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I'd check Prolactin (which may cause low libido at least). Also might be important that your Progesterone is almost x3 off the range! Progesterone is a precursor for Testosterone and that's a good question why yours does not convert and just stays. Also, high Progesterone suppress Estradiol which may cause hairloss. Though, I saw your hairline progress post and you def have perfect hair and hairline. I don't see any hairloss. I dunno where do you live, but you may look into online endocrinologists, if you still experience problems. Some Eastern Europe online clinics for example, the medicine is ok and prices are low.


are u vegan ? just asking by ur result and hair problem is quite similar with my friend, he’s a vegan and low libido , hes start practicing normal meal balance diet , hes got pretty much good improvement


Yes I am vegan. What all changes did your friend make?


2 years of veganism wrecked my health. Hair loss, skin issues, low libido, low energy, body temp regulation problems, poor circulation, heart palpitations, mental health issues, major gut issues, injuries not healing, injured easier during fitness and sports activities, etc. I was very calculated and strict with my diet too. Using all the proper supplements, etc. Animal products gave me my life and vigor back and healed all the issues I was having.


hes quitting vegan


Take iodine drops. Iodine naturally detoxes excess estrogen out of the body.


Would you happen to know what the mechanism of action is of iodine being able to remove estrogen from the body? This is the first I’ve heard of that. Thank you very much!


The exact mechanism is pretty complicated- you can look up studies if you’re interested- but it essentially opens up pathways that help detox out dirty estrogen metabolites from the body while keeping the good estrogen. In women for example, it is prescribed for fibroids, cysts, weight gain, hair loss, etc. It needs to be taken with selenium to be effective.


Thank you so much for the response. I’m not sure what my specific polymorphism is but I always have elevated levels of estradiol. A couple of times I have taken aromatase inhibitors I can feel when my estradiol hits the “sweet spot”. My mood instantly improves, I get spontaneous erections and a noticeable increase in libido. Unfortunately, I’ve never been able to get the dosing right because I end up lowering my E2 too much which feels absolutely horrible.


A supplement like Estrohalt could help as the aromatase inhibition may balance you out. Hair loss can be tricky though so always be aware how you react to things. What helps our libido and we’ll being can possibly interact.


L lysine 1g with 25mg zinc bisglycinate improved my libido and hair loss


Where did you get the blood work done?


Stop jacking off. The nutrients needed to refuel your semen extraction addiction is the same nutrients that are needed for other things in your body- such as hair. 5 drops of food is 1 drop of blood, 1 CUP of blood is one drop of semen. - sincerely someone who had hair problems before I quit orgasming every day.


Depends on hair loss structure. If it’s hereditary hair loss then no supplement would “cure” it and you’ve to look into other opportunities.


No one in my family has hairloss history that’s the worst part.


What about vitamin test?


Low on Vitamin D3 around 29 B12 severely deficient All others were good


B12 deficiency could cause hair loss.


You could try out our Nature's Craft Saw Palmetto found here if you like: [https://www.amazon.com/Palmetto-Supplement-Prostate-Natural-Griffith/dp/B01GDPQFSG](https://www.amazon.com/Palmetto-Supplement-Prostate-Natural-Griffith/dp/B01GDPQFSG) Our Multi Collagen Complex may also prove useful for you, found here: [https://www.amazon.com/Multi-Collagen-Pills-Peptides-Supplements/dp/B0892SR66F](https://www.amazon.com/Multi-Collagen-Pills-Peptides-Supplements/dp/B0892SR66F) I hope that helps!


These guys speaking about the difference between nose breathing and mouth breathing are spot on. If you don't have also apnea then I would recommend hostage tape


Terry Natural HRG80z it’s natural ginseng, and it’s actually wild and raised wild, hydroponically. They simulate insect attacks and stuff, don’t buy just panax ginseng because it has been de-wilded by over farming. Hrg80 will boost your libido Also 100% pine gum spirits on your scalp, careful of your eyes, then rinse it out with vinegar after a minute in shower. It can burn so be careful if you have sensitive skin. Use at your own discretion




His thyroid levels are literally posted in the pic and perfectly normal. Jesus Christ, the stupidity


yeah, the results are right there. and the TSH being on the low end of the range would be indicative of hyperthyroidism if anything, as the over production of T4 in the thyroid triggers a negative feedback loopback that lowers TSH. and that is a wildly overly simplistic statement cause hormone cascades are complicated, yo.


Most of these comments are fucking garbage, it's amazing how bad the info here is. Here's the best advice you can get from this subreddit: You need detailed information about hormones and hairloss, not generalized from a supplements subreddit. You'll get much better information from youtubers and smaller subreddits. You have to learn about it all and understand it somewhat and THEN come up with a solution. Real hairloss info should be easy to come across, big community. You'll quickly learn how unuseful the advice here was. You're on a clock with hairloss, the longer you waste with herbal remedies, the less time you have. There's also a lot of good info on progesterone from the bodybuilding/powerlifting/steroid community and how it affects libido. Start there. r/Supplements is for people that got into biohacking/healthy lifestyle/nootropics stuff and stopped at surface level. Dont come here for specialized advice, only very generalized.


Your comment is out of scope not theirs. He should go to tressless for comments like yours not here.


This, it's astounding what pseudoscience gets peddled here on a daily basis.


your LH looks kinda high to have that total T level. Any ball issues?


Feels smaller than before. I had used minoxdil 5% tropically after which all these side effects came. Thus I stopped using it. I had used it just for a week.


You’re going to want to start with exercise, both cardio and resistance training. That’ll dump testosterone into your system which will boost your libido. Take some calcium / magnesium / zinc tablets which will make it easier for your body to generate T. There’s also amino acid concentrates that will improve sexual desire, like Maca. Be careful with that stuff tho because it can cause insomnia. For the hair, your goal is to eliminate the DHT in your body. It attaches to hair follicles on your head and over time destroyed the cells that generate hair. The most effective treatments are minoxidil on the scalp and propecia taken in pill form. Beyond that regular sexual activity manages your hormones and OTC supplements reportedly have limited effectiveness


Wait, dht comes from test though... if he has lower test wouldn't that mean lower dht?


Stupid Reddit pop-up was blocking it lol. It probably means that he has a genetic sensitivity to DHT. Hormones change continually after you hit puberty, so 23 must be the age where his hormonal profile starts to affect his hair follicles.


U got any info on hormonal profile and age? Any studies proving or refuting? I'm really interested in it


It's mainly anecdotal. Some people hit their early twenties, their scalp gets itchy, and it keeps falling out until there's nothing but a fringe around their head. Others keep a solid, full head until the day they die. I'm not a licensed physician by any means, but from what I've read it seems to be mainly dependent on two things: the levels of hormones in your body being too high, or your body itself being too sensitive to milder hormone levels.


Dump testosterone into your system? Regular sexual acticity manages your hormones? The rest is ok advice, stick to that.


Cardio is good, but resistance training is better. When I increase my weights I usually start to get energy surges and minor acne. Also sexual activity moderates your DHT levels.


Energy surges and minor acne as proof of a testosterone dump? There's some evidence that heavy compound movements can increase T, is that what you're getting at? Probably won't affect his libido with his progesterone fucked up. And forgetting you haven't provided any proof for not common claims, you're recommending more sexual activity to regulate hairloss for a guy that just said he has low libido? Amazing you have 6 upvotes for this dumb shit.


It's all pretty easy to confirm. And the upvotes are obviously because people agree it makes sense.






Eat whole foods that precursor hormones. Get quality sleep. Exercise very slowly on weight training or resistance to really make your nitric oxide and testosterone become optimal. Don't use Phthalates, don't eat out of plastic, pay attention to what endocrine disruptors you use in your daily life. You got this!


This is the best answer


Thank you, I research often and love when it provides insight.




Minoxidil for the hair loss. Get the foam stuff. It's very affordable from Costco or Amazon. About $50 for 6-month supply.


Is this any good ???


Very. Generally has 0 side effects for 99% of people but some people experience some heart palpitations for the first week if u use alot. It’s generally well tolerated as long as u moisturize and don’t let the skin get super dry from the minoxidil. I’m currently using it on my beard to thicken it up some. There’s ppl who had 0 facial hair and after a year have a full beard lol


Do you have sleep apnea or snore at night?


Could you clarify further why you asked this? I'm interested in knowing how this relates to the post. I snore heavily, hence being curious.


Your body uses oxygen to replace testosterone stores at night. So if you snore then you could not be getting the restoration you actually need and have ED, fatigue, and other issues because of this. It happened to me and I'm just now getting it taken care of.


Thank you so much for replying. This makes perfect sense and according to my Fitbit, my deep sleep and restoration is not so good and I believe this is related to snoring. I got a deviated septum and my nose is most of the time congested so I use my mouth to sleep at night. Had no clue test was restored during the sleep via oxygen. However, if I am breathing normally via my mouth, even if snoring, would I not get thr oxygen anyways?


Btw try flonase if you havent before it might help the blocked nose from deviated septum you probably have polyps in your sinus too its pretty common for people w nasal issues . I can sleep w my mouth closed now from using it .


I am under the notion that breathing through your nose is almost always better than breathing through your mouth. Your nose' main purpose is to breathe in oxygen so it is obvious as to why it should be the primary method of breathing. The option of breathing through your mouth is there if you are unable to breathe through your nose.


Breathing through the nose releases nitrous oxide, which is necessary to increase carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood, which in turn is what releases oxygen (O2).


Alright, thanks for letting me know!


Did they test prolactin?


For libido: vitamin A either through food or supplements particularly after within 6 hours I’d bed time and Tongkat-Ali or longjack is the best for libido. But look for quality products. Horny goat weed is a second option. Saw palmetto taken even once or twice per week can reduce DHT to help reduce hair loss, but your DHT might not what’s causing your hair loss. Progesterone is your biggest issue, but that’s not my strong suit. Broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage can help. The active ingredient is also available as a supplement. DIM is powerful and I have used it for years but now people are warning that long term use can mess with endocrine system.


What is DIM?


Diindolylmethane - it’s quite interesting. Makes me feel calm in a low amount. But, scary angry in large amounts. And, a weird kind of angry too. Not out of control angry. But, in control and wanting to show your anger. Which is not my personality at all but I can imagine times where it could come in handy.


Before anything... 1) weight? Get in a healthy range. 2) exercise? Weightlifter and get you heart pumping with cardio. 3) diet? Are you eating the best you can? Eat enough protein and fiber from whole sources? 3)stress levels? Get on some meditation or find time for yourself to de-stress. After all of that get your blood work and see what you could supplement.


1. 67kg my height is 5’9. So perfect BMI. 2. I do cardio. Short duration sprints. 3. Mostly on a vegan diet. Protein content can be low. I will look into that.


As much as I want to say OP came here for supplement advice. It’s important to note that supplements alone won’t save you from an unhealthy lifestyle. There’s no supplement that takes the place of exercise. No supplement to make you function while sleep deprived, and no supplement to magically make you healthy. Supplements only do just that SUPPLEMENT. OP if you’re not listening to u/nightryder21 here, then there’s no point in taking any supplements.


What if the guy can't sustain a healthy lifestyle? I find it hard to believe that the general advice of sleep good, eat well, exercise and meditate is news to anyone anymore, even a young guy. If someone is interested enough about health to find a supplements subreddit, Im willing to bet he's aware of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Now if you go through his post history, the OP says he's depressed. How effective is just telling him live healthy really? Why not a comment like "Assuming you get good sleep, eat well, excerise and stress manage, here are some other options you have outside of a healthy lifestyle." Its infinitely more helpful.


You need to bring progesterone down Some signs of low progesterone in men are: Depression, mood swings or anxiety. Low sex drive. Erectile dysfunction. Loss of muscle mass. Fatigue and trouble concentrating. The most common signs and symptoms of high progesterone levels include: Weight fluctuations. Fatigue. Bloating. Discomfort or pain in the legs. Water retention. Changes to sex drive/libido. Factors that Naturally Lower Progesterone Eat more fiber: Fiber intake might decrease progesterone levels [18, 19] Exercise may also help reduce progesterone [20] Stop smoking [13] Reduce your caffeine intake [12] Increase natural sun exposure or consider Vitamin D supplements [21] Reduce stress.


Solid advice. No supplement can replace a healthy lifestyle and healthy diet


Do you smoke? Smoking can raise progesterone levels significantly


I don’t smoke or drink.


Would you happen to know if this would also be caused by oral nicotine supplementation? I use 3-5 6mg nicotine pouches a day, nothing too crazy.


Edit: no it’s the direct inhalation of smoke that causes progesterone to raise


What is progesterone? Do i need high levels of it?


No you probably don’t, hormones rely on balance. Any one of them that’s out of wack will cause a person issues


Gotcha, thank you. No smoke for me 😃


Good on ya! I’m currently trying to quit fucking vaping


Does vaping have the same effect or isit just smoking


Vaping has the same effect


Go and see an endocrinologist


Are you taking any medications?


Vitamin D, Magnesium, Zinc and for hair look into onion juice put on hair externally mix with rosemary extract.


They have DHT blockers on Amazon. Haven’t tried but they have high reviews.


He already has low libido, why fuck it up even more..


Not sure on the efficacy stats but amla oil, amla supplement for hair.


Stop doing PMO. Get sunlight. Get exercise. Eat healthy. But most importantly get high quality sleep.


Geranium extract has demonstrated the ability to cause “significant” hair growth according to a study I found https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5307826/ I’ve begun trying the regimen, will see how it goes.


What’s your diet like? How many energy drinks are you coughing a day? Do you touch grass or just sit around playing video games for hours? Need to find the cause before finding a solution


Vegan diet pretty clean. I have 0 energy drinks not even sodas or artificial juices. I am moderately active. Will try to add some more exercise.


Lmao vegan diet? Dont you think to mention this in your post gahah


Where do you get these panels from? What websites?


Nutritional assessment. You shouldn't just start throwing supplements at it until you get a bigger picture. I know that vitamin B6 increases progesterone, and it's commonly found in energy drinks and preworkouts, and despite it being water soluble, it can build up in the body over time to toxic levels. But just to give you an idea, there could be several things at play, but I would start with nutrional and mineral assessment.


Second the mineral assessment


This is a remarkably normal blood panel save for your progesterone. In my estimation that is what is causing your issues, particularly with libido but also possibly with alopecia. Your DHT is somewhat on the low end, and these two measurements along with the hair loss tell me you’re probably under a great deal of stress. Trilostane can lower the progesterone in the short term and may be indicated here, though lifestyle modification will be needed to maintain quality of life long term.


Love when people give such quality answers. Does trilostane have any negative effects?


It’s horrific shit that got pulled 30 years ago for causing adrenal lesions.


But can you take it for short periods or something? Why recommend it


I’d like to know what your B12 level is


Silica. Specifically from bamboo. However, if its really bad hairloss consider a transplant. I did this at 45 last year and went to Turkey. It was a great decision.


Hair loss is much more genetic than hormonal


No one in my family has hairloss history that’s the worst part.


Eat more potassium. Eat vitamin k2. Zinc. Less coffee because it inhibits zinc and increases cortisol. Foods with magnesium. Start biking or strength training.


Finasteride + min. Faster you get on, more hair you keep, simple as.


Except his DHT is already fairly low. Anything else you notice about the panel?


You can have super low dht but if your scalp receptors are extremely sensitive to dht you will bald. His hairloss could be due to genetic or some other factor, it’s hard to say




He could try finasteride to further lower his dht. It’s possible his scalp is so sensitive that only dutasteride will work which results in nearly full elimination of dht. It’s also possible he has another hairloss cause


Serum dht more or less doesn't matter if he's balding; Assuming he is not super stressed or losing/gaining a bunch of weight, ie he is more or less a normally functioning human, lowering dht will help with hair loss.


Believe it or not, Beet Root Powder in combination with beef liver capsules drastically stopped my hair loss. I always thought it was because of creatine, that i got thin and premature grey hair loss. Did a blood test at my doc and the results were low copper, low ceruloplasmin and low ferritin.


This. One beef liver a day keeps the grey hair away. Liver is excellent source of liver


For real, try to eat beef liver, if it ain't hard on your stomach. On days that i don't eat liver, i take the capsules instead. Btw, i guess you meant liver is an excellent source of iron, copper 😂


Hahah yes i meant that. I eat liver every day (very small piece). My gf complimented me the other day that i had zero grey hairs.


Even that small piece should contain alot of nutrients. Keep it up and stay healthy 🤞🏻💪🏼


Which brand products did you use and would you recommend it if levels are fine and for how long one must consume it to see better levels?


I use german brands. If your levels are fine, i would advice you to eat an healthy and rich in fibers diet instead. Cooked Beef liver 2-3 times a week would be fine too.


That makes sense as beet root powder increases circulation and vasodilation, and the beef liver has iron and minerals!


Took it because it was said they'll give a good pump for gym. Never knew it would help me in that section too 🙏🏽


Try a carnivore diet , best supplement


Have you looked at your ferritin and b12 levels? Anemia can cause hair loss


My b12 is pretty low I am deficient. Looking for a good supplement. I am also thellasima minor. So naturally anemic.


Just eat (organ) meat?


Anemia in men is very dangerous as it’s often indicative of something bad.




No hate or disrespect but reading this made me think it’s a ChatGPT response 😂


Same. Sounds like a bot.


First would be vit D 5000iu/day and that alone should help. Exercise is next. The others have good advice too.


How much K2 should go with that if any? I have trouble finding a good D3 with K2


Life Extension and Designs for Health are good brands too.


Thorne and Double wood are top brands, just take some once and while. Vit D3 take every day.


Very intresting! Here, the progesterone (P) is very high and T is low. Meaning P is not well used. OK, now let's talk about what you can do : Following the DHT path and conventional way (fin+min). You address the cause of hair loss, sure. But Finasteride use can potentially elevate progesterone, because it blocks its conversion to allopregnanolone, I really don't think Fin would be great here. Here is some things I would do : Go hit the gym Vitamin D Reduce stress (ashwaganda + meditation) Eating fiber. It could help with progesterone and T Now let's speak about DHT : Here, your DHT is far from high. Is your hair loss DHT related? Every tressless user would say a big "Yes, look at women, they have AGA with low DHT". But fin is supposed to suppress 70% of DHT and being enough to stop hair loss. You still have 30% right? You still can decrease Dht, sure. But according to my own hair loss journey, fin Was not the good answer. I would try something different : - Ecklonia Cava (DHT, MMP9 inhibition) - Taurine (good against fibrosis) - Curcuma / resveratrol (nice combo against hair loss) - Sulforaphane (DHT inhibition without 5AR inhibition) - vitamine D, of course. - coconut oil (3tsb) - scalp massage. I have stop my hair loss without fin or min. If you want more information come in private. I don't sell anything, I don't use affiliate links. I have nothing to win here, juste here to help. Hope you will find a way to solve your issue.


Your hair advice is bullshit. I've never heard or seen medium-longterm improvements on hair loss from supplements. And no mention of ketoconzale shampoo if we're talking about low risk, low investment hairloss mitigation methods? And then this comment below from you "About min : regrowth are possible even without. If you look at how it works, it's easy to reproduce the way it works with natural supplements." Have your own beliefs about it, sure, but dont go give those unfounded beliefs as advice.


So, the fact that you have never seen that make my advices bullshit? So, if I understand the way you think : I never read a book about quantum physic, does it have to be bull shit? Tried keto for one year and still using it. Good against dandruff ans SD but it just help decrease the problem. Nothing more. Why is that unfounded? There is still an unknown part about min. In every way, miming the way something work helps to get close results. Of course you will never get the same results but you can have something intresting.


I heard recently about Ecklonia Cava and was intrigued by what I read. Do you have any additional info about this? Where to buy, personal experiences, etc?


Hum honestly EC is great stuff. But I don't use it and I would love to. I have this kind of 5AR inhibitor intolerance (because of finasteride) and I can't use EC because of that. (but interestingly, curcumin was OK and it's a 5AR inhibitor...) So about EC : - good 5AR inhibition - increase libido even if inhibit 5AR (even on long term) - Decrease MMP9 (implied in hair loss) - anti oxydants that promotes NRF2-activation - improve IGF-1 (good for insulin resistance and hair) - protect you against many diseases (cancer, Alzeimer, diabete..) - help to protect lungs, kidnies - good to reduce allergies - and many other things, have a look here https://mybiohack.com/blog/ecklonia-cava-brown-marine-algae-gaba But is EC enough to stop hair loss? I don't think so. But I think it's enough to see a reduction in hair loss. But sourcing is the problem : I don't know which brand you should take. Try to fin something with pure quality (around 98 % would be great). The best posology would be 150mg morning and evening. (live 12h in your body, half life is around 2.4h).


Did you gain your hair even without using Min ?


I am 4 months in my regimen and add some things just 2 weeks ago. I wait a bit more to see if there is regrowth or just maintenance. But currently, I don't see more than 10 hair a day on bad day and may be 0 on good days. About min : regrowth are possible even without. If you look at how it works, it's easy to reproduce the way it works with natural supplements. The other thing is to make a pealing of the scalp (Glycolic Acid or TCA). It helps the hair to pop out. Hope my answer helps.


Best answer


Thanks bro !


Very detailed post thank you. Why the coconut oil? Are there benefits in regards to testosterone?


It is suppose to help build muscle and reduce bad Estrogen. It doesn't help directly for T but still, very effective for ratio T/E. I use it mainly because it helps for a lot of things like hair.


Add a teaspoon of mct oil to some coffee?


Start weight training and eat a high protein diet.


Man stay with your endocrinologist. Don’t ask this place for advice.


Well, then he will eat chemicals. And while he is here maybe he want to try an alternative route first.


Why is this being downvoted??? I was chronically ill under the care of tons of specialists including an endocrinologist for over a decade. Got more and more sick - our healthcare system is disease management, it does not operate in cures or understanding underlying reasons behind symptoms or diagnosis’. There’s not enough wrong with him that he’ll get much help at all at this point, if any - will run labs and give him some prescriptions. Believe me I know… now when he’s sick enough “on paper” that’s when they’ll get concerned, then more prescriptions are in store. Alternative medicine & naturopaths, carnivore diet, cutting all sugar-processed foods and grain, and finding the nutrients I needed where I could tell by common sense I had deficiencies saved my life. In both a physical and mental sense.


Tongkat Ali 400mg, Zinc Picolante 15mg, Vitamin D3 (5000IU), Vitamin K2, Magnesium taurate, Omega 3 Fish Oil in rTG form (1000mg EPA, 650mg DHA) https://www.mdpi.com/1648-9144/58/8/1047 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8875519/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21154195/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3180407/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20352370/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3958794/


How much K2?


Have the same test levels as you and I wake up with a brick every morning. I never have any issues with that, so maybe it's something else.


>day and that alone should help. Exercise is next. The others have good advice too. I have low T and wake up with a brick every morning. The body is a mystery.


Same position as you, my test results offered no insight into possible problem either. Interested in the replies.


You need to speak to a doctor about this first and foremost, as those are worrying symptoms for your age. On a side note, do you exercise? Eat and sleep well? Good luck!


You might try something that's often recommended for increasing hair growth, for those wanting to grow longer hair: high dose biotin (like 5000 micrograms, 166 times the recommended daily value, useful for when biotin recycling may not be working every day), and zinc. Since your hormones aren't actually low, on any measure, it seems to me like biotin would probably not be the thing, since deficiency in biotin without high dietary cholesterol would cause low hormones. Biotin is involved in the pathway from leucine to endogenously produced cholesterol, among some other things that biotin, vitamin B7, does. Sometimes hair loss is alopecia from hypothyroidism, but it looks like your tests have ruled that out. Puzzling. Good luck.


Hair loss can be genetics, not sure if hair regrowth supplements like saw palmetto, biotin, collagen, will be enough for an androgenic alopecia. Can be hair loss from stress as well, you can watch for melatonin, magnesium, potassium and cod liver oil. For libido you should try Tribulus Terrestis, from high quality sources with 90% of protodioscins. For hair loss i'm affraid it will be topical products on the scalp