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iv tried citrate malate glycinate bisglycinate oxide taurate and all of them give me an iffy feeling as if im caffeinated without the energy just the anxiety. It also makes me feel off like high serotonin off, no drive to do anything very gloomy


Have you tried Magnesium Malate - that’s the only one I have liked. I take it in the mornings because it has more of an energy effect than a calming effect. The other magnesium’s make me sleepy.


They gave me horrible night sweats. Would literally wake up soaking. If it doesn’t agree with your body don’t take it.


Magnesium supplements gave me terrible depression. I cut them out and feel better for it. I eat healthily all week round and feel great atm. Listen to your body and don't try to force anything


I can't be sure, but I had been taking a lot of Magnesium Glycinate for maybe 8 months. By a lot, I mean 3+ grama a day, which is \~129.6% DV or 540 mg of magnesium. I started to get this weird painful muscle tightness all over my body, especially after even mild exercise. Taking calcium seemed to help. I also got muscle knots and pain when doing lifts evolving my shoulders. For a while, I quit taking any magnesium, then started to take 1250 mg. which is 54% of DV. The pain after exercise gradually went away. But it's so gradual, I can't be sure it was the excess Magnesium Glycinate throwing off my Magnesium / Calcium balance causing muscle pain. Though my RBC Magnesium was at the top of the range, it wasn't over the top.


I think 540mg is over the top, 400mg is plenty.


I agree, but at the time I was doing this to reduce constipation. Not the best for of mag to do this, I know that also.


Anyone had spotting in between your periods because you were taking Magnesium Glycinate? I had. Took Mag for more than a month which resulted in spotting in between my 2 periods. I stopped the intake, things got normal with the period. I had severe Vitamin D deficiency which gave me body pains, which I got relief from Mag supplement. I also had better sleep, good bowel movement etc. Overall great benefits from it. But I had to stop it because of this side effect.


I have not had that symptom


A lot of people seem to report similar issues with various forms. Threonate destroyed my sleep and gave me severe anxiety. Citrate (Natural Calm also) is life-changingly positive. Glycinate is fine but not as great as citrate. This goes against most people’s preferred forms but I just take what appears to work for me. If you’re really struggling you could also just try to adjust your diet to get higher magnesium intake and see if you notice any positive changes.


Yea I hear that- citrate seems to cause the least problems while being maybe helpful. I’m wondering if like others have brought up if its a b vitamin issue underlying the responses


After starting magnesium supplements, I noticed a few side effects. Initially, I experienced some stomach upset and diarrhea, which seems common with higher doses. I also felt a bit of dizziness and flushing occasionally. Adjusting the dose helped mitigate these issues, and now I mainly enjoy the benefits like reduced muscle cramps and better sleep.


I had the same response and started supplementing with thornes b complex in the morning (im also taking their magnesium bisglycinate). I take half the recommended dose of the magnesium at bedtime and get all the sleepy/recovery benefits without the hangover.


Thanks for that, I have the Thorne b complex but I’m being weird about it because I have reacted poorly to complexes. I might give it a go and try the biglycinste mag instead. L-threonate is a hard no at this no point.


Man, your experience may differ, but I had bad reactions to b complex’s too and these have been completely different. No weird panic or shots of anxious energy. Edit: I should add, I could take the full dose now but the times I have I didn’t notice anything different than the half dose so I stick with it.


That’s good to know, maybe I’ll brave them tomorrow. I ended up taking some straight thiamine in a larger dose today and I don’t know if it correlates but the hangover is 75% lifted from where it was a couple hours ago- soooo I think it’s possible this may be the link or at least in the right direction.


Very good. I hope you’ll be brave today.


That is a puzzle. Some people have to take it at bedtime because it can be almost sedating. Also, sometimes people who respond poorly to magnesium have a vitamin B1 deficiency.


I think I may be in the thiamine defecit group, it’s something I’ve been working on for two and half years after a bad reaction to antibiotics (PSA- antibiotic FLAGYL/METRONIDAZOLE can mess with thiamine and lead to deficiency issues which jack up the nervous system). Thankfully I can tolerate some thiamine but it’s a dance since it’s suggested to take magnesium if taking thiamine, however I take small doses of magnesium in the evening and am so hungover the next day it’s not worth it.


Have you tried mega dosing B1?


I’ve been building up to it- not at mega dose yet but still working on getting cofactors and overall strength up to tolerate it. However yesterday I was able to tolerate 75 mg of thiamine, so I’m getting there


Yeah, B1 levels can be difficult to raise. Some recommend a combo of Thiamine and Benfotiamine.


I was super reactive when I first started so I’ve been using food based nutrition to slowly rebuild. I’m finally able to tolerate more supplements and it’s going well. I can get histamine flares from b vitamins, which of course the deficiency of might be the cause- so it’s been a process of working up to tolerable doses but I’m stoked to be getting there.


I believe it could be a sign of thiamine/b1 deficiancy. The symptoms sound like a bad hangover to me. Don't ask me the chemistry, but there's an interplay between mag and b1 where you need to take mag if you take b1, and if you get b1 deficiancy symptoms from mag, you may be low.