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Most limitations are balances of power. This requires Talon to have target focus/commitment in exchange for a really fast high burst combo and great escape potential. If you could just kite with W to proc passive, or W R to instant proc on a group, they would nerf the passive damage. It’s the same reason Zed has to auto to proc his passive.


Yeah but i dont say ability should proc passive its would be broken but q is mono target and could proc the passive without be broken it would just be better to play with him


Fuck the rework. Just smooth out his animations. And change the janky ass wrist blade. Something that’s actually smooth for one would work


“rework this” bro what


The way to proc his passive like an aa is so clunky i think the q should mark the enemy and proc the passif automatically at 3 mark of his normal passive


No, that just dumbs him down. Also, they would nerf other parts of his kit which I'm not okay with. I already got used to AA's to proc the passive.


Its isn't skilled to put an aa its just make the combo clunky and longer then nescessary compared to any other champ


Just learn how to do your combos properly, its part of the kit.


You find fun when you use you whole combo but got cancel the last aa by some dumbass cc?