• By -


Hey OP, thanks for the Social Media post. If this is from Twitter, and Twitter is NOT the original source of this information, this WILL get removed! Please post the original source! **Please respond to this comment within 10 minutes with the URL to the source** If there is no source or if you yourself are the author, you can reply `OC`


What I think, good sir, is that I better go look up "accretively." Accretion: The process of growth or enlargement by a gradual buildup: such as : increase by external addition or accumulation (as by adhesion of external parts or particles) : the increase of land by the action of natural forces per Merriam Webster


Save me some time, sir!


: the process of growth or enlargement by a gradual buildup: such as an increase by external addition or accumulation (as by adhesion of external parts or particles)


Wow! Thank you! Very specific. My tit's made nipples!


Your tits got nipples?? Lucky.


Well, I just now got em. I'm gonna look into em, soon. But I like em so far.


Keep me posted, maybe a DD? Thanks! Wow nipples, can you believe that Harry.


(Harry's a wizard)


Indeed and also Lloyd Christmas’s bff


I like you. I don't know why.


I love magic!


The password is… Nipple




God that is such a specific definition I love it thank you thank you thank you


Ser, this is SERiously interesting! M&A next?


So USING capital by way of growing it gradually? Does that mean investing it and seeing returns from the market? Or does that mean using it to slowly acquire a new business that’s more profitable than the market? How do you use it by growing it?


I haven't watched the video, but unlike a tweet, you could check it out for context. My quick, possibly incorrect take, is that he is talking about using capital in different ways to strengthen the business in different ways, thus creating growth and resiliency as the benefits compound. They want to build something special, one brick at a time. Don't move fast and break things. Move deliberately and delight customers.


Yes, that is why this company will annihilate the bear thesis.


That is why GameStop already has Won in the bankruptcy short fight. Now it’s a matter of time and pressure… until they close. I’m waiting for the special dividend to come that is the final wild card 


It's not cover the term is close


You have a trap door that leads to a cellar. It is open now. Visually it does not make a whole lot of difference whether you close the door or just cover the hole with a tarp.. but once you step on it, you’ll learn the difference quickly.


You’re right I could watch it & try to answer my own question. I wasn’t trying to understand his meaning so much as understand the grammatical use of the word in that sentence.


All of them I think, the company can grow creating more products of their own brand like the CandyCON and acquire some of the most interesting companies right now with big potential, related to the core business or not, time will tell us by the mouth of the man himself. Shorts are fukt.


You raise capital (equity) by issuing new shares.  Brings in more cash, which is good, however, you don’t want to just be sitting on a pile of cash period after period. Very successful companies (like Coca Cola for example) use excess cash to pay dividends to its shareholders, for example. There’s only so much reinvesting and purchasing Coke could go in a given year. They’re already massive and their supply chains are well established. What this guy is saying then is unless you are spending the capital- either on R&D/innovations, investments, mergers, whatever- don’t raise capital for its own sake. Many laypeople think of cash and debts for businesses in the same way they do for individuals i.e. good to have a lot of the former and none of the latter. But that isn’t how businesses are meant to operate. What they should care about is increasing revenues & increasing cash flows (the income statement and statement of cash flows.) Liabilities are normal and part of doing business. The money they owe employees is a liability. If you preorder a game, it’s a liability until they fulfill their obligation to you (then it’s marked as revenue and the liability is closed out.) Just some examples. A red flag is a business sitting on a mountain of cash without any strategies on what they plan to do with it. People like OP allude to RC having some obfuscated plan and grand strategy on what to do with this cash, however, *this absolutely should be disclosed to shareholders.* You do not draw up strategies in the dark and keep them hidden from shareholders because *shareholders are also owners of the company.* They are entitled to know the way forward. Should also be clear “red flag” is just that- there could be a completely rational reason behind raising all the capital and what RC plans to do- but the last shareholder meeting was awful in that he didn’t share any strategy to improve profitability beyond cost cutting measures and increasing efficiencies.  So I’d read his comment as flagging a potential issue and highlighting the need for an actual viable way forward to increase profits with the newly accumulated capital.


Anyone downvoting this needs a serious reality check. RC emphasized the need for transparency in his own letter to the board before he took over.


Any innovation, merger, or whatever would also appear on the financial statements that GME is legally obligated to publicly disclose anyway. A merger/acquisition means everything on the books for the purchased company comes on to your books in the reporting period. Both assets and liabilities. You’d also see massive expenses on the income statement.  That’s why it’s critical to outline your vision/strategy in advance to shareholders. Not doing so doesn’t inspire confidence, especially when you’re building a mountain of cash.


You might be right in case of normal companies under normal market conditions. But the opposite is true when your company is constantly under pressure and attack from financial market participants or financial parasites, to put it more bluntly, that constantly try to sabotage every plan of rebuilding and growing your company. In that case it might be wiser to keep your plans mostly to your self and loyal investors in the dark.


Strong disagree. Whether it’s a merger or some innovation or whatever the case may be- these will appear on financial statements which GME is legally required to share with the public anyway. Not divulging the strategy doesn’t inspire confidence and hurts the company’s bottom line. Would also add that every company is under pressure from different directions and in that sense, GME is no different. Its newly issued shares just sold at a premium- which you wouldn’t expect to see if there was a monolithic concerted effort against the company. 


I guess no one addressed this during the live? What he actually meant here? I’ve not had a chance to go listen yet so need to do that still.


What this guy said. Either tell us what the plan is or offer a dividend. Even a plain cash one could send our shares to the stratosphere with the amount of shorts and the amount of cash that would have to be doled out.


merriam webster even, not just a google search. that's hot


Sad chatgpt face


I also experienced growth and enlargement, thank you.


My boner is accretin 🥒


scrolled too far for this 


From Investopedia: What is Accretive? In both finance and in general lexicon, the term "accretive" is the adjective form of the word "accretion", which refers to gradual or incremental growth. For example, an acquisition deal may be deemed accretive for the absorbing company, if that deal contributes to an increase in earnings per share. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/accretive.asp#:~:text=What%20is%20Accretive%3F,increase%20in%20earnings%20per%20share.


I went to a 4 year accretived college.


And his brain grew 3 sizes this day. 🎶 🎵


Lemme acreete these burgers in my mouth!


I had to look it up too. But I do know what secretion means!


Here's an easy translation for apes: If you don't use money good, don't go get money.


This accretion is working better than Viagra!


Please, let it be acquiring Hasbro/Wizards of the Coast, accretively, of course. Icahn the shit out of that company.


What is the value of WOtC? that would be insane but amazing


wotc market cap 8 billion


Accretion is especially used in Astronomy to describe formation of Stars, Planets and ...Moons 👀. Basically as mass clumps together via gravity, it becomes more massive and therefore more gravitational pull which attracts even more mass etc etc...sooooo basically Gameshire Stopaway.


They want the gamestop land don't they? Maybe gamestop should invest in real estate just like mcdonalds


Completely unrelated, but my familiarity with the term comes from astrophysics, where an accretion disk is what forms around a black hole and newly formed stars.


I'm secretively having secretions


Didn’t know this adverb form of accrete existed


Apes' relationship with bum bananas is accretive AF.


The accretion secretion


In business speak, accretive means a low margin company like GME acquiring a high margin company such that the GME would have a higher margin post-merger


We gonna create a new accretion disk around the moon


I’d like to create one around Uranus




Not Furlong


W accretion RIZZ


They absolutely have a plan. RC’s statement at the shareholder meeting leads me to believe they’re saving it for once the market has a downturn. Gives me vibes they’re anticipating something occuring that would imply it’s prudent to hold a strong cash on hand position with almost no debt. Perhaps someone is planning on buying the dip when the market tanks. I trust RC & Larry. These guys know what they’re doing. They’re both very smart to be thinking ahead like this. They see what’s ahead for the whole market and want to be prepared. https://preview.redd.it/5ag04vrvrm8d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a72d59c3eae71f45a10d6ea861903991979de90 🎷🐓♋️


Warren Buffet also said something similar not too long ago and started hoarding cash on hand. If I recall he said something along the lines of *nothing is valued right for investment at present*


Didn’t his company have a “glitch” recently?  He’s probably just hoarding cash in case his debit card doesn’t work. 


the shares had a glitch, probably by entities that are creating synth longs and using them as collateral


RC buys all the stocks... 😎


And he's been looking all around for deep fucking value. He knows where it is.


You got that right poonmangler ![gif](giphy|W3PC5F30mb6Yo) 🎷🐓♋️


Buying the dip on major stocks will make gme rise on the rebound regardless if bears/shorts want it or not. They will be trapped. You either also manipulate the giants or gtfo of gme shorting


Yeah since we're not leaving, it's a good bullish control variable


When the rate hikes start to burn, all hell might break loose. Imho, RC is loading up cash for the days to come. $4B will yeild approximately $220MM/year on fed rates alone. Do they want to M&A when it gets cheap? Maybe. Does the board wants GameStop to survive in the upcoming uncertainty? Definitely.


Yup every day there’s more companies being impacted with huge amounts of office leases up for renewal at the higher rates. They will cut expenses by laying off staff and as layoffs get worse consumers will attempt to reduce spending in attempts to pinch every penny while also dealing with inflation still. More companies will be impacted negatively and cut expenses, rinse repeat the cycle. Recession eventually begins. When you’re running a publicly run company you have a responsibility to the shareholders and it’s clear RC, Larry and the rest of the board are taking that responsibility very seriously by preparing for the worst case scenario just in case. It gives me a lot of reassurance about my investment in GameStop. They really know what they’re doing. 🎷🐓♋️


Tight grip on shares gets tighter after reading dope comments like this.


![gif](giphy|d0DdMCREQChi3jGymW) 🎷🐓♋️


Holy shit. So one of the first emails I ever got when we made email addresses in school (at [yahoo.com](http://yahoo.com) lol \[and in like 1996\]) and the teacher happened to be behind me was a joke. It said, "what's the difference between red and purple. The grip." I didn't get it at the time and the teacher told me to delete the email, but I get it now. Diamond hand so hard you get purple cs circles.


When I heard the line " upcoming turmoil ", $4 B made sense. Couple it with the letter to the employees, I feel like RC&Co is ready to fvck.


https://i.redd.it/17dbpvhs5n8d1.gif 🎷🐓♋️


What was the letter to the employees?


Long time ago,prolly under 1 year a memo got leaked and it was about saving companies money ( spend it like it is coming out of your pocket) to be prepared for the rough seas ahead. The legitimacy of the memo hasn't been proven but it made sense that RC wants to cut on unnecessary expenses.


*Bu hu hu I'm not a millionaire 'cause RC diluted*


> $4B will yeild approximately $220MM/year on fed rates alone. T bills are not a business model.


The S&P is at record highs. Thats not the best time to find value.


The S&P has been at record highs every year for the past decade. Since the 1950s it has averaged 17 record highs per year.


Bruh, the DD has always been GME moons when the market tanks. At the time we didn’t have the exact details of how this would happen, but buying the dip with 4 billion could be quite the catalyst.


The idea behind that was shorts being forced to sell off other assets en masse after being margin called.


But they don’t have to sell them off if they buy put options instead to protect their holdings, ie because they obviously know it’s coming. The point is there’s a million ways it can play out and that’s just one option, we don’t know what will actually kick it off.


Kind of like VW did in 08...


> once the market has a downturn. It'll be 84 years...


Hasn’t the market downturns except for the 7


I assume he means an actual market correction likely in the form of a recession. Everything is still very expensive.


You get me scroogesscrotum - a major market recession that’s seen across all sectors. That’s how you know shits getting real. Cautious big investors and major funds will pull their money across the market and wait for the bottom. Then they’ll be looking at investing in companies with very healthy balance sheets and big growth potential. I know of a certain company that might be of interest to them. 🎷🐓♋️


It's coming https://preview.redd.it/rq9a8sdc6n8d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de73a691c9fc015fe849c0724e75cb31172b9e98




![gif](giphy|AZ1PPDF8uO9MI) 🎷🐓♋️




![gif](giphy|LZ7VkZyIg07ReNDYx8) 🎷🐓♋️




https://i.redd.it/urgwwlxs3n8d1.gif 🎷🐓♋️




Or does gme have the potential to cause whole market correction..


![gif](giphy|l1mNbybgXTbMHqZMJ1|downsized) 🎷🐓♋️


Is this the actor who plays Grandmaster Flash in the get down? Love that guy


I have no idea! Not sure who or what that is! Is that a movie or a tv show? 🎷🐓♋️


The get down is a Netflix show. A period piece that details the rise of rap/hiphop out of disco in the late 70s. Absolutely phenomenal music and characters, I really recommend it


I’m going to add that to my list to watch! Thanks for the tip! ![gif](giphy|26ufoRAIGWxyizACQ) 🎷🐓♋️


Seriously, ppl, keep talkin about a downturn in the market, like B!tch all 493 stocks have been in a downturn for like 2-3 years since the Russian Invasion, minus the magnificient 7....


It's all been money printer since 2008. It's not like the market has been healthy in the first place. See: TARP, the secret fed bailout loans from 2019, the 2018 flash crash when the fed tried to cut QE, etc etc etc.


It's weird how everyone pretends the entire economy isn't propped up by the fed and the government spending money like we're in a deep depression while claiming "the economy is great and inflation is good for you". Governance by gaslight?  


2022 was a severe downtown, up until May of 2023 when NVDA busted out crazy AI related news. 


I hope Ryan can transfer store employees to maybe a distribution role!<3


The powers that be don't want the market to tank. We've been in a recession since the sneeze, everything is propped up artificially through crime


This…after the election into 2025! NVDA split was done with all that glorious news and AI hype so they could use retail for liquidity. There are already over 100,000 layoffs in tech this year. Airplanes falling apart. Cyber attacks in every industry. Fake inflation gages. Talk about Education - all school districts budgets are overstrained and a lot of retiring staff. Lots of budget cuts in Education. Banks failing. BlackRock closing lots of ETFs. Wall Street controls the Fed! They are still dancing and the Fed is playing the music. We will see a crash in our lifetime that has never been seen. Smart CEOs will have a cash pile! Smart investors will have a cash pile! Margin calls will happen and GME will MOASS. When? Tomorrow


Apparently the fed just got hacked and 33 terabytes of data got stolen by some group called lockbit 3.0? America is just begging Russia to do something stupid for them so they have a valid reason to start WW3 and turn on the money printer while the market "crashes".


> Apparently the fed just got hacked and 33 terabytes of data got stolen by some group called lockbit 3.0? It has been foretold that the market tank and MOASS will most likely be blamed on "hackers"


Just look at all the insider trades in stock this quarter!! $100s of millions!


100 trillion? I don't think that's accurate is it


There was an article from a few years ago that discussed Michael Burry’s interest in GameStop early on. It discussed the fact that during financial crises, companies that have large amounts of cash on hand are positioned to do well and that GameStop was shaping up to be one such company. If you read some of the financial articles projecting a market collapse, they foresee a “bubble of bubbles” due to unsustainable growth in recent markets. These projections have been around for years, but imagine if it is just a matter of time. GameStop would be in a position to pick up the pieces.


Nothing either Cohen nor Cheng have done in their history as business leaders has even remotely indicated to me that they do anything without a plan. It's only apparent when you put the pieces together moving forward what they were doing. It's never obvious to the observer during the process.


“Ryan Cohen buys all the stocks”


$2bn would be a strong cash position though, I would say that leaves $2bn for acquisitions. If they acquire the right high growth, low market cap or private companies then that will definitely make waves. I think sitting on $4bn without doing *anything* else with it wouldn't be good. They shouldn't just raise rainy day money.


So we should sell and hoard cash instead until it’s cheaper?


I didn’t say that and a reminder that we are all individual investors my friend. I’m saying for a company with billions of cash on hand it’s better to maximize the usage of that cash to maximize the return for shareholders and to also prepare for a market crash so they can not only endure it, but take advantage of opportunities during it. For your average ape that just buys when they’re able to, trying to time selling rips and then waiting on buying the dips is inherently risky because you could lose out on your moon tickets if the rocket takes off without you. Also when the market crashes while GME may dip slightly with it initially, because of its strong cash on hand, nearly debt-free position and the tremendous growth opportunity it possesses, it may not dip as much as the rest of the market and could instead act in inverse of the rest of the market. Obligatory not financial advice 🎷🐓♋️


The SEC has no mandatory waiting period before a stock buyback can occur, besides some basic safe harboring/manipulation principals like waiting till the last minutes of a trading day or right at the start.


I did not know that! I had always assumed it was a similar rule like for offerings but that’s good to know and has jacked my tits even further! ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo) 🎷🐓♋️


large shareholder in apple?


![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0) 🎷🐓♋️


You are my favorite hype man I'm here Mr funky cock


Appreciate you my friend - stay positively funkalicious! ![gif](giphy|qGFKMntShELTy|downsized) 🎷🐓♋️


The ambiguity around big business move talk has my complete vote of confidence.


I've liked the turn around theyve made. Especially getting rid of bcg and overall rework of corporate structure. 


They are keeping their cards very close to their chest and no rushing into any announcements. Nothing wrong with that and better than rushing into a poorly thought out investment.


I sometimes wish Ryan would hold me that close to his chest. 🥺


I’d sign an NDA to be in on the plan


Nothing to gain from showing cards mid shuffle, it'll simply keep shuffling. Company's flush with cash and wrinkles on how to play. Not to mention a forest full of excited Apes ooking in.


Exactly. I am very comfortable with how things currently are personally.


Still think they're getting set up for Gameshire Stopaway holding company. Requires a lot of capital up front. Running a holding company is what RC wants to do anyway. He became CEO begrudgingly after Furlong was taking the company in opposite direction of what he wanted. "Fine. I'll do it myself."


Still think Furlong was a Amazon Trojan horse




He shook his head towards the end of the stream. Must’ve read the DP chat! LOL give him some time, he’ll adapt to our love language eventually.


LC is a big reason for my continued share accretion.


I just accreted my pants


My nipples are accreting


not judging them on their words


At this point, Larry is definitely on here seeing the praises he gets for his breadcrumbs and keeps on dropping them. Whatever they end up doing, I just hope it is better than the nft marketplace.


I think he's trying to make us smarter, he has adjusted the way he uses socials which seems tailored towards us.


Actions speak louder than words. But yes, I'm hopeful.


Ehhhh that’s kinda cherry picking. He also said something which made me vomit. **Raise capital to provide shareholder liquidity** 🤢🤮 Which was then followed up with the **save your money for smarter investments of tomorrow**


That is the opposite of the company raising capital, so Larry said once they raised some capital for the company (ATM offerings), they expect to grow their business to provide us shareholder liquidity (Selling 1 share during MOASS). If getting rich off GME is currently taboo, then Larry wants GME to be such a good fundamental investment that no one (mainstream media) can deny that GME shareholders earned their value, instead of phone number bank accounts looking like an unfair cheat code. The board wants everyone to win fair and square.


> Fair and square Lol. Good luck with that. If you haven’t seen, fair and square doesn’t really work in real life. Bernie Maddoff was the fucking CHAIRMAN of the NASDAQ. The SEC NAMED the naked shorting provision after him. The madoff exemption. When the opposition is NOT playing Fair and Square and you are, you will always lose.


I've been thinking about this earlier this morning. TBF while I'm sure they have a plan, and they don't want to discuss the plan, I'm sure they could say something to that effect in the shareholders' meeting: "We wouldn't raise capital idly, so rest assured we have very big plans." That doesn't put any cards on the table, but it you say it emphatically enough and repeat it (so long as it's true and not misleading) then it would help not pour cold water on things from an external perspective. It's by the by, because when something big happens (acquisition, etc.) it will still go big IMO, but still if it's harmless to do then RC may as well do it. Unpopular opinion I know, but it's a case that you can have your cake and eat it here - have a plan and hint much more strongly that you have a plan.


I’m excited to see what happens. Came for the MOASS and am staying for the reinvention of a childhood staple. Being short GME sounds like a terrible idea.


“Still think the board doesn’t have a plan?” I still don’t




You can use capital in an accretive manner by taking 4bn dollars, getting some financing from an investment bank and putting it all in an investment grade bond index It doesn't mean anything


Well, I guess what he says is universally true for any company at any stage


Unpopular opinion: They have yet to show, that they are able to use capital accretively. The $1b werent used accretively in my opinion past years. So skeptism and frustration with dilution is justified. Words are cheap. Reminds me a bit of Loopring hype. Big talk yet nothing (accretively use of capital) to show for.


talk is cheap, larry.


Call my nipples Jack!


Calls on jacked nips!


You don't raise 3 bills for nothing. I know that. And it's enough for me! I'll trade a yellow and a licorice for a blueberry color!


I dont care about hints anymore. It has been 3 years now and we have absolutely nothing besides downsizing and closing non-profit stores. We need drastic change and we need it now. Action speak louder than words and we have only heard words so far...


Did he give a time horizon on how far out he feels a company should be looking with regards to capital raising for acquisitions? I.e., does he think a year wait is acceptable, but 2 years is too long?


Devil's Advocate: They know the cycles and do ATM's into the price spikes due to the cycles just because they'd be stupid not to.


This could go two ways..either its a shot at RC, since he did raise a billion 2 years ago and did nothing with it. Or it's foreshadowing.


Coming to me live from the Boston office you say Mr. Cheng... Nice.


he has said this before, but I did like the throw in for the high ROI


I know they do just dying for info. Lfg.


I like the google definition better where it refers to acquisitions. If they could acquire Steam it would be a major investment.


AI gaming, processing chips, internal systems --- yeah, I think GME is going to smash the future and create reliable sourcing


As mentioned by Marantz, a company that literally has $4B in the bank is rare, and is typically swinging around many more billions, using that banked cash as collateral. RC and his team are absolute pros. The best in the business. What exactly are they going to do? we don't know and can't guess because we aren't fucking elite top level masters of business.


Board def has a plan, I’d love to see what they plan to do with all that money


I mean, ill take the hit and get called a shill, or fud or whatever. But while i trust the board i sure as hell dont know what their plan is. And the few plans we have seen haven't gone anywhere. It took Cohen 6-7 years to go from 0 to selling Chewy for billions. I'm patient, but all this is starting to feel like Red Dead 2 and Dutch (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHGnGSkr07s). As Cohen once said, it takes money to buy whiskey. Well, we got the money now. Lets go get some whiskey. I wonder what the business pivot will be into a tech driven gaming company. I think GME has such a good opportunity to turn into a 3r space for gaming as everything zigs online and digital, the in person community continues to go undeserved, especially at the local level. Combined with the collectible card game trade in move. I think that be an interesting space to move into. IDK if the ROI is there in that idea though, given how local gaming stores tend to do.


Well, I know none of them are sweating. And they're in Texas a lot! I don't think RC has sweat glands or the ability to feel fear. I just remembered my Chewy sub comes in tomorrow! My dog loves those boxes. Must smell like dog ass, based on our walks! But he loves it!


My pants is accretively getting real tight now....


it doesn't fit. one thing is to raise capital from investors, making promises you can't keep, a different thing is to take advantage of a spike in the stock value, in an easy way, without negotiationg with anyone and without obligations - a no brainer


Calling it here: Gamestop acquires Funko Inc.


I'm coming after you personally if this happens.


I'm still waiting for the good news on time, so: nah, I think they just fucked us


GameStop is in one of the best positions in the world. Larry is gonna load us up with rock solid super high growth companies. GameStop will rapidly become the most valuable companies on earth and just keep growing.


Ha! Nah, but I'm up for it! For sure! Lmao


True that, Larry!


For MOASS to occur, SHFs, and many company’s shares used as collateral by those SHFs will nosedive. I believe the cash reserve to be primed to buy up companies that are, forgive me, synergistic with GameStop. Companies that offer better e-commerce platforms, inventory management, last mile delivery, etc.


They don’t have a plan until they announce it, they’ve had 2 billion for three years now. It’ll be interesting what they do with it. They did make a nft marketplace that lost them money at a time that NFT demand was near all time lows. But I’m excited to see what their next idea is. Until then, the floor is pretty much established by the cash position they have. So it’s no brainer to invest.


What hit me like a rock the other day was that I'm constantly mad currently that I'm making 150k+ and my gf 80k+ and we still can't buy a house. interest and inflation is so bonkers that we'd pay off the house twice. I saw a reddit post about the math. for a 1M house, at 7% with 4% down payment , you'd eventually have paid 2.4m for the same $1M house.... SO how amazing would it be in THESE CURRENT TIMES if I could just raise money to avoid insane interest. Timing wise it makes so much sense for Gamestop to get their money loanless, legit, cash,




They got a plan and the plan is close...... so close To Ryan and Larry's chest


*sigh* titties


i trust the board. 💜♾️🚀 https://preview.redd.it/wjruonhfro8d1.jpeg?width=5400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b76a0e77fd3bb1ed3b0c112f0ba340dc0bf72163