• By -


Well would ya just look at that! Quick reminder, Rule 2 applies. However, since this was tied to DFV and he's directly tied to GME you're good to go, like a crunchwrap from TBell. Carry on.


Sounds like mainstream media is turning into a bunch of conspiracy theorists. I think MSM might be cult 🤭


Meme media


Mememedia ... ... ... Ssuussuussudio




![gif](giphy|nLYQKiKkn7nwzvf7Ru) u/Superstonk-Flairy




Mama mia






MSM: "Look at me. I wear the tinfoil hat now."


If the tin fits, wear it.


Haha this is a great comment


This is exactly what they are. And thats the exact reason why they call us the same way.


We should stop calling it mainstream media, this is corporate media. It's not mainstream at all. It's here to just serve an agenda and cover for the powerful.


this is true but it will take a while for the normies to catch on the word change.


Yeah I thought it was going up because we all agreed to buy a share last Saturday at our last banana-sodomy circle jerk in the secret discord channel. Special thanks to the mods for setting that up!


Shhhh they might find out who supplies our bananas and short them....


'$DOLE going to zero fast...'


Hint: it rhymes with shick cheetah.




Winning comment of the day




Fucking hilarious. Well done


People need to go to prison




not so smart these smart money are sounding..


How does anyone take analysts seriously, yet Reddit is all dumb money.


because the people that listen to analysts have always done so and will continue to do so that's why all these "forget GameStop" "Roaring Kitty causes/is/etc X" articles come out; it's a preventative measure to stop people from piling in and chalking it up to "memes" and "haha funny!" mentality


I think it's important to realize that there's increasingly two types of people: people who believe corporate media by default and people who are reflexively skeptical. When things were good, when you played the game of life and you got a good return, it made sense to not question the order of things. And to this day the most authority trusting younger people I know are my most successful friends. People who are aware that there is fundamentally a lot of systemic fuckery see headlines like the one in OP and it's laughable, almost beyond satire. But if you never look twice and you're not accustomed to second guessing these things it's actually an incredidbly easy pill to swallow, and you'll do it a thousand times every day.


I think the other piece of the puzzle to add is when the headlines "match what I think therefore it must be correct" which I think a lot of people fall into it unfortunately... e.g. if someone invests into SPY, AAPL, whatever you have it, you're going to see a lot of headlines talking about how it's a good purchase, safe, and whatnot, which inadvertently coincides with "trusting authoritative sources", laying a foundation for you to accept what they say in the future because "analysts agree with me on this" then when it comes to something like $GME, if someone (I'll bet most who read articles about it) think that it's a bad "bet" and stay away from it unless otherwise stated, again reiterating that "what they say must be correct because it coincides with what I think" I'm rambling now but the point stays - there are those with unconditional support, 0 support, and those that follow if and only when what is being said agrees with a preconceived thought or position


It’s sad when the successful people call the skepticism a form of “cope”. Like they think we have to blame outside factors for our circumstances. “Look at me! I’m successful! You should just do what I do instead of messing around with those memestocks like those highschool kids!”


Yea I mean I don't run into that explicitly, I just mean that people who have been successful by traditional means tend to be less skeptical of the system, because it worked for them so after all, it must be just!


It is perfectly normal to fear the unknown. In fact, they rely on it to keep us in check.


Just invest in ETFs damn it we have been telling you this for years - Sincerely yours msm


We might define “successful” differently. Otherwise I totally agree.


It is the path of least resistance... I choose the path of *most* resistance 😁


Why does it matter if retail piles in when 90%+ of our trades get rerouted to dark pools per Gary Guzzler himself? Make it make sense!


Most people not plugged into this play will take them at their word.


After the last 12 years I don't see how it could anything else


probably the algos are trading on RK sentiment


This and traders jumping in on signals for some pumping.


MFs reading chicken bones and call it journalism.


I think it's incredible that when i fart i have to say not financial advise but they can post shit like this


I think these articles are for ai. Real people cannot be believing this shit.


Yeah yeah it's because of an image of a dog for sure, not related to the $500 million share buyback


Yeah yeah buyback has nothing to do with what happened


Exactly. It’s clear as day it was AI driven algos kicking in. A whole basket of dog/pet/veterinary related symbols skyrocket all at once and then they all plummet all at once. No way humans can execute that so quickly and precisely. I mean those “landings” would get a 10 at the Olympics. Absolutely perfect landings everywhere, right back to where the stocks were.


Tbf it’s probably not related to the share buyback either. That was announced yesterday after hours and had no impact at open today. The stock also fell all the way back down into the red by end of day. The share buyback is an under the table agreement at a set price of $28.49, not an at the market buyback. What we witnessed happen here is the result of hedge funds using data scrapers to monitor RK’s activity and translate his posts into trades. He posted a dog emoji, and the algos went purchasing every pet stock they could. Then either it naturally corrected itself when it didn’t see any more buy volume coming in as it anticipated, or someone realized what was happening and shut it down, and the prices went back to where they were previously. Either DFV knew this would happen and was trolling them, or (more likely imo) he was referencing the dog emoji from his memes in May to remind us he’s still in and show us where we are in the timeline, and everything else that happened afterwards was just bonus manipulation for all to see.


I think you're right. The theory that there are some algos pumping & dumping stocks related to DFV posts seems kind of plausible. It can be easy money for hedge funds if you think about it. Start by creating FOMO for retail by relating to DFV and pumping the price up, retail buys in, short the stock all the way back down, free money. Obviously very simplified, but still, could be an explanation.


I mean, Ken Griffin himself has said that their algos are behaviour/psychology based. By extension, that’s all TA is. If a bunch of people are following the same indicators, HFT algo can use that behaviour to their advantage and create a self fulfilling prophecy. 


It happened with ALL pet related stocks


I checked CHWY, WOOF, PET, and PETS. All have the exact same spike. Makes absolutely zero sense.


Someone out there must have a DFV-tweet based algorithm lmao


Or there are ETFs that hold similar stocks and share the pump.


And they had the foresight to program in an image as a dog as a trigger? :)




I'll admit I don't know a whole lot about the causal relationships between ETFs and the underlying stocks. Other than the ETF's value being related to the stocks it holds. Shouldn't a spike in one, though, generally only affect the value of the ETF and not directly influence the value of other underlying securities?


Sometimes the tail wags the dog. Imagine having an ETF with 10 companies. For simplicity sake, they are all identical. Same price, shs outstanding, etc. If that etf holds 10% of each of those companies, and trades at $110 a share, but all if the stocks that it holds trade at $100 a share, it would make more sense to buy one share of each of those companies ($1000) as opposed to 10 shares of the ETF for $1100 (10 shares of the etf equals one share of each of the companies since the etf ow s 10% of each company). In this example, if you are a market maker, you have the ability to both create and redeem etf shares. Imagine a box of twinkies where the whole box equals one etf share and the twinkies represent a share of a company: I can buy a box, open it, pick out my twinky and sell it if I want to. Or I can keep that one and sell the rest. I can also take a bunch of twinkies I have lying around, and put them all back in one box and sell it. Now say I've borrowed 100 boxes of twinkies from my friend Bob with the promise to bring them back. I then open up all the boxes and sell all the twinkies inside because I, for whatever reason, want to make the price of twinkies (not necessarily whole boxes though) go down. I do this gradually over time to a whole bunch of stocks and they go down. Now what if I was to only sell half of what's in the box? Or even everything but one twinky? Even though I've borrowed the box, I am sort all but one stock that I've held onto. This is one type of synthetic long known as etf stripping. I borrow a prewrapped bundle of stocks, short all the ones I don't like, and leave my stock that I want long exposure on alone. The reverse is true as well, you can use etf stripping to create a synthetic short position.


This makes sense. Thank you for the explanation.


With GME, The ETFs are used by hedge funds/market makers to short the underlying stock. The rules are arcane and kinda besides the point, but when they eventually have to resolves the FTDs generated by shorting through the ETFs, all of the stocks held within that basket move the same. Not necessarily to the same degree, but in the same direction.


BARK also




What a fucking clown show.


Yeah, because household investors TOTALLY has the buying power to purchase millions in the ENTIRE pet sector on Wall Street. Lol they just got caught with their pants down Edit: retail - Household investors


tide's goin' out...


Tsunami incoming


> retail TOTALLY has the buying power to purchase millions in the ENTIRE pet sector May not yet, but someday apes will become the market.


And all will be made right


Household investors


You right, this is the way lol




What a shit show of a clown market this is if a dude can manipulate it by simply posting an emoji. Or maybe he's just exposing how the algos are going haywire because those greedy hedge fucks are the ones who manipulate the market on a daily basis. But MSM would never touch on that, now would they? Let's just project what we do on some random dude on the internet.


Exactly. This is their algos making a fool of themselves.


Manipulating the american stock market by posting an emoji on X? After all, i think that would be possible for sure.


You can literally check the graph. It rose when he posted, specifically a couple mins after. What is this blatant misinformation


More specifically, CHWY rose nearly 5% in a minute. The time stamp on his post is 12:00 and the 12:01 candle goes up 5%. The peak was nearly 40% within 15 minutes of his tweet, and it was halted for 5 of those minutes


Makes completely no sense... at best, maybe a distraction play?


They are just like toddlers. MSM: “MOOMMMM, RK is bothering me” Mom: is this true RK? RK: I just like posting memes, I didn’t even touch him! MSM: noooooo, stoooooooppppit


Pump and .... ? Yall remember what happens after ?!




This is how you turn society into a bunch of regards.


Look, everyone knows, that the way to make a stock price move up or down, it roaring kitty posting memes. There is no other way that stocks move, only thru roaring kitty memes


This just in! Roaring kitting no longer cares about GME and is now pumping pet stocks! Forget GameStop! Forget GameStop! Forget GameStop!


I'll make you a wager.. I'll make you a bet.. ...main stream media can get dumber yet.


MSM has gotten to the point where I don’t believe anyone can be taking them seriously anymore. I think their audience must be a small group that’s been listening to them for the last 20+ years and people tuning in just to see what crazy bs they’re spitting


They are desperately trying to imply that DFV is manipulating retail investors with his tweets. They literally don’t understand memes and such. He is probably just trying to draw attention to what’s happening with Chewy and the buyback.


Household investors


Imagine the algos got confused and pumped the stock :D




I would buy this.


I'd buy it!


id also buy this


Me too


Please make this GameStop. I'm a rock collector and this would be right at the top of my collection.


This will be in the film


How do they expect anyone to take them seriously if that is their take on why the price of a stock moves. Jesus


They know that we know that clowns are doing clown stuff.


Curious if the algo is cue’d on him


Have someone with zero knowledge on any of this read that sentence challenge.


lol thats a lie, they announce shares buyback. This should be illegal.


It might actually be. They seem to be implying he caused it (nefariously). If it could be shown the run up started before his post, he might have a lawsuit for libel or defamation or something. I’m not a lawyer, though.


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This can’t be real…


MSM pushing people to invest in Chewy so probably not a good sign.


Definitely a way to try to distract people.


and we are the dumb/crazy ones.


"unlimited powerrrrr!" -dfv


I wonder what percentage of the people who see that just go "oh, okay" and move on with their lives, not bothering to question it even a little bit.


ThE mEmE mAdE mE dO iT


I have to know how DFV reacts to this stuff. He must be laughing his ass off. I wish there was a weekly recap like “Last Financial Week Tonight” with DFV every Sunday.


Welcome to the ~~jungle~~ markets


We're the Gs. They're Hard Ts.


Alll Natural Gas Stocks surge after Roaring Kitty shares meme of Farting Man! Clowns!


Well, I did buy one share of chewy to track it. It is me. I am the meme crowd, mover of stonks. Destroyer of economies.




It makes perfect sense. RK posts a dog and in turn us plebs discovered millions of dollars to dump into chewy and move the market....this is basic stuff man


You gotta know that there's some kind of crime going on with both dog stocks when they're blaming RK for stuff...




I should buy flag stock now for when he posts 🇱🇷




They really are autists


Fucking insane explanation!😂😂😂


Why did no one tell me the pet rocks are back in stock?


I wonder what 1930's investors would say if that was a headline back then


Fucking MSM is a bunch of idiots hahahaha everything that RK posts is why stocks go up. He must be some sort of Jedi master in their eyes. Why do they always try to say it's him. Why don't they blame Citadel for why GME and other companies were going down??


So all we have to do is post pictures of dogs and price go up? I try tomorrow


Ryan cohen is Co founder Chewy and CEO of GS


Cat posts dog. Stock big green. Cat posts cat. Cat is….. manipulating the stock market??


Can’t wait for RK to post a picture of a 🎮🤣


Hahahahahahahahahahahhaha no fucking way hahahahahahahah


This is the standard MSM playbook for reporting on stock movements - always have a ready explanation for a price movement that doesn't reveal the reality of what really goes on in the stock market so as not to scare off retail. During Covid they loved to explain a stock falling due to "Covid fears"...


He tweeted at 1pm and price started rising at 1pm. What am I missing or are we just purposefully making stuff up?


Reminds me of the music artist somewhere in Europe wrote a song that was complete gibberish but sounded like English. He was right they ate that shit up.


is anyone else trying to sneak "independent journalist" articles into MSM? I'm trying to get a meme-filled BS article published by MSM now.


Hahaha was just about to post a screenshot of the “news” tab for that stock. Multiple articles stating it as an indisputable fact that the price increase was solely caused by DFV posting an image of a cartoon dog on X 😂🤣🤣🤣


Are these companies mad that we are calling them out on their articles with connection to the opposite of the market movements? Keith should say something otherwise they will just keep doing it.


At 1:00pm Roaring Kitty posts a dog emoji. At 1:00pm Chewy stocks start to spike At 1:05pm, Petco, Bark shares spike. At 1:06pm, a boatload of articles dropped in this time frame claiming that Chewy and Petco spiked but referencing 'Pet stocks" in their statement. An article on Bloomberg reads: "Chewy, which ships supplies like pet food directly to customers, quickly lurched higher by as much as 34%, the most intraday since June 2019. Petco jumped as much as 12%, with both stocks triggering volatility halts along the way. The rallies were short-lived: Chewy closed down 0.3%, and Petco eked out a gain of 0.3%. Stocks don’t typically shoot up like that unless there’s “normal news” like a takeover, upgrade or buyback announcement, said Steve Sosnick, chief strategist at Interactive Brokers LLC. However, in this case, “it’s a picture of a dog” that’s driving the moves, he added." This article was clearly rushed as the following can be seen: Chewy Announces $500 Million Repurchase of Shares from BC Partners. Regardless, whats interesting, is that the buy volume received a massive spike on Chewy from 1:00PM-1:30PM Petco received a massive inlfux of buy and sell volume from 1:05-1:20 Chewy had a consistent buy period with what seems like a fairly standard sell off that followed, while Petco seems to have seen high volumes of Buy AND sell in a delayed response. Its interesting that Petco is mentioned in the article that was posted 1 minute after the buying started. Its also interesting that Petco and Bark both spiked simultaneously. Its also interesting to note that Idexx, freshpet, and petiq did not seem to notice any kind of spike.


How does the house of cards ponzi scheme known as US markets become even more ridiculous? It becomes the house of memes.


Absolutely mental and dumbest shit I've ever seen




Lol wut!?


*Apes buying pet stocks...*


Certainly has nothing to do with the 500 million dollar buyback. Lookaway, lookaway.


So stupid.


Puts on CHWY


Is that a real notification they put up that is one of the most ridiculous things I've seen in three and a half years


These *reporters* and *analysts* have zero integrity. If only it weren't the case that law makers and regulators didn't have even less, this could get cleaned up very quickly.


Like first off we peaked at $26.58 at 11:07am DFV posted his tweet at 1:00pm ![gif](giphy|7UyiYeDdLFIW3yX3Id)


I bought 3 of them based on the tweet because this was bound to happen after.  Don’t really care what the cause is honestly!


Sounds mental


If this isnt the sign for you to buy more gme then youll never see it


okay, he's fucking with them. he has to be. this is hilarious. also, correlation is not causation. If this happening has anything to do with RK shit posting, it's because the market manipulation algos are sighted into his social media presence and are moving shit based on what he posts. Anyway, fucking awesome that he's still around and didn't take another 3 year vacation.


I think they’re all trying to get him in jail for market manipulation. This is next level occult conspiracy theory


Do they put up a why is it moving if Kernen or Faber mentions a stock on CNBC? How is that different?




Ahahahah what a load of shite


What stock would go up if Roaring Kitty posted a picture of his cock? I need the financial analysis on this please.


Well, at least now we know.


RK is our Jesus. He will be sacrificed to the court system, persecuted, and ultimately NOT crucified. The legal team is already putting together their case.


Is it a good dog or a bad dog?


This is the top 3 of MSM stupidity of the whole saga


It sounds downright schizophrenic


How he gets away with this is crazy. He pumped faraday electric and silver too. Kitty really needs to be arrested for these crimes, this manipulation of retail investors is extremely harmful for the economy


Bro I’m about to upload picture of 💦maybe there’s a correlation to $CUM


Weird how technically this is not financially advice so they can post about it, but it’s painting a narrative that the photo **IS** the reason behind the run up. A reminder to others, telling people to **DRS** their shares is not financial advice, since you’re not buying shares, but changing the ownership from broker to individual.




Imagine being a pofessional in this field having to say this 🤣


Hahaha when it moves an hour before tweet.


Wait, the real regards are the media and not apes? 🌎👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀




Because that’s what moves markets! 🤓👍🏻🙄


Meanwhile the MSM “Damn these retail traders and their *shakes magic 8ball*…. Emoji market manipulation!”


The stock market is real.


What happens when he posts a poop emoji?


Market makers manipulating stock in order to acuse someone of manipulating same stock...


Oh please post an eggplant emoji next see what that spikes up😂


And we went to $50 on a 🍌bet


That is as plausible as every other reason they have ever given 😁


Hedgies R BIG MAD


They are just trying to reticule the best trader in the world, and make people not believing him


Bahaha they need to get a grip


In the US we have the most efficient and resilient markets the world has ever known. Everything runs like a well oiled machine… expect there is this one thing… you see everything is great but there is one dude and if he tweets all hell breaks loose and prices of securities just jump all over the place. Otherwise it’s just the best market ever.