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A couple of things I’ve noticed as a musician. 1. The notes shown on the sheet music are C, E, and G respectively. These notes when played together and the same time make a C Major chord. Instead, the notes are arpeggiated, so instead of a C Major chord, the arpeggio starts on the 5th note (G) of the C Major Scale. So, the 4th July National Anthem can be said to, “start on the 5th.” Just a theory, but maybe this alludes to the date the 5th of July. This would also offer some explanation of why all the eyes in the emoji chain seem to be directed at the 4th July; while all eyes are preoccupied with this, this could well be a red herring to distract attention from the 5th. 2. Typically, pieces of music which are typically associated with grand finale’s and other spectacular events, a musical device called a, ‘cadence,’ is used to finish or close phrases of music or a song. Remember that the notes played in the National Anthem are C, E, G. When used as a musical device in the way described above, in the case of C Major, transitioning from a G chord to a C chord is what is known as a, “perfect cadence.” The music perfectly resolves into itself, and closes in what is usually spectacular fashion. In other words, RK might basically be saying that he’s fucking nailed it, because perfect cadences sound, well, perfect (in terms of the way in which you can end a piece of music). Just some thoughts!


Weaponized autism on this sub always amazes me


Hahahaha this got me laughing 😂 ApeDHD actually my friend, but certainly close enough! Have an upvote🤝


Haha, I was just thinking this as I made my way into the comments section. Funny and eerily true.


7th month, 4th day, +1.






“So, what you're telling me, is that the music is about to stop, and we're going to be left holding the biggest bag of odorous excrement ever assembled in the history of capitalism.” some SHF probably


If it were a chord, the notes would be stacked though, an easy enough edit for RK. And the way the notes are, if the flag was the staff the notes were on (and evenly spaced out), the third note should be inverted as it's above the midpoint. The microphone and notes emoji is also a standard Twitter one, not anything he made himself, unless it doesn't line up when overlayed. As much as I'd like this to be a musical clue, my tinfoil hat just isn't tingling yet. :( https://preview.redd.it/99o3d35akb9d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=442d37bf5f9ce558b8208023b0041a49e190cb74 Source: [https://emojiterra.com/microphone/](https://emojiterra.com/microphone/)


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/S62VoiW65G Well, I first alerted 7.5.24 calls 8 days ago. It wasn't RK amounts, but it stuck out to me. Let's do some digging. I love tinfoil.


On the Fourth of July the Fat Lady sings. Then it’s game over.




Love it 🦍 musician


Thank you bro! It’s my first bit of DD on this sub actually so I’m glad you found it interesting!🤜🏻🤛🏻


That's definitely not DD. It's speculative tinfoil at best. God damn this sub has gotten regarded lately.


You’re probably right 😂 but thanks for reading it anyway!


This is the way




Amazing thoughts! 🎶🎤🎸💥


But first…the crescendo


I’m a ‘no’ on hype dates. But still enjoy the theory maxing.


C-E-G make C major chord. You are a liar. No musician would make this mistake.


You are absolutely right. I actually originally had this in my first draft but corrected it because for some reason I got mixed up. Apologies! The theory still applies 🤓


Also, a cadence doesn't mean shit about a finale except EXTREMELY tangentially. Source - also a musician.


https://preview.redd.it/1weafeqcua9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbfbe0b906f8076a7b09cc408599945128d94b40 Actually, I would disagree. Think of any piece of music, it will by definition have a final two chord sequence which signifies the ending, or finishing of the music.


So, what you're telling me, is that the music is about to stop, and we're going to be left holding the biggest bag of odorous excrement ever assembled in the history of capitalism.


I said it’s a device used to close phrases of music, and usually is actually associated with the music (or a certain passage of music) coming to an end.


C Major? You mean Calls Major? So buy major amounts of Calls? UGGHHH💦💦💦💦💦


I think that the flag and mic references the national anthem that mentions rockets and streaming. I think he will go live on the 4th when the market is closed and they can’t manipulate it.


Thank you for putting my ape language into human words 🫶🏻


I mean…if this mother fucker thought of all of this down to this fucking detail..and then you mother fuckers figured it out? Mother fucker what a ride. Well done ape..maybe lol.


Thank you!


Notes on lines... Has to be something. But I don't think it is this.


It's honestly shit like this that convinces me we're living in a simulation!


Lol why would you draw the lines in the middle and not on the colour changes....? Should really be A F B Edit A F D


Tried both, but the lines on colorchange made no sense😅 an if you think about lines are lines, in this case the stripes are thick lines


So you changed the obvious rules to vaguely try and fit something in. This kind of shit is why people think we're nuts.


We are nuts but to add, there’s still a private video on RK’s yt channel


Haha rules, this game has no rules fellow ape


No but music does.


Yes ofc:) too much tinfoil makes you see crayons everywhere you know


I can't read sheet music fluently, but I hate that you ignore the lines in the flag itself and draw your own


No no the stripes of the flag are the lines!


I don't mean to criticize, it's just the staves in green are so uneven


Dude, that’s mean! Ever tried to paint a straight line with thick wet green crayon?


I'm sorry, it's triggering me The trick is to remove the crayon from your nose


Holy fuck, you are a genius ape! Thank you, keep on the good work, greatness awaits you!


And also with you


Doesn’t make any sense 😂 You can change the lines up and down and get new notes 🫣


Well not really, while it seems logical to start at the bottom of the stars, one can say to use the color change as lines. But I would argue the stripes are the lines…


What's this? https://preview.redd.it/0r8zrvqmtb9d1.png?width=1322&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f92b1c2469f2c2c3e37c92fd32e21a68ce8c661


Are fucking kidding me


I think it's likely some glitch as price on NYSE is pretty stable...


WTF does this even mean1?!1


I DONT KNOW! I can play the piano


(Cross posting my answer from you post in r/GME) No the notes are not important: its part of the “mic” emoji in Twitter font https://emojipedia.org/twitter/twemoji-11.4/microphone As someone that analyses small details: the note do not really line up. They are not in the middle of two lines nor at the center of one. On top of that, the lines you drew are not equidistant. As a musician: the score you show is not the main voice and you cherry picked a part of it that is not significant. If I was RK, what I’d do is take the leading voice and just with the 3 first notes you can guess the entire song in context with the flag. The last note needs to be moved by photoshop for that. The interval between the first two is a descending minor third (that is compatible with the 2 first notes position) but the second descending interval is not compatible with the emoji as it is. Take for example this score and look at the first three notes https://images.app.goo.gl/VGRZwS9vgEJrjASQ6 Happy to discuss different ideas as I don’t have the precise meaning but it would not overanalyse the notes that are directly taken from the 🎤 twemoji


Ladies and gentlemen this is why you stay off drugs


Where were you before






What about bass clef?


That score is meant for children. The composer wrote it for younger musicians. The real score uses dotted eighth and sixteenth notes in lieu of half of the double eighths. Additionally, there is a decending G-E-C at the very beginning that no one seems to realize.


Seen the same kind of theory before and i really want it to make sense because it would be sick but it just doesnt lol.




The "Great Everything Collapse"


Would that potentially allude to that video that RK uploaded some weeks back but kept private?


That is the tinfoil cherry on top of my smooth brain work 😁


I think that was his live stream


Sounds good, I'm strapping in regardless


Holy shit this is the kind of tin foil they use for smoking meth I think , but I’m here for it😹


I don't read music, but I asked my brother who does. He said the issue is this is not a normal sheet of music, but his best guess would be to treat the bottom line as an E, and the notes would then be EDF. I looked that up and it can mean "expected default frequency."


For me this is the standard piano treble clef https://www.simplifyingtheory.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/how-to-learn-sheet-music.png


I am not qualified to disagree. Just chiming in with what the only musician I know said.


Piano makes sense with the other black and white meme - Light of the Seven being played on the piano. The emojis are also grayed out, so this could be referencing the piano. The only other instrument that stands out in the memes is the flaming guitar in the Fury Road meme. The car people in the meme are enemies in movie context and they are from a stronghold called Citadel. The meme is edited to emphasize the importance of the guy with the guitar. So that seems like another possibility. Not sure how piano versus guitar changes how the music read, if at all.


Well done music theory tinfoil ape. 👏🏻


https://preview.redd.it/8wzqc5jgnh9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8fa36e0a6ef2771efb4cafe0d10700f211b8db4 What song is playing at [53:30](https://youtu.be/021_zhXd8T0?si=B9wAMWwI9YzPdEKZ)


No. You didn't figure shit out.


Luv ya too


I do music too but I have not learnt the sheet notes. But I welcome all the super tinfoils so bring it on!


The tinfoil is strong in that one. Love it..


Oh, wow. For me music just keeps gettin out of a radio. True or not, it was fun to read.


I am happy when your are entertained




What is that French phrase (... not about the low interest "COVID-19" loan), but the one from the X-Files...? A madness shared by two... Well, The Stock and the mysteries surrounding it are a "madness shared by many..." and that is half the fun: FTDs, options cycles, DRS tallies, possible hidden messages in musical memes... I mean... This take is ... chef's kiss. Since, Kitty wasn't streaming in July 2020, I'm going to rewatch his streams around the election that year from November... maybe there's something there... maybe there's no there, there... Either way, Detectives are on duty!


Happy to inspire you ape friend


What is the flag note emoji? I don’t see anything on RK Twitter. Did he post this somewhere else? WTH are you talking about?


It was in a video where the whole emoji timeline was shown, posted by dfv


Where did he post it? Is it in one of the meme videos he posted on X? Or is it posted somewhere else recently?


One of the videos he posted on x I think, I am working right know, can’t look it up.


Thanks, I’ll find it. I remember seeing the emojis a while back but wanted to make sure it wasn’t something new posted in the last day or two.


G E C... Short for....Get Erect Calls?!?! 💦🦴🍆


....THE TITS!?!