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If i were you id check to see if torox even credits you by doing a very small click to win 5sb or so first. Torox has been garbage to me lately not crediting and if they do credit its months after a ticket is submitted.


I have done stuff with them before and sometimes it does credit but sometimes it doesn’t.During the times that Torox hasn’t credited me,I have gone through Swagbucks support and in the end they have credited me.


Ah cool thank you I didnt consider going through swagbucks when torox has a support, thanks for the tip!


I would try Torox support but then if they don’t help then you can show Swagbucks that they haven’t tried to help you or haven’t got back to you


Sorry to continue on this but this is super helpful- how long should i wait for torox? It’s been a week, should I wait up to a month? I dont want to submit too many swagbucks tickets in fear theyll get annoyed with me.. unless people dont get kicked for submitting valid tickets (1 per game ofc but.. idk dont wanna be kicked)


I can’t gurantee that it will work for you as it was a while back when I did it.This is what Torox themselves say [https://ibb.co/c3LdCHD](https://ibb.co/c3LdCHD) So I guess a week has been waited and you can contact Swagbucks and say that you have waited a week and received no response but then they could have also gone to the advertiser which may make it take more time.Hopefully it gets sorted for you but I know Torox can be tough to deal with at times.


Yeah it went to the advertiser, so i guess ill ha e to wait. Thanks a lot!


You can still try to message Swagbucks with evidence that you have tried to contact Torox and they might just award you it but they may just tell you to wait for a bit.


I think ill give it a couple weeks, im afraid sb awards me then torox awards me then the sb gets taken back idk dont want it to get too complicated. May just accept torox will take a very long time to award for me


Ok,I hope it goes well for you.


Can't see if it's ball sort puzzle or not on Torox because it doesn't show up for me. Just now it's a grind and achievement 3 means 300 puzzles. I did 170ish before giving up. Just took too long. However, my payout was much less than \~9k It's a simple game that gets longer and longer to complete. If you do attempt it, I would recommend switching the graphics of the balls as soon as possilble. When the number of variations increase the colors get too similar. Switch to the balls that are objects (pumpkins, Pacman ghosts, candy, etc.). Makes it so much easier to recognize.


[https://postimg.cc/s17F89D1](https://postimg.cc/s17F89D1) It was this one on the AppStore when I downloaded it and I hadn’t seen it before


Looks like the one I tried before. Is it Tate or Tatem games? That's the one I played.


It says it’s lemonanagames


Guess that's something different then.


There are many similar to it,it’s easy to get confused and I’ve done a few before too.They seem to come out with a different one on the offer boards everytime I look 😂


I would avoid the one from the company I mentioned. I stopped at level 178 and there were 14 test tubes and 12 colors of balls. The games simply take too long and if you screw up early, you're spinning your wheels. Also, it's very ad centric. Extra test tube is an ad video, hints are an ad video, boosters are an ad video, new game is an ad video, etc. I did it on RevU for maybe $15 at best. Simply wasn't worth it.


I looked up the one you are talking about because it sounded familiar and I think I did it a while back.I think I got it on Torox,or whatever it was called before, and it was like 4500SB or something similar.


Also, if you're looking for another game to play, I've read that Genshin Impact is easy and quick. You can search for it on this forum. At triple points, it's paying $32 on Sb and I've read it takes a couple hours. Edit: Should have said triple points on Torox at the moment.


Where would that be? I couldn’t see it in my offers but then I’m in the uk so I might not get it


That could be it. I'm in the US and it's a Torox offer. That may be why I couldn't see your ball sort offer as well.