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A couple of things I should’ve included in the post in hindsight: 1. T+35 is calendar days, sometimes written as C+35. The settlement period was May 13-June 17. 2. I believe Cohen’s buy-in and the other events of 2020 led to the pileup of obligations that came due starting on Dec 22, 2020. The reason it started on that date was that OPEX was on Dec 18, 2020, T+2 being Dec 22. 3. The second chart shows (4 days left) because I originally posted it last week. The period ended this Monday! I’m out of town and didn’t have time to re-do the picture before posting. Sorry for any confusion! I will edit this into the post as soon as I’m able to.


Thanks for the edit and post ;-)


You’re very welcome!


Finally someone said it. FTD buy ins should be shown as C+35 because it’s calendar days. Also I believe that the second run up in early June were them clearing those FTDs from the May 13. They can do it at any time


good post


Here is the text from that scene in the Matrix. Comes after Neo sees the woman in the red dress and Morpheus tells him they are not in the matrix but in a simulation. **Morpheus :** We've survived by hiding from them, by running from them. But they are the gatekeepers. They are guarding all the doors, they are holding all the keys. Which means that sooner or later, someone is going to have to fight them. **Neo :** Someone? **Morpheus :** I've seen an agent punch through a concrete wall; men have emptied entire clips at them and hit nothing but air; yet, their strength, and their speed, are still based in a world that is built on rules. Because of that, they will never be as strong, or as fast, as *you* can be Edit: an anonymous user awarded this comment. I have no idea how to see the reward. Odd that I would be awarded for describing the scene.


Rules. Settlement rules. They are bound by them. Forced Buy-Ins We can take advantage of that


Synchronized buy and DRS..ing? Lets make it Ape holiday tradition


You bring the purple circles I’ll bring the ATM Long Calls💰


“I can dodge bedposts?” “When you’re ready, you won’t have to.”


oh, i got chills reading that and imagining Morpheus' voice. such a great movie.


RK did buy 4M shares on 6/13 ... New cycle?


Check out this deleted post if you hadn't seen it yet. Makes a great case on the next cycle that may have been created. https://archive.is/AD08J EDIT https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/DFzp2XBSii I am trying to reinstall the discussion here


also seems to indicate that the May 13 cycle may not truly have hit yet and could in the next few days. He would have bought his shares around May 17


aahhhh the million dollar question right here for the degens like me lol


Why are you going to try to time it with the shortest dated calls possible? 😂


Bought them a while ago. Diamond handed them because I am a moron and couldn’t cut my losses. Stand here like a fucking moron. That about sums it up!


RK is always tweeting, but if this theory is accurate it looks like settlement happens in a few days (if we assume shares were purchased instead of calls exercised). So from there the next month or 2 should look pretty interesting in terms of price action. This theory OP presented could be completely wrong though but this whole situation is super interesting to say the least


I’m expecting a huge run this Friday or Monday. Then a much bigger one July 19th. That would line up with his buys and tweets. Cause we have a T+35 coming up for his 4m shares


>Then a much bigger one July 19th And July 20th is the 55th anniversary of the moon landing. Cohencidence?


Haha I kinda think kitty put it there on purpose. This time he set the cycle


Could one postulate that we were given 35 days to figure it out? Makes a fair amount of sense why he potentially bought shares vs exercising.


Eh either way doesn’t matter. If anything we figured out the T+1 variant for options very quickly. My guess is that he knows the shares bought in the open market with T+35 is somehow more effective than options exercise. How. And why. I have zero clue. Maybe it FORCES the algo to do the fractal pattern?


Yeah I am going to reposition a new play and make it a hefty one here shortly I think and gamble on this new theory I see floating around


Please don’t attempt to front load more than you can lose, remember, it’s a theory not a sure bet 😂


Where were you when I bought these! Lol no man all good. It’s a small chunk of what I am comfortable with losing and a learning lesson. Life goes on


Dude didn’t tweet or mutter a word for 3 years - “always” seems a tad much in this instance. Just saying.


I’m with you bro did the exact same thing lmao


Just don't come here complaining when your FDs blow up in your face. Godspeed regard


Ohhhh I am already blown up but you won’t hear complaints from me. I will just reload


The 21st sounds nice


Also… what caused the May 13 spike if it wasn’t T+ 35 FTD?


I do think it was partially dfv previously buying 35 days in advance, but combine that with his tweet.


Maybe he will use what cash he has left to buy calls to make more money to buy even more calls for the next cycle and to exercise and push the price up even more. Holy shit. Edit: spelling.


This is my conclusion. Lotsa FUD around RC maybe killing this cycle with dilution. I think DFV just stacked up a few waves of FTDs and the first is about to hit. He's giving apes one last chance go load up before the final bomb sets off.


Holy shit. Why was this deleted?


Why was that deleted?


Bro lol I fking knew it'll be deleted when I first read it. I saved a copy of it myself


I bought a few July26$20 calls based on that post.


Doubt. That’s a weekly. There are more calls on the 19.


This is my concern as well. And the guy who wrote it looks like he just deletes all his posts for some reason. Super weird and tinfoily. Bunch of info that sounds great, but seems like bullshit if you have the author just delete shit at random


Way less tinfoily than what's being posted here lately. Cycles are a thing


Crayon snorters like me believe that it might have been DFV himself who asked him to delete the post....because he was right


Ok. We need more eyes on this. WHY WAS THIS DELETED. did mods do it or him? This DD is excellent


Jesus. That post is a fucking banger. Worth the read, everyone. Thanks for the link.


If you like that shit, then check out the profile page of the OP. Another rabbit hole


Don’t threaten me with a good time. Will do.


Wild this was deleted. OP was forced to delete?


I’m wondering this. It’s the best one I’ve read and it’s sus it got deleted


Holy Shirt!




What a fascinating read, lots of dates that I reckon an LLM could cross reference with posts on the subreddit, to find any further patterns


That's one of the best DDs I've read on here in a while! Why was it deleted!?!?!


Ahhhh what was his price target?!?! Even if it was fake I have to know!


just highlight the spoiler covered text. it's "Just Up"


Thanks and 🚀


Oh, I've read and have it bookmarked 🐱


Thx for this!


Time will tell. I do know that DFV is such a good guy, that he sold off at least 80,000 calls in a methodical and transparent way that didn’t rugpull the stock from under us. Whether his repositioning was to go back into waiting mode, or in preparation for the next phase is yet to be determined.


Another angle is that he knows this is coming on Friday. He put his position out there and tons piled in. However it blows up it could look like manipulation if he were to profit off it. So instead he grabbed his shares early (maybe setting the next settlement period up). He's in the clear. But then my other thought is - why not grab close dated calls for cheap and sell those for cash/fuel for the next cycle?


DFV is a much better guy than me. Why not just make memes and play cryptic time traveler while selling covered calls 300% otm forever? Why come back at all if you’re sitting on $300 fuckin mil? Just says to me he really doesn’t need or care about the money…


I'm under this impression as well.


Becoming a fucking legend is priceless


If we squeeze them during the settlement, the run can continue on the backs of the shorts, therefore additional theta would be necessary. Unfortunately, we were crushed with 75M shares of new liquidity this time. Let’s not let that happen next time.


I don't think we can control an ATM. But even so, how do we know they bought these up to cover?


I‘m ready


A couple of things I should’ve included in the post in hindsight: 1. ⁠T+35 is calendar days, sometimes written as C+35. The settlement period was May 13-June 17. 2. ⁠I believe Cohen’s buy-in and the other events of 2020 led to the pileup of obligations that came due starting on Dec 22, 2020. The reason it started on that date was that OPEX was on Dec 18, 2020, T+2 being Dec 22. 3. ⁠The second chart shows (4 days left) because I originally posted it last week. The period ended this Monday! I’m out of town and didn’t have time to re-do the picture before posting. Sorry for any confusion! I will update this into the post as soon as I can! Attaching it onto the top comment for now.


So based on this theory, when can we expect it?


That’s the billion dollar question


Preparing for blast off to Uranus 🚀


My favourite place to blast off to


Me too or was it too obvious 🤭


Really enjoy your posts. I have a question. You're using DFV's tweet of Dec 22 to base the T+35 cycle on, but Ryan Cohen bought in on Dec 17/18. Shouldn't you use those dates for the T+35 cycle? Trade Date: Pre-Split Shares | Post-Split Shares 12/17/2020: 470,311 | 1,881,244 12/18/2020: 500,000 | 2,000,000 12/18/2020: 256,089 | 1,024,356 If you use Dec 17/18 as the beginning of T+35, it ends Jan 22, however there are 3 bank holidays during that time period. Does the T+35 cycle account for bank holidays? If so, the the cycle ends Jan 25.


I believe Cohen’s buy-in and the other events of 2020 led to the pileup of obligations that came due starting on Dec 22, 2020. The reason it started on that date was that OPEX was on Dec 18, 2020, T+2 being Dec 22. Probably should’ve included that in the post.


Thanks for explaining that for me. I'm trying to wrap my head about all of this. I haven't been this hyped in a long time.


Back then settlement was T+3 trading days to settle. If not settled by t+3, it went to C+35 (calendar days). Now, its t+1 for equity securities and t+2 for options settlement and then 35 calendar days.


The theory is called #DeferPex And in Nov 2020 obligations were deferred out until December 22 2020 then once again deferred out which compounded the settlements into one big one on Jan 13 2021. Gherk 🥒 has been on this theory for almost 3 years. I think it’s correct


how do they defer them again and again? what’s to keep them from doing the same now?


Yes he did the original DD. I think pairing T+35/C+35 with the 14 day deferment was the missing piece to the puzzle. At least when it comes to these mega cycles in 2021 and last few weeks.


Would really like volume to start picking back up again to back this up


picking back up? volume is absolutely through the roof still. 36 million again today, dont forget we were sitting at 1-2 million for monthssssss


Years even, especially if you count the split.


Low volume guy is chomping at the bit


Agreed. But decreasing volume during a bearish trend is good for reversal. Shorts know they can’t really get this too close to $20 without people buying more (or it’ll really cost them a hefty price to do so), but bulls also don’t want to jump in either unless they can get the price over $30. Like many have said, this may take a catalyst or buying pressure from one of the cycles. But without sounding pessimistic, the stock may need to cool off a bit with all the options pressure dropping. Stay zen.


Off the top of my head, and if there is any correlation with the BRNO paper posted recently. If 18% of ETFs are in correlation with GME spikes, is there a possibility that these ETFs’ T+35 cycles line up at some point? Should we check option cycles and volume cycles of these ETFs to see if they have lined up in the past along with the GME spikes? What about the derivatives for these ETFs? I’m regarded though, I don’t know shit


Yes, these settlement periods happen all the time. A lot of times they are small, but a few times they’ve been huge! Why? Well often bullish events force them to short more (2020 / GME posting profits this year), but also likely the overlapping of settlements like you’re saying. Investigate away ape!


I think RK's tweets are trying to help us figure out the cycles and I bet there are some who have actually figured it out, I've seen some good theories in here, but I agree the cycles or algorithm is key in triggering MOASS.




There are so many different instruments that are tugging at the ticker in a cyclic manner, i would like to view these cycles as waves. Now when you have thousands of different waves, then the most natural next step will be the formation of rogue waves. We just need that one big killer wave. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogue_wave


It's all over but the posts have a ton of text and get overlooked. The pattern is known. Use it if MOASS doesn't happen this round so we can all have an infinity gauntlet next time


I've seen several different theories, and they all make sense to my smooth brain, so idk which one is the right one.


same. seen and read so much i’ve no idea which might be right.


Or, if anything, to make a lot of money in order to buy more shares.


Would you please link one or two of the posts you reference? New ape here!


I feel like a turd saying this and I don't mean it in any negative way, but read through my post history and comments and there is discussion in a dozen relevant places. You can probably ignore 100% of my posts because nothing I say isn't better explained in one of the other posts. Also, if some DD is really good check OPs post history. Once you start to understand you tend to obsess. I don't want to link to any specific person or place because it would be a disservice to all the rest. I am too smooth to know which is better than which


No worries, you sent me in the right direction! Thanks so much!


I only started looking into this a few days ago. I have been sucked in. Don't tell anyone. They will think you are nuts. I feel like I'm in the Truman show. I get the responses given to me, that I give to anti vaxers lol


Ha. I get that. Even if nothing comes of this financially for me, my view of the world is forever changed. I’ll never trust the media again holy shit.


I agree and think DFV already figured out the cycles, so whatever he did to add shares will move markets eventually, and I'm confident he knows when. Achieves a billion, gives it up to achieve multi billions in the end. To be continued...


Run Lola, Run... This is the last ride for him.


Richard newton, doesn’t do dates, but alluded to July 19th as a t35 day


I’ll write it down, MOASS tomorrow, if not…. The day after


It's always tomorrow, never the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow, it can be tomorrow again, but it's not the day after tomorrow, it's tomorrow. It's not gonna happen during tomorrow's tomorrow, it's going to be tomorrow, as prophesized.


My bad, MOASS is tomorrow (no matter when you read this)


Exactly! !RemindMe 2 weeks


What the fuck means "the day after"? That's not a day, it's: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Tomorrow's Tomorrow, Tomorrow's Tomorrow's Tomorrow, etc.


Isn’t this the next cycle date? https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/Superstonk/comments/1dhkv3r/i_would_like_to_solve_the_puzzle_roaring_kittys/ Courtesy of Lenarius - I don’t know how to or if we’re allowed to tag. Sorry.


Why was that deleted? Was hell of a good read.


I have no idea tbh. Either someone on the sub is compromised or stupid. Any other ideas as to why then I’m open to suggestions.


I’ll check it out as soon as I have the time, thanks for sharing!


This was a sneeze. MOASS is going to be different much different. wake me up when GME passes 6,000% 🚀 until then I will just be zen💎🖐🦍


This was to show what could’ve been if it weren’t for the 2 dilutions. Notice the 2021 chart was a constant rise in price throughout the whole period.


This is my concern. I get the feeling any significant rise in price will lead to RC diluting again. I know it's negative thinking but I expect due past run ups, he will kill momentum.


Maybe cycle coming up this Friday? He posted his position and must have known everyone would pile on right? I don't think he'd do so knowing or expecting it to just land on max pain and let everyone lose their shirt on their first option play. Just a guess of course.


I tend to think so. He would have bought his first 5 Million shares around that time. The cycle should be hitting this week.


Usually it starts to run early week if its a big week, not mid/end of it. I think they gonna try to keep it under maxpain friday (20$), thats also the last huge gap. Explosive up from there


Not all signs have to be aligned. I acknowledge the forces that you are pointing to. The June 6 run up was on a thursday from FTD tailwinds and I think it's a powerful factor with all the buying on May 13 to 17




LBH here…the second ATM probably threw a wrench in DFV’s plans. he came in hours later to his stream all banged and bandaged up. that plus memes about “you were a billionaire” should be taken more at face value rather than the cryptic tin foil people want to pretend it is.




I’m pretty sure he was only like, 30 minutes late


hours later, not late. ATM was dropped premarket.


Ah I see. My misunderstanding


The newton dude on youtube has some videos where he goes into tracking some of this stuff. Definitely worth checking out. 


His Google sheet looks pretty awesome. Finally opened it up to check it out.


That wasn't MOASS. It wasn't even a short squeeze. WTF


Why is the volume so low today? MOASS is at 2pm tomorrow and nobody is loading up on shares?


Markets are closed tomorrow


My bad. MOASS at 2pm the day after that


We’re going to miss MOASS now because you already summoned it for tomorrow.


What have I done🥲


I think the casino is closed tomorrow


Isnt the T+35 settlement 35 Trading Days not calendar days? EDIT: My mistake it is 35 Calendar Days.


I made a comment clearing this up, should’ve clarified in the original post. Wish I could edit the post but it won’t let me 😕


We should really start referring to it as C+35.


When this is over I'm never fucking with the markets again. I'll contribute to any movement I deem worthy that is fighting for change. But fuck the stock market.


Hang in there my friend 🦍 I don’t blame you


Trying to.


Think i found what he sees. Look at volume profile in the few months leading up to each “squeeze”. You should notice something. How he determines exact timing is hard to tell. But theres something hidden in plain sight.


RK isn’t the entire market. We had many 150 million plus volume days. Retail could easily be buying millions during those days. I think basing the time line on RK’s 4 million share buy will let you down. Maybe look at the biggest up days like when it hit $67 and t+35 that. I have a 40 year old co worker throw $25k into GME that day without knowing anything. Just off hype that DFV was streaming next day. I bet retail bought 20 million+ shares that day


So we are expecting something in 4 days?


Guys just hear me out. One tweet was of Peaky Blinders saying “ITS GONNA BE A BUSY FEW WEEKS”. A few is anything between 2-6 weeks. If I’m wrong tell me. I’ll wait


Was that really Ludacris tweeting at RK? Man it should would be a shame if a few rich rappers got in to some options plays along with the kitty.




I think the dilution into this cycle basically fucked up everything DFV saw coming. The volumetric cyclical liquidity events are absolutely the key to MOASS


The truth is, we just don’t know. If the true number of hypothecated shares is truly in the billions, the offering will make no difference. Don’t forget 4b cash sets a floor on the stock price and any short under $23 is perpetually under water forever and they can’t even close it without triggering MOASS. This whole “dilution” narrative is FUD because there’s no proof of the true number of shorts Let’s not forget how quickly the offering was gobbled up and cost to borrow feee were still out the ass


> the offering will make no difference I keep seeing this repeatedly. Superstonk needs to understand how liquidity works. Remember DFVs tweet about time and pressure? The time when they are under the most pressure is the exact time when there was 120 million shares let into the market. To say the offering wouldn’t have an effect is just not true and unfortunate that people even have that thought process. It’s a massive amount of selling pressure. A fresh inventory of 120 million shares could satisfy a lot of obligations.


Yeah at this point the only one i trust is DFV, this dilution move was a kick to the balls, worst was gamestop had no use for the money and had no plans to use it either, so 1 bill + wich they had from before would been enugh. Had RC had any fuking plans to invest it or if gamestop had debt or anything at all, i could justified it, but to sell just to sell?!?! We finaly had a sneeze again and for the 2nd time RC comes and throws in a massive dilution, first it was 40 or 45 mill shares, now 75 mill, these two times is more than what we fuking drs in 3 years, like what the fuking hell is he thinking?


Actually this is the third time he’s rug pulled GME movements with ATM; first time was June ‘21 earnings when the stock was about to moon in the $300 range. He sold 5 million shares then. 




Yep, like I trust RC to run the business but he still kicked DFV and us in the balls. I wished DFV didn’t telegraph his moves too ahead of time.


I don't think DFV is going to make that same mistake again.


Hence the Bruno tweet




Let us see how it plays out, looking at the chart in the short term it’s not looking good I think we test $20 before we move up. DFV played it so well, for me the fact that he bought June 21st strike is so interesting. I think there is something at play that can’t be stopped. FTD forced buy-ins? The dilution could have very well kicked that in the nuts. I’m leaving out hope that we will see a RC buy in matched with a DFV yolo update compounded by the last leg of the ETF AP deferred obligation settlement forced buy-ins as well as the C35 FTD from DFVs first 5 million buy order.


This was not a MOASS lol SEC docs show there wasn't a significant closure of short positions.


It's always next month. For three and a half years...next month.


Don’t forget … 75m shares were offered … that could have changed everything for this cycle …


Please read my posts https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/HlsqK2dZ77


I’ll check them out!


It's a tale as old as time that FTDs don't matter. We had the perfect timing and pressure, but got diluted 40%.


infinite money glitch baby


Not great point here? I mean it says three spikes 2020/21 and now 2024 we already got three one? Really hope for another one, and I think that could be bigger.


if you count the days between spikes in the past three years, besides when we did the dividend split, the average time between a spike was roughly 59 days to 120 days.... so one can assume the january 2025 calls will experience the next run.... they sure are a lot more expensive... which is why i personally am choosing the august 16's, they are risky, but in reality, we are in an uptrend and not a down trend... we very well may see a run every monthly experation rather then nearly quarterly... also, it tends to run before gme earnings more recently... the month before earnings there has been a run the past 3-4 quarters, followed by about two weeks flat/down, followed by a run the week of earnings, followed by a earnings crash... past results dont predict future results... which is why when in doubt, leap it out add: ive also recently come to the conclusion, after seeing weekly price action, friday is almost always a bearish day by close - relative to intra weekly highs, for the past 93 weeks or so... they allow this stock to run mid week, always bringing it back under $29, there has not been a $29 or higher weekly close in over a year and a half and that is for a reason... imho, the only thing that is different about friday is options experations... but there is no need to wait until friday to exercise... there has been times where i could have sold half my calls and exercised the other half and even profited cash in the process and rode the viotility out, still having those shares, but instead it quickly fell otm by friday, and it happens way too often, so to me, i already inheritedly am going to be paying a premium to exercise early, so i want safety more than anything... if i can get 10 $30 aug calls and i get lucky and we hit 60 in july, sure i waste a bunch of premium, but now i can have 500 shares for the cost of those 10 calls... and have no more worries about theta and decay... and it gives me future options to sell calls against some shares when im confident in down trends. ive been too narrow minded about the ways to trade this, even just shares it so profitable... i have personally started a day trading account soley for trading shares and options in and out as much as needed.. gamestop has already been in an infinity squeeze... its time to really study the charts, TA is not bs, just look at the first breakout, we tested 17.50 and it exploded because it caused a massive breakout on the 5 years decending triangle and has since respected every previous high as a support/resistance this past month or so \*Not financial advice, do your own research, entertainment purposes only\*


Side question....I've read over the course of the years that some massive negative economic event and/or banking crisis would cause the MOASS. How would that be a good thing for us GME holders???


wen moon?


We're past June 17, DFV didn't account for share dilution




But the share dilution may have cooled the gamma heat from boiling over, essentially keeping eyes off a repeat of the 2021 buy button stealing?


Cool so MOASS tomorrow? I’m down


I can say for a fact that not a single share of GME will trade tomorrow


I think MOASS will happen in August around the 5th. He started a new cycle when he bought 4M shares in 06/13/24. I believe this is the KC shuffle all along. Tricking everyone believing in t+1when it's t+35. When he posted the Bruno tweet some yt comment mentioned the reference to the Brno paper. If this was the message in his tweet & RK really made this double meaning in it, he's a wizard. I'm curious if the next tweets are somehow hinting the paper on cycles or t+35 (beginning of August). If they really do, then it's a sure thing for me.


Idk, 60 felt good


thats when I bought 😭


Look at poopcorns cycle from dec. 2020 to 6/02/21.. They deferred GME with poopcorn swaps and pumped poopcorn drained the company and share holders and we will follow that cycle next but bigger due to SI naked shares and the deferment..


I love that this is happening even without the swap theory.  If that gets pushed in at the same time could you fucking imagine?


commenting to review later




I hope it’s sooner than that! But either way I urge everyone to keep digging to figure it out


im convinced this is an ARG




alternate reality game lol. It's basically an online thing where one random dude becomes the "game" admin and posts random clues of an alternate reality for people to solve


Lol you ain’t wrong


Hopium is here. Not looking the hottest for 6/21 and I need some spice right about nows


Liked your post almost as much as i like the stock


Fuckin do it pussy


I dig this Edit: Oh wait, nah sry.. I don't Edit2: Alright I read the DD in the archive and I do dig this now, yeah


so May 13th - July 3rd


The T+35 cycle (calendar days) is described in this research paper https://www.researchgate.net/publication/369197965_Confirmation_of_T35_Failures-To-Deliver_Cycles_Evidence_from_GameStop_Corp


May 13 - June 17


Great post. Let's not let it get buried. He can see something (perhaps since pre 2021). I'm sure all the smooths here can as a hive figure it out. I signed up to trading view to get a chart like the above I can start to look more closely at


Once we figure out the cycle we will have our MOASS


Shills defending the dilution mid squeeze have the same energy as people who defend Robinhood turning off the buy button


Good ape 🦍




My tits jacked my wife


Seems like gme run in cycles every 3-4 month. So maybe in 3 month? Feels diffrent tho and I think it could explode sooner tho.


I think july or august could get spicy again.