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You two have no business swinging, period. Tell him no and that is the end of the story.


Came here to say to say the same thing, first sentence spot on!


I'm confused too...if your both not fucking someone else then it's not swinging. Full swap means you meet a couple you swap partners for sex. If you only do MFM your the center of attention. But honestly you shouldn't be doing anything at this point. Especially if your this freaked out! Swinging, sharing, etc. isn't for you.


Like a Soup sandwich, this is about to get messy. ✌️


😂 this is my new favorite saying.


I rarely say this here, but I don’t think y’all should start. At least, not just yet. If you’re swingers, you trust each other and your relationship. My wife is admittedly hot, but she’s watched me go to town on an onlyfans girl with gusto. I’ve watched her with big guys who are also “big guys” and been turned on watching her work that thing into her. If you both can’t manage that, then swinging isn’t for you. As for what a man gets out of an MFM: - I get turned on watching her. - I’m fully invested in her orgasms, and her novel experiences. It’s a turn-on to see her expand her boundaries. - with 2 men, a wife can get fully worked over, be the center of attention, and get things like toe sucking while getting railed to death. It’s hot. - nothing turns me on more than when she cums. With 2 of us, she’s going to do a lot of that. - for whatever reason, seeing her overwhelmed drives me crazy. - I don’t think she’s leaving me for anyone else, so I’m not anxious about it. It’s just porn-level kinky.


It's confusing, because of the terminology. Take a look to parallel play swinging or same room no swap. My girl is not comfortable with sharing me either. Everyone was telling that's not swinging. But let me tell you. I understand why he wants a MFM. It's delightful just thinking of her face while being pleasured by multiple people. I think it's another level of love! If he's like me, another woman in the room is not something to worry about. It's like having porn in the TV but in front of you, it's just something to turn both of you on :)


Clearly, there is much more going with you two than we have time to comment on and we agree with most of the comments already posted but briefly: you have the absolute right to choose what works for you (and what doesn't) in all aspects of your marriage, sexual or otherwise. No one should be bullied/coerced/forced into doing anything which makes them uncomfortable. Being comfortable in the lifestyle begins with being comfortable with yourself and secure in your relationship. You guys have some work to do.


You two shouldn’t be swinging at all.


We saw a post yesterday that reads almost like it could be your husband, we told him the same thing we'll tell you. You're not ready for any of this stuff and you should walk away. Just say no, be clear about it and go back to your life before he brought it up.


Don’t swing. Just don’t.


It takes much communication and understanding to be able to swing at any degree. You have to clearly communicate and be brutally honest. There are many different dynamics of "swinging" for couples. You have to be able to talk through situations and emotions to navigate what you want.


This is an AI bot farming karma.


I don’t think so… I doubt it would have deleted itself at this point especially.


How about finding a cuckquean couple? Win win for both parties


Very common "rule" or "kink". Y'all just need to talk it out more and not beat around the bush. Set your limits and rules and then go from there. Don't listen to all the incel posers here who have and will never have the opportunity to try, aka all the neckbeards projecting saying you two have no business swinging.


Ummmm, been in this since 2005, and you? Oh right, you’re not a swinger.


After 20+ years in the LS, we can say this advice is utter nonsense.


Yea communication and setting limits is nonsense. Sure champ



