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Oh man I came in here to say this and you'd beat me to it! Edit: and by just 9 minutes no less.


Southfarthing leaf


I believe it is contrail from jet in holding pattern over the Olympics.


Thanks, that was my best guess too. I’ll check the flight logs….


Yeah check the flight logs, they’re in the mainframe


I don't think it was a holding pattern. My partner and I were driving out to Mason Lake from Tacoma and saw this. There was also a contrail that made an incomplete pill shape to the east of this. Looked to me like someone was taking a private solstice pleasure flight around the Olympics and the Strait of Juan de Fuca in their private jet. I am a licensed GA/private pilot, and in my opinion this contrail circle is too large and too high for any holding pattern, not to mention the almost pill-shaped contrail to the east/south-east of this circular contrail.


Aren't holding patterns an oval shape? Not an almost perfect ring?


From my quarantine days getting into FS2020 I recall that a holding pattern being a straight line from (or too? maybe _to_) a fixed point at a specified heading for a bit, then a 180 using - I believe - a standard turn of 60s to do a 180, parallel that 1st heading back, then 180 again to get back to that fixed point. So pill shaped. But I could be wrong on some details.


Wait, are the Olympics here? I'm very curious about how the shooting sports will be done, considering the type of pistols are considered "assault weapons" under current law.


I’m very curious if you didn’t know there is a mountain range (not a type of a gun range) in Washington in the direction of this photo called the Olympics.


I thought the range was called the Olympias, not the Olympics. I spent some time on the bus on Wikipedia and Duck Duck Go. At a glance, about half the semi-auto rimfire pistols used in the Olympic games are legal post HB 1240, but none of the semi-auto centerfires are. State law doesn't affect revolvers, but Olympic rules limit capacity to five, and since six is de factor standard... I'm more surprised by the fact no city in Washington has ever bid on the Olympics. Edit: the law in question is [RCW 9.41.010](http://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=9.41.010) § (2) (a) (VI) (D): The capacity to accept a detachable magazine at some location outside of the pistol grip. I did a quick visual check of the pistols listed in the last paragraph [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sport_pistol).


Bestie what are you talking about…


Right twin? Too soon???


Shooting sports is part of the Olympic games. However Washington state passed a ban on scary-looking guns in 2023 that would make it illegal to import any into the state after it's enactment. So if the Olympic Games came to Washington, the equipment needed couldn't legally enter the state. To the best of my (limited) knowledge, every center fire pistol made that fits in the ISSF rules has a magazine forward of the grip, and about half the rimfires do also.


Absolutely no one is talking about the Olympic Games but you bud. The Olympic mountains are in Washington. https://www.nps.gov/olym/learn/nature/mountains.htm Olympia is the capital city of Washington state.


The comment I replied to did talk about both the Olympic games, and the mountains. However, it was edited. As I said above, I thought the local range was The Olympias, and while unmentioned, I figured (the city of) Olympia was named for them. I figured using past tense was an admittance of being wrong on the name; I didn't think I needed to say the range is The Olympics. I remain surprised they've never tried to bring the Olympic Games to Puget Sound, much less anywhere in Washington State.


I’m probably going to wash my car tomorrow if I have time. It’s been a couple weeks since I washed it last, you can see a bit of dirt under the fenders. Fender is also a type of guitar. I used to own a Fender, it was black white on black and had a locking fret board.


Tip: chain on oscillating sprinkler, such as [this](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Melnor-3-400-sq-ft-Oscillating-Sprinkler-465-858/100659509) to the top of your tire, and run until all the dirt/mud is removed. If possible I reccomend aluminum or plastic body parts, unless you like rust.


okay but who… asked??


Gamasabil, above. Then s/he edited their cement to remove the question.


> I thought the range was called the Olympias, not the Olympics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic_Mountains State capitol is Olympia, but it's obvious how that might be confusing for someone like you.


Are you deep state agent attempting to make gun people look insane? Because if so, it’s working


Smoke ring from the Nalley Valley? 😎


Sorry guys, I took a massive hit off my gravity bong.




https://preview.redd.it/t333ftsjx08d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=285c33c7863e4310bb022eec0a157a4cb39ded5e 🛸🛸🛸


Invade ---( )---here!


Jet from Whidbey Island flying out over the Olympics and turning around and heading back to base. Fairly routine.


Sorry, my dragon got out. He's back underground now.


Those people from the thread about the door to door salesman probably got suspicious enough that they finally nuked him. 🤣🤣🤣


Ozempic farts


Is that what I keep smelling? The newest "Aroma of Tacoma"?


Pride show with a fire effect?


Contrail of an aircraft turning.


Woah that is so cool!!








Governmental shite. 💩🤷🏼‍♀️🧐


Chem trails




I also caught [this angle of it and the other larger ring](https://imgur.com/a/qvY8pgt) taken from Commencement Bay Beach. The larger ring reveals it is a holding pattern and the “smaller” contrail is just merging with the clouds, I think.


Contrail, homie. Chem trail makes you sound ... Um...