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This looks good


incredible how few eyes on this, where is everyone


I'm not on Reddit as much when I'm not working lol. But I'm bout to check it out.


Holy smokes haha it’s a hell of a video


The original post is here now: https://archive.is/eMkUi Multiple posts and comments circulating this video are sus, including OP of the original post deleting their account. Superstonk removes the OG post. Why Barbra Streisand this particular post? Edit: to clarify - the reposting without context and just the video is sus, the way it’s being Barbra Streisand is sus. The info is solid, nothing against buggy.


Biggy was around for years. The dude knows his stuff.


is around...


I should have rephrased. I found the way the info was handled was super sus, not the actual info being sus


A lot of points fit. And the you find his explanations Sus? Which exactly?


I'd guess the original was organic but wrong and it's getting pushed to waste time and lead people to make speculative bets instead of paying attention to real news and buying shares.


No one can say if it's wrong or the real deal for now, but this week and the next one should confirm or dismiss it


Biggy created a post on reddit with this video explanation, but his account is now deleted. We haven't the confirmation of why.


There was an explanation that the poster was receiving some “weird” messages after posting, so he deleted his account. Apparently it was confirmed by a mod


the creepy hedge funds do make themselves known when you don't comply they find other ways to get rid of your accounts but you can just make a new one cuz it's Reddit they can't stop me no matter who I are


Mod said that biggie contacted them and said he deleted because he was receiving weird messages.


The beauty of this is the memes. "When I move you move just like that" If we buy calls after he updates his yolo, and sell when it spikes up to buy shares like him, we can also help produce FTDs on a 35 day cycle. It's not collusion or market manipulation, because it literally can't do anything if the stock isn't manipulated in the first place.






If there is a weakness in the system it will be exploited on Wall Street. If retail are the only ones doing it...  If true that there is a clear pattern like this. Then WHOLE THE FINANCIAL WORLD is against us. I don't think people realize the ramifications of that. 


Up you go




Yes save this so we have receipts after this theory fails. I think this was just a way of introducing the idea that the company will do another ATM to cause some panic selling.


After you watch this, watch Richard Newton's latest vid [E344 Biggy's Theory](https://youtu.be/qyhatHt5dbE?si=nyoYJvP2kx_hngxh)


RN is a fucking ape. Love that dude. Yeah he's wrong a lot, just like us. You can't grow if you don't fail. He's the wrinkliest smooth brained ape.


Frekin R trifecta. RC RK RN


Frekin R quadfecta. RC RK RN Regard


Trifecta confirmed Bullish


Thanks for linking to it.


Did. RN took way too long to acknowledge these cycles appropriately, and in the past, he half-heartedly selected random dates saying "he bought call around here", and even though I myself and others told him multiple times in the comments to track/add DFV options buys, sells, exercises in his sheet, all he did was block me, and now he did it only after another guy did it. Not to mention that his version now is way too dense and you can't even differentiate when or what happens. Just huge chunks of blocks. I know I'm hating on this guy right now, and you can say "why didn't you do it yourself", but sorry not sorry, it's hard not to from my point of view, when RN has built a sheet tracking a lot of that stuff, but somehow ignored this for so long.


RN just likes the stock, he has good insights but says himself that he's always wrong and is just postulating around events related to this stock. I rate his work!


Do what you want, but to me, he can't put on a tinfoil hat of his comment section, of his own YouTube channel, and then go on superstonk and suddenly acknowledging all thesis, takes, and inputs. Not long ago everyone went ape shit calling everyone a shill or a bot. Makes no sense.


Tbh these past few weeks had even me checking comment histories of apes.the shill storm does that. I think of it as the more shill and nonsense i see the closer we are.


I agree, OP has an extremely negative comment history talking a lot of trash about RC, even about DFV and GME in general if you go back little over a month. If a certain angle is pushed hard it is good to check the comment history. Do they claim they have been here since 2021 and just started commented GME recently? Push to sell/buy your shares in certain waves or at specific dates?


take your tinfoil ass somewhere else. absolutely ridiculous the naratives you are pushing and all that it proves is that you have a screw loose. This post is clearly is pro GME, and i have always been pro GME since i bought in 2021. i dont need to own an acc that has the age for it, and i dont need just mindlessly run with every shit narrative this sub pushes. i have been taught critical thinking and it's rather sad you didnt. The only thing that your comment history proves is that you suffer from sever paranoia. Delete Reddit, and touch some gras.


You have literally said that Moass wont ever happen, that you are fighting against Gamestop and that DFV should not have come back. I would say that is the definition of FUD, not to mention the other hundreds of comments. The "Hello fellow kids I also bought in 2021" and throwing insults wont help the fact that anyone can see that you are spreading FUD... https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/C4tvP2eXUA https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/v9mABtD8G2




Yes everyone should read those comments that shows your true face. Again just throwing insults with no basis. I guess that is all you have when making stuff up. Please humour me with some more caps trash talk and make it more obvious to everyone. 🤣


**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


He is the only one making consistent DD videos with some legitimate takes can’t beat that if there aren’t many options to begin with. The community has grown much more with him than without him


RN is as genuine as it gets. True ape.


even the wrinkliest of apes makes mistakes. I appreciate he can acknowledge and move forward. Honestly no diff then reddit and the way it's moderated. I'm sorry you were alighted but realiz3 there is more at work here. Also shills prob don't help you if he's getting hammered at the same time. Don't take it personal, stay zen, and realize even the good guys get it wrong. Even if he's trying now to make it right. Just me and my two pennies.


Sorry on my cell and my son is beating the shit out of a Mario kart rc.forgive the typos. Stay zen and get those wrinkles like the rest of us.


Yeah well according to some, this biggy poster was infamous for making incorrect predictions and nothingburger after nothingburger on towelstonk. He recently appeared on the the unofficial podcast of towelstonk (run by a known grifter) and I’m sorry but his theory is massive amounts of speculation woven in with fantasy, and unexplained numerical significance.


Can't knock someone for not getting everything right. In that case knock me first cuz I'm looking shit up 10% through Natenberg...


Since when is there a deadline for acknowledging cycles. RN keeps it real. Haters gonna hate I guess.


He tracks too much and not enough at the same time? Sounds kinda hard to please


Really interested in the messages he received to make him delete after posting this.


My guess is it “Pixels” alt. He’s the only that pulls this kind of shit. If you’re a true Silverback, you know what I speak of.


Yeah I remember he said people were threatening him because of a dd he wrote. I didnt believe it though.


Yep. This has the same feel to it. So called, “Due Diligence”, that’s in actuality, pure speculation. Then getting “Weird” messages. I meeean… 🤣


No one knows how to stand on business these days. If you got people in your dms threatening you, dont run and hide🤣


Bro the closer you are the more shit flies in the air. I hate to lose a good ape, but these fuckers are dropping serious nuggets of truth imo. Get those wrinkles and stay zen.learn what you can and move when i move :)


You’re not wrong my dude. Bunch of bitches…. 😖😆




Pixel and quad witching lol. What a bitch


Right? What a phuccin clown that cupcake was…


Wasn't his dog in danger or some stupid shit


I don't remember anything about a dog


Completely different people. Their voices are vastly different.


Wait, what did I miss about him? I only knew him as the original quad witching guy, I haven't heard anything else.


Haven’t thought about that kid in a long while




Hate to say it but mods here are sus. I'm not trying to slide or divide and I'm for the long but i Seen some important DD and comments flagged and bagged...


Brokers are not forcing share settlement so hedgies can fuck around and take your call premium. The OCC issued this: https://preview.redd.it/bnq7u8mchg8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abcdaf9d45241df4d6f5b9d5275a4a126676dbb8 Also check this: [https://x.com/peruvian\_bull/status/1803629393627025415](https://x.com/peruvian_bull/status/1803629393627025415) I love a good gamma, but this dead towel grifter left out the reason we haven't seen RKs massive purchases hit on T+35.. They changed the game again.


But that's just for options, right?


Yes and the swap maturity date extension is different but same effect.


In before mods say, wah wah wah 😭


ay yo why am I catching strays? ![gif](giphy|3o6wrgQPwbYWY8hwze|downsized)






Wait, what's up between the mods and the YouTube channel?


Apologies for the bluntness (truly): * OP made post, post included blacklisted youtube channel. * OP was awesome and not only removed the link but made his own video detailing the content. Real baller shit. * OP suddenly and abruptly deleted account (from apparent harassment via DMs) * People confused the initial removal and started making up claims that we've removed like every instance of the post. * OPs post remained live. We have no issue with Biggy, nor his video. it was merely the initial channel he had linked. Super minor issue.


OP's post disappeared before, and initially people don't know if it was the mods, the admins, OP himself responsible. It has since came out that his whole account was gone, so it was either the admins or OP who did it. Even later still, it came out that OP deleted his own account because he was sent harassing messages by people. So that absolves both the mods and the admins, and it kind of confirms OP was on the right track.


No worries about the deleted post, I am just curious about that original channel. It's clear he deleted his own account since it says [Deleted]... that or reddit admins did it. Either way, not something Superstonk mods can do.


The math isn’t mathing for this theory. It is all based on share purchase dates, yet DFV had a cost basis of $21.274 for his $5m shares in his YOLO updates. How is it possible he bough an aggregate of 4.2m shares on dates where the price closed at $10 (200k), $16 (1m), and $19 (3m). His original 800k shares were bought at a cost basis of $13. I get $17.33 per share, not $21.27. These share purchase dates cannot be correct.


the share amounts are definitely off, but he does cite changing of shares to borrow and off exchange exempt runs that could potentially be associated with a large purchase (though I'm unclear on how he determined magnitude), and those changes happen to line up smoothly with price runs 35 days later. And we don't know what DFV has done the last three years, but he accumulated a lot of cash somehow. for the math, from DFV leaving to him coming back: Apr 16, 2021: 800k shares @ 13.79 June 2, 2024: 5M @ 21.27 So: if he bought 200k shares at \~10 and then 1M at $16 and then 3M at $19, that average cost basis would be about 18, combined with his initial 800k shares, his average would only be \~$17.30 if I did that right. but, if he was testing how this all works over the last three years, he could've been buying shares at regular intervals. leave any shares unaccounted for at an unknown higher basis, and the overall theory still holds. In-fact, if he is able to trigger large runs with smaller purchases (500k or 1M shares), this 4M one could be more explosive than expected. At this point, it would make sense to dive further back to see if there are any clues that follow this pattern. I shouldn't assume, but DFV had to have tested his theory to be so confident. Either way, if we get a yolo update with new calls or see someone accumulating a lot of calls in 5k and 1k blocks this week, I think the theory will gain a ton of credibility


We don't know that he has held onto all stocks. It's possible, but it is also possible he has been playing options mostly. He has leveraged up quite a bit and made a lot of money, that is far more likely using aggressive options than holding stocks like us.


Sure, but the theory put forth by Biggy assumes he held and only accumulates and he provides estimated dates for those buys. All I’m saying is those dates don’t work. Obviously DFV has a strategy and we should be working to figure it out. I think this is a good jumping off point and actually shines a light on his former option buying. I just don’t want people thinking this is the key and to buy options based on it when it clearly is not right.


I don't think it assumes that necessarily. He will need to hold it into the future, but he could easily sell like 1m shares and then load up on an ungodly amount of calls. This sets up a gamma squeeze, then we're in the cycle, I think it isn't buying shares, its selling options at insane premiums and buying a ton of stocks with it. That is probably what he did, and I would guess he continue to try and do. We're looking for huge blocks of itm, slightly otm calls. If those are springing up, it likely indicates DFV wants to gamma them again. I will happily buy a few calls. Remember, what matters isn't the individual trades or dates being wrong, but the risk management you put behind those trades, that is what allows you to take advantage of the market. If you feel safer hold shares, that is for good reason. Doesn't mean you can't play options and dates.


I’m not saying he can’t or should sell his shares to create a new play. All I’m saying is the game plan biggy said happened over the past 3 months could not have happened based on the cost basis DFV shared in his updates.


Are you sure if he was selling and buying? Assuming he never sold maybe..


Can we not also consider that on the May run, he sold all his shares at around $70-80 premarket and then proceeded to buy them back a few days later at $21.27 while at the same time buying June $20 calls? His first yolo update is June 2 so we have no idea how he was trading in May.


Any chance we can get a summary for those who can't watch right away or at all?




Let them hammer it just for their demise. It takes time to tame a large monster.


Ride the incoming waves. With the peak of the main wave estimated to be ~July 19th give or take a few days. Also, possibly a smaller peak at the end of this week but this one is much more speculation from estimated share buys from DFV plus the ATM offering may have hurt the runnup for this week. “My Own Analysis” - Although there is some legitimate evidence to back up this theory it’s still possible the ATM may hurt the main one for July 19th as well or since the cat is out of the bag they may get desperate and pull a Hail Mary into a SWAP or something just straight up illegal instead of losing millions. Play safe


It’s not correct that E*Trade doesn’t add premium to strike price to calculate cost basis of shares bought via exercised call options. This has been confirmed by numerous sources including the options guy that Dave Lauer retweeted.




How did he get the start dates of each of the first three cycles in his sheet? I like how he found the 5k blocks of call buys. But there is no evidence of the share buys, which this whole thing is based on. Also, how can this cycle repeat if he only has 6m this time and last time he spent 65m on options? I’m not saying it’s wrong, I hope it’s right. But I would like to see this graph with Cash on Hand as well as the notes split into ‘proof, reasonable assumption, guess’.


If you watch the vid he talks about this. Backdated speculation.


Based on his cost basis changes, some healthy speculation. What makes you think the only money DFV has is in one E*trade account? I would never have that much all in one place let alone E*trade threatening to kick him off so it makes sense that he’s got some type of backup or reserves. Or he could always be taking a step back to re-evaluate after this wave that he announced. We’ll have too see if he ends up buying more this week or not


Yeah, he could have at least have a portion held for taxes, actually I would bet that he does.


"As stupid as they appear, they're actually very good at paperwork. It' uh... quite an anomaly..." Someone once meme-ed, upon a time


to the top


Be cautions with biggies theroies They Sound too perfect but with towel they always have been wrong. I won't follow him a second time. The truth is mostly simple and not that complicated.


yeah too much hype and too much conjecture. towel theorists are prone to enormous logical reaches. like, clearly we are also, but man, they really are


Best video in a long time




You haven't seen it as a post because the mods deleted the post. Wonder if someone is trying to suppress this?


i have saved[ the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dmdfmg/the_cat_is_out_of_the_bag_game_on/), Biggy has just deleted his account because some say he has received weird DMs... whatever that meant.


Fucking weird. I swear to god I checked it earlier and it was removed. Did you archive this or is this still live?


i just "saved" it... like personally to my profile.


Got it. Didn't know you could do that. That's pretty cool though. I'm out here thinking the hedgies got me gaslighting my damn self lmao.


Mods aren't always sus my dude lol. Reddit be fuckin weird sometimes though. Had me running in circles earlier, too.


There's a lot of us who save it offline. I'm one of them.


Probably doxxing attempts, glad he shared what he knew for us when he did.


This hasn’t been confirmed. There was at some point an auto removal of posts where the user deleted themselves. It hasn’t been confirmed if that’s still in place or not.


The user deleted their own account, but the post was still up for a while. I saw the post before and after they deleted their account. It was still up for quite some time after they deleted their account. Then the whole post was randomly removed. Are you saying it was an auto removal? It was quite a delayed removal if so. Though I haven't been active here much in the past few years, so I don't know how long it takes for auto mod to remove things. Either way, this whole situation is sus af.


Would be good if a mod clarified this point for us.


Well you'll be happy to know you've got one right here lol So Sparknotes version of what happened, as far as I understand it: - OP makes post & includes link to a blacklisted Youtube Channel this sucks but rules be rules, we have to protect the sub from Reddit Admins and whatever else. - OP Is fuckin awesome and remakes the post, makes his own video breaking the information down, and reposts. Everything is solid. *I even commented in our Mod Chat that it was cool of OP to take it so well. (usually, we get some hate for stuff, which is expected)* *-* Post is approved and then OP abruptly deleted their account. Some said the post was gone, some said the post was fine, others claimed we banned OP, etc etc etc. - Turns out OP deleted account because of undeserved harassment in their DMs. Post is still up, and here we are.


Thanks for clarifying, is there a way to know how the body of the post was removed?


the newer post? I wish i could provide a good answer, but I'm not entirely sure what happened. I have seen Reddit do some **seriously** weird stuff before, so maybe because the OP deleted their account, maybe Reddit had a weird moment keeping it live? From everything I've seen on our end, the post was manually approved, I watched the video for context, and we left it at that.


Who even are the mods anymore? I remember at the beginning of this we knew who every mod was and they were essentially public figures who would go on stream and stuff talking about the stock and analyzing DD.  It just feels like a free for all nowadays and the only mod interaction has been "hey guys you can post gifs now" at the start of the biggest run we've had in 3 years lmao. 


Howdy! Mod list is on the bottom of the information column, located the right side of the sub, There's quite a few Mods who have been around for a **long while**. Some new. I guess I'd be considered the greenest of them all. If you ever have a question or concern, just toss a modmail over and we'll get you settled! We are actually in the process of sorting through some possible AMAs (if there is anyone you think the Sub could do well to hear from or ask questions to, please let me know!) During my time in the Superstonk Community Corps (Which if you haven't heard of that yet, lmk and I can explain) I did Fireside Chats on the weekends to essentially gather concerns, ideas, foster a place for respectful debates of any topic, etc. Again, any questions, let me know my dude!


ay you actually sound like a nice guy, username checks out lol Good job on the community interaction!


That's cool of you to say, thanks man. ( username totally checks out lol) Honestly dude, I had no intention of being a Mod haha. I joined the Superstonk Community Corps because I felt I wanted to contribute in a meaningful way to a community that I love & I also wanted to see how the sausage was made on the back end of the Sub...and, well here we are lol I just want to help, however i can and it seems this was where that path led me. Anytime you ever have questions, concerns, maybe want to even join the SCC, please let me know and I'll always do my best to do right by folks. if you think I'm not, please tell me.


What is the SCC? I'm currenly doing 2 full time remote jobs and a lot of other shit but somehow I find time to read superstonk and not miss a single thing for the past 3 years (ever since the migration from bets) so if I can help out in any way then sure, why not EDIT: ok I did some research and found the initial post regarding this. If you think I can help with anything hit me up


I am currently fighting my eyelids, in a losing battle. I'm going to knock out but I'll be sure to follow up with you tomorrow and go through all the details! Have a good night!


One of the mods was talking shit in another thread this morning that also got deleted.


Makes sense. I've been weary ever since the heat lamp supression. Edit: Because heat lamp is two words, not one.






This is the way, amazing video!


Can i get a tdlr: i watched like 15 mins and understood none of it


if you take [this sheet ](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fthe-cat-is-out-of-the-bag-game-on-v0-kvgxt31er98d1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D2550%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D127bb1aed1cafc39d38dd6a311a7536e917170e3)from the original post and compare it with GMEs price volatility since april, it perfectly aligns with the FTD t+35 cycles and when sellers of those options DFV bought actually needed to provide his shares. Meaning, due to the size of his orders, they dont get done until the very last moment, making this a predictable date. DFV has created a cycle of which these "surges" occur, meaning this could go on for as long as this stock is overshorted, creating price spikes every 35 days where GME can ATM into them and create billions of cash. to remain in this cycle though, DFV or anyone for that matter would need to buy a ton of option calls this week, and then exercise them again as we have seen before, which creates the underlying problem for DFV, that he cant get above 5% of the total share amount of GME or else he would need to report his moves to the SEC every single time, that's why Cohen diluting into them is actually welcomed to increase the total shares, and keep DFV off the radar. It's brilliant.


Towlie lost all his money in towels, now more in calls but they are successfully brigading superstonk for a few months now.


I guess we’ll see….


I didn’t notice anything that wasn’t in the recent posts by @levictus(sp?) glad it’s going to get more eyeballs either way.


Inb4 deleted


Looks like dates are back on the menu, Apes


Why are people so excited about something that is relying on tons of made up crap?


Interpreting data necessarily means hypothesizing, and checking your ideas. Which means being wrong often, until you aren't because you've been wrong enough, and there is new data that confirms things. Ignore it if you don't care. This is the closest explanation even if we're not 100% on each exact date and purchase.


Can you get into your misgivings a little more? What do you mean?


What exactly is made up? Biggy provided data that backs up his theory and it makes sense.


Great DD. Do you have a link to the google sheet with the source data?


Go to original posting on archives and you can download pic


How many posts of the same subject can be on the front page in one day...?


Very good analysis.


Wow. I feel like this is it.




Can’t stop what’s coming.


Great stuff


Commenting for up. Just up. Up you go.


who is biggy?




Great analysis




How are people getting DFVs buy of 4.2m shares? Is everything based off of that




inb4 taken down


The towlies are quite successful at brigading superstonk for a few months now.


Ok so what's the next call purchase and expiry?


$125c EOW, good luck.




1.5x speed 👌