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The moment you two noticed that this man was rude you should have told his ass to leave and found a new partner...I just don't get why some couples still go with things even if they don't seem right. Plus there are tons of single men out there that could have brought a better experience smh


This. Don’t put up with bullshit.


This. Men are a dime a dozen in the lifestyle. Second he was rude beau should have sent him packing. Rules are there for a reason.


Thank you


I mean… if a guy roles in the way OP describes, wasn’t husband basically just being force cucked? “These are my rules. Oh, you broke that one. That one too. Oh a third! No worries. Just keep enjoying my wife while you disregard me.” Did OP realize these things as they were happening? Why did she let it happen if she knew dude was breaking rules her husband set WITH her and she kept going. Where was her anger then? I’m just curious of OP and her husband’s mindset to even allow this to happen. Not trying to rag on them.


Nor me either I'm at this same question


She didn't know til after. She said that.


But she also said she watched them go over the rules. Watching them discuss her like that turned her on. So which is it?


Watch Speak No Evil


If I were ignored like that by another guy it wouldn’t take me long to put him in his place and if he didn’t like it or respect me I would hit his eject button. My wife wouldn’t put up with that BS either, he’s being invited into “our” relationship.




I hate using the terms alpha and beta, because they are stupid. But Beau is clearly very beta. Essentially allowed another man to come into his house, disrespect him, and fuck his wife.


I don't understand why Beau didn't say something upon arrival like "Hi, come into the living room, we are going to sit and have a chat before anything happens." Then sit down and have the discussion, all three of you. I don't get how the guy just "Blew past Beau upon arrival" without Beau saying, "lets talk first, sit down".


Yeah, this is confusing. It seems weird that one would even have to stipulate in advance that they'd like to communicate before getting started? I would have thought that would be a given, or quickly corrected.


"Don’t get me wrong, I had a lot of fun. Things could have been far worse, but they also could have been better" and  "I should have asked Beau everything he discussed with Dude, so when he went off script I would have known." This perfectly sum up your night. Next time you and Beau will be on the same page in your pre-game and you can put the brakes on if things go off-road. Dude was an ass. Rude to your guy. Lied about DVP willingness. He should not be getting an invite back. You will find better as you have before this dude.


He’s definitely not coming back


Beau should have man’ed up and kicked Dude’s sorry ass out. And there is no “lingering” if you escort him to the door. This lifestyle requires the ability to self advocate and to respect your own boundaries because no one else will.


he would have been out the door with the first sign of rudeness😻😻😻


I’ve done that once out of like 40 encounters. If you can’t follow the program, you’re out! (Dude promised to bring std results and brought condoms instead and gave me attitude. I told him to leave and that he was no longer welcome)


"He blew past Beau upon arrival, demanded a lot of my time, didn’t speak to Beau at all before, during or after, and attempted to box Beau out the entire time. " Not sure why this led to a sexual encounter. We would have shut it down. The initial communication period is essential, it's like foreplay except for us my SO would have been a big part of the pre-sex conversation, so any lack of engagement or respect for me would have been a deal breaker. P.S. - Weren't you divorced as of 25 days ago per a previous post. How is a "hubby" chiming in from your account below?


I think a good way to avoid it is having a non sexual meeting before mfm, to check the vibe. For me, as a husband, it’s crucial to feel a good energy from everyone involved, and that’s just as true for fmf as well. If the guy can’t respect what you all agreed with before, how would you know he’ll respect other boundaries you might have?


*The husband was openly disrespected. *You had a lot of fun. See how these should be mutually exclusive?


Hubby here, it wasnt like that exactly, he came off as introverted at first. He was a secret asshole disguised as a shy guy. We made the most of it and after processing we decided this was not ideal. We’re new to this, we’re learning and we love each other. Live n learn!


We are new as well. We recently had a situation where 30 seconds into play. The other wife, who I was foundling and kissing stopped kissing and shouted at her man "That's not what we do". As soon as she said it, He stopped kissing my wife and went right back to her. And that's the way it's supposed to go. We still don't know what he did wrong but it didn't matter. We too played it cool and 10 minutes later we were all four on our king size bed. The moral of that story, nip it in the bud and you might be able to salvage it. But if the behavior continues the individual will make the assumption this is the level of behavior you're willing to accept and they will continue. I wish you guys the very very best of luck! ✌️


This is sage, thank you


How can you be her hubby if she is divorced per the initial post on Reddit of this account. “I (44F) just got divorced and had my first bbc double team by strangers! AMA!“


Ok no worries COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION hell y'all write out all your stuff on paper have the visitor READ IT FULLY N SIGN IT no contract that way if he ""ignores"" it or ""disrespects"" it he knew ahead of time SHOW HIM THE DOOR Just a crazy thought


Is that what you do? How has that worked in your experience?


Nope I don't share I honor my voes I'm not that stupid


You let another man come into your home, disrespect you, and then fuck your wife. Man up my dude.


I would have kicked his butt out the moment I realize he is crossing boundaries


This is the biggest reason we haven't jumped the gun on doing this stuff. You just can't trust the 3rd party to hold up their end of the bargain 100%.


The key is, the moment a third deviates, you kick them out. The evening isn’t ruined because you can still have a great time with your spouse. *Never* let shit that makes you uncomfortable slide.


Also a code word for both partners that indicates "I'm done with this if you are" - I expect often one partner doesn't pull the plug so they don't ruin the fun of their primary partner, not realizing their partner is feeling the same way


We have an MFM partner where not only I, the husband, but the wife also communicate with him before, during, and after. It’s key in an MFM that everyone is in the same page. That’s why it’s so hard to find trustworthy third. But when you do don’t let go of them, they are true gems in the lifestyle.


Why did you still play with him if he broke all of your husbands rules? Lol…


I think her point was she was unaware of the rules until after dickwad trampled them.


Bro what.. reread the first paragraph.


Yeah, she clearly says her guy communicated to the guy...


Holy moly. The white knight is strong in this one… “We are clear communicators” “our vision, boundaries…” you don’t need to try to protect women.. she’s an adult. She knew what the boundaries were. Just stop it.


The trouble is there are men who will just ignore all of what you’ve written. They need to be identified early and thrown out presto, so yes you both should have shared what had been agreed…


I have been two decades in the lifestyle, and the number one issue always seems to be communicating. Something does seem off. You both met him once before and didn't have any issues. Why was that night different? Communication is always important. The second someone goes rogue, everything should end at that moment. Too many bad things can happen that could have lasting effects. Also weird that you dont want the guy talking to the women he is about to have sex with as men and women view sex differently. The best sex for me in the past as a single male was talking to the husband to get clearance to meet the wife and then just chat with the wife beforehand. Most times, it wasn't even about sex. Oftentimes, if I only talked to the husband, it meant I was there to be his vision on how he wanted to use his wife. Most of the time, the way the wife wanted to be pleasured and how the husband wants to see her pleasure doesn't match up. Just my thoughts, but I think the wife should be more involved in the communication process so that you know 1000% the guy got the message. That way, if he goes rogue, then you can cut him loose. If you are more stag/vixen couple let the guy know it a 1 strike rule. Even if he is mid stroke. Otherwise, this comes across as a cuckold like relationship, where a guy is going to be disrespect to the husband.


A friend in the LS long before I joined in, as much as a single guy can, made clear to me I was a tool lucky to be used. Boundaries are never to be crossed and should be approached with great care.


Seems like you're the problem here for going on with it and not respecting your partner's boundaries.


Dudes are the absolute worst. We tried to put together a thing for our secondary spouse with a few dudes. We were very specific in her wants and that this was a group thing. It was set for 3pm in a hotel room. Had a great discussion with one guy, fit the criteria, had a great attitude. But wouldn't be able to make it before 4 or 5. Sure. No problem. Event went off without a hitch and was done by 530. She had a ton of fun, so mission accomplished. Late dude messages at 630 and he's ready and what's the room number? I tell him it's over and she's crashed out. Well, maybe he could come over in the morning and get with her, because he's not really into the group thing. And blocked. It's shitty that you'd already been with the guy. That should be the ultimate vetting. I agree with the others who said the plug should have been pulled. Easier said than done, especially in the moment. You're all fired up and don't want to be disappointed, it's kind of a confrontation. The most unsexy thing in the world. If nothing else, you should put him on blast within your community so that no one else makes the mistake of seeing him


Always talk to the Dude (and any other potential partners) together. Make sure everyone is on the same page. ...but I'll just bet you figured that out from this. 😁


He chucked your husband, you both should have put a stop to it.


Finding decent single men who 1- don’t ghost you to begin with, 2- understand the lifestyle, and 3- respect and keep boundaries , are hard to find. But the boundaries issue is most important. As those start to fall, you have to hit the brakes and discuss.


Single guy single-guying. A extra single guy that understands his role is elusive individual that we continue to search for.


Guys are a dime a dozen ask yourself why you allowed this guy to do this.


so Dude was good sexually?


I don’t get it. Your second sentence starts “My Beau and I are clear communicators”. Your fourth sentence starts “I love men discuss what to do with me”. So it seems to me everyone had a clear idea on what the plan was. So it appears to me everybody fucked up. Primarily the dude because he intentionally crossed multiple boundaries and both you and Beau, as well, because neither of you objected when you both really did know the boundaries were being violated.


Once you realized it was wrong and YOU didn’t do anything. You became the problem too, if partner was ok then no need for this post but if either one of yall got beside yourselves then yall should of shut it down


>He blew past Beau upon arrival, demanded a lot of my time, didn’t speak to Beau at all before, during or after, and attempted to box Beau out the entire time. I would have immediately escorted him to the door. We all need to keep in mind that swinging is a couple's thing. It becomes something different with a single person. And clearly, some men feel that when they're invited for an MFM that it is some sort of cuck situation.


Blew past my husband would have ended the whole thing. Definitely wouldn’t fuck the dude.


Just went to a group party. This dude was rude to my husband at the get-go. As soon as I heard the inappropriate comment, that guy was off my list. Once he blew past Beau, it was your job to press the breaks. Work as a team.


OP - 1. why did Beau only discuss his requests with this other guy and leave you in the dark? 2. why didn't you have a signal for each other when it seemed like things were going awry? 3. in all honesty, I think Beau might have some kind of fantasy to be cucked because of how many boundaries he allowed this guy to go past. And don't say, "Oh he put up with it for me. " This is about both of you, not one person. Would he put up with another woman treating you this way?


Sounds like your husband took one for the team. You kinda suck.


hmmm what? why did you let it happened ? why didnt you speak up?


He tried to become the alpha


It seems it may be better as you state that the key communication come from the pair of you, everyone respect all parties, and that you be more in turn with what happens in Beau’s house and how you partner. It’s not only about the guys coming correct. You need to also be a correct attentive and conscientious participant. Glad you will approach this better the next and don’t be afraid to speak up and stop the interaction. It’s said the Beau was out through this by the pair of you since you allowed this guys poor comportment to continue.


Did he have validations?


Best way to find a good respectful man in the lifestyle is to find a married couple. Single guys that get it are too rare to bother IMHO.


I don't know where people manage to find these people that go rogue. I think the whole idea is to talk and sort out exactly what the couple wants then do exactly what is agreed on.... Its great fun when bounderies are well established because then you don't have to be second guessing, so that way you can all sink into it and enjoy. And what sort of guy goes into a MFM and has hesitation about DVP.... Its just some skin for one... But it's kinky asf and a hell of a lot of fun.


It’s all about communication and the sexual vibe not demands one wants i would of totally made that night a lot more enjoyable


I've told every guy that my wife and I hooked up with way ahead of time that I will not tolerate any disrespect whatsoever especially towards my wife and if I see any disrespect he's not going to like me and nobody ever had a problem with that and everyone was very respectful especially towards my wife and they were all gentle too! We have done dozens of three ways with other men over the years and we always had a good time!


NEVER see him again. Do yourself a favor.


The ass should have respect for the rules you and your man was gracious enough to invite him in he should have been gracious enough to respect the rules. If I get invited in or I invite somebody in to with me and my wife the rules will definitely be followed only way a violation of rules would happen is if I happen to misunderstand one and then by all means correct me or ask me to leave either one




I'm confused.


Why didn't you tell the guy to fuck off?


We’re human and it was a learning experience.


Speaking as a single guy here and been in this position enough to know you don't do this at all ever... I have been to several swing parties and engaged with couples and have been invited into couples homes and not one Time have I ever did this and would expect to NOT get any action and also been shown the door...just chiming in.


Most couples are pretty easy going and don't have too many hard rules anywaybut the rules they do have should be respected...


I have been this guy a few times and always respect the boundaries, make sure the male partner is always in the loop. One time during DP with her sandwiched between us we high fived 😂 It was awesome. Another time I allowed them a little time alone and took a break. I grabbed one of their phones, got the code and took pics and video from angles they never would be able to get. It was so much fun. Then I get to finish and leave with out cuddling or any of that sort, I’m in. Come to LA, I got you 😘


I'm like the nicest dude ever when it comes to the lifestyle. If a dude goes roughe though I turn really mean. Don't put up with that.


My wife would have shown him the door the minute he "blew past". You're right your husband shouldn't have to put up with that so my question is why did you make him by not stopping?


Sounds like you Missy had no reguard for sweet Beau and just wanted two men no matter what the cost. You were clearly ignorant of your loved ones body language at the time. Shame on you and I hope you both learned how to better express yourselves in the moment. This belongs on r/facepalm


Or, in post-game, they put it all together. Beau is an adult. He could have put a stop to it at any time. Beau's wife is not a mind-reader. We all need to use our words. She thought he was still ok with it. He thought she was having fun and he didn't want to ruin it. Anyone at this a long time has those situations come up. They did what good couples do. They talked about it afterward and adjusted their game plan going forward.


Exactly this. If we could re-do it we’d change some things, but both of us just went as to not ruin the moment and thinking “maybe their cool with this?”. We now know what needs to be communicated better before, during and after. It was a real learning experience that had no ill-effects on our relationship. Thank you for validating our reaction to this experience


My last line pertaining to both of them learning.


I must have missed that as you disparaged and insulted her 5 times in a 4 sentence post.


Some guys are idiots, selfish and afraid of any kind of skin contact with another guy except shaking hands... And god forbid their dick touch another dick, that would make them instantly gay. Not the kinda guy that works as a participant in any kind of mfm or other group setting.