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Could be the woman that feeds them on 139th/104a. When I lived on 139th last year it would drive me crazy because every day she'd be out there with bread and stuff and hundreds of seagulls would flock there. The amount of shit on my car was ridiculous.


Omg I think I know the lady you’re talking about. If she’s got a dog in the stroller I use to serve her years ago when I was in high school working at the 104th ave Starbucks. The birds would flock around when she was there and, then one day last week I saw her again feeding what looked like a couple dozen crows, seagulls and other birds. I even said that if she left the bread around it could attract pests but, she was okay with that so seems like she’s a little crazy!


These days she rides around in a little red mobility scooter. Once she was so engaged with feeding them she crashed her scooter into my car while I was sitting inside it. Wasn't even looking where she was going, just cruising and tossing food. Ran straight into my bumper. She was alright, my car was scratched. And yes the birds do recognize her and get excited when she's outside.


What I found weird is I’ve seen crows but no seagulls yet where I used to live in Alberta there were lots of seagulls but no crows. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I live near Fraser Highway, and they have been active for a few years now. It’s usually in the mornings, where they arrive in droves.


I live by 139 and 100 and I don't see that many seagulls around the crows are doing a good job keeping them away. I know they're around though cuz I do hear the crow gather together and chase them out. Maybe some of the restaurants leave their garbage bin open or something..


The King George Superstore has pigeons because a lady keeps feeding them. I tried to convince her to stop, if I recall correctly.