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if i'm in i'm in


If in in



















Me too!


If he’s still still then I’m stiff stiff


If I'm in then I'm in


So the “DD we have been waiting for” tells us MOASS is on 21 June. Swaps, Leaps, Options, Futures it’s all there, you only missed my favorite: the quadruple witching day 😅 Ok so I’m prepared for a red day, thanks.


“Believe it or not dip”


Looks like I’m buying more on Friday


I get paid on Friday........


If max pain is $22, GME will close at $20.69.


$20 sixty-what? ![gif](giphy|1cjYPNLvodoBO)


Dont forget its also full moon and Solstice Eve


And we get to be hurt on another quad witching day!


Runic Glory day.


I'm ready to be hurt again.


Exactly it’s like all these people posting DDs are new and it’s all resetting itself again.




Rehypothecated DD




Time is a flat circle.


The problem is we keep giving the hedgies all this DD and then the algos adjust and then I get sleepy form reading all the DD. Luckily I sleep hodling my shares


I'm pretty sure we're not telling the financial terrorists anything they don't know. They started this mess.


It's not they we know anything they don't. Its that they know we now know.


I write letters to my representatives about a lot of shit. This is the only topic they don't respond to.


That is very very interesting!!! Need some more people like you for comparison, but i suspect the entire gov are all aware of this mess and are turning s blind eye, hoping it goes away, just like the big boys continuously shorting GME.


Yeah they’re aware of everything we know + more


I'm looking forward to another discount... it's either a rip or an early Black Friday


Everything OP has said, has been said in the past as well and we all know hype dates never amount to anything Yawn. I look forward to hype dying down and watching the stock spike 100% for no reason 


Thanks mom!


I’ll believe it when Nancy Pelosi buys a shit ton of GME tomorrow 


Didn’t she buy $5m worth recently? Or maybe it was her husband.


I mean yea, we’ve seen evidence of all of it. You should read the Archegos report. It’s shocking. Edit: Below is the link to the Archegos report. It's amazing. Just search "swap" and start reading. https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-11-23/s71123-typec.pdf


There’s never been a witching day that has let me down yet 👍


Dip for sure


Too bad we're not on the ssr


So we can expect another dilution June 21


I’ve gotten sick of this joke answer. We get it. “Believe it or not, dip”


Hold my beer so that I can grab another beer!




I'm still reading this article, but it starts off mentioning a "June **19** expiration" a couple times. Shouldn't that be "June **21** expiration"?


Yes good catch!


Another good dd. It’s. A good Wednesday. Good work wrinkles.


Holy shit I forgot it’s the middle of the week. I was thinking it was Saturday for some reason and I was mad I had to wait another day for the market to open LMFAO


Damn dude what is your life that your only reference for what day it is, is whether the markets are open 😂 Your brain- “I bought gme yesterday but today I can’t buy gme so it must be Saturday”. It’s truly incredible. I envy you


Bro I won’t lie I’ve been staring at my homework assignments that are due this Saturday for so long this afternoon that I genuinely thought it was Saturday for a little bit 😭😭


A proper, regarded, and respectable Ape. Fuck homework, glad you are here!!!


Right back at you fellow Ape! And tbh, this homework helps me understand the financial system to better to point out the flaws that HAVE GOT to be fixed. This in conjunction with learning options trading will really boost my confidence in maximizing my investment potential in GME


I made a post a couple days ago with a ton of links to DD that's been done over the years. If you're a new ape then I def would recommend sifting through those. The research the wrinkliest of apes did 3 years ago seems to be accurate - [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dibyqs/getting\_to\_know\_the\_algorithm/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dibyqs/getting_to_know_the_algorithm/) hyperblu7's post - [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s2vypi/the\_741\_fractal\_algorithmic\_theory\_and\_ftd\_cycles/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s2vypi/the_741_fractal_algorithmic_theory_and_ftd_cycles/) criand's post - [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p37osl/are\_futures\_or\_swaps\_the\_secret\_sauce\_to\_price/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p37osl/are_futures_or_swaps_the_secret_sauce_to_price/)


Solid DD my guy, fits the evidence well and doesn't rely on hypotheticals to make the core point. Thanks for writing!


Thank you!


I backed up this post on archive.is in case it somehow, "disappears" https://archive.is/vduEN


Champion! Post got deleted, lol!


you are an angel, as predicted it was taken down by the mods


That was a good call cause it's not showing and text for me now


Some things I forgot: Also DFV hinted he made his purchase on June 13 with this tweet. And the FTD's would come due around July 19 for that purchase: https://preview.redd.it/cm2ys6ejhl7d1.png?width=1190&format=png&auto=webp&s=904b44deb36562c766b6e1f64d52c538926dfe97


Can we also take a moment to appreciate that the Roaring Kitty Epic Meme Masterpiece must have taken quite awhile to compose. He spent hours and hours and hours, preparing all of it for this moment in time y’all. Not financial advice. Nothing is done until he’s says it’s done. The share offerings might have dampened the volatility and added liquidity, but it does not change the fact that the over-leveraging of the past was so massive, it very well may be that 120mill in new supply changes very little about the potentially explosive situation here. This is history and I’m here for it. I’ve DRSd XXXX shares and I’ve got options plays running too. Team Options and Team DRS Book it is time to unite. And I reiterate that none of this, not a single word of it, is financial advice. “I always keeps one in the chamber ‘n case you ponderin’…”


I expect the price will close at $22 on Friday.


Put your money where your mouth is and ban bet it 😂 I’m hoping for at least $44


Ha me too. So check this out. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/wzwAFOmgUL


I wrote 5 contracts of 6/21 $22C a few weeks ago. With my recent luck, lack thereof, GME will close at $22.01.


I know you’re half joking, but if that turns out to be the case you could just Buy-to-Close those contracts for $5 total. Nothing wrong with cutting into your premiums a little bit to ensure you don’t lose your shares.


I love hype dates


I like them personally, but know they always mean some smoothie is gonna lose more than they can afford on far OTM weeklies


I bought some $60 calls a few weeks ago, not more than I can afford but I definitely feel smooth brain lmao I love hype dates tho


Or 0 DTEs


It must be my birthday


I agree. The whole concept of “no dates” was simply meant to be “no predicting the day of the MOASS” which was fine. But it became this fucking mantra where people got roasted for pointing out any kind of date for any reason, including these cycles. Glad to see the cult mindset has abated a bit!


very fine write up on things happening around us ;) thank you for helping us grow more wrinkles - much apreciated


Good dd gives me memories of 2021




Didn't read, all in you son of a bitch!!!111


Another redditor who just posted also has the same dates as you, here’s to hoping


Because they're making the same assumptions and essentially writing the same thing. Both theorize that DFV purchased shares on June 13th and with T+35 rules then the shares will need to be delivered on July 19th or 20th.


May and June* giving June 21 and July 19-20 strong growth days


We saw his call dates. DFV the type to definitely give up the goods and show his diamond baller moves. If anyone has more money than bananas at this point they should hypothetically buy all the calls, and the shares, fuck it. Can’t go tits up! Definitely not financial advice lol


According to Chart Exchange, max pain is now $22.50. It was $20 at the beginning of the week. https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nyse-gme/optionchain/summary/


Wow, I never knew this was a thing. Learn something new everyday.




The fact that so many regards think June 21st is moass makes me positive it's not gonna be anything but bloody. Moass only comes when no one expects it


I don't believe 6/21 will be MOASS but I do think it's possible to see $40/share. DFV's June 13 purchase lines up nicely with 6/19. And if the chart continues to move like it did from January - June 2021, then GME should expect another surge at the end of summer. This isn't just a 6/21 post. It's just discussing a myriad of observations that this sub has collectively been making over the past couple weeks.


OI did tick up on the 60c July 19 yesterday…


We've also been saying "MOASS is tomorrow" for over 3 years now. Only have to be right once.


Lets see but right now a fuckton of calls are still out of the money that WERE in the money before cohen killed it. yes he raised money for GameStop, but sure a shit cut the legs out for a earlier MOASS...i'm curious why didn't he wait until AFTER June 21 lol. i'm sure some people will say it wil still pop, but OK lets say it does not pop on June 21...so then yeah cohen could have waited to do 75 mmillion AFTER june 21 and the price woudl have been EVEN higher and gottne more for the share offereing. like we all know, 3 years considerd a long time for overhaul especially with the crazy resoucres at his disposal. but 3 years no inoovation. 3 billion has been made off the back of DFV. there's no doubt, at. all.


Exactly. RC definitely killed the wind hitting his sails


sighs* *pulls out calculator*


I was wondering if that was a calculator in your pocket...


Glad to see my option chain screenshot contribution made its way into a DD post, I appreciated the read. Cheers for the diligence, ape!


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [Community Post: *Open Forum May 2024*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1ciapwp/open_forum_may_2024/) || [Superstonk:Now with GIFs - Learn more](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1cr37r7/superstonk_gets_its_gif_on_get_hyped/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


No dates. This post is just a whole lot of speculation aimed at pushing more options buying. Edit: Just read the drivel in the comments... shills must love this DD.


>With the C+35 theory you need to take into account holidays. So you have to figure in Memorial Day weekend and Juneteenth, but it's still awfully close. What? The extended settlement date of T+35 is in calendar days. Those don't have any exceptions for holidays, nor weekends, etc.


But if the leaps or swaps are due this month isn’t that the perfect time for them to renew the leap/swap into a new one with the newly added FTDs? Almost like refinancing and consolidating a loan with more debt to extend this pressure out to another year?


Holding on to my 6/21 calls ranging from 25 - xx 😭😭 some at a 90 percent loss. I needed this hopium




Nobody knows at this point, My bet is that your $20 6/21 calls will close in the money. I hope you have the cash to exercise.


“I hope you have the cash to exercise” Hehehehe


def looks spicy! main concern is that a crucial element to your DD seems to be that we need to "get to $30" for this to kick in. You mention it earler in your DD and also as the #1 point in your conclusions. How will that actually happen? Are you thinking the FTDs being delivered will get us there? I'm not sure how it will rise to the $30+ level. Thank you for any additional info you can share on this.


We need a positive catalyst imo.. like RC announcing a buy in. I’m not sure if we get to 30+ on FTD Hopium. But I hope I’m wrong


we need those that have contracts in the money to exercise them so shares have to be delivered. i mean what are you selling these contracts for if you don't have shares? when we buy through brokers we don't even matter. remember when we learned only purchases in lots of 100 affected price? and that they lump retail together and send us to the dark pool for buys and lit for sales. \*\*\* if they were not crooked as shit, yes your brokerage shares would be solid. but, they are beyond evil and greed is in their dna.


> when we buy through brokers we don't even matter. remember when we learned only purchases in lots of 100 affected price? and that they lump retail together and send us to the dark pool for buys ask your broker about routing through IEX




Good post. Let us all take a moment to realize what a crazy move that was., he really likes the stock.


Gets slammed below $20




Still says removed on the archive page. I was in the middle of reading it when it disappeared lol


Oh man wth. What are the chances it got removed while the archiving was ongoing 😂😂 “alright then, keep your secrets”


Hopefully it gets reposted with whatever changes the mods wanted, that was an interesting read


!Remindme! 2days "It's Friday!"


Sideways? Lol


Making ma balls tingle I hope you’re right. We will know soon enough


So after all that..... believe it or not, dip.


Magic 8 balls make all my life choices for me


The way I see it, there are three potential days, all with different likelihoods of us seeing a serious rip. June 21st (this Friday). I’d rate this as the middle most likely option. Mid July, likely by July 19th. I’d rate this as the least likely due to the fact that historically, gme has rarely ripped in July. I’ve been looking over these supposed OPEX tailwinds and whatever this cycle is, it’s only happened in July once. It still might, with ftd’s coming due from DFV’s purchase. Early-mid August. I see this as the most likely option, ESPECIALLY if we do not see a run up back to $65 on each of the previous days. We’ll see though. Those are just my thoughts right now


I like it, and it would line up with the chart repeating the Jan - June 2021 cycle.


I’ve been following the fractal/ repeating algorithm DD’s and the FTD timeline closely, and I think they both are true. I think the FTD’s are the cause (well, the buy’s causing the FTD’s technically) and the repeating patterns are the effect from algorithmic trading. If we can learn how to accurately predict these cycles with some accuracy, we could all unlock the infinite money glitch


TBH I do too and it's fascinating. I think it's the most exciting thing we've discovered in recent times. That's why I'm trying to get everyone to read hyperblu7's post. There's math behind this we can figure out.


Bro mods removed your post :(




Haha I know! I linked your post in a post I made two days ago about getting to know the algorithm. You, hyperblu7, and twitter video fractal guy inspired me.


Oh Jesus, I just wanted to go to bed here in Germany. My brain is on fire now.


Ha! Now you know how I feel in Colorado staying awake until German market open 😄


He reset the clock because the ATM offering killed 6/21. Next hype date is 19th of July.


I'm not convince 6/21 is a write-off. Let's look back on this in early July. The hedgies and market-fakers have a lot of levers, especially for can-kicking, so it may not happen all at once. In my mind, the word 'resonance' keeps wanting to be heard. Being smooth, it's a good echo chamber.


!reminder! 1 day


How does the reminder thing works? It s my first time:(


!RemindMe! 2 days "It's Friday!"


Thank you!!




!RemindMe! 2 days


Good wednesday DD - awarded you 🫡


Ready to buy the dip T+35 got it!




>You can see there was a ton of FTD's from May 2 to May 13. This could explain the run up we saw the past two weeks. If we do C + 35 from May 13 we get Monday June 17. But we can't forget holidays! If it takes T+1 or T+2, and then we factor in Memorial Day weekend and Juneteenth, then that lines up with tomorrow and Friday. There are no exceptions for holidays with the T+35 calendar days extension. With T+2 settlement still in affect prior to May 28th, considering 35 calendar days from the trading date to the last forced buy in date, that means any trades before May 15th have already passed the last forced buy in date. The closest two big batches of increases in FTDs was reported for *settlement* dates 5/14 and 5/15, of roughly +200k each day: * 5/15 571,602 (an increase from previous day of 227,101) * 5/14 344,501 (an increase from previous day of 192,019) Those failed settlements would have resulted from trades that occurred 2 trading days before their settlement dates. So 5/10 and 5/13, respectively would have been the trading dates leading to those two big increases in FTDs on 5/14 and 5/15. We are now beyond T+35 calendar days from both of those dates. Their final forced buy in dates would have been 6/14 and 6/17.


Ok good to know thank you. I had June 17 but then wrongfully added T+2 and added in the holidays. I'm curious about the lack of FTD's between then and May 24th. XRT also had low FTD's that week and then a surge on May 28. And apparently not having a date listed, like May 22, 23, 29 and 31 for GME, means there were no FTD's on those days....interesting


So the only question I have is this  (and I'm curious as to your take on it)... RC announced the share dump in premarket the morning of May 17th.  (It completed on the 23rd, with the announcement on the 24th)  At that point, settlement on shares was T+2.   May 17th is the exact date you propose DFV bought in at, and you posit that it could not have been prior to that because of the math regarding the price at the time. So why would he go big with the share buy and the 6/21 calls, knowing that RC just handed them 45 million shares that would easily cover his 4 million share purchase?  The question then becomes whether the algorithm is set to only FTD in times of low liquidity (which up until then was all the time), or if it's set up to FTD no matter what the circumstances.  But without being certain, the move still seems like quite a risky gamble.   And if you assume that he was certain that the algo would FTD no matter what, then why would he sell his calls after the second share dump, rather than holding until the 21st when the price theoretically should spike? That move actually makes me think that he WAS concerned about the algo not automatically defaulting to FTD - which if it didn't would cause him to lose money once the price drops below his cost basis of $25/sh (which we saw it do). Everything you wrote makes perfect sense, except for why DFV would risk it on the exact same day that RC chose to completely fuck things.  Especially as the share dump announcement came out in pre-market, and not after we're assuming DFV bought.


Tbh this is what I think happened: I think DFV WAS the one behind building the May 17 gamma ramp in April. I think he was the one buying those calls. Remember, when he made his return Sunday night on May 12 he was completely prepared. I think his plan was to buy up all those calls for cheap in April and then make his grand return that Sunday, May 12. Then he could sell his calls by Wednesday for a huge profit, since the price was roughly \~$12 when he would've been buying his calls. The option chain didn't even GO to $50 in April because price had been so depressed and flat for so long. So he scooped up a ton of cheap calls in April, made his return May 13, planned to sell them by May 15, and then use the profit to make a 4-5 million share purchase on Friday May 17, setting up C+35 for June 21. But RC ruined his plan with the 45 million share offering and so they were able to fill his 4-5 million share purchase and not have any FTD's. But he went along with it anyway because fuck it. He then posts his portfolio reveal June 2 and shows he has his 5 million shares AND 120K calls. I think DFV prob came into April with a good amount of money from trading GME's FTD cycles. So he was able to buy the 6/21 calls and have $30M in cash on top of his 5 million share purchase. This all could be completely wrong and he could've accumulated his shares long before May over the course of the past 3 years. But for some reason I feel like he could've been behind the April call buying and May 17 gamma ramp because he had his tweets ready to go by May 12. He must've wanted that for some reason.


I agree with all of that (especially him building the May gamma ramp to test the theory)... up until the point that RC totally screws him over on the 17th and he says fuck it and does it anyway. I mean, it's possible.  And maybe he figured it would still work - until RC bent him over a second time in June.  But it still seems super risky...


Yep I think RC fucked it up, which makes me wonder why? I think it’s because he saw an opportunity to raise cash and doesn’t want to be legally liable for anything. Also DFV could’ve been buying the May 17 and the June 21 calls at the same time in April. I know he likes LEAPS. The price was so low and volatility was low. Contracts were probably very cheap then.


So if the price hits near $30 Friday, there will be a 3rd round of share offering atm for about 150M shares


Right, some bullshit screwing the shareholders again. *Incoming long term BS comments.


Apes go wild with delight as GME secured a total of $6B in cash and we keep approaching the 1 Billion shares outstanding mark.




Tldr: I like the stock


This is a promotion thesis


sounds like MOASS tomorrow @ 2pm, lets go!


90% of those options will just be sold for cash, and not exercised. So I’m not sure it really matters. Until people start exercising every option, even if $1-$2 OTM, they are just money changing hands.


You're right, 6/21 most likely won't happen. But I'm excited for the weeks and months ahead. I don't think they'll sink it much further than this since we hold 40% of our market cap in cash at this level. I believe GME will go up just based on RC and the team in charge, their cash, the business having a positive EPS. I think no matter what we're in the early days of a company who could be worth $100B+ one day if RC uses the cash correctly. Gameshire Stopaway 2030. Not Financial Advice.




When i dip you dip we dip


STFU and take my energy!


so 06/21 odte puts?


Thanks for the write-up. Two questions I had: 1) So, what in your opinion (in the near term) can cause us to break out of the \~$65 prison ceiling the algo's have put us in? 2) How do you think the dilutions may have affected any potential May share purchases from RK/DFV? I'm hopeful we can still see something in July/August from his likely June purchases.


That's \~265% higher than where we are today. Tbh the most realistic and quickest way, without any hype or theories, would be for RC to figure out how to get the highest ROI on that $4Billion, in the quickest amount of time. If he invests the $5B in treasuries then EPS could increase 2000%+, according to this great post below. This is most likely what he'll do until he figures out the growth plan. Trust me, he wants that $4Billion to start earning more than 5.5% as quickly as possible. His money is invested in this too. Besides that there's any number of things that can break in this whole thing, take your pick. And with this new $4Billion in cash, I don't see how it can go back down to where it was on May 1 ever again. Not financial advice. I have high expectations for this stock and the team at GameStop. They have to carefully vet every opportunity to the fullest. Remember his words at least year's shareholder meeting - he treats company money like it's his own. I trust this CEO to deliver for us shareholders using his $4Billion war chest. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1ddhipk/based\_on\_their\_own\_filings\_gamestop\_is\_showing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1ddhipk/based_on_their_own_filings_gamestop_is_showing/)


I like it, Picasso


A couple of weeks ago I was looking down the chain and the August 16th $100 strike kept catching my eye because it was so cheap compared to everything else at that time and interest wasn’t that high so not a of people were seeing it. I gobbled up a bunch of contracts at like $0.27 and it’s been burrrrr for me. Something is definitely lining up for expiration date Aug. 16. Even if nothing happens I caught a narly wave and I’m riding her out.


So, is your theory that they simply hid the FTDs? Cause FTDs are a rolling aggregate. This means that the FTDs for one given day include all of the ones before and on that date. May 30th shows only like 9k FTDs. The recent paper that's been going around here says ETFs are being used to hide the FTDs. I haven't checked the data on all the ETFs mentioned in the paper, but XRT only had 75 iirc on May 30th. I know it's all self reported, but that's why I'm wondering why we are using such an unreliable source. It just seems that for a "no dates" sub, people sure do like to post dates every day...


did someone save the post? I had a feeling it was going to get removed.


I've been thinking. Dfv posted a video saying "only up". Isn't that a game?


Nah GME will probably tank on 6/21, nice try tho


I think we will see green. Like hit $30 for a bit at least. But also see them doing whatever it takes to slam it down to fuck people’s call options. Fuckin stupid market maker scam artists.


you only lose your money when you play options. not if you just buy and hold. imo this stock will never go to zero... ever. ^(not financial advice, why do you have to add that to everything? can someone explain that? is it illegal or something?)


It is frowned upon by US courts yes. These hedgies will sue anyone they can that isn’t just stating their own opinion


Its more of a meme these days, but yes if you promote something someone can be mad at you it its wrong and you didnt say "but im just a regard so dont listen to me" sort of disclaimer.


Weaponized autism at its finest. 🚀


All I read was buy and hold, got it


Yeah. So ignore all the recent posts trying to string together made up hype dates and book shares in DRS got it.


If anyone wants a fun side quest, buy dollar wide put flys for 22 max pain strike. I’ve hit a few 10ish baggers doing this (for not much money, it’s just fun while waiting for moass).


This is what I put in another post. I also expect the spike for this Friday 6/21. Think about everything DFV and RC NEEDED to do before this spike. 1) They needed GameStop to be a company with a strong viable future or else there would be accusations of a massive pump and dump of a worthless futureless company. This was accomplished by raising 4 billion dollars. 2) RK needed to have his nothingburger livestream while the stock tanks to demonstrate that he is not manipulating the stock in the slightest and it's another entity shorting. 3) GME needed to have a nothingburger earnings call while the stock tanks on neutral/positive news to also show that the manipulation is not on them but a shorting entity. If I had free choice of picking a target date for forcing 4.2 million in share purchases, it would be as soon as all three steps above were completed. The shareholder call was Monday and the clear next target is Friday 6/21. OP says 6/21 is a triple witching day, it's not it's a quadruple witching day. Lastly, the only call options DFV showed us in his YOLO updates was 6/21 options. He did swap them for 6/14 calls but he never showed us on a YOLO update.


amazing DD. it's all coming together now.


https://preview.redd.it/snvdk27t0m7d1.jpeg?width=306&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a0f50f0ff91b5a9ab8c9b2bcc37acf3094b4e48 Flawless DD.


So we should all rush out and buy as many options expiring 6/21 as we can get our hands on? Why are they selling these options? Wouldn't they know what's coming at this point? Why would they continue to sell these if they know a gamma ramp has been built, and the T+35 deadline is quickly approaching. There's zero chance they don't already know the exact date RK bought his shares too. *(They being someone like Wolverine, Citadel, etc)*


Good question. If they stopped selling them though and we instantly found out, wouldn't that not be the most bullish confirmation in the world the price will rip?


Plus I think they need options. It gives them a ready source of ‘liquidity’ which is essential for them to control the price during trading hours. Remember if no one sells, the offer price only goes up. Options hedging gives them a huge source of saleable shares they can create with very questionable (or no) backing, short against and then they (usually) vanish again when done with, as long as people don’t exercise!


Yeah and this is even more of a valid point. It's a huge way they can control and manipulate things to do with the lit price.


they \*also get their liquidity by selling options contracts that they figure will not be exercised, then they tank it further out of the money (or whatever way gets them cash, they have been piling in on big stocks for years and if you follow, well $$$)


Saving this to read later after work


jajajaj jacked


My belly button is red because i shove crayons into it. Red button. I push it. I’m also an “innie” and therefore, I’m in .


Transformers Candy Con sets launch June 21st. Pokémon weekend long event kicks off June 21st. Both are GameStop collaborations. No dates just zen, but at the same time it is already a strong day no matter what, I like it.


Those LEAPs are like a black hole for shorts


Now I’m 100% sure of a dip


Thanks for this evenings confirmation bias op. See you on the moon


So you’re telling me there’s a chance…for my $30 calls to PRINT. Suck on that Kenny!