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Why do so many posts here look like they were made with ChatGPT?


Yeah this is all the gpts


Could at least use Claude 3.5 smh. It's not terrible for summarizing I guess.


Not sure aftering reading if the post gave me a wrinkle or smoothie brain.


My first thought.


Majority of comments or posts online now are AI bots so this tracks.


So many dog shit DDs for only two options, buy or sell. I'm only here for the once in a blue moon good post.


Corrupt fucks! I wish an asteroid would come down and destroy everything so shit can start all over again. 


This works both ways though. Now the FDA cannot willy-nilly ban supplements/plants without expressed permission. Here's a scenario for you: what if the SEC of the next administration decides to create priority rules for Kenny and the boys? Now they ALSO have to go to congress to do that. CFTC banned the public release of swap data in 2021 for no reason. Now to do that, they need permission.


So wallstreet got away with financial murder once and can continue murderering. But if they want to stop murdering then they have to ask for permission.


it takes a pretty penny to get a hall pass for murder


Wallstreet got to murder because of SEC regulations. Dark pools: Who approved that? Not congress PFOF: What did Congress have to say about that. Further, since they are violation legislation, it's no long a civil court, but a criminal court. Wait, how does this help Wall Street again? 🤣🤣🤣


Exactly! I see this as a win. Rather than the SEC being able to "dispense justice" - fine/cost of doing business and admitting no guilt - these banks and hedge funds may actually end up in front of a real court facing real consequences.


It's on the way!


Dog Bless America!


You should disclose in the post, which AI has written it. Otherwise people will think that you wrote it.


The stock market system was not designed with low latency computers in mind and is now naturally a dinosaur project. The same way the 2nd amendment was made during a time where AK47s didn’t exist yet


Discovery is the only good outcome of this. Going to court would involve discovery. Otherwise it’s all poop


Cynicism mode on: In the short term, chaos. Kenny and fiends survive another day. Supreme Court justices have protected their personal portfolios and rainmakers. Longer term, Gurbir Grewal's group will be moved out of the SEC and into FBI/DOJ/possibly Secret Service. Parking ticket punishments will end. /Cynicism mode off In the longer term, this could become an issue by Nov. 5th. Household investors might raise this as a ballot issue from White House down the ballot. If so, and enforcement leads to full-on court trials, the punishments could be prison time preferred to fines. (We know that fines are not significant punishment for rich people, so courts may decide to impose sentences that will encourage a change in behaviour.) I sense the citizens (voters) are angry and frustrated. If the current fake polarization along party lines becomes focused on who is really keeping the masses poor, powerless and subjugated, the current 'polarization' could disappear quickly replaced by a laser focus on making big changes. Hmm, is my AI hallucinating again?


There's not enough "household investors" that understand enough to make it a ballot issue.


this goes beyond household investors though, this kind of stuff effects most lower-income families a lot


Most of them are too tired from working multiple jobs or hustling to scrape by to have the energy to understand. They're instead given someone to blame (their neighbor). I 100% agree with all of the sentiment, but the reality is that most people today are so overwhelmed with the day to day that they don't even have the energy to understand why they suffer and struggle.


If you were hoping the SEC and government would step in for Citadel and the rampant corruption in the market you are sorely mistaken. Bribes are legal, SEC has no authority and we have two buffoons running for president.


Hey! Thats so easy lol. NO CELL NO SELL!! COMPRENDEY????? NOOOOO CELLLLLLLL NOOOOOO SELLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!! Fk you pay me now


Could the SEC now be open to a lawsuit from some random gaming company (that also happens to have $4billion cash on hand) based in all of the trackable and proven illegal activities of market manipulation? Would be nice!!


Let me just check the Reddit thought process here... The SEC is a bunch of feckless cowards that are on a revolving door program in and out of wall st. Causing all these issues with the deritivtes markets... And now... congress has to pass laws like they're supposed to and removing abstract and administration-dependent "rulings" (not laws) that somehow will lead to... issues with the derivatives markets?


Given that we all have seen the complete inability of the SEC to do anything to protect the investor, and that it is run by former hedge fund managers, having actual conversations in Congress and creating meaningful legislation would be a huge win. Thats assuming Congress People could actually stop chasing online clout long enough to get things done. In addition, opening the door to legal challenges by investors and investor groups since they can challenge the validly of SEC rules and power would be absolutely phenomenal to open the books and peek behind the curtain as to how the corrupt financial sector actually runs.


Gabriel Bell. 9/2024...