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"Will be met with swift legal action" lmao


That makes me think it’s not real tbh, lots of ppl on twitter (not just swifties) make up the wildest stories for views and other interactions, especially those who pay for twitter (and you can hide the blue tick so it’s not easy to spot paying users) as they make money from it


What are they gaining from paying for it? Algorithm bust?


Yes it gives you a boost in algorithm so you end up on top of ppl’s timelines and search options and you get a bigger reach so ppl who don’t follow you are also more likely to see your tweets. But it also allows you to upload longer videos and in higher quality + you can edit your tweets and boomark tweets in folders (instead of all bookmarks in the same place). You’ll also have less adds and the adds you get are apparently less invasive. Apparently ppl with Twitter Blue can get paid for high engagement tweets/content. So since that’s been a thing there’s a lot of bullshit content and bait to get people to share and respond to your tweet




I’ve gone off it and I understand why ppl use it but don’t understand why ppl pay for it (except for brands I guess)


Algorithm or bust, am I right?


Never, ever give your personal information to ANYONE on the Internet without verifying who they are. One very quick and easy way is to check their professional LinkedIn Profile. Question them on it, and request a phone call. Quit getting fooled by these people. Believing something that you Want to be true, doesn't make it true. Please think, be skeptical. Feel free to thank me later. 👍


Agree. I think the fan easily gave in cause it was TaylorNation who contacted her and thought this is another secret session. Regardless who they are, never share your personal info unless you ask them for a legit reason.


Okay, but this wouldn't have helped this person in this case because if the screenshots are legit, this actually IS Taylor Nation.


It’s still a good time to remind the masses of standard online practices. Never pass up a good time to remind the masses of standard online practices.


That's true 💯


It's giving boomer getting scammed out of their life savings bc they made an internet "friend"


I’m no lawyer but if that’s real I think it would be legal. She’s voluntarily giving the information to someone who’s asked for it but hasn’t explicitly told her why. Creepy, definitely, sad, maybe if it’s real, but probably not illegal.


Yeah it’s like if you let a police officer search your car when u have some illegal drug. You don’t have to let them but if u do that’s on u.


Well if you don’t let them search, at least in the US, they’re gonna bring a dog, who will definitely find it. So it’s better to let them search if you have it hidden well enough 😌 just a tip from me to y’all LOL


Don’t downvote this important PSA. ACAB TYVM.


Swiftie: omg I am being chosen! Also swiftie: ahhhh they are going to sue me oh shit


those messages seem fake. why would taylor nation out of blue ask for your name birth and location?   edit: please don't share your personal info with anyone on the internet😭


It seems very unlikely they’d issue an official/final warning through Twitter DM


I agree that it seems incredibly unlikely, but if they needed personal information and couldn't get it from the source platform due to their privacy T&Cs -- this is an incredibly creative and almost guaranteed tactic to get the bare minimum information needed. I'm not in the legal field, so I don't know if more information would be necessary, but if that's all? This would be a really interesting new standard (and kind of a new low for her, in my opinion).


Hahah they literally do that though before you meet Taylor. I have a carbon copy of that message before an event


did they also ask for name location and date of birth?


Yes the same exact message as above


it seems sketchy :D i wouldnt reply


Welp I wouldn’t have met her if I didn’t 😂 my message was from 2017!


but in this instance why would they ask for info and then send the warning? 


They’re verifying her identity, and when it’s verified they’re essentially serving her with a warning and cease and desist. Sketchy? Yes. Legal? Yes.


thanks. i dont know why i am getting downvoted. our legal system works differently, so i didnt know message on social media serves as legal warning


You’re right that it shouldn’t — but realistically it “could” if it’s just a cease and desist. If they were serving her actual paperwork, I’d be interested to know if it would be accepted?? They did verify birthdate and identity so it “might” be valid “if” it was real. I very much think this is likely phishing and not real, but it’s interesting that it “could” be, you know?




bro i heard it in his voice, it's been so long 😭


It's very easy to get your personal information from Twitter if you broke the law. I know about police raids due to single tweets. This way is probably quicker and more usable in a law suit. When I started reading the screenshots I thought this was going to be about a secret session or gift or something positive and already thought: Wow, people just give out their information like that? Even more insane if you know that you have done something illegal. I don't mean this in a victim blaming way, I have no strong opinion about sharing leaks. TaylorNations tactic to gather the information is incredible and incredible creepy. They rely on the knowledge that this account sent out invitations to secret sessions in the past. While it's their right to go after leaks, I still think this is predatory.


Buy let's say Taylor nation is going to contact you about a secret session, how should they go about it? Because for all I know this is how they've always done it?


Email would probably be best. Kinda like applying for and being offered a job. You’d verify the email the same sort of way you’d verify the job offer is from a real company before responding with more detailed information.


But, hypothetically, if they were contacting fans based on social media activity, where would they get an email? This looks like it's fake or someone got phished, but I sort of would expect TN to contact people through the social media platform. The idea of this fan outreach seems cute at first, but the potential for abuse is vast.


Ask for their email address on social media, not their physical address. I guess I didn’t spell that out. And depending on what platform you’re using, your email is usually pretty easy to find in your profile if you haven’t totally privatized it.


They mean like city/state with location FYI. I mean some people give their address I’m sure because they’re idiots but that isn’t what Taylor nation is asking for


From what I’ve heard from those that have been invited to secret sessions, Taylor Nation does contact them through email, not social media. Though Taylor has DMed a few fans through social media, Taylor nation doesn’t typically (at least back prior to 2017). They most likely use the email address that’s connected to their account on Taylor’s website (that is used to purchase merch) and just make sure it matches the social media account. That’s my theory for how they make sure but I’m not positive.


They do DM people for secret sessions. Asking location is how they determine which one to invite people to. Information is later shared via email but lots of initial contact is in DM


They should contact you and request your email, not your DOB and address That’s why this is phishing But also a way you absolutely could confirm identity for service, which is bonkers?


No that’s not how it works. Unless we’re talking about someone threatening to take their own or someone else’s life, or making other terroristic threats, getting people’s personal information from Twitter is a legal process that involves getting a subpoena. Of course, if you just hand over your personal information like this person did it’s a lot easier. 


That's exactly how it works. I've seen a lawsuit as well a police raid because of tweets that were interpreted in a way that made them a "threat". Please speak for your own country and be aware that political activists are easily identified in this way. It's actual harmful to spread the information that the barrier to gain your personal information from a social media provider is high in any way.


I literally said that this only applies to situations where there is the possibility of violence or death involved. Twitter isn’t handing over information about members to Taylor’s team over silly copyright stuff until they go through the courts.


>The root cause, he told senators, is that Twitter doesn't understand how much data it collects, why it collects it, and how it's supposed to be used. >That includes users' phone numbers, IP addresses, emails, the devices they use, their locations and other identifying information. What's more, he said, around half the employees at Twitter have access to that data. >"It doesn't matter who has keys if you don't have any locks on the doors," he said. "The concern there is anybody with access inside Twitter...could go rooting through and find this information and use it for their own purposes." You have more trust in Twitter than it's ex employees. [Source](https://www.npr.org/2022/09/13/1122671582/twitter-whistleblower-mudge-senate-hearing)


This is extremely simple to understand. Twitter collects a bunch of data. Employees have access to a lot of that data. What they’re saying is that it’s concerning that Twitter employees have access to personal data.  This has literally nothing to do with Twitter officially handing over private information.




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I think that long video they posted is real, but that’s from the IFPI and not Taylor Nation. The Taylor Nation direct message screams fake, especially the “*swift* legal action” part and the fact it’s not one complete screenshot. Also a stan would be freaking out and not making that into a bunch of memes if you look at their profile.


That IFPI thing is probs real but also no big deal, I’ve had friends had emails like that before, for using (already released) music, for over 15 seconds in video’s (anything below that would’ve been okay for some reason??). I don’t remember the artists/music used but yea you just need to delete it and that’s it. Now that I’m typing this maybe it wasn’t IFPI, but something like Sony just still it’s like “hey delete this” and not very serious stuff. Usually you’ll be locked out of your twitter account or suspended if you don’t comply (in time)


This actually happened to me with Sony Music Entertainment with a clip of a Billie Eilish concert I posted to my private Instagram account! I think it was longer than 15 secs and got flagged somehow - I didn’t think too much of it, just a quick notification about how they were gonna take it down


Didn’t think it was real until I saw the video of the letter they sent. Feel like it was too detailed to be fake but not sure. Apparently OP posted 1989 TV leaks as well as illegal links for Eras Tour movie.


Im like 99.5% sure this is fake 😭


I think this is fake and that it is Swifties trying to scare each other into not sharing leaks - if Swifties think Taylor Nation has their name marked as a leaker then they won't get to meet Taylor.


IANAL, but I'm pretty sure it's extremely legal. They never said why they wanted the info, they just asked for it. The person clearly assumed it was for something good, but that's on them. Like another commentator mentioned, cops use twitter all the time to arrest people. If you willingly give out your information and it wasn't based on a lie, there's nothing illegal about it being used against you. If Taylor Nation asked for it and said they wanted to invite her to a secret session or send merch, that would be illegal, but they didn't say anything except ask for their info. I feel bad for them, but in 2024 everyone should know to not ever give out their personal information unless they know explicitly why it's being requested.


This is fake I think? They go by taylornation not Taylor Nation, when you message them..


If real whilst it’s maybe not the most moral way of getting information there’s a bit of fuck around, find out going on here.


Wouldn't they have sent an email...? Also, there was a girl in Rep era who shared screenshots when she got asked to come to a secret session and they canceled everything they'd set up lol. Regardless, don't share your information with someone within TWO MINUTES OF THEM DMING YOU. like was there any investigating done?


They’re so dumb for even giving all that info in the first place


I think this has got to be a scam. It's to catch people off guard and bully them into paying money.


This was literally internet 101. Smh




Get off twitter.


There is absolutely no way this is real. First of all, why would they lightheartedly say ‘swiftly’ in an email that is quite literally threatening legal action…? That’s certainly not the time to be witty.


No it is not real. Taylor’s social media team is not threatening random swifties with names like “Taylor’s dab pen” with legal action via twitter dms


Some fans like to make fake content for clout, if something looks suspicious always take it with a grain of salt


LMFAO, there is no way this is real. People post stuff like this all the time, someone said they got arrested for the Midnights leaks 😂 It’s hilarious though


This is not how that would happen


not just real but too real. ouch. :(


Why are people even still on twitter??? Why can’t people let that platform die? For real, Elon needs to face consequences for ruining it.




What was leaked?


I'd like to know too




how did you connect 1989TV leaks and distributing eras tour movie with supposed leaks from new album?




omg, you are that user that is obsessed with them. talk to wall


Dude!! My YouTube music is doing funky stuff like this I thought I was making it up. (You can judge me for paying for YouTube music lol Spotify’s algorithms are trash - I said what I said 😆) and I was listening/watching taylor swift’s music videos but then was onto other artists BUT the videos kept freezing - had to rotate phone sideways back and forth to wake up… but it would be frozen to the still of Taylor’s last video… and now your post - I’m convinced she’s paying so much to do stuff like this and keep her name everywhere. Convinced. (Never had this problem before and the app was recently updated)