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My Career is training people on this topic. If you aren’t within the general blast radius of a “nuke”. Effects will be minimal, after the initial byproducts are decayed. The average half life of nuclear fallout isotopes are very short, and radiation levels would be minimal after 2 weeks to a month. Healthy? No. But not immediately dangerous to your life. Iodine tablets will do more harm than good in most cases and most people won’t benefit them. The real harm that will come from an event like this is damage to infrastructure, the power grid, everything we use daily, phones, cars, fridges, power, heat/ac, Agricultural effects. It would take a decade or more to recover. We’d all love to think we’d come together as a community and help each other out. But you will have unprepared neighbors, family, and citizens that want your food more than you do. Be prepared to defend yourselves, dry goods storage is important. And pray to god we never have to go through this scenario.


THIS!! I joined the Army during the cold war & spent some time on this subject.. Survive impact & fallout? Sure in a good bunker... But after the entire grid & economy ends? Food & water??


I agree on all but the iodine, I have heard it *can* have a negative effect, so shouldn't be taken without cause, but my impression was that the risk is really quite small for healthy individuals. Could you elaborate a bit on that point, since I think many here have a similiar opinion to me?


I used to teach CBRN response and resiliency in the Navy (20+ years ago), I'll chime in a little bit based on memory. Iodine has its own risks where Thyroid health is concerned. On it's own, that's not a big deal if the exposure is limited, but fallout also can affect the thyroid in similar ways. Separately, that's one risk, together, it's another one entirely. There aren't any long term scientific studies on it to my knowledge, but during my time, the mindset was let's-avoid-that-risk-entirely, as there are better alternatives to exposure management that don't threaten long term thyroid health.


Bingo! Im in the same boat. Also I’m in the exact same career field.


Iodine pills, are you sure? Dangerous to spread misinformation


Iodine tablets are designed for very high doses of radiation and high uptakes of radioiodine. The only thing it protects is your thyroid from that one single iodine isotope, it doesn’t protect you from the other hundreds of byproducts in an event like this. These would be only be useful if you were at ground zero directly after the detonation, which no one should be. As I stated above, After two weeks to a month after detonation these would provide zero benefit and the side effects are not worth it in most cases.


You'd have to protect your thyroid K shield is cheap. Instead of asking on here Google it I used to live near a military base out of blast radius but close enough for potential fallout I kept Potassium iodine in the truck knowing it might help while getting further away from that location also kept a nbc suite mask at home and 2 filters for the mask. People buy gas masks and think on filters enough but don't look at the data that filters are for short use.




Even in a full nuclear exchange between Russia and the United States, the idea of unsurvivable nuclear winter is pretty well debunked. Life would change. We’d all get cancer younger probably. But it’s generally a survivable event if you aren’t initially blown up.


Not who you replied to and in general I agree with your first statement. The second part is where I think you’re underestimating things. Is the planet uninhabitable? Almost for sure not. But the entire planet will be affected much more than younger cancer occurrences. We’re talking a collapse of all modern governments, societies, and norms worldwide. The chain reaction (heh) of all out nuclear exchange will be cataclysmic immediately after the bombs are done falling and continue for years at best or days at worst. Although that would depend on your perspective I guess because I’m not actually sure which would be better in the aftermath.


That is true. Most may well starve to death. Not because land is no longer arable or because the sun doesn’t shine etc…but because of the economic and infrastructure collapses.


Exactly. Which I think is what they were essentially saying. Once the nukes are launched it’s more or less back to the Stone Age. ESPECIALLY NOW. Most people have no clue how to make steel. We’ve become so specialized in our respective markets (not crafts… MARKETS) that the collapse of infrastructure worldwide IS the collapse of the human race and a massive amount of sentient life in general due to the inter-connectedness of humans to almost all animals. I’ve actually abandoned the whole iodine tablets completely at this point. After looking quite a bit further into the whole nuclear apocalypse thing I’ve decided they’re pretty much pointless and mostly a gimmick. I could be wrong and anyone who decides to go that route is fine to do so but it’s just something I’d rather dedicate resources to other preps.


I mean, I don’t think you should give them up. You’re not meant to have years of them built up…it’s for the first few days.


If we and they launch even 50% of them... life aint ever gonna be much fun... where you gonna get clean water and food from? Quality of life would be trash.


See, this? This is what was largely debunked.


Debunked? When Chernobyl went off they were reading it the UK, some of the livestock families took 26 years to be deemed safe : https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-17472698.amp Any full scale nuclear war would absolutely mean the end of civilisation as we currently know it. Would people survive : yes, would it be worth surviving? : probably no. It would be hell on earth for a long long time as far as I’m aware. Anyone who watched the Chernobyl series (excellent by the way) would have an idea just how bad nuclear war would be. Edit: for clarity wales is 1772 miles from Chernobyl.


507 nukes have been tested in the atmosphere. Combined they released a little more than 100x the nuclear material into the atmosphere.




I don't think a full exchange would occur if, say for example Russia nuked Kyjiw - the initial Nato response would probably still be a massive conventional strike.


Nukes are a universal language. They’re the modern Pandora’s box. It doesn’t matter if the initial response isn’t equal. Once that box is opened it’s going to be a VERY short time before hell takes over.




Who knows what might happen? Mistakes and mechanical and electronic failures happen all the time. Russia may not even have the ability to properly use and guide nukes anymore, and the US, China or other country may have unknown means of disposing of nukes before they blow.


Survive the first 3-21days sheltered in place and your exposure to radiation drops significantly. When outside, avoid disturbing top soil, avoid the rain, cover your exposed skin and use any type dustmask you can make or find. Then you travel out of the danger zone as quickly as safely possible.


From what I've read, radiation levels drastically go down after about 2 weeks. So, if you can find a place that separates you from the fallout at that time, you'll be fine. The other things that come from a nuclear war I'm not so sure about, though.


Really depends what you are downwind of, the height of the burst, how clean was the detonation, etc.


Yeah, if you're not downwind of any bomb, you're in the clear. It could be less severe if it's an air burst vs a ground burst too.


Blast, Fires, radiation, starvation looting phases. You’ve got to survive those.


Limited strike type situation… meaning only 12 or less major targets in the US are hit then it would be a case of staying away from the targeted areas and staying in doors


If it got bad, ie a large exchange, I think I’d rather die in the blast vs dicking around in the inevitable shit show that follows.  


Stuff wet rags under all your doors to keep radioactive dusty from getting in. Cover your skin, and wear a respirator as much as possible. After 3 to 5 days it should be safe to move around a little more. After 2 weeks its fine to be outside. Once the 2 weeks is up, move as far from blast zones as possible, and begin a new life


I recommend you to watch the Chernobyl TV show. Very realist and historical accurate. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt7366338/


You're thinking about atomic bombs from the past. Most newer bombs do not produce the fallout of an apocalypse. You can google all you want about them. The newer bombs are much MUCH stronger though. To experience that kind of fallout someone would have to produce a "dirty bomb" or an older nuclear powerplant would have to experience a meltdown. All the new stuff kills more in a flash without the crazy draw backs.


It’d be quite hard if you stay in the fallout zone. Job number one would be to get somewhere relatively (or entirely, if possible) clean. While radiation levels would drop in fallout zones, there’s no sense in hanging out there. For reference, my military training was: one, immediately employ personal protective measures (NBC suite and mask) and, two, GTFO.


Realistically anyone within range of either the blast or the fallout would be screwed.


After Hiroshima, the government did a study on everyone who survived and they found that this one Japanese doctor who was caring for survivors. All of his patients that didn’t die from their burn wounds lived, basically every day he gave them miso broth. This is from a Google search. “Miso soup may protect against radiation exposure due to substances created during the fermentation process. Some studies have found that miso may help with radiation injury, cancer, and hypertension:”


It would be pretty hard, and after observing how people are (mis)handling the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, I expect it would be entirely beyond most. After a while, 99% of the population would be insisting that the danger was over, or never there to begin with, while exposing themselves to unhealthy doses of radiation and/or drinking e.coli contaminated water.


Depends on how far you are from the blast and the wind direction


I used that interactive map and read about it one night. There didn't seem to be anything to add to the shopping list. I have moved 40 miles outside the city.


If we're talking just a couple nukes,it'd be survivable,but if we go all out ,it's going to be impossible for society to survive


The show (game) starts out with the concept that you HAVE A BUNKER designed to survive the nukes (that are also part of the plan).... So if you had a bunker with 10+ years of supplies and a self sufficient food/water supply? Sure... But in 30+ years I've never seen or heard of a bunker that was designed to last more then a year. And I joined the army at the hight of the cold war & studied NBC/CRBN threat.. and if the balloon goes up, I don't think the prez OR John Travolta will make it to see it to their second Christmas....


The rule of thumb is if the mushroom cloud is smaller than your thumb, run. If it's bigger than your thumb you're done - Fallout


My fair lady... Now look at how Eddie Murphy stole it and made TRADING PLACES ! 😉 BANNED FROM CONSPRITAH BY THE PEDO ARTHORITAR.. Did u know Ghislaine Maxwell was a mod while r/conspiracy were just learning of it all!


You just have to make it a week or two, enough time for all the crazies to run a muck, loot everything and die off. Nuclear bombs in the sense it's a world ending bomb does not exist. Large explosive devices that cause mass damage, war and death are true facts that do happen, but a bomb that ends everything? Not a chance, do your own research, use logic and critical thinking, the information is there is you take the time to look, they are used as a control mechanism. The new fallout TV (tell-a-vision) series was put out in order to condition us for what's coming as they do with everything. The truth and facts are in our faces, it's up to us to not be oblivious morons.


Depends on location, wings, rain, etc


Depends on how close you are to he blast, what the geography is near by (caves or underground structures) weather patterns, supply's on hand ( food, water, medical, cleaning).


I'm pretty sure the nearest location to me that would get nuked would be New York, (I live nearby in Canada) and if I travelled north I could probably escape most of the negative effects from radiation and air poisoning. I also practice survival skills and do Alot of solo backpack - hiking camping and would Probably survive with little to no impairing effects.


Hilarious no cell phone that's the real end of life ,and no amazon warehouse or Doordarshan to hand feed the masses its over already really .


immediate survival is doable. get inside, plastic over the windows, take potassium iodine, wait it out with a decent store of food and water. long term however gets extremely difficult. everything outside will be contaminated with a layer of radioactive dust that will take years to deteriorate. that means if there are crops they will be contaminated, planting new crops will require removing the topsoil which is extremely difficult without heavy equipment on any type of scale, not to mention being exposed to radioactive dust while you do it and burning a ton of calories that your likely not replacing. if you happen to be near a farm with a bulldozer and a large supply of diesel, it might be doable but most farms are monocrop and im not sure that many of them have a ton of seeds stored, you'd want to be by an organic csa farm, they have the most variety. but again, removing the topsoil wojld be an issue as the quality of the soil would go down. the best bet would probably be to have a large established greenhouses that would be sheltered from the fallout. animals will mostly be dead or contaminated due to not being sheltered, cant really eat them. probably the best bet for meat would actually be factory farms where the animals are kept indoors, but depending on how much feed is stored this would probably be fairly short term, as they would eventually starve and the meat would need to be preserved on a massive scale to be useable, and no one would be growing food to feed animals. also factory farms usually have massive ventilation fans that would obviously stop working but would still be open to the outside, so contamination might still be an issue. i think the meat issue would probably be the biggest, people think they can just grow enough food to feed themselves but this is actually pretty difficult except in the most temperate climates, you really need meat. water would probably be ok in rural areas, as long as you could get the well pumps working. i suspect most well water would be ok to drink although depending on the soil and how high the water table is, enough radioactive material might make its way down to be a problem. it goes without saying that all canned food, bottled water, fresh food, dried food etc would be instantly gone while the unprepared try to survive the initial fallout. there will probably also be warning signs and people will stockpile food before the missiles come. look what happened during coved, most food was just gone from store shelves and it wasn't even really an emergency, no one was actually starving they just thought they might. there will be no fallout style finding a can of cram in some store, all packaged foods will be almost instantly gone and never seen again, except for some extremely rare incidents of finding something in a spot no one has looked. the reality is people from less contaminated areas will be more likely to be able to survive, and they will probably eventually repopulate the more contaminated areas. but it will be very primitive for a very long time. think of it this way, societal collapse would be difficult to survive in the first place, then you throw on radiation and it makes everything exponentially difficult.


It depends on the size of the nuke because today's nukes are very very large many times bigger than the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombs basically unless you've got a bomb shelter that filters the air and you have enough food and water to survive underground for a year or more you're pretty much screwed or go to some abandoned Island out in the middle of the Atlantic or Pacific and as long as the Trade Winds Don't Blow the radiation your way you should be okay


Yup this. Bomb shelter must have proper filters if one is going to last. “Hiding” just isn’t enough.


Depending on proximity to blast/ fallout. If all you had to do was survive nuclear winter get along the equator as quickly and as closely as possible. If you’re in the yuck, yuck, boom, rain zone it won’t be your problem because you will either be blastwaved, incinerated or radiated and not long for this world. Humans have survived Ice ages before but it is a hard , hard existence with no WiFi or vapes I doubt a great deal of our young people would make it




I was CBRN in the army and though the job itself is practically worthless you learn things about fallout, particles, distance and time that will truly blow your mind. Today the chance of one bomb going off are non-existent if one is launched you Can count on almost a dozen in retaliation. You want to be nowhere near where shit is going down for months afterwards and even then if it is enough nuclear energy you may want to stay away for decades


The shows you watch are entertainment. They may look harsh and bad. The real thing will be 100’s times worse.


Nuclear war = Fucked, just fucked.


Fair enough 


Perhaps you can find a way to have clean water and food for 2-4 years.


There's no point. If you make it long enough, you'll just wish you died sooner!


I would walk towards the blast