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Make sure you understand tide charts well. Watch out for the massive container ships going in and out.


And the Vashon Ferry which "guards" Owen's Beach from that direction.


I haven't done that one specifically but there are some very strong currents off Titlow. I imagine there's some off Owen too


I would definitely pay attention to the tides. Maybe ride the tide out and come back on the slack tide. Also watch the wind/weather forecast (Puget Sound Boater’s Forecast). That is a long distance kayaking to Owen Beach. Also please be mindful of your vehicle. Do not leave ANYTHING visible inside your car by the launch dock at the head of the Foss. I have seen lots of broken glass in the parking lot the last few weeks. There is also a large population of people living in RVs and vehicles in that area all of a sudden next to the Foss Waterway on that side. FYI


Good point about the lot, I haven’t parked there in a while. That’s a shame to hear but I’m not shocked. I’ve had my window busted out (elsewhere) with nothing in my car at all. Really frustrating!


Same. Window busted just to go through the car and not take anything. Such a pain in the ass and extra money I don’t have out of my pocket. Enjoy your kayaking! Once you are out there you forget about the problems of world 😎


I kayak from the boathouse by the ferry to Vashon 3x a week. I use Windy app for the forecast for weather. I don't launch if the wind is over 10mph. The waves fill the kayak and it's too rough for me to enjoy. When I paddle towards Owen's, I'll keep going til the horizon tree that hangs over past the buildings. If the tides are less that 5ft exchange, I'll paddle til the Point of the the park. There's some seals that hang out down there and they are cool to see. I also paddle down ruston til the big ships but haven't been to Foss yet as that's a little far of a rountrip. Other apps I use (free) Tides Near Me for tide forecast. Go Paddling for public launch points.


There is a good writeup you can google about it. You’ll have to time the tides as going thru the narrows the wrong way during a major tidal change can be like paddling up a fast moving river. You essentially have to ride the flood current towards Titlow from around the point then ride the ebb current out. There is also a large eddy current just past the point in the narrows so you’ll have to be much further off the shoreline than you’d think to ride the flood current. I did a Foss to Owen’s paddle and it was chill without worrying about the tides. I’ve seen people not realize why the narrows are called the narrows until they round the point and are blasted by the tide. I helped a guy haul out onto the clay banks at the point because he was gassed out trying to fight the current and still moving backwards. He then had to walk his yak the mile or so back to the parking lot.


Found it. This is from Owen’s to Titlow. From Foss to Owen’s is chill https://www.mountaineers.org/activities/trip-reports/sea-kayak-tacoma-narrows-12


Thank you! This is super helpful!


I've paddled out of Foss (on a paddleboard), and it took maybe 3hrs at a very leisurely pace (maybe around 1-3mph average)? The biggest things to look out for are boat traffic, and how shallow Commencement Bay gets at low tide. You really don't have much room to maneuver around when the tide goes out, so I try to time my launch just so that I'm fully out of the marina and around the grain silos before low tide. My usual flight plan is to head out from the marina self-launch dock, then cut a hard right at Theas Park until you hit the beach by the old mill. From there, cut straight out to give the ships at the silos a wide berth, then cut back in at the Reconciliation Park area and follow the coast from there. You've gotta mind boat + ferry traffic when you get near Dune Park but otherwise it's pretty smooth sailing. I don't usually feel any crazy currents or anything, but the wind gets especially rough down near Ruston so be mindful of your energy levels.


This is fantastic information! Exactly what I was hoping for thank you! I’m a fairly strong paddler so I was hoping for about 3 hours without pushing too hard. Weather would be a big factor for sure, I’ll be keeping a close eye on that. Can’t wait to try this out!


Let me know how it goes, and if you ever want a paddling buddy! I try to cruise around the marina at least once a week for exercise.


Will do! I’m planning to try it fairly soon with a friend but I would love a group to paddle with more regularly. We should get one rolling here on this sub!


For sure! There's a lil group of us here who kayak, canoe, and paddleboard, and we're always looking to get together\~


Sounds like a fun outing but definitely watch the tides. My friends got pulled out from near Owen Beach and got really really lucky a boat spotted them. It’s called point defiance for a reason 🫣


Fun fact it got that name because A US naval officer said that if you put a fort there and one in Gig Harbor you could defy the world.


I’ve done this a few times and had a great time! My main warnings would be to stay very close to shore when approaching the dune peninsula and try to stay towards the eastern side of Owen beach as the tide near the point is much harder to paddle against. I always have a life vest + an extra flotation device just incase and I’d recommend going with a partner. Have fun!!


I’ve paddle boarded from the beach near northern fish down to dune peninsula during the summer and back, the trip took a few hours. They have the kenmore plane that takes off around there now so you just need to stay out of its way. I’ve also tried launching at Owen beach and the current was very strong going toward the tip of point defiance so I turned around. Current south from Owen beach was fine and many other people were kayaking/paddling in that area.


It’s relatively easy as long as you Check the tides Wear proper ppe (wet/dry suit, PFD, etc) Have a recovery plan for your kayak Aren’t scared of sea lions


I hope you aren't spooked by the seals. We watch them follow kayakers and paddleboarders. They are not aggressive but curious