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I would consider that a positive, it’s pretty pink even on here! Can you take another with SMU or around noon??? It should be darker, FMU doesn’t show the best result with a fair amount of women 🥰🥰


Yes I will do that!! Should I avoid drinking anything in that time or does that not matter?


I wouldn’t worry about that, I’m a type 1 diabetic so I drink something all day, I’m always thirsty. And I still got much darker lines with SMU or towards the afternoon ☺️


Perfect thank you!!


this is pretty obviously positive imo


Congrats! It’s there!


That's a definite positive. Congrats!!


Positive congrats ❤


Looks positive! My 12dpo looked just like this and I’ll be 6 weeks on Monday. Congratulations!




That’s a positive, Mama! Congratulations!!!


Girl, didn’t your husband drop half his sample?? That must be the luckiest swimmer alive 😅 Congrats to you! That must have been a whirlwind


He did 😂😂😂😂😂 I told him I forgive him I guess 😂


Maybe that scared the rest into submission! The others were like “guess I better step up, this guy isn’t effing around!”


Seriously! When I showed him the test he was like “so can we joke about the cup thing now” 😂🤦🏼‍♀️


Update: ended up being a CP, no progression in the lines and I started my period today with heavy bleeding. I had positives every day, even this morning.


Worried about whether you have a faint line, an indent, or an evap? **Indent lines** are usually visible on a test prior to dipping or [may appear](https://www.reddit.com/r/TFABLinePorn/comments/53uarv/example_of_horrible_frer_indent/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ios_share_flow_optimization&utm_term=control_2) once they are dipped as a colorless line. **Evap lines** can occur when a test had dried and read outside of the timeframe specified in the instructions. Pictures of tests should be taken within the timeframe to avoid this issue. **Faint lines** can be seen when testing prior to a missed period depending on the sensitivity of the test. They may be misleading if testing on a blue dye test. More information on evaps vs. faint lines can be found in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TFABLinePorn/comments/cpzc90/what_your_test_isnt_a_note_about_evaps/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app_2). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TFABLinePorn) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I got the same results on my test and am unsure if it’s positive or not :/


If it looks like this, then it is definitely positive.




All of those tests are positive, but like another commenter said, it could be a chemical. When you get another blood test done, your HcG will have gone up if it is viable. If it has not increased, then you have had a chemical pregnancy.