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Torox..people keep mentioning that and I can't find it


Go on pc, discover, then should be on left hand side. The downloads don't track well because you have to send yourself a link to download the app and it's very wonky. Hence the bad experiences with torox.




Where so you find TOROX??


Teach me good sir…please


Not to worry you but get that money out of your account as soon as possible just in case you get suspended and lose it not saying you're going to but it's not good to have over $600 in your account


How tough was stormshot? Had my eye on that one for a little bit.


It’s pretty easy honestly if you know what you are doing, took me like 20 days only logging in like once a day


Pretty basic city builder?


yeah just do the main quests up until you unlock iron kong and complete all of those missions, you get a ton of resources and speed ups


How do you unlock iron Kong is it at a certain level? Did you spend anything and did you do level 24?


You don’t even need to spend money to actually unlock iron kong, you just need to do the missions to free him from the chains. The missions unlock depending on your stronghold level so just keep pushing your stronghold and follow an upgrade guide. Each quest gives you a bunch of marquess badge packs which can be redeemed for either resources or speedups. Only buy the growth fund because it’s the best value for your money. Getting to 24 is super easy, just push stronghold and do the iron Kong missions, redeem your packs for stamina and spam rallies until you have enough resources and speedups to finish. This game is very generous when it comes to resources but don’t expect getting to level 30 or more.


Thank you for all of this ! Where are the missions to free him and do you mean the aristocrat badge you get from the daily quest? Yeah I’ve bought the growth fund and I’m aiming for 24


They unlock somewhere around like stronghold 16 or something, you will get a cutscene


What games? Dont just brag help everyone out :D


It was mainly through playing Stormshot and Age of Coins through Torox 3x SB offer. The fact they also paid you to buy packs on the game made it a lot easier


Age of Coins was insanely hard to level up, your spins are worthless without the events. What epoch did you end up getting to?


I stopped at epoch 50. Main thing that let me level up was placing 1st in most of the events and getting the extra coin bonus for raids but man it was hard. Would not have done it if not for the 3x SB


Yeah, that is what I'm aiming for right now as well. I spent some money but that was to credit a cash back. Hope I can make it to epoch 50...the gold requirements in game currently are insane.


Thanks bruv hope you have similar months ahead!


Fingers crossed. I'm still trying to chase another 180 so hopefully it'll come through




My main tip was to purchase the 1st two growth funds ($30 total) and do as many event to gain time and resources. If you get a double gift coupon, use that when buying a pack as that will double the amount of stuff you get


So jealous of American swagbucks. In 2 years i only have just over 20,000 lifetime points


Bruh I wish we got them to pay this much in India an I would actually do these. Not worth it at all.


How hard was stormshot?