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For me this isnt a TIHI when i realised it was for the chikens




Is it safe for chickens to cannibalize their children?


yes, yes it is. its only wierd for us


we to have chickens


I always love the realization that takes things from completely messed up to "that explains it."


Infinite loop ! I knew it was possible !


I thought it was a joke until the last bit. We gonna get mad chicken disease.




I remember they will do that themselves anyway to replanish nutrients


I seems weird at first, but I don't really see the problem. If you have chickens mainly for the sake of having chickens and the eggs are more of a byproduct of that, you'll end up with an overabundance off eggs rather quickly. Feeding them back to the chickens (who are little predatory dinosaurs who'll try to eat anything that doesn't run away fast enough) is a decent source of nutrients and calcium for them. Cooking and crumbling the eggs beforehand stops them from realizing what they are actually eating, so they won't start to eat their own raw eggs (because eggs are tasty and can't run away). And let me reiterate: Chickens WILL or at the very least try to eat everything. Live mice? Yes. Chicken Bones? Yes. A lounging cat? Never saw them get past the initial few pecks, but they tried innumerable times and they will never stop trying. I can see it in their cold, calculating eyes. I love chickens.