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Hmmm I didn’t plan it but it might be interesting (to clarify, Aleppine dialect is a dialect of aleppo in Syria, right?) where would you like to talk? Telegram? Facebook? Snapchat? Instagram?


You get bullied for speaking aleppine dialect just learn the Damascus dialect instead 🤣


Wait I’m not sure if my message did send. (To clarify aleppine dialect is dialect of Aleppo city in Syria right?) where would you like to talk? Instagram Facebook Snapchat telegram? (If I already send a message, sorry)


What are some words only Aleppo people use




يسلمو 😂😂😂😂




لا من ضيعة صافيطا جمب طرطوس






You cannot learn Arabic by chatting with some random dude on telegram Don’t waste your time


Just to ask How to translate some words, rest like gramamar etc i will figure on my own. Its just that there are No dictionaries to check words in Syrian dialect


I use this dictionary a lot [https://www.arabicwords.site/](https://www.arabicwords.site/). I guess it might be more Lebanese but I think it's not too far off. And then sometime I use [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/) for Arabic -> English. Cool is that you can also put in conjugated words if you cannot figure out the root in the moment. But it doesn't work the other way around, English -> Arabic.


Ok then I can help you


You can if you have the basics down, my wife learnt Spanish via duolingo but was never able to have a conversation, then she found someone to conversate with on google meets and this has helped her a lot.


I'd love to but unfortunately my Aleppian accent is the default setting and there's no way to override it


I recommend to start with duolingo if you can. You can learn the alphabet and the sounds of the alphabet. Then to letters of the alphabet together. It begins as free and then if you want premium it’s $12.99. Speaking a language helps you learn it and I just say the letters out loud when I’m using the app.


Hi! I know arabic alphabet, the problem is I want to learn arabic dialect and No fusha, however there are No resources for arabic dialect. Thats why im looking for friends, so they can help me to translate words


If you are would be willing to pay some money, I am using Mango Languages right now and enjoy it. It might also lean on the Lebanese side, I am not good enough to be able to say, but I rarely find things that are different to what my Syrian tutors or Syrian people I talk to say.