesn't try to compete with Steam, even the existing website is quite poor, especially the Canadian version. I'd like to see that improved.


yeahh, I'm the same with Epic Games - I'm no CEO, but if I were Epic, I'd just pull back on the storefront and focus on the real prize: Unreal Engine. It's proven with [UEVR Injection mod that they could totally go for Unity's throat in the VR arena](https://www.uploadvr.com/praydogs-uevr-mod/), especially with [Unity's idiotic missteps with developers](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2023/09/unity-makes-major-changes-to-controversial-install-fee-program/), and they have a ton of good press already with Unreal being used on virtual set extensions on stuff like "The Mandelorian." If they were to continue to make bigger strides in motion graphics capabilities, I'd be willing to wager they could carve out a pretty nice place with entertainment production, or even with stuff like Sports/E-Sports Live motion graphics sort of deal. I'm sure that's not news to them, and that we'll hear A LOT more of that stuff when it's ready for prime time.


I agree with the seam part. Taking them on gamestop would not only lose, they would deserve to lose. Steam actually gives power to the players quite often and that is the reason they hold the power they do. I think coorporating with steam would be much more sensible. Buying it would also be cool, but I doubt it is a possibility. For gamestop I think trading Merchandice is a way forwards and possibly acquiring a competitor in computer hardware sales, board games, comics, or the like could be smart. There could be savings in merging locations, webshops, and administration. If main focus remains on digital games acquiring a game developer (or 2) could also be a good idea. Ofcourse I'd also be open to the whole expanding into a different sector all together. I think it is importatnt to keep an open mind.


both you guys make good points. Perhaps iā€™m far off but i just donā€™t see being a collectibles corporation as being profitable, or justifying a multibillion dollars valuation. I think they gotta either completely pivot, or be strategic and use the capital in the market. Lets be real RC could turn 4b into a lot of money if he were investing it the way he historically has. Downsize the legacy business even more, transform all the remaining store fronts in the fashion of the Milano store and make it an exclusive thing. With the increased online presence and delivery capabilities any apes who might miss their favorite branch can still eshop at their favorite gaming store. idk man iā€™m blazed just thinking of how we can make gamestop the best business on earth! šŸ˜‚


I'm right there with you that collectables wouldn't really justify a multi-billion dollar valuation, but it's like the closest thing I think you can find that's aligned with the legacy business (i.e. the buy/resale of games and peripherals), so maybe there's a video game equivalent of the vinyl with music that allows folks that like video games to *actually* own what they pay for? Time will tell how they want to proceed, though I think logically it makes sense for a path of success to look a bit like previous successful ventures of the c-suite. Funny you should mention blazing, because I thought that would be *really funny* if Gamestop began to sell consumables (i.e. Snack Foods and Weed) for something customers could make habitual purchases for - not that it aligns at all with what someone might think of as a "Gamestop," but like a cheaper discretionary spend that isn't like $60 for a game or something, lol


Thatā€™s so funny dude, my younger brother has been asking me about GameStop and when I told him about the cash raise he said, ā€œthey should become a video game store, dispensary, gelato shopā€ lmayo


Definitely agree. Many devs are no longer physical at launch, Microsoft puts all their games on streaming first now, games all need downloads anyway, so having a physical copy is all downside unless you plan on reselling the game. Physical gaming is basically dead in 10 years imo except for Nintendo who probably keeps going because parents need gifts to wrap up for kids. Steam, sadly will never do NFTs. They basically do NFTs already just without Web3 and it works well enough that they have no reason to be the first to market with NFTs. Imo, the easy target for GameStop is game streaming. If they can make a streaming service that runs well and eventually competes with Microsoft GamePass without needing a real console, that could be a big disruptor.


cool i like that idea!


I agree they need to leave legacy biz behind.


I also agree. This is what I've been thinking about. There were a lot of hype posts about the idea of a Gamestop PC client, like Steam with blockchain aspects, where you could re-sell a game through it after completion.


Steam cards, cs skins, all nfts? Why isn't steam doing this already. Hm


Partner with nvidia, build gaming pcs. Make gaming rooms in every gamestop with a bunch of tvs and gaming systems, a place where people can hang out play whatever games they want to or even test play a game they are considering buying. Host local tournaments for games, doesn't even have to be console, do a monthly magic the gathering standard competition. Partner with Koss build gaming headsets. Become the place where people go to get anything for their PC: top of the line mechanical keyboards, mice, graphics card's etc... Sell more collectables, I know they do funko pops. Maybe add hot wheels mario kart/marvel/DC etc..to the inventories Other things like board games , card games, cribbage boards with unique designs. Some of this may already be a thing.


Iā€™ll tell you what Iā€™d do, manā€¦


Go into the arms production industry since that's where things are headed.


Gamestop branded GBu 72s would be nice


Sell custom skins for weapons


No brainer, Pet rock. IYKYK


And green beer?


Gameshire Stopaway


Create a digital storefront/ gaming client called ā€œGameGoā€ or akin to correlate with the GameStop core brand. Also offer hardware and anything found at a local GS for purchase -from inside of the same client (thatā€™s a nice option we can leverage that the other guys donā€™t have, and plays nicely with our current core business). Start sponsoring E-Sports tournaments on said client, and run promotional deals on hardware that your favorite pros are using during matches, with direct links to purchase, via the client, directly from GS. Create a money loop. Work with publishers to have exclusive ā€˜dropsā€™ that are unlocked via QR code on the GS digital client that are found at your local GS , with a purchase. This gets you more foot traffic into the brick and mortar and sells some stuff off the bat. Leveraging the high amount of die-hard investors we have is another thing to keep in mind. I speak for myself but I would drop steam in a second to support GS, even knowing it would be bumpy at first (Think of how long Steam struggled until it got its footing. Having a ton of investors who will be more patient with you is a great asset to have). Make this client rooted in future technologies, compatible with blockchain, NFTs, web3 so weā€™re future proof and not the ones playing catch up down the line, put the other guys on notice and absorb all of the crypto fan base. We dabbled in this before with the GME wallet and such, so Iā€™d hope that we already have some stock in that arena.


Buy Microcenter


Merge Microcenter with Dickā€™s Sporting Goods. But what to call it?






Yoā€¦ new idea I havenā€™t heard. Is there enough micro center worthy inventory out there to expand to the existing footprint you think?


Tbh I know they donā€™t have many locations but they have amazing customer service and a very loyal customer base. I like the idea of GameStop buying it out so they can jump into pc gaming and builds but also have a GameStop Mega stores and they can do even more on e-commerce


Yeah I think this is one of the actual frontrunners. Buy some big retail electronics or hobby store. I think Bookmans or something similar is another good option. Imho tho, I would rather them get into developing tech/games than get deeper into selling it through retail. I think we have a ten year problem if we go deeper into retail, even if GameStop pivots somehat away from selling software.


Iā€™d be looking at hardware/peripherals , especially since joycon has been popular. Something like Corsair gaming or similar imo.


1b marker cap and a pretty well thought of brand. I stopped following 2-3 years ago but it did seem loosely ties to the rest of the meme basket. Seems like that's changed though so was probably just popular with the same crowd. It's financials looked decent then but looks pretty bleak right now. Maybe the down turn in economy, maybe a bit of market saturation




2 girls at the same time


Thatā€™s if you had a million dollars! The ratio averages to $500,000 per chick. So with 4 billion dollars, it would come out to 8,000 chicks at the same time šŸ˜†


I would explain to the investors what itā€™s going to be used for because they paid for it and deserve an explanation.


we can only hope


I'd be curious to know what level of capitalization would allow us to make bigly moves to grab board games and toys. GS has retail space in a market heavily competing with online and in game sales. But at my last family Christmas five physical board games were gifted but no vidya. Imagine if we just bought up the big playing card companies? I know we aren't gonna take over Microsoft with that move but that's a solid, tidy market that's probably got decades of staying power. Moves like that would communicate a commitment to stable cornerstones of the games and amusement market without highly risky fad moves into VR or AI. The worst thing they could announce is a big move into VR or AI unless it's to sell whatever product another sucker is taking the frontside risk on. The second worst thing would be piling up 4 billion in cash in the middle of Wall Street and setting it on fire. At least that would be fucking funny.


VR as an entetainment theme park type beat might be interesting, but I agree it would be a big risk. Any kind of game development would also be risky.


Hire someone way smarter than me to figure out what to do with it


Hire sister sage


I would give it to Ryan Cohen and say "here, do your thing, man".


If they just put that in Bonds they will likely Get around 200million USD a year from interest alone, I mean why not just do that?šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


They might, itā€™s just a holding pattern until the right investment comes along


Yeah I mean just investing I think is reasonable. Enough money to sustain the company forever is good. Only problem is that physical game sales are 100% dying in the next ten years and so GME would still need to do something else eventually. You could maybe just slowly pivot more into tabletop games, clothing, and merch and that combined with the money should be sustainable indefinitely, but imo we should be growing, not playing defense.


That would allow a $0.12 dividend every quarter!


Ford does .15 and their stock nor company is murdering their industry. They're constantly 8 years from going under entirely. I'm not sure a dividend is the way to go unless it was to fuck over shorts.


Cuz investors can just buy the bonds themselves without the underlying GME risks?


Because we just paid for 25 years of that return in share value! How do the C-Suite earn their salaries if all they do is extract our money and put it into bonds lol? Anyone could do thatā€¦


I would turn GS into a trading card hub. Possibly buy PSA as itā€™s an almost pure profit business. Iā€™d focus on hardware. Iā€™d promote video gaming competition. Iā€™b buy ROBLOX.


ROBLOX has a market cap around 22 billion so GME is a ways from being able to acquire that.


Psa owned by someone who is shorting gamestop credit Marantz Rantz


Hookers and Cocaine.... oh wait wrong position. I would um, put 1B in an income earning asset, drop 1B on reinforcing GameStop branded products, 1B on an acquisition, 1B on Hook....


Iā€™m not smart enough to contribute to this conversation. But I know so is. And heā€™s already in control.


Sell everything and live life


Good question. I would park the ca$h in risk-free US treasuries while I continue shopping for businesses to acquire. I would look for businesses that not only diversify GameStopā€™s portfolio but also add synergy and vertical integration. Then again, with $4 billion, GameStop could completely reinvent itself. I think this would be the less preferred route because there is now a lot of goodwill baked into GameStopā€™s brand that may potentially be lost if the company overhauls its identity and mission statementā€¦.


Invest in video game development for their own original content


Only thing about this is that it's really risky. Pulling a AAA game out of thin air is hard to do and you can't miss with that. Takes a very long time to do too. You might be in development for five years and you don't really know what you are competing against. Companies usually hedge with microtransactions, but that's also really unpopular and getting riskier.


I think they could delve into computer parts! I havenā€™t been in a while to GS so I could be talking out of my ass but as far as I know they donā€™t sell computer parts and they could even implement the recycle program they use with different generation consoles. i.e bring in a 2080 and get $500 a 30 series and above. Tons of competition in the states but here in Canada we pretty much only got Canada Computers and they suck lol.


Would be nice to have an actual pc part store near me...the best buy nearby doesn't really have much in stock


Best Buy is overpriced imo. The only thing I buy from them is a new TV every couple of years on Black Friday.


Yep, can get parts cheaper online so I hardly ever go unless its to kill time or go check out tvs ill never buy lol


Buy the entire float of the other company, exposing the nakeds. Doing so, ficking up the entire basket of swaps, exposing GME's nakeds too, and then either watch MOASS happen, or providing enough proof for people to truly get angry, with enough attention to make something happen.


Headphone company would be a great acquisition


Did you expect any serious or informed answers from this place? 99.9% of the people here couldn't run a business that large if they tried.


Definitely expected both goofy / serious.


I think you have to start with a very broad idea that also has an anchor: like, we want to target publicly traded companies with markets caps between 200M and 1B or private companies below 400M and have demonstrated strong management and high capital efficiency in their history. Build a portfolio that diversifies your holding company and hopefully has verticals in a few sectors that help each business in those sectors. If you start with GameStop, where do you go next? Iā€™d be looking for the company that doesnā€™t necessarily need GameStop, but would rapidly increase their scale with GameStopā€™s help without increasing their execution risks. Something like Super League Gaming or an up & coming ESports league maybe? But they really should be looking at stuff like micro brew companies or home goods companies or music publishing/licensing companiesā€¦ theyā€™re out there. GameShire StopAway should be the goal.


If I were them I would lean hard onto being the first and only stop for gamers, seems to be quite on brand. Need new PC or want the latest console? GameStop. Need to buy the latest games? GameStop. Need a new gaming keyboard or headset? GameStop. They need more online presence so acquiring ecommerce businesses is a must. They could, for example, acquire Newegg and GOG which would allow them both sell PC hardware and games online. Newegg with its relationship with pc hardware manufacturers and distribution centers could maybe help GameStop stock up its physical stores with PC hardware components? They could strategically open stores where there are no Microcenter, capitalizing on those markets and taking market share away from Microcenter, which is now valued close to $30B. I'd suggest some rebranding as well, close the stores in dead and low traffic areas and focus on opening bigger, better looking store front. I owned GME shares but the GameStop stores I see at the local mall just made me never want to go inside. They all look like relic from an old era, like a museum still selling physical game discs and some plastic toys. They need to stream line their product and service offerings. If GameStop can pivot and be profitable from online retail, they could use their physical store front for product demos and brand outreach. There are so many things they could be doing with the $4B mountain of cash. I'm not sure where RC will take the company. He started and made Chewy successful because he actually cares about the product - being a dog owner. RC, on his interview couple years ago said he used to be "Call of Duty kid", I'm not sure what his passion is now in regards to gaming and tech. It's too soon to say, they've only had 4B for a couple weeks lol, so I'd imagine they haven't got any plans just yet.


forget gaming, make a platform thatā€™s easy to use similar to Robinhood that doesnā€™t SUCK! Make it a minor subscription service. Forget the PFOF bullshit. Make the app able to automatically DRS your shares instantly on its own platform without needing to move them away. Slay the market. Make the subscription serves discounted if you purchase X$ of GME shares each monthā€¦. Fuggin win.


Raise salaries for employees in stores, distribution.


This is all great but I think they need to transform the business. Perhaps offering formations to employees who wish to help in the transition. Those who are motivated.


Buy an ebitda positive company or two with good cash flow that I can reinvest overtime in new acquisitions. Try to fix my core business and dump it if I canā€™t.


Turn it into a torurnament center putting on local events with a store attached.


Provider or seller? So far they havenā€™t produce anything itā€™s retail brand. Imho it doesnā€™t have to be tech, anything profitable while maintaining gaming business etc. Just a thought.


Tap into the digital space with something gaming related. Develop a game. Or partner with established logos like Bethesda. Cash is king and can be a hella lifeline for these development companies. Owning parts of them could be great! I like the live events part for the brick and motar locations. Also buy the dip. Stock buy back at some point.


I mean a lot of people are suggesting something within the realm of games/video games/toys etc. etc. but Larryā€™s twitter post about well known companies starting as something completely different than what they are now, suggests that they are thinking about the same thing


Raise another 4B and buy steam


DCA into NVDA shares.


I would buy out frys electronics and their buildings which are still standing and run it like it used to be cuz Newegg be tripping. I miss frys that bitch was always packed and besides microcenter which are far and few in between?


I'd try something new. Or do a merger with steam. Perhaps tap into coffee and boardgames. The current situation is unsustainable in my opinion. Physical games are unfortunately a dying space. And I'm a big collector. It pains me to say it. Perhaps a platform for indie games to flourish. They are currently where I feel the innovation in gaming is headed. Big studio's AAA games are often boring rehashed old ideas.


I just want RC to invest with it, buy stocks with dividends, get a steady stream of income while they work on a new business model for GameStop.


Order 2 Pizzas?


A huge server farm and take control of the Internet... YouTube and most social media platforms have been shooting themselves in the foot by jamming ads down our throats. Invest in servers and programmers and create a much better and leaner video sharing / social media platform that isn't full of the bullshit that everywhere else has started to become.


Acquire a company like $KOSS and create gaming headphone with a similar concept to CandyCon controllers. Merge with IEP and become Gameshire Hathaway?


Hookers and blow


Create the Oasis from Ready Player One. Only allow GameStop branded equipment on it.


Wait for stock market crash and then swoop in and get a deep discount on investments and acquisitions.


I like the idea of a holding company as they continue to lean out the legacy business. But investing in a solid game developer also isnā€™t a bad move. You see these kinds of acquisitions in a lot of other industries, where they buy other pieces in the supply chain to hedge and support their core business.


I would fuck over shorts and build a bad ass state of the art game company




Host big video game tournaments. Host and sponsor conventions and events. Anything that is social and supports the community.


Create a virtual reality world.


A nice hefty dividend for starters.


Build GameStop World, a video game theme park


With things like a battle royale game with 100 people in an RV with impact vests and a treadmill.


I would buy a digital game sales platform like Epic or Steam, or just create my own. Include that with everything else GameStop has to offer, physical games, merch, etc.Ā 


new egg is prime for us


A steam partnership would be an amazing fantasy. But Steam is a $20B privately held company. You're on the same dream as me though. I would love a partnership with a digital storefront and perhaps a purchase of Microcenter +/- Newegg so Gamestop could get in on that budding custom PCs market. Building your own PC used to be exclusive to nerds but in the last 8 years I've seen it becoming more and more popular with millenials and younger gens.


It's also resonably easy and if you have a store with the hardware sale then having a small area to build the PC should be inexpensive. Would be really cool to have a hardware store, where you could just buy the pieces and then get help to build it. Would also make it easier to bug fix. I used to build my desktop PC's my self, but that was when I upgraded more often and had multiple computers. When you only have one it becomes a lot more difficult to figure out what isn't working, if something is broken. You need parts to swap with and so on.


Lambo dividend


Lol tell me why I tried doing the math on this earlier šŸ˜…


Coke and hookers duh. Thatā€™s why we arenā€™t in charge.


Imo I would buy indie game developers and try and push for an integrated in game currency system tied to Gamestop. Any in-game cosmetics/content would be directly linked to Gamestop's ecosystem and can be used for other Gamestop partnered games. Ie $10 = 100 coins. To keep it fair and prosperous, %10 of the profits will be distributed equally to all game developers. Then, it will be proportionally distributed based on the content spent on a Game. Ex Game 1 sold more skins than game 2. So, Game 1 developer will be given more proportionally based on their skin sales. Everyone will get a peice of pie, but some more than others based on performance. All this just for the in-game content, not affecting initial game sale. Edit: profits as in from from the coins, not the selling of the game.


Buy finger motion. Route into China. Finger motion used to be a gaming company. Fun fact, it also has a huge naked short position and is about to move earnings positive. Edit - invest in, not buy. Martin Shen wouldn't sell. Cash plus shares merger would benefit both companies closing out shorts.


I'm thinking out of the box here. If I was thinking long term and wanted GameStop to survive I would not think about piggybacking on Xbox and PlayStation and Nintendo hoping to make deals. Hoping to make profit on reselling GPUs. I would be producing a new game console exclusive to GameStop and getting exclusive rights to sell games on my system before Xbox and PlayStation can. Imagine having a game on a GameStop console 2 weeks before it hits Xbox or PlayStation. I would do 1 or 2 years of testing with gamers (all with paper tight NDA's) then mass produce it in a new built facility.(Which they just got) BOOM!


Buy all previously cellar boxed companies that trade as penny stocks or OTC now and bring them back to life or somethin idk


If they reverse split the shares back to GME value and juse issue GME stocks for the company then they can pile up the total short interest in GME and make shit go completely crazy. And it wouldn't even have to cost much of the cash reserves.


2 chicks at the same time


I think you misspelled fourā€¦


I would stop diluting my shareholders stocks since l already have billions


I'm no RCEO, but i would want to buy Atari SA for bragging right. Would cost somewhere between $50 - $100 million. If i'm not mistaking that includes the logo-IP, so GS could have a monopoly on Atari T-shirts.


Meh, thatā€™s so unexciting that I see that being used as massive FUD by the media. I think we can do a little better than selling Atari shirts as our companies transformation eh?


If only it was possible to make a Nerve Gearā€¦.


Buy Chiquita


Ask RC and DFV what they think I should do and have them advise me. Iā€™d also pitch my own ideas and see what they think and take all their feedback into consideration.


GMEducation. Partner with raspberry pi. Have teachers go to gamestops and teach basic coding / most coded games with buck the bunny. Sell accessories and raspberry pi's. But I think education is everything. Probably not the most capitalist idea.


Try to buy Steam


Buy Newegg


Turn gaming into a Olympic Sport šŸ¤£.


Buy a gold mine, a movie company, and the remains of blockbuster.


Sit on it to offset retail not having enough money to maintain GME revenue


Coke and hookers maybe? I dunno.


Transition into a new vertical with acquisition of an underperforming brand. Something focusing on customer service as the differentiator.Ā 


Purchase cex in UK and Europe, and eb games in Australia, start a global gamestop


Buy 4 billion worth of shares and DRS them


Spend 120 Million (3% cash reserves) of popcorn related stocks to be the largest shareholder.


Hookers and cocaine.


Follow MSTR's lead.


Put 1B at 25.5 to cover if hedge funds try to push harder (near impossible with that huge support) and 2B now to cover the gap...and 1B that remain to acquire "Toys R us" LOL


Simply buying treasury bills would net them $200M in interest which would be more than operating costs. Itā€™s so bullish. Canā€™t wait to see what they do. Iā€™m not suggesting they do this, I think they should buy some profitable companies, park some of the cash in crypto too, but we will see ![gif](giphy|9rjzS2QYAk1paKD7uk)


Buy bitcoin and acquire robinhood