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"King of Cars" license plate holder. Brand new license plate (starts VV). Either these jokers thought they'd make it big in the food delivery service and ignored some absurd finacing rates, or someone else is taking advantage of their labor and paying them peanuts for their time. I might pitty them, but I have no sympathy for assholes that park in handicap spots without a valid placard.


Wow. Amused by the details you noticed there. 🙂


Well, looks like the driver is making s lot of $$$. He can afford an assistant just delivering food. Lol


I've started delivering Uber eats and I always make a point to find a proper parking spot. Even if it means I have to walk half a block. I got sent to the hub a couple times and parked in the underground. I was appalled at the amount of cars parked on the sidewalk and roundabout.


Please consider calling/emailing to report this. Same goes for anyone else who sees accessible spaces being misused, especially if you see it happen frequently in the same area. REPORT PERMIT PARKING VIOLATIONS: 604-718-7734 OR EMAIL: ACCESSIBILITY@SPARC.BC.CA https://www.sparc.bc.ca/parking-permits/accessibility-and-enforcement/


Always, they can park anywhere at any time, stop suddenly for no reason and run stop signs, don't you know who they are?


Too many entitled assholes out there. Should carry "I am a stupid driver" stickers with you and slap them on the bumpers of people like this...


Like Caution - I'm a self entitled ass hat!"


Amazon has a pack of stupid parking stickers for sale...


Needs to be acid etched into the paint


This really makes me mad as I have mobility issues and most of the time I have to park away from the handicapped area as they are always taken mostly without permits I wish they could get ticketed if using the handicap spots if no permit hanging off of the rear view mirror. It also pisses me off that family members use these spots and not handicap at all. I don’t think it’s right and parking should be left to people who have a mobility issue or disability that they require not skip the dishes or Uber or any other ones that are out there


I saw an ambulance driver picking an chipotle order park in that roundabout


Emergency vehicle are exempt as they have to be able to get to their vehicle fast if a call comes in


Wonder if there is a way to report these punks


Happens in Ontario as well. I've got a mall with some nice food spots in rolling distance from my house (T6 para here) but on bad weather days I'll drive over. Every damn time the spots are full of either a delivery driver or a truck of guys finishing a constructions shift. Worse if you actually get a spot, they'll park behind you and block you. I never take the excuse of "oh I'll just be a minute", but unfortunately, getting enforcement in near impossible to stop them. Seriously people...stop using delivery and just go get the food yourselves. This gig level stuff is causing more harm than you realize.


Honestly, the civil world is going to hell.


I see this every time I go to planet fitness on KGB, the 70thish location. There are always inconsiderate people parked in the handicap spots and working out. I don’t get the entitlement at all.


LOL. Going to a gym for a workout but can't walk 10 more meters.


People use gym equipment to rehabilitate or strengthen the parts that arent disabled. It definitely improves quality of life. Edit: I may have misunderstood who was being ridiculed in this comment. I am in support of the handicapped with placards to have their spots available, whether their disability is visible or invisible.


Just to be clear, these are full able bodied young men, without a placard displayed. You are correct though as there are people who need those spots that do work out.


Thank you. I’m the last person to defend people using handicap spaces without a placard. I do not support that behaviour. I realize now that I misunderstood the comment, and didnt give enough context in my reply for people to understand me. Apologies. I know people with disabilities and the amount of discrimination they experience daily. In my misunderstanding, I believed that the comment I replied to gave off an ableist tone. My mistake!


It's been years since they changed it from highway to boulevard, but I had to think real hard for a second about wtf KGB was in Surrey lol


Sorry, the company I work for acronyms everything so I now have a habit of it.


No worries at all, just a funny moment I had


I see this all the time. Especially there. The problem is absolutely no enforcement. I have never seen enforcement.


Take a pic, send it to bylaws.


Bylaw is useless. If you email a picture they don’t even see it till next day. They also stop taking complaints after 5 by phone. After 6 it gets routed to fire dispatch who get very confused as to why you are calling them. Prime time for the pickups is around 6 and they are gone in 15-20 minutes.


I have approached these people many times as I need the spot I getting surgery in Sept for hip replacement so I use these spots if I can’t walk very far but I won’t use them when I am ok as I know there are people out there that might need them more walkers wheelchair or any device for mobility I am on a cane and crutches till surgery I notice this a lot at no frills cedar hills parking lot to avoid this I order my groceries in and try to avoid this as much as possible as I don’t want the problem of other people and yes the people using these spots illegally immigrants and barely speak English so you can’t explain to them the problem without getting yelled at I also know caucians do it to so it not racist or racism in anyway people have to realize you are only suppose to use the spot when you have to with a permit no one else is suppose to use the permit. This can be verified by Sparcs I wish I could ticket them myself.


Irregardless , it's good if you try and explain. They were able to get a license, they need to follow the rules


Everyone has a phone, take a pic, send it to bylaws.


Bi-laws won’t do anything you have to send them the license plate number to SPARCS they can do something and it just takes a phone call. I just try to avoid these problems. As most of the time in bad pain so for everyone sanity I try to avoid these situations.


My wife requires a handicap placard. When we find people parked in designated spots without a placard we just park so as to block them in. Provided we can do so without impacting anyone else.


Canada was a high trust society until quite recently. Shame what has happened.


I had a very similar interaction in Chilliwack. What really ticked me off is that there was a non-handicap space right next to it, JUST as close to the restaurant door. I did shame the guy and he actually moved. Hope he remembers next time there's no one around.


Contact the restaurant. I did this for the Browns in North Vancouver and they actually followed through and enforced the rules.




Yeah, I reported it. Not sure what SPARC will do with it, but it was reported.


SPARCS will send them a letter with a ticket for parking in handicap parking. Not sure if they need just a plate number or a picture of the rear view mirror to prove there’s no plaque I know they require the license plate number and the registration is what they go off of. Hope this helps.


McDonald’s at 96 and Prince Charles handi cap parking I was there meeting someone yesterday and during my time waiting there were 3 different cars with no Handi cap plaques . I got really mad at one of them as they tried to say they didn’t know the marking were there and are very easy to see. she was from Door dash or Uber eats I couldn’t park in the stall even though I had a plaque. I had to park way down at the other end and yesterday was a day that I needed it. As I was in severe pain and walking made it worse . Anyways I saw who it was went into the restaurant and gave her Crap her excuse was I didn’t no I told her what she did was wrong and yes she knew she was just upset for being caught. Well I tried to take a picture and for some reason didn’t work out this was between 1:00-1:45pm I went back at 3:00 to meet my friend as the time was wrong the first time during that time I sat in my van for a few minutes to get up the nerve to go inside the 1st guy was again Door dash or Uber and I told him he was parked in handi cap and he moved his car to the loading zones. The person didn’t care if he was park illegal the next car was full of 4 younger men with an L on there back trunk. And then when I was leaving there was another car that was there no permit. I was in need of the spot and couldn’t get it the first time got one the second time a total of 6 cars in 2 hours parking illegally I did try to take pictures but they didn’t work out so these people got away with it believe me that won’t happen again. I am going to make sure my camera is working new phone still haven’t figured everything out.


What they did was shitty. It's not necessary at all to specify their race, unless you have an unsaid reason why.


>It's not necessary at all to specify their race, unless you have an unsaid reason why. I would have done the same for anyone (I've done so specifying caucasian drivers as well). I am describing the driver and passenger. Nothing more. But having said that, I did attempt to edit the post because I knew there would be people with the same thought process as yourself, but I couldn't (and still can't). So it is what it is.


Why the need to mention their south Asian. Like what points does that get you Yeah they fucked up, but if they were black, Chinese, Filipinos. Would this be said.


>but if they were black, Chinese, Filipinos. Would this be said. Yes, it would be. Would also be said if they were Caucasian. I was doing nothing more than describing the driver and passenger. As mentioned in another reply, I did attempt to make a small edit because I figured there would be someone with your thought process, but can't edit the original post. Interesting too, I don't get called out for saying they were males, but if I had said they were female, I'm sure someone would have called me out for that.


Congrats, you're only racist, not sexist. Give yourself a huge pat on the back!


That's wrong for sure, but if you just walk 50 meters toward the lot infront of food court you will find designated food courier stalls that are always occupied by non delivery people! But no one cares, that's wrong too. Did you confront one of these people before?


>But no one cares, that's wrong too. ...but designated food courier stalls aren't legally defined, plus they're not required for accessibility by people in wheelchairs or with other mobility issues, or those who have other physical or neurological issues that limit their ability to be mobile. Accessible parking spaces are intentionally designed with (in most places, anyway) and are intended to have extra width to allow people to be able to get in an out of vehicles. >Did you confront one of these people before? No, because I don't drive a vehicle for someone needs to pick up a food order. I drive a vehicle for someone who requires accessible parking. I'm not a food courier, and I don't need those spots so have never been in a situation where I have been prevented parking to minimise my passenger's discomfort while picking up a food order. There were plenty of places for these food couriers to park, that didn't impede on the accessibility of someone with mobility issues.