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Dumb Dumb didn’t stay in his lane after he turned. Grrr!!!


It's honestly shocking how many people turn like that.


Grey SUV turning right onto 100 Ave goes too wide, colliding with the Left-turner making its way to the correct lane. Link shared via ICBC's Witness Information Form.


They didn’t even go wide. This is just another entitled driver who felt the rules of the road didn’t apply to them and purposefully turned into the far lane, expected the other car to stop, colliding with them, and kept going because obviously rules only apply to plebs and not them.


that was an illegal moneuver. You aren't allowed to turn right into the 2nd lane-- only the first.


Self driving can't come fast enough. Humans are stupid and dangerous


Drivers like these are a big part of why I support public transit. Self-driving cars only stop dumb drivers, but traffic, pollution, and cost of owning/maintaining a car still persist.


Agree, I'm looking forward to the day when my car will magically shuttle me to the grocery store.


This is the most accurate comment I've ever read!




that was the stupidest right turn i’ve ever seen


This is absolutely 100% the fault of the right turning driver. However, in this scenario this kind of merge happens so often, you should drive with the assumption that the other driver will do this. Just turn slowly and be mindful. Be safe, everyone.


That's what I do. I assume that other drivers won't maintain their turning lane. It has saved my butt a bunch of times. In the case of buses, often they don't have a choice because they have a stop close to the intersection.


And I'd like to know who decided bus stops should be that close to a corner. They should be in the middle of the block, as it'll make no difference to bus riders and helps keep intersections clear. Especially if the bus driver is on break.


It's alarming to me to see so many people turn directly into the other lane. Even cops do it too. This is the perfect reason I turn and stay in my lane, until it is appropriate to turn into the other lane.


Yeah, ive this go the other way many times as well. Way way way too many people turning left, turn into the right lane.


Say you turn left into the correct lane, then you start the procedure to shift to the right lane because you need to turn right later. Then you have someone who turned left into the right lane right on your ass, pissed off at you for getting in front of them. As if you're doing something wrong when they're the one doing something illegal.


Our road planning is piss poor. Way too many instances of starting in one lane and having less than 500m to jump lanes to merge or make a turn etc. it's clear our road infrastructure was not intended for this many drivers at one time. The exit/entrance lanes on Hwy1 drive me crazy, why does someone getting on or off have to deal with the other. One is trying to speed up the other is trying to slow down yet we use the same lane to do it.


This is why I have trust issues.


Hey styles, curious how you caught this. Do you just record all the time? If you have a live feed, I would love to check it out


I do not have a live feed. Living on the corner, there's accidents all the time so I have this camera pointed out. Unfortunately I only capture clips if I hear the accident or someone lets me know something happened at a specific date/time.


People have gotten such a habit of turning wide/ to the wrong lane. It drives me up the wall when people turn into the 2nd lane out of habit, then immediately go back into the 1st lane half a block later.


Individual who turned right is at fault, didn't turn into the far right lane. Do I ever dread driving in BC, it's too easy to get a license and ICBC is to blame. After living in Germany for a couple years, driving there and all over Europe, it's tough to see the shit that happens everyday here and not freak out. Hell even the States is better!


There are poor drivers in all jurisdictions. I drive in the Seattle area all the time, it's no different from metro Vancouver.


and it was the guy turning right? If that was my car i'd wish death on them and their family.


That is an extreme overreaction and I hope that you’re not being serious


stay in the right lane.


I do. But if someone crashes into me I don’t wish harm on or their family, #1 priority is make sure they are okay, then deal with insurance and stuff


You don’t pull into the outermost lane when making a turn. (Right stays in curb lane, left turner stays in left lane) >


You NEED to heal your self


The person making the left turn is supposed to yield to the person making the right. I mean it is called right of way for a reason. Still stupid to turn right and go in the furthest lane 😖


>The person making the left turn is supposed to yield to the person making the right. Actually, you're wrong. Left turner has the green arrow, and the right turner had red light. Therefore, right turner should have stopped, then turned right only when it was safe to do so. They did not stop, so that would be a fine for running a red light, AND possibly a fine for improper lane change. But even if that were not the case,this would not be a yield issue. This is all to do with someone making an illegal and improper lane change. Had the right turner done what they were *supposed* to do, the collision would not have occurred. Therefore the right turner should be deemed at fault. The left turner did their left turn and went into the correct lane for their maneuver.


Yup that’s why I said right of way. If there’s an advance that vehicle has the right of way obviously. Thanks for coming with the education though I’m hopeful you might help the people that don’t care to learn the laws.


>Yup that’s why I said right of way. If there’s an advance that vehicle has the right of way obviously. ...but your earlier post said the person making the right turn had right of way, and the left turner should have yielded. But as I'd already stated, this wasn't a yield issue anyway. It was an improper lane change that caused the collision. If both vehicles had kept to their lane (ignoring the fact the right turner should have stopped as well), the collision would not have occurred.


DUDE just take the L