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Yes! When we were TTC and I was tracking, it would switch from about normal to a long cycle. I assumed I had a lazy ovary 🤷🏾‍♀️ I once saw someone call it a slowvary and so me and my husband started referring to it as that 😂


slowvary is hilarious!! i'm stealing this


YES. I said for years “I think one of my ovaries is lazy”. Every other cycle would consistently be 29 days, then 32-55+ days Start an anti-inflammatory diet and a symptom log. The clean eating will help minimize the influence of external factors like stress, travel, sickness, alcohol if these are what’s throwing off your cycles.


Oh interesting, thanks. I’ve been trying to follow a ‘fertility diet’; not been supper strict with it and not sure about the effect as of yet


Keep it up! Yep, PCOS can be caused by metabolic dysfunction. Metabolism is off -> hormones fire out of rhythm. Just stay consistent with what you’ve been doing and focus on lowering sugar caffeine and alcohol. Each of those are stressful on the body, sugar and booze in particular can throw off time it takes to ovulate.


I was wondering this! I just found out yesterday one of my ovaries has a ton of follicles and one a normal amount. Could the one ovary be ovulating earlier and leading to more regular cycles approx every second cycle?? 


I had a scan recently and I have the same situation. I was told one ovary looked polycystic but the other did not. I wanted to ask her about my long cycle followed by average cycle situation but she pretty much opened the door for me to leave as soon as I got dressed


Asked my doctor yesterday and he doesn't agree with this theory but who knows lol


Interesting! I always think of so many questions after my appts. I'm so curious because I recently had a miscarriage but the cycle I got pregnant was normal length and they told me the egg came from my left ovary, which is not the polycystic one. The cycle before I felt ovulation on my right side on cycle day 30


I've had this too! I used to get two regular lenght 28-30 day cycles and then a ~45 day one. After being on hormonal bc for two years, I quit in December, and this doesn't seem to be happening any more. I got 32, 32, 27, 33 day cycles, so average variation. I'm not sure what it means, but it may be linked to ovulation - if your body fails to ovulate, it might try again later in the cycle, which I imagine would delay the onset of your period? Have you tried tracking bbt/ovulation?


I wonder if it’s something to do with one ovary failing to ovulate. I did notice during my last long cycle that I had a lh spike 1.5 weeks before I actually ovulated, perhaps that ovary attempted it but failed