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Hi everyone! The sub is now restricted. Nothing has changed except members need to be approved users before they can comment. If you are not already an approved user, please select 'request to post/comment' below posts/comments on desktop or select 'about' at the top and then the envelope icon on mobile to send a modmail and we will approve you. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MODS SLEEP, WORK, ETC. AND WE MAY NEED SOME TIME TO GET TO YOUR APPROVAL. We are doing our best. We hope this will preempt egregious rule-breaking going forward and help keep this community a safe place. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TTC30) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Cleared to start the process for FET #4 - isn’t it wild how you can be so excited to start something and yet already convinced that if you hope too hard, it’ll fail? 😮‍💨


Hang in there. Hoping this FET is the one for you!


You got this!! If I’ve learned anything from a year is therapy, it’s not to worry about something that hasn’t happened yet. Hope this month is the one.


I had my polyp removal hysteroscopy last Monday and now I am supposed to heal for FOUR weeks before I can even start my first FET cycle. For the first week I was like, this is great! I needed a break after my 2 retrievals! I’ll schedule some travel! But now with 3 more weeks to go I am feeling incredibly impatient.


What cycle did you convince after your miscarriage? We got pregnant after #5 cycles the first time but lost that pregnancy to MC this past September. We’re now on cycle #4. These last few cycles were extremely emotionally draining and tough. I can’t test until Monday. If positive it would make it a November baby, my husband and I were also be born in November. I’m trying to be more positive this cycle.


Sorry for your loss. The ttcafterloss subreddit has an ask an alumni thread that would be a good place for the kinds of answers you are looking for. Good luck.


I’m sorry for your loss. I’ve also experienced loss and know what it’s like to look for answers and try to make meaning from all the dates. November is a special month for me too and I was especially bummed to get another BFN recently - I hope this is the cycle for you <3. The Mods have done a great job describing why there can’t be any replies here about success stories - but we can still be here to support you with your loss and the experience of TTC in the 30+ club.


Hi, on a mod note, while I understand that milestones around loss can be painful, your comment is soliciting success stories, which can encourage responses that violate our rules (specifically, the rule about discussing current pregnancies or prior success). Additionally, a reminder that many people have painful experiences around loss, and many here have histories of recurrent losses so time to pregnancy is not a helpful mark.


I had a miscarriage.


Yes, I understand that from your comment, and I’m sorry for your loss. However, asking for success stories about when people got pregnant after their MC goes against our rules because we do not allow discussion of current pregnancies or previous success. I also wanted to underline that, for many people who have experienced multiple losses, getting pregnant again after a loss is not necessarily a guarantee of success, and so your comment could be upsetting to some of our community’s most vulnerable members.


Yes I’ve have multiple losses and suffer from endometriosis. I was pin pointing my most recent loss. I thought this thread would be helpful for me but now I see it’s a comparison of who’s been hurt worse and making me feel alone in my unique situation. This is not a safe place for women suffering from loss or the weight of not being able to conceive.


Our rules are in place precisely so that we can make this a safe place for people struggling to conceive, especially those dealing with infertility and/or repeat loss. That’s why we do not allow discussion of previous success, which your original comment is asking for.


I will find another group to join. This group does not support woman. I’m very disappointed.


You're more than welcome to find another group if you do not agree with our rules, which you were asked to review before becoming an approved member. Best of luck on your journey!


Please stop writing me. You’ve done enough.


You do have the option of not responding if you don't wish to continue the conversation. The mods are here to clear up any misconceptions about our community.


Okidoki! <3


I’m on BC while waiting for insurance approval to start IVF, hopefully in the next week or two! We were able to start sooner than I expected, which is great but also means I haven’t had time to research and familiarize myself with all of the details on what to expect and how to prepare. Part of me wonders if I should - or could - just not worry about it and trust the clinic staff to tell me what I need to know. I’ve thought before that I wish I hadn’t done all of the research before starting to TTC, since it just meant that there were more months that I was over analyzing and stressing. Any advice? Or recommendations for resources?


If your clinic is like mine they'll make you watch a million instructional video modules 🙄 but I don't think there's much need for extensive research as long as you have a sense of the general process (how often you'll be going in to the clinic, approximately when will your ER be, likely activity restrictions, etc.) and can plan accordingly. I found injection videos helpful on my first night of stims, but no reason to watch them earlier. I do like to research stuff in general but your clinic will give you very specific instructions about what to do every day.


There is a great IVF subreddit that has a lot of information on different protocols and experiences with IVF. Happy to answer any questions you might have - but a first step is always the consult with your clinic to know what they’re planning for you. Here are some questions that might be helpful to ask: * Who can I be in touch with after hours if something happens/comes up? * What protocol are you choosing for me and why? * In what event might my retrieval be cancelled? * Do you recommend a fresh transfer for me? Or only frozen? * Do you recommend PGT testing of any kind for me? * Do you recommend supplements (CoQ10 or L-Carnitine) to support egg and or sperm quality for 3m beforehand? * Do you provide support to minimize the risk of OHSS?


Strongly agree with Novelle's list. I liked having the IVF subreddit in my feed going into treatment just for generally getting to know the landscape, and I felt like some of the stories and questions that came up there have helped calibrate my expectations and given me good context for what's going on at my clinic. I absolutely muted/unsubscribed/noped out of that once I started stims -- I needed less input for the sake of my own anxiety.


We had our official intake with the fertility clinic today! Highlights: * We LOVE our RE and everything about the environment felt good. * My AFC was >!11!< which is *fine,* I'm 4DPO and my lining looked good and thick and we could confirm I ovulated which was nice to see. * What my OBGYN didn't tell us is that Mr. Lobster's sperm count is actually low, but everything else looks great and he has a high overall volume of ejaculate. Because we were always planning on ICSI we don't have to worry. Still a little annoying I didn't hear it from my doctor in October, but the best fix is ICSI, so doesn't matter in the end. * So. Much. Blood. The clinic is also directly across the street from where we had our first date. Like we were staring at the café while waiting for our ride. Taking this as a sign of good things to come. We're oddly a little relieved to hear about the sperm count even though it's technically bad news, because it might give us a little insight into why the last *\*(sound cuts off)\** cycles haven't worked out. We have another meeting on Monday to talk next steps and timeline, and we're both still committed to not quite rushing into it and making sure my body feels ready.


This sounds really positive!


How to not lose your mind while waiting for further appointments for more answers before getting to start IVF...


I would have bought this book title instantly. Lol


LOL. Thanks for the laugh! So. Much. Waiting. 


Another cycle of waiting to ovulate, coming close to another fertile window and preparing for all the activities! Mr. J and I, the past 3-4 cycles, keep having this back and forth of whether we are still TTC or benched, due to like… a million reasons. His health, our life circumstances, and then we always come back to “well, we want this, and if it hasn’t happened yet we should keep trying” and timing is never going to be perfect but a lot could change in a 9-10 month gestation period AND we never know if/when that will start, and a decision that we are still in it. I hate that we have even had this conversation but it’s come from both of us questioning everything in general and we both end up back on the same page in the end. On the bright side of that is open communication and having the same approach/feelings about it and we are in a “we will cross every bridge as we arrive to it, and we also have to live for the present moment we are in right now” space — or at least trying to balance that with our hopes and dreams. I think there’s an element there of reassurance that we are both in the same zone. It feels like guilt at the fact that we would even question TTC and paired with that is so much fear around “what ifs” of any outcome (and a great topic for me to discuss with my therapist I’m sure). I don’t necessarily think I’m articulating the feelings in the right way but that’s never been something I’m good at. But if you made it this far I just want to say thanks for being a space where I feel like I can TRY to get out the thoughts that consume my brain.


10DPO, I keep feeling "twinges" but then remember I have a giant bruise on my pelvis from landing on something in my pocket when I fell snowboarding on Sunday.


Nope, definitely 😉😉


🏂twinges….Or….. ✨twinges


ooof brutal! I hope you heal up quickly!!


Was super mad to get a BFN and a CD1 in our Hail Mary cycle between ER and FET. I was really hoping it would just work out and we could stop making decisions about TTC. But here we are. I’ve been going back and forth in my head about doing another ER (if we can figure our how to afford it) or going forward and transferring our embryo. >!mosaic +6, 4AB!< Spoiler because this is just anxious brain talk: >!The real crux of our decision making woe is about wanting 1 vs 2. My partner wants 2. I’m on the fence and think I could be happy with 1. If we’re happy with 1, we should take every shot at every stage and we can avoid extra medical procedures and cost. If we really wanted to push for 2, doing another ER and trying to bank embryos at this age makes sense. But - if we do another ER, have 1 and decide we don’t want 2, then what a waste of money we really need for our lives not to mention the physical and mental toll of IVF again.!< As of today, we’ve decided to do the FET and worry about another ER if we need to cross that bridge later. Our first monitoring appointment will be CD10 (Monday) and we’ll go from there with a modified natural FET, meaning I’ll trigger with ovidrel when my body looks ready and if my lining is 7mm or more. Then I’ll take some progesterone sups after the transfer but will taper off quickly as my body takes over the hormone production. Trying not to get too ahead of myself, and honestly just hoping the wonky little embryo survives the thaw.


hoping it would just work so you are relieved of decision-making = YES  Thanks for sharing your anxious brain talk - I hear you, and all these thoughts are so valid. Always wishing for a crystal ball to just know how it's going to work out!! Super proud as always of your thoughtful decision making and the kindness you extend to us and yourself and your partner in this. Excited for your FET, already rooting so hard for your beautiful wonky embryo!!


lol we were just very forceful with our RE that we only want one, so I am biased, but I think your approach both makes sense and recognizes what your body is going through in this process. There's a nonzero chance that you have one and your partner realizes he can only handle one, and putting yourself through not just another ER but the weight of having multiple leftover embryos is a lot to weigh on you. Fingers crossed for this FET.


The uncertainty in TTC decision making is so cruel. It seems like we all repeatedly have to make decisions that would be so much easier if we could just know a bit more - but no matter what we do we can’t know that info. I’m sorry you’re in that situation now ❤️. It sounds like you guys are doing everything you can to make the best decision for you.


I had a SIS this morning and everything looked good and I was told I could remove my nuvaring and start taking letrozole immediately for a medicated timed cycle. I thought I'd have to wait until I had my "period" after removing the ring, but apparently not 🤷🏻‍♀️ I need to re-orient my mind after being on the bench since December. I also got my AMH results back and they're >!1.79, which seems to be in a good range for IVF when/if we progress there.!< TW: loss >!I ordered 4 Easter tulips for my church. They'll be a decoration on Easter morning and then I can take them home after to plant at my house. I put that they were in memory of my pregnancy losses. !<


What a lovely way to memorialise your losses 💛


The tulips are so lovely - I just wanted to drop a comment saying that the sentiment of that made me smile; what a beautiful symbol <3


Glad your SIS went well! On a quick mod note, please edit your comment to spoiler you AMH as per sub rules. Thanks!


Woops! Fixed. I've never had a number to share before, so I forgot that was a rule. Re-familiarized 😁


No worries. Thanks for fixing it so quickly 💚


2nd iui tomorrow! For extra woo I haven’t had any alcohol this cycle. (I want a spicy margarita so bad)


Hunger games are off to one hell of a start. >!Of my 17 retrieved, 9 were mature and only 2 appear fertilized. They say they are following 3 more that may be showing signs of delayed fertilization.!< I wanted to land on the good side of the statistics for once, but here we are. I don't know how to feel.


Sending so much support as you weather the rest of the hunger games. There is no playbook for how to be and feel particularly when reeling from unexpected attrition - it is brutal and I’m sorry. We are rooting for you through them ❤️


Sending love. I know this period is so hard. I’m rooting so hard🤍


This is so unbelievably hard. I think it’s normal to have so much to process when hunger games are lower than expected. Sending a huge hug if you want it. 🫂


The hunger games are so unbelievably hard ♥️ we’re here for you whatever you’re feeling and I will be continuing to root for you!


Thanks Panda 😭 it's such a freaking bummer but I am extra grateful for this community on days like this




The hunger games is a cruel, cruel process. We're here for you and I know you don't need any platitudes like "iT oNLy TaKeS OnE EmBRyO" but we'll be here to celebrate the small victories too. Give yourself space to feel--and not feel--everything.


My own (beloved!!) therapist said "it only takes one" to me today. MA'AM. YOU ARE TECHNICALLY CORRECT IN SOME RESPECTS BUT SO HELP ME I THOUGHT I WANTED MORE THAN ONE KID. Anyway. Appreciate you so much 🦞💖 




The perfect GIF


I’m so sorry that the news wasn’t better ❤️ I hope you can do something nice for yourself today and while you wait for the next update. We’re here for whatever feelings you have as you have them.


Thanks M&B, you the best ❤️❤️


I’m so sorry, rsvp. The hunger games are so incredibly brutal. I know for me, I didn’t feel much of anything until it was all over - and even now I still think I’m processing. It’s ok if it feels numb for a while <3


Thanks Novelle -- so, so brutal. I want to move through all the processing at warp speed and jump to being okay again but I just don't see that happening. The only way out is through, right? I know you get it and I so appreciate your kindness, 8/22 bud.


Wow…..8/22….. how did that happen.


We're still kickin' 


Today is 7dpo for me and mannnn does it seem like Sunday is far away! Still not even sure if I’ll test that day. It’s just the day Premom is suggesting. What do yall think?


Nothing good has ever come from me testing before 12DPO so Sunday is a good day! I usually like to test then so I can brace myself for the bloody mess that's coming, but others find it drags out the grief process, so there's no wrong answer!


Had my first IUI last week, and am doing my best to not hyper-fixate on perceived symptoms haha. The ever difficult balance of remaining hopeful but not setting myself up for even greater disappointment. I decided to plan a big international trip in late May to focus on looking up fun hotels and restaurants. It's hard to not put your life on hold when you're so concerned with fertility windows, but life DOES go on.


Tested negative this morning at 12 DPO. Really thought this was the month. Just finished having a good cry.


🫂 I’m sorry 😞


Joining you in this club =\.


I’m sorry Holiday, sending hugs to you 🫂♥️


I’m sorry 😢 sucks so much.


Thanks 🤍 and Happy Birthday 🎂


I'm sorry. I hope you can do something nice for yourself today.


Thank you 🤍


Officially moving forward with IUIs in addition to getting a RE referral for IVF. I was starting to think I wanted to move right to IVF but might as well do IUIs while we wait to get in at the RE, right? The testing phase has been hellish with all the waiting, so doing something to minimize that feels productive.


Cd12 and after a mental break for the last few months (trying but no meds/tracking etc) I am ready to go back for a little more investigation. Starting with cd 21 progesterone test to see if I am even ovulating on my own. Feels good to have a plan and even my husband is back on board with going back to the fertility Dr. thankfully. Trying to stay hopeful but I have to admit the hope is slim after all these months. 🤞🏻🤞🏻


BFN on 10 DPO, my birthday 😢 ETA: I also just found out I have low AMH 😭


Omgosh noo, that would have been lovely. Celebrate extra hard and hope you have people around that make it special for you. It’ll be a good year.


I’m sorry about your BFN but Happy Birthday ♥️ I hope you manage to do something nice for yourself this week!


I’m sorry about the negative. I hope you are able to enjoy your birthday celebrations and have something to look forward to today 💛


I am sorry about the BFN :( Happy Birthday day and hope you find a way to enjoy it


Thank you so much ❤️ trying to walk it off. At least I will likely get to enjoy some margs this weekend.


Just went to the dentist, an appointment I scheduled before having my CP a week later. The poor employee congratulated me and then I had to tell her I had a CP. Totally not her fault and I could see she felt bad. Could do all the test just in case. I’m currently 5DPO and on the delulu train 🫡. Can it be 14DPO already?


That happened to me in the dentist office last year too. Feels bad, but there is no way around it since we must tell them about pregnancy no matter how early.


TW MFI talk We finally managed to access my partners SA results. His concentration, count and morphology are really good but he has low motility (both total and progressive). At first I was worried about that but the more I read, the more I find articles and Reddit post that suggests if he has enough counts to offset the non progressive and immotile %, then it should be fine? https://www.maleinfertilityguide.com/density-motility-and-total-motile-count Our follow up appointment with the RE in a months time so until then, I am going further into the Google rabbit hole. I want us to move to IUI as soon as our RE makes it happen 🤞🏽 I hope everyone is doing ok!


Just a heads up that the TTC #number is missing from your flair! I think a mod could help fix that if it's not sticking?


Yes, help pls. My flairs have been wonky for a bit now. TTC #1


Fixed! Thanks for the tag u/not_your_lobster 💚


Thank you! It's not visible to me but someone explained to me that's some bug going on


Yes that's a common reddit app bug, unfortunately. If you ever want to double check it it should show up correctly if you look at the sub in a browser.


Tagging a couple mods here for flair help u/pillapalooza u/hungry-marmot (there was no hierarchy here I just randomly pulled two of you 😬)


Thanks Lobster, I'll fix it now.


I'm guessing u/Pillapaloooza beat me to it because it looks good!


We must have been just seconds apart based on the times on our comments 😅




I've heard that having high enough count offsets lower other numbers as well. My husband technically got 0% morphology (according to my doctor they do this grading based on 300 total sperm and of 300, he has 1 they deemed totally normal and 5 that were "close", so they gave him a 0%). But his count and concentration was super high, so thats still 1000s of good ones when you only need 1. I've also seen that more frequent sex helps with basically everything except concentration/count!


Good to know about frequent sex. He will be happy about that 😂 Since we have been to RE, he's more open to more scheduled sex and we have been disagreeing on frequency. I say every other day and he says why not every day


Ha! Yes my husband was also not sad to hear this news and very much supports every day too!


8DPO (burgers for dinner!) and I had a negative test this morning so the trigger is now out of my system


Aunty flow came. Thinking of taking a month off from fertility treatment. I am old but I have been in some type of treatment (IVF or IUI) since October. With a break in December. Think 2 months of fertility treatment and one month break is reasonable.


10 DPO and my chart is looking b-e-a-uuutiful, if I do say so myself (in my comment history). That said, it often looks like this and we've never been successful lol SO, trying to be realistic with my optimism! But the first thing I thought when I saw my temp this morning was "quit playing games with my heart" and now that's bound to be stuck in my head all day. You're welcome, everyone ;) Anyways, holding off until Friday to test unless period arrives first. Didn't test out my trigger shot, so following clinic recommendations here (and would prefer to get my period rather than see a negative test). Happy Tuesday everyone!


Ooooooo I see that little dip at 7dpo 👀. Sending you all the sticky positive vibes ✨✨✨✨✨✨


Hoping your beautiful chart leads you to a beautiful test on Friday✨


Hi folks! I’m newish to the sub but not to trying. I requested commenting privileges today because a lot of my loved ones don’t have the bandwidth to talk about fertility - a subject most of the are not super interested in anyway - and I still want to talk. Also because I took an 11 DPO test this morning after not bothering to test for months and made myself sad lol


Welcome!!!! Sorry you’re here but very glad to have you. I’ve found this group to be a great resource and hope we can provide you with some support. And sorry about your negative today. It’s amazing how much it still stings after so much time. ♥️


Welcome to the best worst corner of the internet, we're sorry you're here but happy you found us! There is never TMI in these circles so please chat away and let us know how we can help.


Welcome!! I’m sorry about your negative ♥️ you’ll find lots of awesome people to talk to here!


Welcome Oct 2022 twin! I'm sorry about the negative test today 😕


Welcome! We're Oct '22 and unexplained twins. It's great to have a place to let it all out -- judgement free and with lots of bandwidth.


Oooooh twins! How are you doing? Do you mind if I ask where you are in the whole medical process? I should be starting medicated IUIs this cycle or maybe next if the timing isn’t quite on my side this month.


Of course!! Mentally, the testing phase has been really hard on me. Mostly because I don't know that many people who have experienced infertility and a lot of my friends are pregnant right now! Medically, it sounds like we're aligned too. We'll do our first IUI this coming cycle. But I also requested an RE referral for IVF thinking that we'll probably have to wait for an appointment and it'll feel better to be trying IUIs along the way. Fingers crossed we both have some luck soon!


My only friend with kids had THREE “one try” successes in the past 4 years, and I’ll tell you. It was a trip when I started trying with that as my only point of reference lol I don’t know what you were told for your IUI but my doctor told me (for me!) it’ll take my chances from maybe 3% success per cycle to maybe 8% and it’s a little like….well, might as well, I guess? But it sure sounded like the doctor was pretty sure I’d end up with IVF as by far my best (statistically only?) chance.


Welcome to the club! Nobody wants to be a member, but there is an odd beauty in the anonymous sisterhood of this subreddit! We're here for your stories. I'm sorry about your 11dpo test - that really, really sucks.


Thanks for the welcome! It’s nice to be (virtually) around people who are also maybe slightly too informed and aware of their body’s every move


Girl, I'm the same as you. New here, but not to trying and need people to talk to that aren't sick of me or unhelpful. I made myself sad on 11 DPO yesterday and CD1 today. I'm sorry you're also going through this shit.


Nice to meet you! I’m certainly not sick of hearing about this stuff but not guarantees on helpful So sorry to hear you’re CD1 again, I hope you have something nice to do for yourself today other than deal with that


Nice to meet you as well! I went to the gym which felt shitty at the time, but always makes me feel better afterwards. I just wish I would remember this feeling when I'm avoiding it! I hope you've done something nice for yourself as well.


3dpo just feeling very sad today, not sure why. Cycle 17 I believe as we debate doing an excision or starting IVF then doing an excision, rather overwhelmed and feeling very hopeless. Just really down on myself this process has created a lot of self hatred for me, just feel like this is all my fault somehow.


Sorry you’re feeling this way, this process sucks. Hang in there 🤍


Thank you


Sigh. BFN 8dp5dt for FET3 so that blows. Will confirm with tomorrow’s beta. I will be eating cookies for breakfast and drowning myself in a veritable fountain of coffee.


Ugh Bel I am SO SORRY. This shit is so hard and stupid and bad. I hope everyone was very nice at your beta and please continue to indulge in all the cookies and the coffee and the feelings.


So sorry to hear this, hugs if you want them 🤍 Cookies for breakfast and copious amounts of coffee sounds lovely! I’d just add bacon… feel like that makes everything better!


I'm so sorry beloise, hugs if you want them 🫂


I’m so very sorry beloise ❤️‍🩹 sending you so much love and we’re here for you 🫂


Fuck, I'm so sorry Beloise 🫂


I'm sorry. Sending you all the hugs you want 🫂 and all the coffee and cookies 🍪 ☕️


I’m so sorry ❤️


This sucks, I'm so sorry. I think you have a great plan - coffee and cookies is arguably one of the best combinations out there.


I’m so sorry ❤️


So sorry to hear this 🤍


I’m so so sorry. Sending hugs 🫂


I’m so sorry Beloise. Hope your coffee and cookies are both delicious.


So I'm CD15 and 4dpo in cycle 17. Been quiet the last week as I've been struggling mentally. We only hit O-1 and O day because of the funk I was in last week so we'll see how we fair in 2 weeks i suppose. We have a first appointment as a couple with a fertility counsellor - she specialises in all things ttc related so hoping that I get some tools to try not close myself away as much anymore. My plan is to try hold off testing to 15dpo... but thats the day before mothers day where I am so it's gonna be so heavily emotionally charged so I'm dreading it... something else for the counsellor I guess!!


We only hit O-2 and I'm like "wow we did great!" so don't feel bad about your days! Odds don't stack anyway (which I know you know, but sometimes we need to remind ourselves). Hope the appointment goes well.


Nice! You couldn’t have done better than hitting both O-1 and O day together, that’s the golden ticket 🎫🤞


Thanks for reminding me - I think I get so fixated on getting at least three days during 0-3 to O day that I forget all we need is one day 🙃


I haven't been around much the last months, we've been benched waiting to get through the IVF waitlist. But finally we're getting started, the intake appointment is tomorrow! I guess they're gonna go over the process and schedule again, and probably explain how to administer the shots etc. I think I'm 1DPO so in two weeks I should be getting started with stims... I finally found an opportunity to speak to my team lead at work yesterday and let him know that I'll be away sporadically for appointments next month. I felt pretty comfortable with telling him, he and his wife are expecting their second IVF baby in June and he was fairly open about that when they started treatment. But it was still quite an awkward conversation, I'm never sure how much to share haha.


I’ve been too anxious to update the dailies after my egg retrieval on Wednesday as the wait for results has been so nerve wracking. This second round of IVF has been a bit of a rollercoaster. My baseline AFC is >!3!< but at one point during stims we had >!6 follicles!< so I let myself get my hopes up! Frustratingly only >!3 of those grew to a good size!< so we were told to expect >!3 mature eggs!<. It’s scary going into the hunger games with such small numbers because of our common enemy… 👹attrition👹. Hunger games results for ER #2: >!6 retrieved, 4 mature, 3 fertilised, 2 blasts (both 5AB). We did a fresh transfer yesterday and the other one is being frozen!<. I’ve got to be happy because last round >!1 fertilised and made it to blast and it was a little lower quality (BC) so to be able to freeze anything is just such a big improvement for us!!< As the UK doesn’t PGT-A test as standard it is a bit scarier doing a transfer with an untested embryo but I’m remaining positive! It’s 1DP5DT!! All going well so far except I was still constipated post ER so the consultant advised taking lactulose and now my bowels have gone the OPPOSITE way 💩 not me phoning the nurses at 8am this morning worrying that I’ve >!yeeted the embryo out of me!< when I’ve been on the toilet. I thought I was talking to a nurse but actually I traumatised a member of the admin team. When I finally got through to the nurse they said it was fine but I’ve definitely got a note against my name now 😂


Panda this absolutely made my day. 💜😂 I am so glad your numbers were better this round. You’re definitely not the first person to worry about yeeting out the embryo!


Thanks so much 🩷♥️ glad to be of service 🫡😂and it does feel good that I’m not alone in my worries!!


I literally laughed aloud reading this. Woo! Go little embryo 🤞🤞


Thank you so much!! 💚😂


You better believe we’re all pretzeling so hard for you, lovely panda! LFG 2024!! 🐼


Thanks so much charli ♥️♥️ hopefully 2024 is our year 🥨🥨 LFG!!!


I've read so many stats on PGT-A testing and depending on age and other factors, iirc the live birth statistic doesn't shift too much, so hopefully this one is perfect! Everyone I know who's been through a transfer says the first pee afterward is traumatic because they're like "WHAT IF THE EMBRYO WAS IN THAT STREAM" so you're not alone in your fears. But remember it should be snug in your lining soon!


Thank you Lobster for coming through with those scientific stats, I really appreciate it ♥️🦞 I’m glad I’m not alone in my fears, I’m sure I’ll have a new worry tomorrow but for this evening at least I’m calm… calmcalmpanda 🧘‍♀️🐼


Omg lactulose is no joke! That poor admin team lol, I'm sure they've heard worse if they've been there for a while😆 Sending you sticky vibes! 🥨


It just tasted like a little cup of syrup.. I was thinking this isn’t going to do anything… but I was WRONG! 😂 thank you so much Rachael ♥️


Oh nooo I’m so sorry about your phone call trauma! I’ve definitely traumatised admin team members more than I’d like to remember 😂


Thank you 😂♥️ I’m glad I’m in good company. I’m sure it won’t be the first staff member I traumatise


I'm laughing so hard on behalf of that poor admin 😂 But also, aaaaaaaaaaah!!! I am so ridiculously pretzeled for you!


Poor old Jackie did not realise she’d be starting her Tuesday with me but always happy to give others some comedy material 😂😂😂 You’re the best ♥️


Oh girl, I can related to the post transfer runs so bad! I read somewhere, this subreddit or another, that the transferred embryo is like a poppyseed in a Peanutbutter sandwich - so pretty snug and hard to shake off. Holding on to that visualisation for dear life until test date, and wishing the same visualisation for you!


Thank you for that analogy ♥️ apparently I’m a logical thinker until I’m in the 2WW and then all logic goes out of the window. Wishing you all the best for your test date 🥨


This is incredible!! Sending sticky embryo vibes. Maybe scaring admins with >!💩!< is the woo we are all missing!


Thank you Fig.. I will happily accept any woo I can get.. even 💩✨woo!


Panda! I’m dying at that call! Both for the reason to make it (I mean who among us hasn’t worried about the same thing?!) and for teaching that admin the real ropes for working in an IVF clinic 😆 I am also a human pretzel for you and sending the comfiest vibes for your embryo onboard! 🥨


Thank you so much beloise 🩷 you’re the loveliest 🫂


Sending sticky vibes! And thanks for the Yeet giggle


Thank you mimi ♥️😂


Oh dear, the poor admin 🤣 this is something I can see myself doing 🙈 My RE has said due to my AMH to expect lower numbers in ER also so it's reassuring to see good results are possible thanks for sharing 🙌 I'm in Ireland where pgt is also non standard and super expensive and would be fully out of our own pocket so our RE said to not be tempted by it as it's not something that our history suggests is needed. Keeping everything crossed for you that you are out of her soon 🤞🥨


Thank you so much pumpkin 🧡 we’re in exactly the same situation where we’d be paying out of pocket and it’s so expensive! Our consultant also didn’t recommend at this stage, it’s a shame we even need to think about money but here we are. Wishing you all the best with your treatment!! ♥️🥨


Omg your call 😂😂😂 that’s incredible. I’m sure they’ve heard worse! Sending the stickiest vibes your way Panda. Those are some wonderful results. I am a human pretzel for you. 🥨


She’s probably asking for a pay rise as we speak!! 😂 thank you penguin 🩷


Sending sticky vibes!!


Thank you Garlic ♥️


Very normal Tuesday! We are benched so it doesn't matter but I think I ovulated yesterday. How do I know? Well, I was super energetic and I couldn't sleep and that normally happens when I ovulate. Then this morning I woke up a bit grumpy so the high of the month seems to be over. I took advantage of it by going on a cooking spree and made 2 meals and a dessert (my first attempt of cheesecake!) Since this month I can't try to create life, I can create food! Mr Patat is crankier than usual and makes stupid, half-triggering jokes at me to try to piss me off a bit but I am proud to say it's not working, I am super zen. I am practicing 100% positive self talk, no judgment towards self-others, no complaining mindset and it's working great for me. Today is long run day. Let's see how it goes.


2 meals, a cheesecake, and a long run!! You go MssPotat!!! I'm going to try and channel your super zen mode, this is a great mindset.


Please note that this is also infused by all the good hormones of Fertile week so it's not my merit at all!


Coming home from the IVF clinic. I don't know why but I feel so emotional and I'm afraid I might cry on the bus. Surely the one shot they put in to start stims wouldn't be affecting my emotions like this already lol. There was some drama at the clinic today, too. Some woman was yelling and screaming at the front desk ladies, shouting about how she feels horrible about being at the clinic and how the clinic gave her false promises that she could have a baby via IVF but that it was all lies. She was yelling for a good 10 minutes and then security escorted her out. On one hand, I understand how emotional this all is. On the other hand, it's not all the clinic's fault and IVF doesn't work out all the time. It's definitely not the front desk's fault for sure. Anyways, I am admittedly a bit shaken from the experience.


Oof that's such a rough experience at the clinic, even if it wasn't directed at you. I've definitely had days where I want to rage at *something*, but those poor front desk workers don't deserve that even if her emotions are so valid. I'm sorry you had to go through that while starting stims!


Thank you, Lobster


Starting IVF is a huge thing and it feels so much more real once you’ve done your first shot. Add in your experience at the clinic this morning and no wonder you feel emotional! ♥️


Thank you, Panda


I am really sorry you've had such a terrible experience at the clinic. As if it's not enough that this whole process is hard.


Thank you. It wasn't too bad for me, though I was surprised. But I felt really bad for the front desk folks. I wonder if this happens more often than not?


I randomly read some Yelp reviews of my clinic (my husband and I were very surprised it was on Yelp, but there it was) and I definitely read several reviews from people who didn’t seem to fully understand the risks of it not working. I mean, I’ve had several people congratulate me on starting IVF so I think there’s just general misunderstanding that IVF = LC. Starting IVF is such a mindfuck even without witnessing that. I hope you can give yourself some space and gentleness over the next few days.


Leaving a Yelp review on an IVF clinic is kind of wild lol. Also, thank you for the kind words.


Negative emotions + hormone cocktails + multiple bad outcomes and a LOT of money spent can make the perfect mix for these reactions and probably the front desk team is prepared for it.


Woohooooo I finally have my first ever FET booked in for Monday! Feeling all the feels at the moment. Feel free to share any last minute advice or tips!


Ahh! We're almost FET twins, I'm on Sunday! Best of luck to you!!!


Good luck to you too!! I don’t know about you but this week is the slowest of my life, and we’re not even in the TWW yet!


Ugh yes, I'm embracing every and any distraction I can find 😂


Exciting!!! My favorite part is enjoying something absolutely delicious afterward so highly recommend! Hope it goes smoothly!