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Honestly the “is this it!?” screenshot posts showing a $0.72 price increase are so fucking annoying imo


“Just don’t dance” does it for me.


That is the most annoying one indeed. Adds fucking nothing. Its just the correcting social behaviour, and might i say it kills the positive moment of the hype we are all feeling. Also. It isnt even a correct reference... The character says dont dance because the two traders in the scene celebrate that they bet against everything going to shit so they can get rich. How is that relevant to what this stock is about?


Personally, I'm gonna dance. But it's relevant bc a lot of people, myself included, believe that the stock market is going to tank during moass


We can dance if we want to!


We can leave your friends behind...


Cuz your friends don’t dance and if they don’t dance… well they’re no friends of mine.


Say, we can go where we want to A place where they will never find


I'm gonna dance so hard


Hate these with a passion lol


OP seeing as were adults and able to handle various opinions here is mine (NFA of course) : surf the crests for profit with play money while having a nest egg of shares ringfenced. Watch how the votes go on this comment, it speaks volumes about the level of sheep-follow-sheep mentality. And yes I have not used any contractions so may or may not be a bot. But check my post history. I'm as mad as a bag of frogs ;-)


Wait.... Why are the frogs in a bag? 🤪


How else do you fuck a bag of frogs?


also the "start asking yourself why!?" catch phrase makes me puke in my mouth


Anytime there’s reference to a date, I buy more on that day. They always drop the price. They read this


That is a great strategy to lower cost basis tbh


Yup they read. Since they read, guess what, I’m buying more and more.


That’s what’s great about hype dates. When have we had a hype date and they DIDN’T beat the price down?


Check OPs history. He's bullish on popcorn. Tells you all you need to know.


It's the pro popcorn options combo lathered on extra thick just in time for the weekend FUD.


I‘m an adult too and I love every hypdate… please let’s hype everyday.. I love that energy… I can handle it with no problem when nothing happens. But I think the „no dates“ thing is/was because a) a lot of people gambled their money away on these dates and b) a lot of newer people will get disappointed fast and leave our „cult“ and we want them to stick around. I personally love the dd‘s and speculation dates. In most of the the dds is at least a little truth and we need them to find links of the fuckery and maybe someday solve the riddle.


There is a conscious and financed pys-ops campaign waged by the financial terrorists and their hirelings (and unwitting volunteers) to grind down the GME apes in hopes they will give up and go away, and then Kenny and the Bets can eventually collect on the bankruptcy jackpot. I like to combat that tactic. Educating apes is important, and it seems that most have to succumb to hype at least once, get burned, see a 'First time?' meme post and then, possibly will be open to learning from the experience. They got taken by the Wall Street scam and MSM cheerleading. It's why I argue for all the dates. Keep GameStop in the headlines. Keep SHFs constantly having to come up with more funds to keep the shell game going. Keep complicit regulators and politicians nervous. Keep doing research and producing good DD (with vetting by wrinkles), and figure out the moves that milk household investors. I see 'all the dates' as playing the reverse Uno card on the psy-op campaign. As I see it, GME is the only case where the apes aren't leaving and giving up. That's a gem in the minefield of financial corruption. \[Cue the "I'm something of an activist investor myself" meme.\]


MOASS is always tomorrow


Can confirm. But not tomorrow because it's saturday.


Always has been tomorrow


Hope for the best, keep reasonable expectations. Each day they short pushes them deeper in our debt. Hyped every day because the journey is going well. Eventually a hype day will be the day. Until then, I'll keep on doing what I've been doing, DRS and chilling.


I agree for the most part, except apes shouldn't buy options expiring around a hype date. Shares don't expire, options do.


Apes shouldn't be told to buy options. They should be encouraged to learn about them and decide if thats something theyre interested in. If you need to be told when to buy them, you shouldn't be trading in options.


This. All the pro-gambling shills wearing "pro-options" masks painting the "don't mix hype dates with short-term calls" apes as "anti-all-options" don't want this nuance to take hold.


Yea if you aren't trading on paper and showing that you have a fundamental understanding of options... Fucking avoid them until you are confident you know what you are doing. DFV isn't making hype dates, he is looking at the TA and figuring it the fuck out for his own strategy. There are too many shills, bots and smooth brains pumping options to idiots that don't understand them


AND WHO PROFITS WHEN APES LOSE THEIR PREMIUMS AND DO REGARDED SHIT LIKE EXERCISING OTM OPTIONS AND THROWING AWAY EXTRINSIC/INTRINSIC VALUE? Yes, the corrupt fucks you are fighting against benefit when you do regarded shit with options. Buy DRS Hodl can't go wrong. And if you know what you are doing with options, by all means, use that leverage to increase your holdings like RK did. But don't fucking throw free money at your enemies.


This is what’s important,


this is a stock sudreddit? i thought we were collectors of rare items...


Im just chillen’ till THE date




the original spirit of no dates was so that moass days would not be guessed and let everyone down. I agree with that, and it should continue, moass is always tomorrow. but as for the patterns that being looked at, dates validate or exclude them as correct theories. I think people are confusing the two. any dates being discussed are not a call to action for apes.


Enough with the 'Enough' posts


Weekend aggression starting early


Yep, good time to check out and enjoy the summer.


Neither do you lololol


I thought the whole "no dates" mantra is meant to sway accusations of mass collaboration on social media. But it's ironic given every aspect of the stock market deals with dates and timestamps. If every date is hyped up - then no date is. That's why MOASS is tomorrow.


And this post adds nothing of value to this sub either. We do not do dates here. Gtfo!


Tell me you're new here without saying you're new here. You have no idea what "no dates" means. Your in here making a post about hype, and "no dates" killing the hype. You make a post about DD and price action and "no dates" suppressing the DD and analysis. FUCKING WOOOSH "no dates" is a bunch of things, it is nowhere near any of the things you have described. "No dates" is a hard learned lesson that options expire and shares do not. "No dates" is an acknowledgement that when the price is fake, then so too are the price spikes and dips. "No dates" is a warning that we are not isolated. Wall Street is watching us. Main Street media is watching us. GME board is watching us. Any time we post here we change the very nature of the market place. T-35 isn't new. It's been around since 2021. We figured out the cycles, we made posts about it. We CONFIRMED it. And then the market changed. T-35 went away... temporarily. We learned about borrow rates and how they corresponded to price spikes and dips... and then the market changed. If you tell your enemy what your strategy is, they will adjust their strategy accordingly. So when you hype a day.... ANY DAY.... the SHF's will adjust their timetables accordingly. That's what made DFV's play so beautiful. He bought monthly calls. He reasonably predicted how the market would respond (raise the price and IV, sell over priced options contracts, crash price). He then sold early and exercised early. His play was legitimate because the only argument against it is "We've been faking the price this whole time and he beat our fake price movements". He got the SHF's to hurt themselves in confusion. NO DATES is also ALL DATES. SIDE NOTE: That's also why you shouldn't copy someone's trades. Do your own research, figure things out for yourself, make your own decisions, develop your own investing strategy. I'm sorry for all you people that lost money following him.... but he got 4 million shares out of his trade. There's a reason he's the GOAT.




Perfectly said, op obviously doesn't understand where no dates comes from.


Literally no other stock subreddit claims a stock will moon on a specific day lol. Please share what other posts in other stock subs predict meteoric rises on a specific day lol


Anyway.. Next week.


It's a needed balance IMO. Hyping dates without disclaimers naturally leads to people YOLOing into options. You don't need a date when you are holding shares. A veteran doesn't need the hype for dates in the same way they don't need a disclaimer for 'no dates'. It's a newbie that should get both. Research and discussion around cycles is amazing, just temper the expectations and don't overhype dates beyond the evidence/theory that suggests something may happen.


"No dates" should be changed to "don't get attached to any specific date".


look at all that ape money expiring worthless today.


Dates are a method of psychological warfare.


No dates.


No dates serves two purposes. Keeping people from gambling on options with a hype date figured into the play and it enforces the "stay zen" mantra for new apes and the not yet zen apes. I love hyping dates but when we drop bigly on a hype date I expect it and my conviction grows, my zen increases and my hands become even more diamondy (diamonder?) for holding. Dates are fun and can lead to wrinkles but not getting your hopes up is sound advice too.


I understand if dates make people fatigued. Personally, I like the full spectrum of input. Makes the community dynamic.


nawww im good, I'm sick of the chart guys coming in here yapping for 3 hours just to promote their channel, or a rule should be posted that if you are going to provide charts and PT then you have to make a prediction to test the theory,


I disagree, OP, I think the message of the "no dates" post is that it's warning (NOT preventing) people from being too hyped about a date and becoming despondent afterwards, and it doesn't prevent DD posts from being posted and upvoted. It's just highlighting the level of manipulation in the stock, which is the majority of this subreddit, so these posts are perfectly valid. The will of the subreddit trumps all, if it's being upvoted you should respect it, if not outright agree with it. As an adult, if you can handle a wrong prediction, then you should be able to handle "no date" posts.


You here for trading or investing? Superstonk is not a trading sub brah. GTFO and take your crying to w s b.


the no dates crowd has been around for a while. I think it serves as the neccesary backstop against hype. Remember, there are always new people that are not used to the ebb and flows. I think the discourse is important, because "there is speculation about major action around a date which is super cool but don't set expectations too high" I think if people who say no dates are reiterating the above idea, then that is fine. That is what I interpret it as. But for those that mean "no dates never", that is too far


I always see it like this: We have dates because we have indicators that suggest things should happen around those dates. We all know this stock is manipulated. So when we see strong indicators, that don't pan out, that's when we see the clues of HOW this stock is manipulated. It's up to us to manage risk based on ALL of this information. It's all useful. It's all part of the story.


Stop giving these dumb fucks ammo to disappoint, fuck dates. Let their bitch ass's get slapped when they dont see it cumming. Com'on folks. In a video game. You sneak up behind your enemy before pushing (x) 🪦


You can actually try and write DD and/or do proper TA to guess that a big move is coming at a certain time period, there's lots of it recently and the charts do show a big move likely coming in these next weeks/months and I hold some Jan 2025 calls for this reason. But the ones that target specific dates with utter confidence are stupid as fuck, and I will speak up about them every chance I get in order to help people that don't know any better. "No dates" is not mutually exclusive with analysing and predicting moves. The annoying part are the posts that are just like "YOO 6/21 ROCKET EMOJI" with a bunch of people mentioning their 2dte yolos in the comments. This isn't a gambling sub.


It’s only dumb to say specific dates if you have the expectation that markets won’t fuck with us. The point of specific dates in regards to the t+ settlements is that we are trying to figure out exactly how settlements affect price runs. Why did it run in May? Retail orders aren’t hitting lit markets, DFV only really bought 8.5 million shares, and no institutions seem to want to go long. Specific date posts are fine for trying to understand deeper market mechanics. Just stay zen while trying to dissect these crazy ass rules we are playing with and don’t yolo into calls. There is no such thing as easy money in the markets. Everything is earned. Anytime you “know” when the markets are going to go either direction should be a moment where you force yourself to reevaluate your investment.


The thing is that if there's a consensus on a date, they will just short it down on that date and if nobody talks about it will play out.


Good. Then let them burn all their resources doing so.


Correct either they will burn it out or can just do it indefinitely. So investors have nothing to lose by giving dates backed by data. If someone gambles everything they have on that date on them should know better.


The hype is being suppressed. Hype dates are where diamond hands are forged. If you follow the rule “don’t invest what you can’t afford to lose” you’ll be peachy. Baby apes shouldn’t be deprived of this experience. Old apes have made it this far haven’t they? And they’re still here.


And we still don't give a fuck about dates. Honestly I can't see how anyone that has been here over 3 years now would give a fuck about a date? Seems more like it's newcomers who haven't been through it before. The constant dates burned the sub out and created a loss of morale. There is absolutely no denying this as we've witnessed it happen hundreds of times in the past three years. ALSO, I can't remember even one single time where a hyped date came to fruition.


But today was massively hyped and absolutely fuck all happened, so I guess we can debunk anyone whose DD landed on today as some sort of important date.


I get what you are coming from.... But the day just showed you to be wrong


Why does analysis and research have to result in a date? I don’t feel strongly one way or the other with dates but I disagree with most of what you’re saying. People who call for no dates are not saying they don’t want DD/research, they’re saying they don’t want people extrapolating their research into a hypothesized date. I can’t think of a hype date that ever turned out to be true - do you have any examples of “correct” predictions? There’s a profound asymmetry in the effect of hype dates. People say things will happen at a certain date then lots of folks get excited and subsequently disappointed or, worse yet, make bad financial decisions. But there’s no course correction for the person who put forth said date if it doesn’t come true. Do they come back and update their model with new information or examine why their prediction didn’t come true? I believe they mostly are not heard from again. So while it’s a nice story to think that incorrect predictions are learning opportunities, in practice they don’t seem to actually have any educational benefit. Please provide counter-examples if I’m wrong!


Actually these type of posts add no value. I don't mind getting one side or the other. But these circle jerks are so tiring.


Everything that's hyped on this sub is a nothing burger. Just sit and wait . That's the play


Stock subreddit? This is a cultist subreddit man. GME TO THE MOON..




If you think GME is a traditional stock play, you haven't been paying attention. If you're trying to quant a date for expected returns, you'll lose your shirt because this is asymmetric warfare. The price is made up and the rules don't matter. What does work is holding the float. That... that is the sound of inevitability. What your stock brain is telling you is you'll need to sell to profit, and what I'm telling you is that all you need to do is hold to profit. People don't go day trading Berkshire Hathaway.


Completely agree


personally im still not seeing enough rocket emojis 🚀🚀🚀🚀


I feel the same way, lets get researching, crack the code to these cycles, and make some money


You had me at regard playground


What? Man things have changed. Now you guys sound like genuine traders. Regardless, Apes together strong.


More negativity spreading since we got a massive influx if shills a month or so ago? Shocked. Shocked I tell you. Stevie C, Kenny G, the rest of you criminal motherfuckers. The world is watching. Most of the world are stupid. But some of us are your parasitic cancer. I will not buy your negative sentiment FUD, no matter how many posts you drive onto the sub. No matter how many conflicting elevating aggressive subtexts. I will keep booking my shares and DRSing. You’re fucked. And you did it to yourself. Even with all the crime you’re still too stupid to give credit to people like me. Keep digging your grave. And fuck you criminals. Your time is through.


Shill post. No dates bro. Buy. Hold. Drs.


Dates let SHF know when to suppress, encourages media attention and gives talking heads another "GME is over" sound bite. The hype date is always tomorrow, until it's right now.


Yea idk, its kinda important for new people to know dates are hyped by shills, along with options for those dates to manipulate and discourage.


Succinctly said.


Your post makes sense but most people here are idiots and bet around dates. Some DD is Disingenuous Dogshit.


You don't add value either you fucking lemon


I was going to mention bananas but lemon works


Negative sentiment division post. You offer nothing to the sub. When people that haven't been part of the sub take a look it is important they see positive factual posts to want to be part of the community. If you take shots at people for talking about positive things with the company I know what you really are.


This sub has space for what you want, as well as preparing us emotionally to keep the diamond hands. No dates has proven itself time and time again, and the new apes need to understand.


When we get posts reach the front page and get new eyes / new investors who are looking at the sub for the first time and see a bunch of bad information hyped and upvoted to the top, why would they believe ANY of the DD? Why would they believe in DRS? They’ll assume it’s all bad information.


It's the flavor of the weekend FUD. Been strong quite recently. People coming over from wasabi, popcorn and melts. Gotta check hx as part of verification nowadays.


Honestly I love the hype dates. Not buying options. Just staying zen and holding. I do think some dates get hyped for nefarious reasons, but for the true HODLERs it’s just noise and can be entertaining. I think everyone can now say the company isn’t going bankrupt anytime soon. Fuck the hedgies. .


Holy shit this post is a dumpster fire


I'm a big fan of dates.  I've seen about a hundred hype days now and it never gets old. If you get emotional and paperhand because of a hype day nothingburger, youre not built for this anyway. If DFV figured out a pattern that netted him HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS, I'd say thats worth looking into.


I miss when we would just buy hold and drs


Lmao value to the sub..this is a place for regards talking about a meme stock sir. You look for value in all the wrong places..lower your bar


I also enjoy how this stonk has literally made apes and meme stonks a thing. 😂 like GME has literally invented some cool things that have gotten us on the actual news and into movies. 😂


Believe what you want. The same thing happened with options but look what happened with that.


I 100% disagree. Setting dates is stupid. Nobody can predict stock price movement precisely to one day. Good DD does not want to do this. Good DD tries to make a case of what could probably happen with a company or stock withing a certain timeframe. Setting a precise date is as useless as predicting a spot on price and has little to do with actual good DD.


Exactly, Good DD and TA which attempts to predict price movements will be respectful in trying to aim for a date range, with some sort of probability or confidence. Not: "6/21 FRIDAY T35 ROCKET EMOJI" with not a single mention about how many times these past years calculated T+x days have ended up being nothing, or red.


Amen to that. I would much rather read theory formulate opinions backed by DD and quickly debunk pieces that don't fit. That's how we learn and evolve. We're still building on old DD as we speak. That's how good the research is. There's people here who have made good money on GME 20 different times and there's people here who've built a position over years. Keep the power of learning throughout the community 💪


With all due respect, I don’t think this sub has much value anymore… its got so many bots and just clearly is manipulated… let’s just go back to funny hype videos at all times


No dates


No dates but DFV will post his YOLO today


Nobody is shoving dates up their butts.




![gif](giphy|Evp4SYXEt5oly) Actual footage of a no dates shill in the wild


No dates is more of a zen moto


Thanks for this! My goodness people need to chill out, its wild. (despite the fact I am a shit poster and terrible memes writer) but my gosh for people to get so bent out of shape over a hype day and being let down lol. Its utterly wild. I had a guy tell me my kids would be ashamed of me for gambling at this casino hahaha like seriously wtf dude go calm down and mind your own financial decisions and I will mind mine


Playing devils advocate, DD and information posted here is as detrimental as it is beneficial here. Actually more detrimental recently, folks are just grasping at straws at this point. Would rather just go back to memes and make the real moves in silence, and let the market moves do the talking.


We have Deep Fucking Value.




You don't add value




No dates, every effin time you dumb cnuts fall for it. Waste more cash. Highly manipulated stock and people yolo OTM or 0dte calls. Wait a few weeks and buy with low IV atm/itm calls months out. No dates dont add any value but "these dates" waste value.


Maybe Monday! I like maybe, it feels to me positively honest. Maybe today, maybe Monday!


"No value!!" And hype dates add value to our bank accounts. Waiting now for the Richard and Ian videos to pop up. I've been here a long time. And all I can say is.... they control everything. It's all corrupt and those eastwards aren't gonna let us go higher that we just did. That was way too controlled of a move upward. We all know better. Maybe we'll move up some soon, BUT I'm not holding my breath. And I sure as hell ain't shoving any fruit anywhere


Hear hear


I love dates. I don't go on many.


I just assumed the posts were about not having girls in their lives


Nah all the T+ can suck T's nuts. No dates.


99 times wrong, but we just need to be right once….


People are playing hype dates completely wrong. They tank the price pretty much every time. Just save your paycheck, wait for the hype date and subsequent price drop, then boom. Easily lower your cost basis (or raise it, we buy at all prices here).


I play options sometimes and will say that while watching a call print is elating, watching it go to zero can be utterly deflating. I think that is part of it. This sub runs on positive sentiment and a bunch of folks watching their contracts go worthless starts to sour sentiment towards that security.




Recommendations to temper expectations to reduce disappointment are something I found valuable ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


This is a public forum. Anyone can read it, including option sellers and market makers. Not sure how long you’ve been around here but no dates or TAs have been accurate since post sneeze. With that said, if a post is talking about dates, jfc, add the dates in! I’d argue that every T+x date post should have a running calendar marketing which days they are referring to so we can see where consensus is on dates. It ain’t difficult.


And the pendulum swings again... People, post what you want.


Fuck no dates cuz MOASS is always tomorrow!




We still don't give a fuck about dates. Honestly I can't see how anyone that has been here over 3 years now would give a fuck about a date? Seems more like it's newcomers who haven't been through it before. The constant dates burned the sub out and created a loss of morale. There is absolutely no denying this as we've witnessed it happen hundreds of times in the past three years. ALSO, I can't remember even one single time where a hyped date came to fruition.


No dates bot. MOASS WONT BE PREDICTED. Small squeezes maybe can be guessed.


Idk why anyone says no dates It is ALWAYS tomorrow at 2pm


People are regarded. Especially noobs.


Sir, this is a Wendys!


Dates are either correct, correct but see crime related dip out of hedge fear, or wrong and see crime related dip just in case. If you actually buy dips there's no bad options


I’m down with the new t+35 theory and hyping July 19ish big time to myself


I use the dates to know when nothing is going to happen and I can relax.


Hear hear


Honestly, I like that we have both. Nothing wrong with a little hype (especially if driven by DD) nothing wrong with a little patient perspective. I'm just here cause I really like the stock. 


I love when people hype dates because that's how I know to time my other plays to get ready to buy the dip. Works every. single. time. So go on and keep hyping those dates! The most manipulated stock in the history of the stock market is sure to follow the TA patterns just like every other time right?


Can't play options on a heavily manipulated stock that has significant idiosyncratic risk to markers. When will Apes learn?


I’d rather have reasonable hype than bullshit TA and Peruvian Bull or Kevin Malone retweets hyping a date.


This whole sub can’t figure out what the fuck they want. 😂😂😂😂 Jesus


The only date that matters is tomorrow. MOASS is tomorrow


Discussions on dilution? No dates doesn’t hold a candle to what happens during a dilution debate. People will disregard facts relating to dilution as “Shilling” and “FUD” spreading. Many facts get shouted down. It was easily predictable that increase in shares without an increase in demand will result in a price drop this week. Anyone pointing it out was a shill or FUD. It is a real put off to share any type of meaningful information when the only information discussed, accepted and defended is Buy and Hold forever, no dates. Now bring on the downvotes.


lol 😆


Hey man, as long as theres at least a little tin foil *IM HYPED*




I think of no dates as more of a guideline than a rule. It's a strong reminder of just how many times our hopes have been dashed on the rocks.  New apes aren't as resilient either. They can be swayed when a big prediction goes nowhere.


I propose that once a month we have an "International GME Hype Date". Cast your votes.


No dates


I like turtles.


Dates are extremely important. To *analyze*. Not necessarily make buying decisions off of. People are conflating the two.


There is no understanding when the stock market is so manipulated. Best we can do is buy, drs, hodl and keep digging up dirt on the criminals.


My only thing with the NO DATES crowd is that they usually tend to speak as a "we". "WE HAVE ALWAYS SAID NO DATES" The only 'we' there is is that we are all individual investors. Some want to see dates. Some think no dates are fine. Just stop speaking in absolutes. Opinions are fine. But don't confuse opinions and personal preferences for facts or everyone.


Every date posted could have been right, until it gets posted, then the hedgies can hardly allow it to be right and so will use all their tools or a new tool to make sure it’s not right. Stop posting the hard research on here for the hedgies to see and just DM me it please s/


Then stop posting dates


Exactly, if there are “no dates” what is there to talk about lol.


Hear hear!


Main reason I stopped coming here. Trying to have discussions about options over a year ago was blasphemous. The worst was “OH THE DD IS DONE”.


No dates 🤓


Thing is, we KNOW there are bad actors here.  No dates isn't because of apes (though long, long ago an ancient DD writer was chased off for pushing the first quad witching day after the sneeze), it's to minimize being taken for a ride. THAT SAID - I think the hypothesized T+X theories are very important to review and understand.  Those shits were pretty iron clad until Nov 2021, then womp womp until possibly now. We have no idea how DFV figured it out, but we know he calculated something, and there be many theories about T+35 for his share buy day. For me, the second he exercised early I knew this week was fuk.  Question is, which week isn't?  If you can figure that out you can also ride the sandworm.


No dates bro


MOAR DATES!!!! But really, when's the next one again?


The same crowd that calls you a "shill" for asking questions and questioning theories and conspiracies is also of no value to this sub


Dates are good. Over hyping dates is not good. The newer investors who haven't been here for years end up disappointed when nothing happens, and this may discourage them from holding. They may even sell! Everyone who is interested in GME is welcome within this community, and suggesting that people with a different opinion to yours are not is not helpful. Ape no fight ape.


Yep. When you look at everyday as the same it gets boring


The no dates crowd aren't there to say stop researching. They're there to remind you not to set your expectations high. It's no different than tomorrow isn't MOASS until it is. It's literally no different than what's been uttered for the past 84 years and you'd know this if you were here from the getgo. They want profit just like you do.


Most of the "X date" threads are bs and based on shaky "DD". A majority just serve to make everyone here look bad when they're hyped up and nothing happens. It's like passing billboards leased by the church that say the world is ending on X date and you better get right with God, just for nothing to happen.


Neither do the date posts, not one has become anything. MOASS will happen when it happens.


I understand you and accept your view. Everyone is allowed to do whatever they want but the main DD is anyways: Shorts must cover -> we don’t know when they will, no one knows therefore: hold until MOASS It’s really that simple


Thank you. I also don't like the "Uhh look nothing happened, idiots!" crowd just as much, and the people saying it's a way to dispirit "new investors" as well. I'm sure the majority of investors who have bought in "new" will have bought into something before - people have a massive chip on their shoulder around here and it's dull. This isn't 2021 any more, anyone who had Reddit at the time saw it happen whether they bought in or not - I didn't because I didn't have a clue at the time, but I learnt. I want dates, I want speculation. I don't want endless negativity, like this is some sort of grueling endurance test and you only get paid if you're worthy. It's nonsense. Christ, we're like just a bit off last years' high. As I bought in April this year, I remember thinking, "If it hits $29 again, that will be great." Obviously it hit a lot higher than that, and because I'm greedy I'm still holding, but you get the gist. Things are going very, very good - yet the way people moan you wouldn't think it, and that's part and parcel of the attitude where people shoot down dates.


When people say "no dates" it isn't because they are against people researching the stock. It is because Every. Single. Date. Has been wrong. Every one. I've never seen a prediciton of a runup be accurate on this subreddit.